Topic: Help! In Search Of...  (Read 1899 times)

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Help! In Search Of...
« on: May 17, 2003, 12:54:40 pm »
Hello All,

     Recently I have been creating SFC1 Skirmish Scripts based on the Star Trek Television Episodes and Star Trek Movies using Fleet Mission Script Editor by EagleEye Software Group.  I have included the music from the appropriate episode or movie for the corresponding Skirmish Scirpt to play while playing the skirmish script.  My problem is I am in search of 2 models for SFC1.

1.  I need TOS version of The U. S. S. Constellation, N.C.C. 1017, for my Doomsday Machine Script.  I sent GhostFox an e-mail on Saturday, May 3, 2003, asking for his SFC1 Name Pack for all of TOS Constitution Class (Heavy Cruiser) that was once available for download, but he has not responded.  I have his TOS Enterprise but I no longer have the Name Pack.  Would someone please e-mail me that Name Pack at or point me in the right direction?  It is no longer available at GhostFox's Fleetdock 13 website.

2.  I need TMP version of The U. S. S. Grissom from the film "Star Trek 3:  The Search For Spock".  I tried to download it from NightStorm's website , file TMP_FRF.ZIP with Go!Zilla but I am unable to.   Go!Zilla downloads 75.3% of this file (736.1 KB of 976.5 KB) and then at that point I am unable to download the rest of this file.  I have tried several times without success.  I was able to download TMP version of The U. S. S. Constellation, from NightStorm's website however, both Go!Zilla and WinZip were unable to unzip (decompress) this file.  I tried to e-mail NightStorm at, on Saturday, May 10, 2003, but I received an e-mail the next day that the attempt to send the e-mail to him for 8 hours failed, so he never got my e-mail.  If someone has the SFC1 version of the Grissom please e-mail it to me at or point me in the right direction.

Thank you,



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Re: Help! In Search Of...
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2003, 01:01:48 pm »
Well, here is the U.S.S Grissolm, or otherwise known as a Oberth Class

cant think of a Connie addy, but someone here will know just as quick...  


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Re: Help! In Search Of...
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2003, 11:22:22 pm »
Thanks Reverend but it did not work.  The Grissom looked fine when I viewed it via the Taldren Mod Viewer, after I removed the SFC2 bitmaps from the directory.  However, when I played SFC1 the Grissom was all in red, the bridge dome was missing its sides, it only had the top of the bridge dome which was white not red, but the rest of the ship was red.  I took a picture of the Grissom while playing SFC1.  I will e-mail the picture to you if you would like to see what I mean.  It appears this way even when I put back the SFC2 bitmaps in the directory.  I suspect the author, Redragon, designed it for both SFC1 and SFC2, but only tested it for SFC2 or forgot to put the SFC1 version of the MOD File "Oberth.MOD" in the zip file.

Thanks anyway,



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Re: Help! In Search Of...
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2003, 12:29:58 am »
Yes, Redragon's models do have that problem at times- I have a model he made that had incorrectly sized .bmps, causing them to not show up... model was grey. I am afraid at present that I cannot convert to SFC1.. perhaps start another post concerning that- I will look fora  tutorialo on that though..  


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Re: Help! In Search Of...
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2003, 01:10:29 am »

Thanks Reverend but it did not work.  The Grissom looked fine when I viewed it via the Taldren Mod Viewer, after I removed the SFC2 bitmaps from the directory.  However, when I played SFC1 the Grissom was all in red, the bridge dome was missing its sides, it only had the top of the bridge dome which was white not red, but the rest of the ship was red.  I took a picture of the Grissom while playing SFC1.  I will e-mail the picture to you if you would like to see what I mean.  It appears this way even when I put back the SFC2 bitmaps in the directory.  I suspect the author, Redragon, designed it for both SFC1 and SFC2, but only tested it for SFC2 or forgot to put the SFC1 version of the MOD File "Oberth.MOD" in the zip file.

Let me see if I can convert it over for you. okay?  


1. I need TOS version of The U. S. S. Constellation, N.C.C. 1017, for my Doomsday Machine Script. I sent GhostFox an e-mail on Saturday, May 3, 2003, asking for his SFC1 Name Pack for all of TOS Constitution Class (Heavy Cruiser) that was once available for download, but he has not responded. I have his TOS Enterprise but I no longer have the Name Pack. Would someone please e-mail me that Name Pack at or point me in the right direction? It is no longer available at GhostFox's Fleetdock 13 website.

If you check out my website (it's in the Sig).. in my Trek downloads you'll find the damaged TOS Constellation that I did up based off of Lord Schtupp's TOS Enterprise Connie.  It's what I used to create this wallpaper with:
And it won't take me very long to convert it to SFC 1 if needed, and I can then put that up for you.  Just say the word...
Sound good?  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by atheorhaven »


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Re: Help! In Search Of...
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2003, 04:36:48 pm »
Thanks atheorhaven.  I would be in your debt, for the SFC1 version of  both The Constellation and The Grissom.  Nice wallpaper of The Constellation!



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Re: Help! In Search Of...
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2003, 03:06:40 pm »


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Re: Help! In Search Of...
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2003, 10:31:39 pm »
Hi Atheorhaven,

Any progress on those 2 starships for SFC1?




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Re: Help! In Search Of...
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2003, 02:26:36 am »

Hi Atheorhaven,

Any progress on those 2 starships for SFC1?


Sorry, hadn't checked this thread for a few days..

The Obereth is converted and in SFC 1 now.. here was the release notes when I did it up..


atheorhaven Ensign posted  May 21, 2003 01:47 AM  

Okay boys and girls.. they're uploading now..

And they're up.. SFC 2 versions of the Spades and Einjerher.. and also a SFC 1 version of the Spades and the Obereth that someone requested a week or so ago over at Taldren..

Release shots..


The Spades and Einherjer are at TheMackieStuff.. and the Obereth is over at Mare Imbrium.. haven't (as usual) updated the webpage yet, so here's the direct d/l link for it..

And there ya go guys.. these were more conversions with only some registry editing and such.. so that fit in pretty well with my (almost) non-existant time off recently..

Sorry about not getting back to you on this sooner.  As for the Constellation.. give me a couple of days to convert 'er, and I'll have a d/l link up for it too.  


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Re: Help! In Search Of...
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2003, 02:41:47 pm »
very nice


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Re: Help! In Search Of...
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2003, 04:51:14 pm »
Thanks atheorhaven!  Looks like I owe you some Romulan Ale.  I can't wait to get home and download The Grissom.



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Re: Help! In Search Of...
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2003, 01:04:33 pm »
Hi atheorhaven,

I downloaded and installed The Grissom into SFC1.  I noticed that you have a sub-directory labeled "256" with bit map files which have identical file names to the bit map files in the parent directory.  I viewed The Grissom in SFC1 with both sets of bit maps, however, I could not see any difference between them.  Is the reason I cannot see any difference between the 2 sets of bit maps due to my computer hardware?  I am using a laptop to play SFC1.  It is a Compaq Presario 1247, 400 MHz,  AMD K6 3D processor (equivalent to a Pentium II microprocessor), with 160 megs of memory, 4 megs is used for video memory leaving me with 156 megs of memory, running under Window98 second edition.  If I change the video memory from 4 megabtyes to 8 megabytes would I then see a difference?  Also I have my laptop hooked up to my desktop's monitor, keyboard, mouse, and speakers.  My current video settings are Screen Area:800 x 600, Color: "High Color (16 bit)".  I have the option of changing the Color setting from "High Color (16 bit)"  to either "True Color (32 bit)" or "256 Color".
