Topic: Luddite Syndrome bug  (Read 3188 times)

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Luddite Syndrome bug
« on: May 18, 2003, 05:15:18 am »
I'm on the Starfleet Command 3 mission entitled "The Luddite Syndrome." In it you have to destroy Romulan defenses and a starbase surrounding a planet, then beam down a demolition team, and finally mop up the resistance. There's two problems: first off, I don't see any demolition team in my transporter room. Secondly, when the starbase blows up the planet VANISHES. That's right- it just disappears. Not on scanners, not visible, nothing. Looks like a scripting bug. I have the latest patch for SFC 3, so is this addressed in a separate patch or did the patch itself do it (they did say it was a beta).  


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Re: Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2003, 05:05:09 pm »
I've played the mission several more times. On one occasion, the planet vanished the instant I destroyed any of the orbital installations. The latest one, however, was the weirdest. After destroying the Romulan forces, the battle station, and most of the defense platforms, the planet was still there. I was starting to think it would work when I blew up the last defense platform. Then the Enterprise blew up! It was in good shape one moment, and the next it just exploded- no enemies were there to shoot it, and it didn't run into anything.  


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Re: Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2003, 02:53:19 am »
I guess perseverance does pay off, even in video games. After reinstalling the game again and trying two more times (the first time had the vanishing planet again) it did work. The planet remained there, and the Enterprise didn't blow up.  


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Re: Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2003, 07:47:23 pm »
There you have it. The trite answer is "...try, try again." My guesses as to why this keeps happening are merely that, guesses. But I seem to be able to make these missions work by trying again and using a different battle plan. So my suggestion to anyone that I've seen posting about the Amazing Disappearing  Planet is to replay the mission and attack the enemies in a different sequence. If you went for the ships first and left the bases for later, I would suggest doing the opposite. In my experience with this bug, this strategy almost always works.  


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Re: Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2003, 09:55:56 pm »
That bug isn't the last oversight in this mission (a SFC2-esque mission in an otherwise very solid single play game). If you drop marines and capture the planet, the shields will go up. You can't tell the idiots on the ground to lower them, nor can you fire on a friendly target and drop them, so you can't beam down the away team and finish the mission.

Whoever heard of a whole planet having shields, anyway?  


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Re: Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2003, 06:20:59 pm »
I am currently having the same problem.  I have tried unistalling and reinstalling a few times but the demo team never appears.  Anyone have any suggestions?  


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Re: Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2003, 07:57:58 pm »
I have a problem with this mission as well. I never see a planet, ever. I have tried this mission many, many times, never any change. I have also reinstalled twice.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2003, 02:11:45 pm »
This is also weird... Here's what happened...

With some help, I cleaned out the defense platforms and the defending ships, then the base. No problem there. When I destroyed the last defense platform, I get a dialogue about my XO going off. I guess she's leading the demolition team personally, heh? But I don't see any away teams to beam down either! Then the dialogue says "energize", even though I'm still range 8 or so!

Then I went to transporter room, and noticed an away team! However, I can't beam them to the planet! I approached within RANGE 3, but they won't beam down! And I'm out of marines! If I keep hitting the planet, eventually planet goes to ZERO health, but you can't hit it with phasers any more, and it still has shields!

Ack! Any one got a sequence that actually WORKS?


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Re: Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2003, 07:00:21 pm »
Solved... Kill all the defense platforms and bases first, THEN the ships. THEN you can beam them down and blow up Tal'Shiar HQ...  


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Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2003, 05:15:18 am »
I'm on the Starfleet Command 3 mission entitled "The Luddite Syndrome." In it you have to destroy Romulan defenses and a starbase surrounding a planet, then beam down a demolition team, and finally mop up the resistance. There's two problems: first off, I don't see any demolition team in my transporter room. Secondly, when the starbase blows up the planet VANISHES. That's right- it just disappears. Not on scanners, not visible, nothing. Looks like a scripting bug. I have the latest patch for SFC 3, so is this addressed in a separate patch or did the patch itself do it (they did say it was a beta).  


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Re: Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2003, 05:05:09 pm »
I've played the mission several more times. On one occasion, the planet vanished the instant I destroyed any of the orbital installations. The latest one, however, was the weirdest. After destroying the Romulan forces, the battle station, and most of the defense platforms, the planet was still there. I was starting to think it would work when I blew up the last defense platform. Then the Enterprise blew up! It was in good shape one moment, and the next it just exploded- no enemies were there to shoot it, and it didn't run into anything.  


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Re: Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2003, 02:53:19 am »
I guess perseverance does pay off, even in video games. After reinstalling the game again and trying two more times (the first time had the vanishing planet again) it did work. The planet remained there, and the Enterprise didn't blow up.  


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Re: Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2003, 07:47:23 pm »
There you have it. The trite answer is "...try, try again." My guesses as to why this keeps happening are merely that, guesses. But I seem to be able to make these missions work by trying again and using a different battle plan. So my suggestion to anyone that I've seen posting about the Amazing Disappearing  Planet is to replay the mission and attack the enemies in a different sequence. If you went for the ships first and left the bases for later, I would suggest doing the opposite. In my experience with this bug, this strategy almost always works.  


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Re: Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2003, 09:55:56 pm »
That bug isn't the last oversight in this mission (a SFC2-esque mission in an otherwise very solid single play game). If you drop marines and capture the planet, the shields will go up. You can't tell the idiots on the ground to lower them, nor can you fire on a friendly target and drop them, so you can't beam down the away team and finish the mission.

Whoever heard of a whole planet having shields, anyway?  


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Re: Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2003, 06:20:59 pm »
I am currently having the same problem.  I have tried unistalling and reinstalling a few times but the demo team never appears.  Anyone have any suggestions?  


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Re: Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2003, 07:57:58 pm »
I have a problem with this mission as well. I never see a planet, ever. I have tried this mission many, many times, never any change. I have also reinstalled twice.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2003, 02:11:45 pm »
This is also weird... Here's what happened...

With some help, I cleaned out the defense platforms and the defending ships, then the base. No problem there. When I destroyed the last defense platform, I get a dialogue about my XO going off. I guess she's leading the demolition team personally, heh? But I don't see any away teams to beam down either! Then the dialogue says "energize", even though I'm still range 8 or so!

Then I went to transporter room, and noticed an away team! However, I can't beam them to the planet! I approached within RANGE 3, but they won't beam down! And I'm out of marines! If I keep hitting the planet, eventually planet goes to ZERO health, but you can't hit it with phasers any more, and it still has shields!

Ack! Any one got a sequence that actually WORKS?


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Re: Luddite Syndrome bug
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2003, 07:00:21 pm »
Solved... Kill all the defense platforms and bases first, THEN the ships. THEN you can beam them down and blow up Tal'Shiar HQ...