Ack. Spent two (okay, one and a half) successful days not responding to this thread. Well, thats not true, I have actually made three previous posts, but backed out before hitting continue ... but its the thought that counts. Right? But I've broken down, forgive me. Oh, and I'm positive my fellow Kzin will get a hunting party up shortly for me.
There has been a lot of focus on the DF. Unfortunately that drone boat has (IMO) caused the bigger discussion of the BPV bumps for drones/fighters to be misunderstood.
I do not like the DF, but that is one cat's opinion. It is liked by others. Same holds true for the MDC. But it isn't the BPV of the DF that has raised concerns but rather all of the ships that use drones or fighters (I don't like fighters either, but that is a different thread. And yes, the Patriarch does require me to go to weekly psycho sessions to try to fix my brain).
I want to point out that Dizzy is willing to drop all bumps to drone equipped ships and I assume subtractions also (unless you were sarcastic Dizzy, in which case 6th letter / 21st letter

) except for the carriers. I admit, I don't think the carriers should go through the same hell hole, but whatever, maybe a different thread. One thing I do know is I like playing different shiplists (man, FireSoul's was sooo cool, got me hooked further into the D2). If this results in a new shiplist that might be used in the future. Good.
A server admin has the right ...
yes, I said friggin right ... to select their shiplist. But the server admin also knows that the more extreme the change the greater chance of fewer players showing, which, I imagine (since I ain't got the brains to do one of my own) that has got to suck after putting so much effort into it.
Dizzy, I have no bloody idea what shiplist you'll end up with. I don't believe the current one is right and that adjustments down in BPV are needed ... more towards AOTK or even satock (except for the DF

). Nor do I think drones or fighters should be penalized as much as they are. But whatever it ends up being, yes I'll play on it. As a Mirak. And if I end up in a freighter thinking "that friggin SOB" then so be it. There will be another D2 with another shiplist and other missions and ya know what ... I'll be playing on those also.
Right. And another thing is ... nah, I better shut-up. I'm in enough trouble as is now. Hmmm ... now to hit the continue button ... lets see
Edit: Allen, I fart in your general direction.