Commander's War Journal Stardate: 030529.18
Captain Thruum Vor Rhadjekk recording.
It has been well over 24 hours since our last communique with the High Command and still no sign of the promised Romulan Condor and her escorts. If they are here, why haven't the Romulans contacted us? The good news is that my chief engineer reports that a significant portion of our damaged subsystems, structural integrity fields and warp engine damage will be repaired sufficiently to make us battle-worthy enough to fight our way out of this system within 16 standard hours. My tactical officer's report is not so heartening. His analysis of our last skirmish reveals that the Andromedans had set a trap for us but that that would require knowledge of our presence near the Qul' Thaz system....
Despite the rumors that are thriving throughout the crews of the remaining ships in task force Kraag Dorr's teeth, I refuse to believe that our coalition allies, the Romulans specifically, would sell us out to the extra-galactic invaders.
Its been strangely quiet since we entered the asteroid belt near Qul' Thaz 4. Too quiet. I expected to be fighting my way into Sto-Vo-Cor by now.
What are the Andromedans up to and where are the Romulans? Most importantly, what if anything, does the mighty Federation have to say about this incident? Perhaps they were the ones to sell us out in the first place. We shall see as long as we don't find our place in the afterlife before the Romulans arrive.
Rhadjekk out.