Topic: Question about SFC1, 2, and OP for Online play.  (Read 6277 times)

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Re: Question about SFC1, 2, and OP for Online play.
« Reply #40 on: May 19, 2003, 09:32:34 pm »
Here's a couple of things I found:

cedant arma togae: Let arms yield to the gown; let violence give place to law.
Cedant arma togae  Let generals yield to civilians (let arms yield to the toga)
Wyoming state motto: Cedant arma togae

Apparently from Cicero:

Cedant arma togae, concedant laurea laudi.
[Let arms give place to the civic gown,
and the laurel-wreath to praise.]

Marcus Tullius Cicero
[De Officiis]

Cedant arma togae, conceday laurea linguae.

Let arms yield to the toga, let the [victor's] laurel yield to the [orator's] tongue.

-Marcus Tullius Cicero,
De Consulatu Suo

A plea for peace.  Well done!!

Togae must be dative case expressing when a noun is "to" or "for" something, kind of like an indirect object,  Hey thanks!!  That was fun!!


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Re: Question about SFC1, 2, and OP for Online play.
« Reply #41 on: May 19, 2003, 09:47:19 pm »
By George, he's got it! Now what popular movie, featuring a female lead of some renown who wanted to graze sheep in said state, did I pinch it from? And the male lead was well used to handling self-destructing messages.    


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Re: Question about SFC1, 2, and OP for Online play.
« Reply #42 on: May 19, 2003, 11:16:59 pm »
Hey Cleaven, at the moment, no I do not have access to an external modem.  As a matter of fact, I had never heard of one until tonight.  I will look into it though, that might be my problem since a lot of the components on my systems motherboard (like for example, the Video card is an integrated Graphics accelerator, not nearly as powerful as some of the graphics cards out their) so maybe my modem is the same deal, but I highly doubt it since I bought the Modem seperate from the entire system.  I can't remember, but their might have been an ethiernet card hooked up to the system when I first got it, but I can't remember.

Sure does suck too, I really wanted to play some SFB rules online.  I'm even in the process of releasing one of my first ships based on SFB universe that I wanted to share to the rest of the community.  Uhg!


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Re: Question about SFC1, 2, and OP for Online play.
« Reply #43 on: May 19, 2003, 11:42:50 pm »

 Under Windows 2000 and XP:

1. From the desktop, select the Start Menu, and then select Run.
2. In the dialog box, type cmd and select OK. An MS-DOS prompt should appear.
3. Type ipconfig, and press Enter. The words Windows IP Configuration should appear followed by information about your connection.
4. The IP Address is the number you will use when entering ?the IP address of the computer on which you will be playing SFC3?, as mentioned in the examples in this document. If you have more than one adapter listed (e.g. Ethernet Adapter Local Area Connection 2), most routers assign IP addresses in the 192.168.x.x range. Try using this address first.

About router setup:

The following examples are for routers that use an HTML (Web-based) configuration utility, in which the settings can be adjusted through the user?s Internet web browser. Some manufacturers, particularly with older router      s, may require the user to make changes to their port configurations through a proprietary application or by some other means. It is highly recommended that users consult the documentation for their specific router before making any changes to these settings. Incorrect settings could result in the inability for other programs, including email and Internet browsers, to function properly.

The following step-by-step examples are for those users who have read their router?s documentation, are comfortable making adjustments to these settings, and would like specific instructions on how to do so for the      s listed below. These have been tested and found to work properly on each      , running the latest firmware from the router manufacturer.

As many routers have similar configuration utilities, these instructions may also be used as a general guide or starting point for those with      s not listed below.

D-Link 704P


1. From the Device Information page, select Advanced from the bottom row of options.
2. Select Misc. Items from the bottom row of options.
3. For IP Address of DMZ Host, enter the IP address of the computer on which you will be playing SFC3. Then, check the box next to Enable.
4. Select Save.

Port Forwarding:

1. From the Device Information page, select Advanced from the bottom row of options.
2. On the Virtual Server page, under Service Ports, enter the value 6073 for ID 1 (or the first available ID number). Under Server IP, enter the IP address of the computer on which you will be playing SFC3. Then check the box under Enable.
3. Under Service Ports, enter the value 2302 for ID 2 (or the next available ID number). Under Server IP, enter the IP address of the computer on which you will be playing SFC3. Then check the box under Enable.
4. Under Service Ports, enter the value 2303 for ID 3 (or the next available ID number). Under Server IP, enter the IP address of the computer on which you will be playing SFC3. Then check the box under Enable.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and select Save.
6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Reboot.

Good info.  Should I ever get time to play again, I'll try setting up my 704P for this.

Many thanks!
