Topic: XenoCorp is proud to Announce: Slave Girls of Orion 3 Public Test is LIVE!  (Read 6820 times)

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XenoCorp is proud to announce that the SG of O 3 Campaign Public test is now live.

Get all the info you need HERE

Here's some important information regarding the test directly from Dizzy and the SG3 Dev Team:


Before you download this please read the following information:

This is a Beta D/L. It is not the final version. If you have a slow connection and/or not want to participate in the beta test which could end as soon as this Wednesday, then please wait for the final version to be released as this is a large D/L and you will be required to discard the Beta installer and D/L it all over again in order to obtain the final version before the Go-Live start.

I would appreciate the following feedback to be reported to this thread please:

    1.) Please pay attention to the ship models. There shouldnt be any missing models, but if you see a ship that doesnt show a model in-game, then report that ship type to this thread.

    2.) If your game crashes upon the destruction/explosion of a ship, please report what ship blew up when you crashed.

    3.) The shipnames/strings isnt yet completed. We know that tugs will not have shipnames. or be recognizable with a designation in the yard, so ignore these, but any other ship that has a '???' name displayed on it, please post that ship type here.

    4.) There is a new mission to test, a Pirate Base Assault. Please post comments about this mission on this thread. This mission will  only trigger in the Pirate Cartel VC hexes located in the neutral zones. There are 2x hexes in each of the three zones.

    5.) Be alert to ship costs in the Yards. Report any unusual findings here on this thread.

    6.) For any other strange occurance on the server, please post about it in as much detail as possible.

Thank you all for being patient, the design team has worked countless hours to polish and perfect this project for your enjoyment.

Of course this whole community deserves credit for this server, as your experiences and input have helped shape SG3, I would also like to specially recognize and thank the following ppl:  Fluf  for his LB3 server settings and advice and work with SG3's server serttings,  S'Cipio  for his hard work on the installer which led directly to the one click easy installer,  Karnak  for his One-Click easy installer and the mission designers,  Karnak ,  Nuclear Wessels , and  Tracey G . who give life and flavor to the D2 universe, the modelers for their outstanding work (read the readme files for all the details). And last but not least, XenoCorp, its members and Frey for admining and hosting this server. If I forgot someone, flame away... I'm tired :P

There are no rules on the server during the beta test other than to be kind and curteous to other testers and tactful in your critizisms you post on this thread in regards to problems or suggestions you may have to particular issues. I would like your feedback. If something should be changed, please speak up about it while there is still time to make changes.

Once again, thanks for your support and understanding and especially your patience in seeing Slave Girls of Orion III come to fruition.

I dedicate Slave Girls of Orion III to  Maxtorps  and his  Starfleetcomms  whom without there would be no Slave Girls to slap around and cater to our every whim. Thank you and welcome to SG3.

There will be a readme file attached to the final D/L announcing credits for all the excellent models included in this D/L.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by AdmiralFrey_XC »


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I downloaded the 20 something meg file.  I ran it.  I ran the Slave Girl Batch file.  the Batch file took a couple of seconds to run.  I tried to get into SG.  I get a LONG list of missions not installed and a ftrlist.txt crc error.

What is up?

Looks like a bad download--it worked the second time.  Strange.  I cannot remember having a bad dl before.  I guess it had to happen.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2003, 04:47:01 pm by KOTH-Kortez »


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two missions two CTD

one was "holding action" in neutral space

the other was

"patrol" in klingon space - the mirak AI ships did not show up unless they are microscopic.  


  • Guest
Playing Klingon, I ran 5 missions in hex 20,18. All played fine, no bugs or CTD's.

 I ran 3 missions in hex 31,28. All 3 CTD'ed. All 3 involved Tholians.



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Not to be a prig, but I can't find the DL anywhere on the Xenocorp site.  Would someone like to clue me in?


  • Guest
The XC hosted DL is located in their site, it is only 2 clicks to get to it.  This link will make it one (but you'll miss Sulu's one-liner).   XC SG3 Installer , The link is just below the Green Girl.

Test report:

Flew Tholian (by mistake, I logged in as a Mirak ... Doh!)

Msn 1:  
Mission:  Kar_hPatrol1
Ships:  T-CWL vs K-F6 and K-E4K
Comment:  None
Results:  I ran like a whipped puppy.  Got to learn how to take advantage of the Tholian's 10 transports.

Msn 2:
Mission:  Kar_hPatrol
Ships:  T-HDWP v K-F6, K-E4K
Comment:  I loaded my ships with NeoPFIII (at 132 PP each!)
Results:  CTD as soon as I launched the PFs

Msn 3:
Mission:  Kar_Patrol
Ships:  T-HDWP v K-E4K, K-F6
Comment:  I loaded NeoPFII this time
Results:  CTD as soon as I launched the PFs

Msn 4:
Mission:  Met_NW10Patrol v3.2
Ships:  T-HDWP, F-GSC+, F-NCL+ v K-AD6K, D7K, FWC
Comments:  Used the NeoPFIIs again to check if it was the ship or mission
Results:  CTD as soon as I launched the PFs

Msn 5:  
Mission:  Met_NW6Patrol v3.2
Ships:  T-HDWP v K-D7K
Comments:  I loaded Magma Fighters instead of the PFs
Results:  CTD as soon as I luanched the fighters.


Overall comments:

1.  Looks like there is a problem w/ the Tholian PFs and Fighters.

2.  It may be related to the models since I never saw a single PF or fighter appear on the screen after I launched them.

3.  I need to remember "join Hydran" when the real server is put up.


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Clearly not yet ready for prime time.  It appears to be a good thing we actually got this testing chance.  



  • Guest
DL went fine.  Logged in as Klingon (big surprise) along with Walleye.  Ran Fleet Action scenario against Kzinti AI.  Kzinti BC+ was invisible except for the signature.  It launched drones, so did I . . . CTD.    


  • Guest
I downloaded, but after coming here to get the link for the 2036 patch (after every campaign I always uninstall my game), I think it best to wait until we find out why everyone is crashing. It's not that I do not mind playtesting, I've done my fair share for CW in the past, as well as DE. I do not have much patience however and feel it is best for me to stand by until more players quit crashing all the time and having invisible stuff come at you...  


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I am assuming that all the NW missions are Nuclear Weasel missions that we will have to download independently.  When I tried to log on I was missing those missions it appears.


  • Guest
Everything is working great so far.  But, without exception, whenever a Tholian launches a PF/fighter, you get a CTD.  This included Coop and even AI wingman launches.


  • Guest
Are the tholian fighters even visible?  The model file for the tholian fighters does not have the standard format as other races fighter model files (Xft_1_1.bmp, etc).  Perhaps it was never completed.  I don't think the texture files are there for the fighters if you check out the models file.


  • Guest
anything with a mirak ship in the mission crashes for me (mirak i assume are tholians?)  


  • Guest
Well the tholian pf and ft models look fine in the model viewer.  Perhaps the program does not permit two models to exist for a fighter.  This is also the only instance I have seen where PFs and FTs are together in the same race.  Perhaps the donation scheme that was used in DOE is not properly done here.  Me talking through my hat but as Tholians are Mirak they would need some donor race to have PFs, right??  Or can all races have PF's??


  • Guest

Are the tholian fighters even visible?  The model file for the tholian fighters does not have the standard format as other races fighter model files (Xft_1_1.bmp, etc).  Perhaps it was never completed.  I don't think the texture files are there for the fighters if you check out the models file.  

I have never seen a Tholian PF/fighter (thus my guess that it is a model issue).

And if you draft a tholian AI, and it launches a PF, thne you will (I have experienced so far)  CTD.

Everything else works great.


  • Guest
I download the SG3 Installer and ran it then tryed to log on i and im geting  the following message
met nw7battlestaionassaulu\Found Bad
CRC\met_nw7sectorassault\Found Bad
CRC\met_nw7starbaseassault\Found Bad

Can anyone help?  


  • Guest
The error is in the ftrlist.  The model for the fighters is not properly referenced.   Should be assets/models/tpf/tpf.mod but says assets/models/tho/tpf.mod.  Same goes for the tff model. Of course if you modify the file you won't be able to get on the server, but since I can't seem to get on anyway, I changed it and now tholian fighters work just fine.  Perhaps the server admin could read this and update the frtlist on the server, although that may create more problems than it's worth right now.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Lepton1 »


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just got back from the coast...

read the comments...

Ya, the fighters are pointed the the wrong model folder, hence the crash.

That is easily fixed... So dont launce fighters... Ill change the ftrlist and provide a DL update soon.

The other ships you see the designation for but no model are also incorrectly referenced. There shouldnt be too many.

Ill ck it out. But I need to know which ships...

And whats this problem with the mirak/hydrans?


  • Guest

I download the SG3 Installer and ran it then tryed to log on i and im geting  the following message
met nw7battlestaionassaulu\Found Bad
CRC\met_nw7sectorassault\Found Bad
CRC\met_nw7starbaseassault\Found Bad

Can anyone help?    

Run SlaveGirls3.bat again. If that don't work D/L it again and retry.  Maybe, your D/L got corrupted when you downloaded it.


  • Guest


I download the SG3 Installer and ran it then tryed to log on i and im geting  the following message
met nw7battlestaionassaulu\Found Bad
CRC\met_nw7sectorassault\Found Bad
CRC\met_nw7starbaseassault\Found Bad

Can anyone help?    

Run SlaveGirls3.bat again. If that don't work D/L it again and retry.  Maybe, your D/L got corrupted when you downloaded it.  

Ok I uninstaled and reinstaled 3x now and im still geting the same message  


  • Guest
perhaps if you had those specific missions sent to you?

Or have you tried to D/L it again? I know you reinstalled it...


  • Guest

I download the SG3 Installer and ran it then tryed to log on i and im geting  the following message
met nw7battlestaionassaulu\Found Bad
CRC\met_nw7sectorassault\Found Bad
CRC\met_nw7starbaseassault\Found Bad

Can anyone help?    [/quote

]Uninstall and redownload.  That is what happened to me.  Got a corrupted download.


  • Guest
Apparently, the DL works, cept for you warsears. Ill start a new thread about ppl who D/Led a 'pirated' version of it that may be the culprit... Ck that thread...


  • Guest
I hate to say it but you will need to uninstall SFC2 and then reinstall is with the patchs.
After you have the patchs installed install the server download.
Then click on the SG3 server.bat I belive that is what it is called.
When the Bat files runes you should see it installing the Modles and all. If hot try running it again.
If that does not work post here and I will get you the download that I have and you can try that.


  • Guest
I'll write up a BAT file that deletes all the customized model folders and put it in the Gold D/L Install Program for Wed.  Then you can zap the customized model folders to your heart's content and then re-install the models using SlaveGirls3.bat.


  • Guest

Apparently, the DL works, cept for you warsears. Ill start a new thread about ppl who D/Led a 'pirated' version of it that may be the culprit... Ck that thread...  

No, Dizzy.  I had the same exact problem War Sears had originally.  Apparently I downloaded a corrupted file.  What I did, was to uninstall the original SG3 installation (file is in the Starfleet Command II directory), then redownloaded, and installed again.  It worked the second time.

It was not user error for me, and I suspect it was not for WS.  Just follow my procedure and you should be ok, WS.



  • Guest
Well I uninstaled EAW and patching right now crossing my fingers.  


  • Guest
Good luck, WS, but you didn't have to uninstall EAW, just the SG3 patch.

Rob Cole

  • Guest
And what is up with the mandatory missions in allied space????????
Clearly there is a setting wrong.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Rob Cole »


  • Guest

Well the tholian pf and ft models look fine in the model viewer.  Perhaps the program does not permit two models to exist for a fighter.  This is also the only instance I have seen where PFs and FTs are together in the same race.  Perhaps the donation scheme that was used in DOE is not properly done here.  Me talking through my hat but as Tholians are Mirak they would need some donor race to have PFs, right??  Or can all races have PF's??  

Umm, yeah, how can the Tholians, which are using the Mirak as the "donor" race, have PF's, when the Mirak are a fighter race? None of the PF/fighter mods that have been made have proven viable in the D2 environment, or even SP for that matter, as far as I know.  


  • Guest
The tholians are not using real PFs in terms fo how PFs are dealt with in SFC.  These PFs have no shields, etc, but are just fighters that are called PFs.  There is no separate model or specs in the shiplist as you need with real PF races.  Essentially, these PFs are just souped-up fighters, as it were, so no PF donor race is required.;


  • Guest
Dizzy, you have mail. To your XC yahoo account. I fixed the Gorn PF HP issue and two very minor other things with new Pirate ship HPs.


  • Guest

The tholians are not using real PFs in terms fo how PFs are dealt with in SFC.  These PFs have no shields, etc, but are just fighters that are called PFs.  There is no separate model or specs in the shiplist as you need with real PF races.  Essentially, these PFs are just souped-up fighters, as it were, so no PF donor race is required.;  

Ok, then, that answers that. From the 1st post I quoted, you had me a bit confused. I should just install the thing and look, lol.


  • Guest
Ok I uninstalled EAW + Patch and SG3 installer then went to program files deleted all EAW and SG3 files pluse the ones on my desk top reinstalled everthing try to log in to SG3 and got the following message  
nw10patrol_scr\Missing Files\
met_nw1scout.scr\Missing Files
met_nw2holdingaction.scr\Missing Files\
met_nw3ambushee.scr\Missing File\
met_nw4ambusher.scr\Missing File
met_nw5counterattack.scr/Missing File\
met_nw5fleetaction.scr\Missing File

If anyone can sending me these mission or tell me were I can get them it would be greatly  appreciated.

My msn massager or send it to  


  • Guest
Did you re-download the SG3 package?


  • Guest

Did you re-download the SG3 package?

Yes I reinstalled everthing and ran the bat file    


  • Guest
Everyone, thanks for the excellent feedback!

Now we see the true value of a public beta test before trying to go live.

Just wanted to let you all know we're working on the issues you've found, and I gotta say NICE WORK COMMUNITY!

One thing I will say, I had the same issue with the scripts when I installed (on the Win98 OS of my machine) SG3 to E:\Starfleet Command II , but when I ran the installer on the WinXP OS of my machine under E (NTFS, hence the same drive letter under WinXP) :\Program Files\Taldren\Starfleet Command II it installed fine.

I just copied over all the mission scripts from the \SG3_Install folder into the \asstes\scripts folder, and logged right onto the server.

Keep up the excellent work, community!


  • Guest
Try going into the the SG3 files folder and manually copying and pasting the mission files there into your assests/scripts folder.  This seemed to work for me.  You can also check there to see if you actually have those missions in the SG3 folder where the installer gets the scripts from.


  • Guest
I trust we are not seeing the actual server settings in these test. My first mission, deep inside Gorn space pitted me against 3 HEAVY ISC war ships with only two Fed CLs for support. Also the ships seem to me closer to late era than early.



  • Guest
* Mandatory missions in allied hex should be fixed.

Plz let me know.


  • Guest
S'farat, the era is late for testing purposes.

Of course, from my information, the actual live campaing will begin in early.


  • Guest
Thanks Lepton1 that did the trick.  


  • Guest

Ok I uninstalled EAW + Patch and SG3 installer then went to program files deleted all EAW and SG3 files pluse the ones on my desk top reinstalled everthing try to log in to SG3 and got the following message  
nw10patrol_scr\Missing Files\
met_nw1scout.scr\Missing Files
met_nw2holdingaction.scr\Missing Files\
met_nw3ambushee.scr\Missing File\
met_nw4ambusher.scr\Missing File
met_nw5counterattack.scr/Missing File\
met_nw5fleetaction.scr\Missing File

If anyone can sending me these mission or tell me were I can get them it would be greatly  appreciated.

My msn massager</a> or send it to <a href="">"></a> or send it to <a href="    

I suspect these files had read-only flagged on them which stopped the bat file from replacing them.  I'll take off the read-only attribute of the target files for now on.  


  • Guest
OKay this is from work so I do not recall the exact nomeclature of the Lyran PF. I believe is was something like L-XPF___ this particualr PF when it launches is purple contains a plasma-d and Drone rack. The PFs also launches an additional PF itself.

As a pure self defense PF it was an extra target. Drone launches do not work for Lyran ships the plasma worked in defense mode. Am I to assume these PFs belong to another race.

I had no trouble getting the installer to install in my test directory for EAW.




  • Guest
Tried the Tholians and also CTD when launching Fighters/PFs. Also CTD on base defense.
Played a few missions and had CTD when swiching targets...I though this one was gone...

I played a few mission and balance fluctuate a lot but is in general a little on the hard side.

My worst were:

On a convoy escort mission, my light cruiser was escorting 4 freighters facing 4 attacking ships (2 F6 and 2 F5B) I thought the difficulty was a little high, as I destroyed 2 of the attackers, they got reinforcments with one Heavy (D7) and a light cruiser (D5).
This 6 on 1 was just too difficult, the convoy never had a chance.

On the other hand a big game mission gave me a Rom K7RB but I had 2 AI help a Tholian NEC and Fed NCL.  This 3 one 1 was too easy.  



  • Guest

On a convoy escort mission, my light cruiser was escorting 4 freighters facing 4 attacking ships (2 F6 and 2 F5B) I thought the difficulty was a little high, as I destroyed 2 of the attackers, they got reinforcments with one Heavy (D7) and a light cruiser (D5).
This 6 on 1 was just too difficult, the convoy never had a chance.

NW or Karnak Convoy Escort mission?

Mine starts with 2 AI at the beginning with two more AI reinforcements arriving at 4 minute mark plus you have 6 freighters to protect not 4.


  • Guest
Karnak's Fleet action.   Flying Federation, got a whole bunch of tholian help.

Game CTD as soon as the carriers launch their fighters.