Commander's War Journal Stardate: 030528.03
Captain Thruum Vor Rhadjekk recording.
I have withdrawn from an engagement against an Andromedan patrol barely outside the Klingon-Romulan border system of Qul' Thaz. What should have been an easy match against an Imposer Class cruiser and two Cobra class escorts has proven calamitous. The invaders TRBs and displacement devices caught us ill prepared. What is worse was the fact that depite the power of the ships under my command, we only managed to cripple one Cobra ship in the skirmish. If only my ships had power absorption panels like the Andromedans; the entire Alpha Quadrant would be ruled by the Klingon Empire!
Task Force Kraag Dorr lost the IKV Sul'Che, a Riskadh class heavy cruiser, and a the IKV Lv' Khe, a K'Teremny class light cruiser, against the invaders. The IKV Kraag Dorr, my beloved Suvwl' Qeh, has been heavily damaged and the remaining ships in my task force are engaged in a delaying action in the asteroid field surrounding the gas giant Qul' Thaz 4. I suspect that deep inside the asteroid field, it will be extremely difficult or even impossible for the Andromedans to use their ship displacement devices to chase us down like wild targs! Where tactically sound, I have mined the most likely avenues of approach to our current position in the hopes that it will slow the invaders down. Fortunately, all of the remaining ships in my task force have operating cloaking devices so we will be able to buy some time to make field repairs so long as the invaders choose not to blast the entire asteroid field to space dust. The last sub-space communique from the High Command informed me that the Romulans are enroute to assist us. That was more than two hours ago, before we lost our most powerful communications array after hitting some debris in the asteroid field.
I fear our Romulan allies will join the fight too late. Even with a Condor class warbird, two full squadrons of Starhawk PFTs and a wing of Skyhawk destroyers, they may arrive too late to assist us. Their are rumors among my crew that the Romulans have betrayed us and that the Romulan commander will be granted an assignement on a new Melak warbird if his mission to drive out the invaders is successful. If this rumor is true, our survival is immaterial to that mission. I have my doubts that the coalition between the Klingon and Romulan peoples would simply disintegrate overnight, especially when faced with an enemy even greater than the Federation.
We have no choice but to wait and see if the wings of the mighty Condor have come to save us or to pick at our bones in the cold depths of space....
Rhadjekk out.