Hello all,
I was hoping for some oppinions here. I'm adding the SFB 1st generation X-ships to OP. Taldren chose not to include the PlaM. Instead we get the PlaX (Close but no enveloper) and the PlaE. Well, I'm doing the Gorns and was wondering if I should do the E or the X? I know that the Roms use the X and the Gorn use the E. Should I leave it that way with the SFB Gorn X-ships or give them the X? Another Idea that I had for some varients was to replace the pair of PlaS torps with a single PlaR. An LP and an RP PlaE with a single FA PlaR. I think that this would be a very effective combination. Better power curve, The PlaEs to slow down the opponent to be smacked by the PlaR! Any oppinions?