Karnaks missions do work off of class, but they also pull in off of BPV too. So flying like his Skirmish mission in a DF+, I will pull in the standard classes he puts in, but they will be based on how high my BPV is.
I actually pulled in the L-BC's in a Dave Sector Assault. He also has a NW10Patrol now that is a 3v3 and is totally based on the BPV of you ship. Dave, Tracey, and Karnak all use the same multiplier of 1.5 of your BPV on most of their missions.
During the mission I stated above, I was flying a DF+ and in a normal Dave Sector Assault I probably would have drawn 2 or 3 CLs and CA. with my 2 FF allies. Instead I pulled 3 L-BC's and a L-NCE vs my DF+, F=DER and F-NCA. I saw a total of 2 L-INT's and 6 L-PF+'s along with this nice fleet. Needless to say, the Fed AI died within two minutes, and as I was trying to get my fearsome DF+ drone chucking machine moving, all the PF+'s whacked my impervious 12 point shields to nothing in one shot and I was gone.
I ran several of these types of missions, both the 10Patrol, Karnak Skrimish and a few others and after losing both my MCC and the DF+ decided to move over to Klink space to get away from all the nasty PF's. I was still pulling in L-BC's at this time.
Klink space was still know fun, and I lost my DWD within 2 missions, pulling in C7's with F6's in simple Karnak missions or Dave missions with D7W, F5K, AD5. And thats with a war destroy. Hmm but my BPV puts me at a light crusier so at 1.5, yeah Im pulling in CA's and CLs.
Whole point is Diz, Im a vet of this game. I can imagine what a new player would think of this.
Dont screw with the shiplist. Put it back to stock. Throw the Tholians in and lets play!