The XC hosted DL is located in their site, it is only 2 clicks to get to it. This link will make it one (but you'll miss Sulu's one-liner).
XC SG3 Installer , The link is just below the Green Girl.
Test report:
Flew Tholian (by mistake, I logged in as a Mirak ... Doh!)
Msn 1:
Mission: Kar_hPatrol1
Ships: T-CWL vs K-F6 and K-E4K
Comment: None
Results: I ran like a whipped puppy. Got to learn how to take advantage of the Tholian's 10 transports.
Msn 2:
Mission: Kar_hPatrol
Ships: T-HDWP v K-F6, K-E4K
Comment: I loaded my ships with NeoPFIII (at 132 PP each!)
Results: CTD as soon as I launched the PFs
Msn 3:
Mission: Kar_Patrol
Ships: T-HDWP v K-E4K, K-F6
Comment: I loaded NeoPFII this time
Results: CTD as soon as I launched the PFs
Msn 4:
Mission: Met_NW10Patrol v3.2
Ships: T-HDWP, F-GSC+, F-NCL+ v K-AD6K, D7K, FWC
Comments: Used the NeoPFIIs again to check if it was the ship or mission
Results: CTD as soon as I launched the PFs
Msn 5:
Mission: Met_NW6Patrol v3.2
Ships: T-HDWP v K-D7K
Comments: I loaded Magma Fighters instead of the PFs
Results: CTD as soon as I luanched the fighters.
Overall comments:
1. Looks like there is a problem w/ the Tholian PFs and Fighters.
2. It may be related to the models since I never saw a single PF or fighter appear on the screen after I launched them.
3. I need to remember "join Hydran" when the real server is put up.