Topic: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak  (Read 3068 times)

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I had one CTD on a fleet action mission. Before you ask yes I know sloppy of me but I did not write down the mission.
Dave it was one of yours though.

Middle of battle I was killing Hydran fighters then switched targets....That bug was cleaned up in the last patch wasn't it? The switch targets to fast bug?

Ran the following missions sucessfuly.

Kar_ePatrol---x1  <---this mission in a Nebula took 43 minutes. Outside a nebula would be a nice mission. Karnak did you set the AI ship that joins the player to follow closers and try to move to the AI players position if it strays to far away? Nice mission BTW.



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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2003, 09:09:51 pm »
I suspect that this is a shiplist/model problem - anytime you get a CTD on the server right now it's important to note exactly what types of ships were involved so those can get nailed down.



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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2003, 09:32:59 pm »
All of Karak's missions so far have been horabbly slanted towards the opposing side.

In the one I just played using a Neo-Tholian NCL I got matched up against a F6, a D5K, and a bloody C7.

How is throwing 3 times the BPV of ships, all equipped with fast drones and full legendary officers supposed to be "balanced"?


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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2003, 09:37:34 pm »

All of Karak's missions so far have been horabbly slanted towards the opposing side.

In the one I just played using a Neo-Tholian NCL I got matched up against a F6, a D5K, and a bloody C7.

How is throwing 3 times the BPV of ships, all equipped with fast drones and full legendary officers supposed to be "balanced"?  

hehehe...I thought it was just me....guess he is trying to live up to the EEK moniker.


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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2003, 10:24:30 pm »

Honestly there was no way to write down the ships involved. Too many. Even though I was leting the Klingons absorb the hellbores so I could close on the Hydrans. Just to many ships I remember seeing a D5 getting hit with Hellbores then CTD.

There is a conflict between E.D. missions and Karnack right now. Both are playing out nicely. The in game year was 2288 which shold put us in the late era I assume. E.D. missions supply AI's with slow drones, while Karnack's are supplying Fast Drones to the AI.

Most of the missions I ran tonight were Karck ePatrols and Karnack hPatrols.

The fleet controls surprised me thanks for giving me some control over the Lyran AI ships. Would be a real nice feature to have control in every mission at least to make up for the piss poor Lyran AI.

The AI still sucks but I don't care if the AI dies as long as it semi does its job of soaking up Drones and Hellbores and T-Bombing the OPFOR AI.

If you three could give the player control of any AI's in the battle that would be great. Hell as a Lyran I would be happy with that solution. I will never bitch and moan about my stupid AI dieing again. As long as I don't have to pay for it.

I started running mostly Karnack missions after hearing about the Legendary officers being assigned to the AI. Honestly I didn't think there was to much given to the AI. Could be as a Lyran I went from ESG ramming mode to Drone Defense and knife fighting the Kzinti and Hydrans.

I averaged about 400-540 PP per mission and depending on whether I lost a PFL or not kept cost under a 100 in resupplying a fair trade. 178 PP for a PFL is a bit steep though.

Dizzy if you read this I can't decide if the Lyran PFL is too much or just right. But I love that little gem. Thats a PF from my SFB days. When a Bobcat was to be feared.

Overall not to bad about 20 missions 1 CTD and 1 Lost connection.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Fred of Cyberville »


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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2003, 11:30:00 pm »
Kar_ePatrol......Double shot Plasma bug.....I thought I had seen this last night, but was drunk so I didn't report, but am sure of it tonight. Single HP F-Torp fired two Fs both did damage.

Neutral coop bug seems to be there in Kar and NW missions. Me an Bydabook ran several of each together in neutral space and the DV didn't budge, working fine in enemy space. in Hot rock space.....Host left message Byda was drafter eventually CTDs. I have a K-D7 variant with a dead tractor that keeps breaking tractor lock. Did it twice.  


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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2003, 12:13:32 am »
Keep in mind Sten, that ALL PF Leaders will have a different looking model. And there is a limit to one per squadron.

So maybe use a PFL and 3x PFH's?


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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2003, 06:26:34 am »

Keep in mind Sten, that ALL PF Leaders will have a different looking model. And there is a limit to one per squadron.

So maybe use a PFL and 3x PFH's?  

Damn DAMN DAMN you just had to go and rain on my parade. ACKPHTTTTP!!!

Hmmm time to look at the PFH again.

Thanks for the heads up. Oh well I was thinking last night the PFL was to nice to last.



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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2003, 07:33:00 am » I am starting to wonder you have nurffed the PFs by putting a huge BPV tax on tenders and are going to implement CnC for the PFs in the flotilla. Are fighters types being similarly restricted?

If I read above correctly did the Lyran PFL get a bump to offset this if so did the gorn and rom?

Frustrated in Chicago,


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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2003, 08:05:37 am »
Evil Dave Patrol mission with the Orion(BC) in the middle. My AI was Gorn(CM and CMC), the enemy were two D7K's and D5V. CTD about 1:30 into the mission.  


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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2003, 08:41:26 am »
In the Karnak missions where the AI help is in your fleet control, while in theory this is a cool idea it causes the AI help not to charge heavy plasma. This doesn't seem to be a problem when the help isn't in fleet control or for the AI opposition.


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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2003, 08:53:18 am »

Food for thought....errr okay not food. Ideal to ponder instead. Last night the PFWP was costing around 3500 PP not to bad for a PFT. Dizzy already said the cost of PFs will come down. I can live with a slightly less powerful PF when I am seeing my AI wingman launching PFs of there own. Since most if not all middle to late war Lyran ships had mechlinks this is a good balance. More PFs on the map as long as they are not interceptors and PFEs(old style) I can live with this.

Question for you Dizzy. I can live with only the PFL being the only PF with 4 disruptors. At least the others have enough power now to shoot, move and communicate. On the ship list (I am at work right now) Are the ships configured to carry proper PF squadrons or are they packing interceptors?

Casual Carriers being ships carrying 2 PFs loading out with PFs or PF+s.

Ships carrying 4 PF having 1 PFL and 3 PFs, or 1PFL, 1PFS (yack) 2 PFs and then adjusting this by date so ships later in the game get upgraded PFs like the PF+, PFH, and PFL.

I realise some ships short of creating multiple versions of them may not be possible to upgrade the PF flotilla.



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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2003, 09:11:46 am »

Karnak did you set the AI ship that joins the player to follow closers and try to move to the AI players position if it strays to far away

The Friendly AI is under your fleet control so it will try to stay in formation at all times.


In the Karnak missions where the AI help is in your fleet control, while in theory this is a cool idea it causes the AI help not to charge heavy plasma. This doesn't seem to be a problem when the help isn't in fleet control or for the AI opposition.  

I knew there would be some people that like fleet control and some people that don't.  So, I made both types of missions.

1)  If you like fleet control of ships of your own race then do the "Enemy Sweep Patrol" (Kar_ePatrol, one AI) or the "Skirmish Action" (Kar_SkirmishAction, 2 AI).

2)  If you do not like fleet control but prefer allied help then do the "Squadron Action" (Kar_SquadronAction) where it's a 5v5.  I can change the location settings for Squadron Action to be the same as Skirmish Action so you get an equal chance at getting both.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2003, 09:17:56 am »


In the Karnak missions where the AI help is in your fleet control, while in theory this is a cool idea it causes the AI help not to charge heavy plasma. This doesn't seem to be a problem when the help isn't in fleet control or for the AI opposition.  

I knew there would be some people that like fleet control and some people that don't.  So, I made both types of missions.

1)  If you like fleet control of ships of your own race then do the "Enemy Sweep Patrol" (Kar_ePatrol, one AI) or the "Skirmish Action" (Kar_SkirmishAction, 2 AI).

2)  If you do not like fleet control but prefer allied help then do the "Squadron Action" (Kar_SquadronAction) where it's a 5v5.  I can change the location settings for Squadron Action to be the same as Skirmish Action so you get an equal chance at getting both.  

OK I understand where you were going with it, but for flying solo (non-coop) the ePatrol mission is preferrable. The others are major furballs. It would be cool if there was a ePatrol version that didn't have fleeted AI help, as the ePatrol seems to be the default mission that appears. I imagine having fleet control for droners would be great, it is just with Plasma it makes the AI help little more than targets to suck up enemy fire.


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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #14 on: May 20, 2003, 09:22:20 am »


Karnak did you set the AI ship that joins the player to follow closers and try to move to the AI players position if it strays to far away

The Friendly AI is under your fleet control so it will try to stay in formation at all times.


In the Karnak missions where the AI help is in your fleet control, while in theory this is a cool idea it causes the AI help not to charge heavy plasma. This doesn't seem to be a problem when the help isn't in fleet control or for the AI opposition.  

I knew there would be some people that like fleet control and some people that don't.  So, I made both types of missions.

1)  If you like fleet control of ships of your own race then do the "Enemy Sweep Patrol" (Kar_ePatrol, one AI) or the "Skirmish Action" (Kar_SkirmishAction, 2 AI).

2)  If you do not like fleet control but prefer allied help then do the "Squadron Action" (Kar_SquadronAction) where it's a 5v5.  I can change the location settings for Squadron Action to be the same as Skirmish Action so you get an equal chance at getting both.  

Personaly I think you should set every mission to Fleet Control.

Nothing requires the player to use it.

If the default fleet option is set to loose the AI will do what it wants anyhow. At least then the player has the option to limit the stupid crap the AI does. I actually like flying in an ecehlon formation and letting the AI soak up the first volley then turning the battle into a real cat fight. Besides then I can activate the ESGs of my AI's when I want them to. I have a nice little macro I use to control my AIs weapons fire selectively.



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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2003, 09:33:29 am »

Personaly I think you should set every mission to Fleet Control.

Nothing requires the player to use it.

If the default fleet option is set to loose the AI will do what it wants anyhow.


I was working under this same assumption, but even when the AI was left on loose it refused to slowdown to charge heavy weapons, but if they weren,t in fleet control they seemed just fine (well as fine as the AI ever is). I will try a bit more testing of this today to confirm.


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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2003, 09:38:22 am »

It would be cool if there was a ePatrol version that didn't have fleeted AI help, as the ePatrol seems to be the default mission that appears. I imagine having fleet control for droners would be great, it is just with Plasma it makes the AI help little more than targets to suck up enemy fire.

Oooh!! Kroma said the magic words. "Make another mission, Karnak!!".  Yer all in trouble  now, hehe.

I can make such a mission tonite. What do you want to call it?


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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2003, 09:43:18 am »

I can make such a mission tonite. What do you want to call it?  

I am guesing the "Pink PP Farming Bunny" is out of the question?


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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2003, 09:51:39 am »


I can make such a mission tonite. What do you want to call it?  

I am guesing the "Pink PP Farming Bunny" is out of the question?  

How about the pink tutu dance.


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Re: SG3 Mission Problems and or reports for T.G,E.D. and Karnak
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2003, 11:10:03 am »
testing done....fleeted AI will not charge plasma, even in loose formation.