Topic: SFCX: TECH WARS Is Live!  (Read 3779 times)

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« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2003, 08:40:47 pm »
Cool, thanks. I will try the D5L

....I tried it. I LOVE it. Great power curve and fire arcs. My D7W is history when I can buy one of these. Now when I can afford a C7....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Indy_Shark »


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« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2003, 09:15:21 pm »
Server is back up. Sorry was out of town and my agenda was not under my control (guys with GFs or wives will understand ).

gl gh and hf!!  


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« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2003, 04:58:10 am »
Please Sir, may I have a mission?

Drawing no missions in enemy, friendly or neutral hexes.  


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« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2003, 05:50:41 am »
I just restarted the server. It was definitely spinning its wheels on something. It should be working now (gave me a mission when I checked in).

Dharma the Cat

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« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2003, 07:59:41 am »

Well I heard that on Sat too, from somebody who was saying they couldn't move or anything (chat worked), but the rest of us were okay.

I'm running XP Pro. Maybe there is a leak somewhere?    

To clarify my problem a bit, this is not the "no movement" you get sometimes when the server is about to crash. This is a problem while in mission. everything is fine, then there is usually a "skip" effect in  the video. This is immediately followed by what is apparently a video freeze-up on my computer. All I'm able to do when it occurs is move my mouse - it is not locked-up. My keyboard has no effect, so I can't ctrl-alt-del  to exit the game or anything else. I've waited as much as 15 minutes for it to "unfreeze" with no luck. My only way out of it is a cold reboot directly from that point. That is to say, securing my computer improperly....

I have Windows 2000. No problems in any other EAW servers or OP servers, that's the only reason I suspected the missionpacks.  If there isn't anyone else having the problem, I'll presume it's just my computer that doesn't like something here.

Anyhow the server seems real good othrewise, good mission matching and the missions are nicely varied.      


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« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2003, 08:34:55 am »
No keyboard, including the funky Windows key?  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cleaven »


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« Reply #26 on: May 19, 2003, 10:31:01 am »


Well I heard that on Sat too, from somebody who was saying they couldn't move or anything (chat worked), but the rest of us were okay.

I'm running XP Pro. Maybe there is a leak somewhere?    

To clarify my problem a bit, this is not the "no movement" you get sometimes when the server is about to crash. This is a problem while in mission. everything is fine, then there is usually a "skip" effect in  the video. This is immediately followed by what is apparently a video freeze-up on my computer. All I'm able to do when it occurs is move my mouse - it is not locked-up. My keyboard has no effect, so I can't ctrl-alt-del  to exit the game or anything else. I've waited as much as 15 minutes for it to "unfreeze" with no luck. My only way out of it is a cold reboot directly from that point. That is to say, securing my computer improperly....

I have Windows 2000. No problems in any other EAW servers or OP servers, that's the only reason I suspected the missionpacks.  If there isn't anyone else having the problem, I'll presume it's just my computer that doesn't like something here.

Anyhow the server seems real good othrewise, good mission matching and the missions are nicely varied.      

You might be getting a popup ad. Usually when that happens to me, everything locks up and I have to reboot my computer. Also, some virus programs love to update automatically while you're in the middle of a battle, causing the same thing. Shut off any other programs that might be running, and get, or run, one of the Spam buster programs available, like Ad Aware before you log onto the D2. Also, some ISP's, like AOL, are horrible on this count. Since I switched to cable back in February, the problem has virtually disappeared.  


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Minor Request regarding missons
« Reply #27 on: May 19, 2003, 09:22:08 pm »
Is it possible to throw in  some non-kill-you-fast missions? I mean something that a rusty old hand like me, coming back from SFC III, can use to flake off the rust?

I mean, I took 4 missions. Won one by the skin of my  teeth by the good graces of the enemy AI ignoring me and going after my random AI  partner. The other three I lost miserably, losing my ship in one of them. Yes, I lost my an AI. The shame is almost too much to bear. I'm now stuck in a freighter until I can afford at least a CLZ (didn't see anything smaller last time I was logged in that was worth having in these ED missions).

I guess what I'm saying is "take pity on me, please!"  

And to think I used to chuckle with glee when an Evil Dave mission came up! Now I have to run from most of them. Sheesh.    


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Re: Minor Request regarding missons
« Reply #28 on: May 19, 2003, 10:03:21 pm »
Well, I've been meaning to say that I thought the missions, on the most part, were pretty good, taking about 5-8 min for a good win. Some missions are as short as three min, but  five is a good average. Except for one bad case of a Fleet mission in friendly space. Very rugged, five to three with weak help that soon became four to one. I left.

Admittedly this has only been based on Lyran Vs Mirak missions, and I have adopted a policy of flying wingman for my AI (since he won't follow me). Also I have been flying CL's and smaller so maybe that is important too. ie staying in the bottom part of the AI oppositions available opposition.

What I mean is that there may be some issues on the other side of the map, but where I am, the matching is very good, considering the time taken, PP earned, and suitablity for co-op i.e. when I co-op the missions are quicker and more profitable thereby promoting co-op play. Kzinti players Vs Lyran AI may have a different view?  


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Re: Minor Request regarding missons
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2003, 10:16:11 pm »
My first impression from earlier today was that missions seemed tough, for the first 2 or 3, then they got more managable. This continues the pattern I've noted when I'm new to a server. RJ, just give it a bit of geting used to, or do some co-op in non-neutral space with any ally you can find.


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Re: Minor Request regarding missons
« Reply #30 on: May 19, 2003, 10:19:12 pm »

Is it possible to throw in  some non-kill-you-fast missions? I mean something that a rusty old hand like me, coming back from SFC III, can use to flake off the rust?

I mean, I took 4 missions. Won one by the skin of my  teeth by the good graces of the enemy AI ignoring me and going after my random AI  partner. The other three I lost miserably, losing my ship in one of them. Yes, I lost my an AI. The shame is almost too much to bear. I'm now stuck in a freighter until I can afford at least a CLZ (didn't see anything smaller last time I was logged in that was worth having in these ED missions).

I guess what I'm saying is "take pity on me, please!"  

And to think I used to chuckle with glee when an Evil Dave mission came up! Now I have to run from most of them. Sheesh.      

Hmmm - the difficulty settings in most of the mission scripts haven't been changed in a fair while now (or have been downgraded in the couple of cases they did get changed) so most of the variation from server to server now comes from the server difficulty settings themselves.  I think  a difficulty rating of .9 has been used on the last few, but not sure if that's still in place or not.

It is also possible to run into a sweet/sour spot in the shiplist once in awhile - where the opposition likely to be drafted for your current ship tends to be at the low or high end of the available range.  E.g. suppose the mission says you're supposed to be drafting ships from your size to 1.5 times your size, but the enemy shiplist currently has a lot of ships close to the 1.5 end and few close to the 1.0 end, then you might be in for a lot of drafting misery in your ship for the next couple of years.

Just guesses,


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Re: Minor Request regarding missons
« Reply #31 on: May 19, 2003, 10:46:18 pm »
The missions haven't gotten harder, Dave, my skills have just eroded so badly that I feel like a total newbie out there.

Co-op would be great, but when I logged on yesterday I was the only ISC and no one seemed inclined to speak. When I logged in Saturday co-op was the furthest from my mind. I just wanted to get out there and fire up that PPD for the first time in months.  


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Re: Minor Request regarding missons
« Reply #32 on: May 19, 2003, 10:54:24 pm »
I'll tell ya what, RJ.  SFC3 ruins you for a while when you try to come back to SFC2.  Every time I played SFC3 for any length of time, my timing would be off and I'd get hammered when I came back to SFC2.  Hang in there, you'll get the proper reflexes back...



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Re: Minor Request regarding missons
« Reply #33 on: May 20, 2003, 05:51:32 am »
"Please, sir, I want some more."

The admin was a fat, healthy man; but he turned very pale. He gazed in stupefied astonishment on the small rebel for some seconds; and then clung for support to the copper. The assistants were paralysed with wonder; the players with fear.

"What!" said the admin at length, in a faint voice.

"Please, sir," replied Cleaven, "I want some more."

The admin aimed a blow at Cleaven's head with the ladle; pinioned him in his arms; and shrieked aloud for the beadle.

The board were sitting in solemn conclave, when Mr. Nomad rushed into the room in great excitement, and addressing the gentleman in the high chair, said,

"Mr. Castrin, I beg your pardon, sir! Cleaven has asked for more!"

There was a general start. Horror was depicted on every countenance.


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Re: Minor Request regarding missons
« Reply #34 on: May 20, 2003, 06:03:28 am »
Rofl, Cleaven. I've emailed Nomad and Castrin about it - waiting myself for it to come back up - I'm off work for a week too, so I'm sat twiddling my thumbs for the time being.


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Re: Minor Request regarding missons
« Reply #35 on: May 20, 2003, 06:11:21 am »
 3 hours 'til sack time.  


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Re: Minor Request regarding missons
« Reply #36 on: May 20, 2003, 07:40:25 am »

Unfortunately, Castrin does have to sleep. Emerald Edge can sometimes babysit, but if the problem prevents remote access, there's nothing he or I can do. At the moment (and usually once a week for a night or two), I'm away from home on business. I can't access anything at night from the hotel, and can't remotely access the server at all until I'm home again.

Sorry for the interruptions in service.

RJ, I'm flying ISC when I'm on, so if you see me out there Wed. night (or later in the week), I'd love to fly your wing. I'm not the best ISC pilot, but I've got the 2v2 patrols vs. Gorn opposition in the nearby nebula down pat. The CMZ is certainly flexible for different tactics. Mainly I've been surviving by letting my AI wing eat most of the plasma. With the nebula effect, I can usually win with minimal damage, and the missions go faster because shields are pink at best. By the way, what are you stuck flying now?

I'm not against people creating new accounts to get a fresh start if they've lost ships and most of their prestige getting reacclimated. The server is supposed to be fun, and I know from experience how tough it can be to relearn the old skills. We are using the .9 BPV modifier for difficulty, but as always, Dave is right -- you can get unlucky draws depending on what's available in the range.

See you all out there sometime soon. Thanks for playing (when the server kit is in a good mood).


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Re: Minor Request regarding missons
« Reply #37 on: May 20, 2003, 09:20:48 am »
It's cool.  


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Re: Minor Request regarding missons
« Reply #38 on: May 20, 2003, 09:39:30 am »

... The board were sitting in solemn conclave, when Mr. Nomad rushed into the room in great excitement, and addressing the gentleman in the high chair, said,

"Mr. Castrin, I beg your pardon, sir! Cleaven has asked for more!"

There was a general start. Horror was depicted on every countenance.


Oh, owe, I think I hurt something.

Too funny Cleaven, after yesterday I needed a good laugh. Thanks.


Castrin trundels over (he really didn't understand the need for a FULL morph into Hydran form but Nomad said it' was good for building character) and looks at Cleaven through his three eyes.

"Go ahead and give him more. Better if he was fattened up for later." ,Castrin hisses (hisses?! grrr).

Turning, Castrin heads back to the room.

"It's your deal Emerald ..." is heard as the doors sigh shut.