Topic: U.S.S. Constellation Retex Released......Joint venture by DTW and Hig.  (Read 1946 times)

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Havent been around much recently........RL crap and what not goin on right now..........I've had this sitting round stagnating for too long so I thought I'd drop by and finally get this sweet little boat launched...........Thanx and 1/2 credit to Hig Hurtenflurst on this one..........She's in the Fed section at The Galactic Paint & Body Shop





Rogue NineCH

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I was just going to post a topic on the whereabouts of a couple of ships said to be "In Progress", this ship being one of them.  Excellent work DTW and Hig!  I love this one already!!


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Got it! Makes for a good "muscle" ship.  


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Wooo-hooo! She is a pretty and powerful ship!

WB bud!


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What exactly are those pods for under it? Weapons?  


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What exactly are those pods for under it? Weapons?  

Well according to "canon" info. The federation having the most luxorious ships in the galaxy decided that sence the Constellation class had a crew of 500+ and would be away from port for sometimes years at a time, built a self contained brewery into this class. the pods are infact giant beer brewing vats and are the most armored and shielded system on the entire ship, capable of brewing enough smooth Lager, Hefeweisen, Draft and Ale to meet the entire crews needs as well as provide for diplomatic functions and trade. The experiment was discontinued after reports of problems arising from the brewery. According to unofficial reports, the incident between the U.S.S. Stargazer and the ferengi was caused when Captain Jean Luc Picard became infuriated after losing a game of quarters and noticing that his guest, Feringi Commander Damon Whatshisname was stuffing a good quantity of 1 credit latinum bars down the panties of his favorite pole dancer.    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Ducttapewonder »


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Okay...Works for me!  


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What exactly are those pods for under it? Weapons?  

Well according to "canon" info. The federation having the most luxorious ships in the galaxy decided that sence the Constellation class had a crew of 500+ and would be away from port for sometimes years at a time, built a self contained brewery into this class. the pods are infact giant beer brewing vats and are the most armored and shielded system on the entire ship, capable of brewing enough smooth Lager, Hefeweisen, Draft and Ale to meet the entire crews needs as well as provide for diplomatic functions and trade. The experiment was discontinued after reports of problems arising from the brewery. According to unofficial reports, the incident between the U.S.S. Stargazer and the ferengi was caused when Captain Jean Luc Picard became infuriated after losing a game of quarters and noticing that his guest, Feringi Commander Damon Whatshisname was stuffing a good quantity of 1 credit latinum bars down the panties of his favorite pole dancer.      

OMGODS!!! Does this mean that I can order a Guinness or a Sam Adams and not be looked at weird? Or even ask the replicator in my guarters for a tall cool one?
Since there is a gentleman's club aboard the vessel I assume that there are enough Starfleet security about to handle things we me and my Marine pals get rowdy?



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I think I'll do a NASCAR version. With all my favorite beer logos painted on it  

Captain Pierce

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re: microbreweries
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2003, 08:30:54 pm »
You know, I like that explanation better than the Rick Sternbach one.    Which is, BTW, that the greebles and such are part of the navigational deflector system, since the Constellation obviously has no main deflector dish.