Topic: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project  (Read 2835 times)

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XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« on: May 14, 2003, 04:17:15 pm »
Heyya all,

I wanted to post this and see just what type of support and interest there would be in what we've come to know as the "Omniverse Project" here @ XenoCorp.

I'll give you the project details, and then I'd love some feedback regarding your thoughts, opinions, heck even willingness to help if you are so inclined!


-----Internal XCHQ Alpha Memorandum
-----RE: The Omniverse Project
-----Title : Project Overview

The Omniverse Project is an ambitious project designed to incorporate the best of several aspects of the ST universe into one package.  While the Galactic Strategic Command Interface (codenamed "Dynaverse") has had an immense success following the release of Taldren's SFC Series Strategic Command Interface (SFC1, SFC2:EAW, SFC:OP and SFC3), there's always been a desire to expand the Dynaverse into something more.

With the introduction of MySQL support, XenoCorp began looking at a way to take this simulation to the next level - to incorporate turn based resource management, turn based planetary management, as well as a diplomatic avenue that would enhance the online Dynaverse. XenoCorp also began looking into ways to add additional aspects to the game play, such as boarding party activities, planetary assault away team missions, or scientific away team missions and just how to simulate these adequately.

After conversing with Raven Software, it was indicated that the source code, mission builders, and other tools were available for Star Trek Elite Force Holodeck Simulation. It was also indicated that this simulation could be adapted to interconnect with the Dynaverse Galactic conquest simulation, providing an even more immersive simulation experience.

The Omniverse Project could consist of the following gameplay concepts :

Note - this is an example of ONE possible scenario

  • 1. A turn based resource / planetary management system, comparable to the beta Starlance campaign ran when SFC1 was released.
  • 2. Teams, or fleets, would sign up for play under one of the races currently offered in the SFC Dynaverse before the campaign would commence.

  • 3. At the end of a 24 hour "turn", all resource management activities would be translated into the MySQL database, Economy would be affected as a result, ship production and planetary production / facilities building would be affected as a result.  
  • 4. Scripts would be engineered that would allow for boarding party activities, planetary assaults, and scientific "away team" missions that would begin from the SFC Dynaverse side:  

An example of what we have termed as "scripted multisimulation interaction" is as follows:


  • a. A ship(s) accepts a "starbase infiltration" mission while in the online Dynaverse simulation.

  • b. The ship(s) make their way towards the starbase, and successfully defeat any starbase defenders, and drop the starbase shield to allow transport of an "Away team" to the starbase.

  • c. The Away Team members begin the "Away mission" in ST Elite Force, and either succeed in the mission objectives, or do not.
  • d. All the effects of said progression are applied to the DB, the resulting win or loss indicated by the DV of the hex in the Dynaverse being affected, the SB being taken over, or the Away Team being lost.  

The desired result would be as close to a, to use an old Terran term, MMORPG as could be imagined in the SFC / ST setting.
It would also encourage inter-fleet coordination and team play, as well as coordinated strategic involvement with several aspects of simulation-play that have had a long time appeal to the SFC community members - specifically turn based resource control, interactive Dynaverse setting as the overall medium, and Away team missions featuring in your face team FPS style combat resolution.

We are currently beginning the next phase of Project Omniverse, and would recommend that before Phase II continues, a poll of the SFC Galactic community would be held to gauge the response and feedback of the community.


The Project Omniverse Development Team.

-----Internal XCHQ Alpha Memorandum
-----Document # 129SA54954
-----Any and all concepts contained herein are considered the intellectual property rights of XenoCorp Inc.


So, what do you all think?

Sound like something you'd be interested in?

Got something you'd like to bring to the table in regards to joining the Omniverse Development Team?

Post   HERE :

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by AdmiralFrey_XC »


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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2003, 04:28:58 pm »
This could be the coolest thing in Trek gaming ever, if it works.  


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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2003, 04:31:12 pm »
WOW!!! If you can pull it off WOW!!


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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2003, 04:39:48 pm »
STOC is already doing that...   [ Starfleet Tactical Operations Command

I encourage you all to take a look....  


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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2003, 07:37:07 pm »
THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!  OMG if you guys pull this off it'll be the best/worst thing since crack!!!! (for us D2 crackwhores of course lol)

Rob Cole

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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2003, 09:46:11 pm »


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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2003, 01:15:50 am »


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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2003, 01:32:53 am »

STOC is already doing that...   [ Starfleet Tactical Operations Command

I encourage you all to take a look....  

STOC is doing a turn based campaign that encorporates SFC2 to resolve combat.

I would suggest you re-read the above, as there's a bit more to the Omniverse than that.


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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2003, 03:12:23 am »

Hey how come I didn't see this memo in my email?  out:  

Sounds cool!  Makes me wish I had more free time then I could play more often.    



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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2003, 03:34:01 am »
Ypu can play with me anytime, baby.

Btw... have you seen those colored pens Krolling has? They are quite pretty to see in action


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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2003, 04:08:59 am »
Sorry if this comes across as sounding negative, but, taking the "Starbase Infiltration" mission as an example, what does the starship player do once he's transported this away team over? Also, does Elite Forces have Lyrans, Mirak, Hydrans etc?


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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2003, 06:29:25 am »
I like the idea of an integrated system that enhances the universe AND takes away the requirement for a 24 hour admin who doesn't get to play the game.
...... but I don't like to play online FPS's, so while I will gladly run 10 or 20 missions to get to the starbase I don't really care to then fight my way in to the tractor power unit via the trash compactor.

What would be interesting is an F&E variation, whereby a player logs on to the server and is allocated a ship from the OoB (yes, OoB) based on rank. Basically you get the biggest ship that isn't in use and is playable by your rank. So you really will get hassled by an annoyed RM if you lose your empires only DN for that week. When you log off it goes back in the pool and somebody else can get it. Production is real in that it controls what is added to the pool of ships. If you don't like the CA you have been allocated and want to trade down to a war cruiser you see in the shipyard then go for it, for a minor PP fee only. Same thing if a DN becomes available and you have flag rank. You may have to have a bit of a bidding war though if another flag officer thinks he is more deserving. The use of PP would change but that would not be a big deal.

Another option, which may not be possible because of GSA's IP, but I always liked the original Dynaverse in SFC. Make a multiplayer version where 100 players can log on, move into sectors and get allocated (random?) missions which affect the DV of the whole sector. Some missions have greater DV effects than others and  influence economy as well. I think mission allocation should not be really random but defined by ship type, since you wouldn't want to get allocated a base assault in a FF. Co-op would be possible by forming two or three player flotilla's where you can SEE EACH OTHERS PING, and won't join up with somebody using a tin can and string. But the real reason I like this option is PvP, because when you take a mission you are allocated an enemy in that sector to fight. No chasing "victims" around the map, and if nobody is available after a countdown (60 sec?) then you get AI opposition. Of course the server assigns opponents based on ping too, so that you don't go throught the drafting process just to CTD. And I think the server overhead and bandwidth requirements would be much less than the D2.

So anyway, my opinion is that if you have the ability to do something like that I would prefer it to integrating an FPS.

Perhaps some people may also read these ideas and understand why I am sooooooo @#$%&*ing  disappointed with the D3. "Nurse fetch my medicine. Yes I tell you, Glennfiddich IS a division of GlaxoSmithKline, and is therefore medicine!"

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cleaven »


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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2003, 07:44:48 am »

I like the idea of an integrated system that enhances the universe AND takes away the requirement for a 24 hour admin who doesn't get to play the game.
...... but I don't like to play online FPS's, so while I will gladly run 10 or 20 missions to get to the starbase I don't really care to then fight my way in to the tractor power unit via the trash compactor.

What would be interesting is an F&E variation, whereby a player logs on to the server and is allocated a ship from the OoB (yes, OoB) based on rank. Basically you get the biggest ship that isn't in use and is playable by your rank. So you really will get hassled by an annoyed RM if you lose your empires only DN for that week. When you log off it goes back in the pool and somebody else can get it. Production is real in that it controls what is added to the pool of ships. If you don't like the CA you have been allocated and want to trade down to a war cruiser you see in the shipyard then go for it, for a minor PP fee only. Same thing if a DN becomes available and you have flag rank. You may have to have a bit of a bidding war though if another flag officer thinks he is more deserving. The use of PP would change but that would not be a big deal.

Another option, which may not be possible because of GSA's IP, but I always liked the original Dynaverse in SFC. Make a multiplayer version where 100 players can log on, move into sectors and get allocated (random?) missions which affect the DV of the whole sector. Some missions have greater DV effects than others and  influence economy as well. I think mission allocation should not be really random but defined by ship type, since you wouldn't want to get allocated a base assault in a FF. Co-op would be possible by forming two or three player flotilla's where you can SEE EACH OTHERS PING, and won't join up with somebody using a tin can. But the real reason I like this option is PvP, because when you take a mission you are allocated an enemy in that sector to fight. No chasing "victims" around the map, and if nobody is available after a countdown (60 sec?) then you get AI opposition. Of course the server assigns opponents based on ping too, so that you don't go throught the drafting process just to CTD. And I think the server overhead and bandwidth requirements would be much less than the D2.

So anyway, my opinion is that if you have the ability to do something like that I would prefer it to integrating an FPS.

Perhaps some people may also read these ideas and undestand why I am sooooooo @#$%&*ing  disappointed with the D3. "Nurse fetch my medicine. Yes I tell you, Glennfiddich is a division of GlaxoSmithKline, and is therefore medicine"


Excellent points!

In reality, since we're just in stage II of the project, there's a lot of lee way we can work into the system - so let's keep the brainstorming going.

In regards to the FPS aspect, this is where the teamplay and fleet interaction works together! We're planning on dedicating a section of the XC webs to allow rostering of specific teams - so you would have the Federation player pool, which consisted of flag officers, starship captains, and then the Elite Force Hazard teams.

What we WANT is to have it where when the Starship Captain actually beams (clicks on the marines icon on the transporter tab) the marines compliment over, that's when the Elite Force holodeck match would start.

Whether or not it works that way we have yet to see.


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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2003, 08:53:13 am »


I like the idea of an integrated system that enhances the universe AND takes away the requirement for a 24 hour admin who doesn't get to play the game.
...... but I don't like to play online FPS's, so while I will gladly run 10 or 20 missions to get to the starbase I don't really care to then fight my way in to the tractor power unit via the trash compactor.

What would be interesting is an F&E variation, whereby a player logs on to the server and is allocated a ship from the OoB (yes, OoB) based on rank. Basically you get the biggest ship that isn't in use and is playable by your rank. So you really will get hassled by an annoyed RM if you lose your empires only DN for that week. When you log off it goes back in the pool and somebody else can get it. Production is real in that it controls what is added to the pool of ships. If you don't like the CA you have been allocated and want to trade down to a war cruiser you see in the shipyard then go for it, for a minor PP fee only. Same thing if a DN becomes available and you have flag rank. You may have to have a bit of a bidding war though if another flag officer thinks he is more deserving. The use of PP would change but that would not be a big deal.

Another option, which may not be possible because of GSA's IP, but I always liked the original Dynaverse in SFC. Make a multiplayer version where 100 players can log on, move into sectors and get allocated (random?) missions which affect the DV of the whole sector. Some missions have greater DV effects than others and  influence economy as well. I think mission allocation should not be really random but defined by ship type, since you wouldn't want to get allocated a base assault in a FF. Co-op would be possible by forming two or three player flotilla's where you can SEE EACH OTHERS PING, and won't join up with somebody using a tin can. But the real reason I like this option is PvP, because when you take a mission you are allocated an enemy in that sector to fight. No chasing "victims" around the map, and if nobody is available after a countdown (60 sec?) then you get AI opposition. Of course the server assigns opponents based on ping too, so that you don't go throught the drafting process just to CTD. And I think the server overhead and bandwidth requirements would be much less than the D2.

So anyway, my opinion is that if you have the ability to do something like that I would prefer it to integrating an FPS.

Perhaps some people may also read these ideas and undestand why I am sooooooo @#$%&*ing  disappointed with the D3. "Nurse fetch my medicine. Yes I tell you, Glennfiddich is a division of GlaxoSmithKline, and is therefore medicine"


Excellent points!

In reality, since we're just in stage II of the project, there's a lot of lee way we can work into the system - so let's keep the brainstorming going.

In regards to the FPS aspect, this is where the teamplay and fleet interaction works together! We're planning on dedicating a section of the XC webs to allow rostering of specific teams - so you would have the Federation player pool, which consisted of flag officers, starship captains, and then the Elite Force Hazard teams.

What we WANT is to have it where when the Starship Captain actually beams (clicks on the marines icon on the transporter tab) the marines compliment over, that's when the Elite Force holodeck match would start.

Whether or not it works that way we have yet to see.  

Like... say you and a buddy team up for a base assault.  You're flying a BC and you're buddy's in a commando ship.  You teamed up because you love starship combat but aren't necessarily into the marine action.  Your buddy, however, is an ace at Elite Force, but couldn't tell a disruptor from a PPD.  So would it be possible to fight your way into the base, and have one player fight inside the base while the other player stays out and covers incase of enemy reinforcements or the base's own fleet's not destroyed yet?

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2003, 09:27:44 am »
I don't own Elite Force. Would I have to purchase it to participate?  

I do like the idea of adding diplomacy to the game. that alone would enrich the experience a lot, especially if races can be changed in their stance towards other races on the map during the campaign. Interaction between allies would take on a whole lot more depth.



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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2003, 10:30:05 am »

Another option, which may not be possible because of GSA's IP, but I always liked the original Dynaverse in SFC. Make a multiplayer version where 100 players can log on, move into sectors and get allocated (random?) missions which affect the DV of the whole sector. Some missions have greater DV effects than others and  influence economy as well. I think mission allocation should not be really random but defined by ship type, since you wouldn't want to get allocated a base assault in a FF. Co-op would be possible by forming two or three player flotilla's where you can SEE EACH OTHERS PING, and won't join up with somebody using a tin can and string. But the real reason I like this option is PvP, because when you take a mission you are allocated an enemy in that sector to fight. No chasing "victims" around the map, and if nobody is available after a countdown (60 sec?) then you get AI opposition. Of course the server assigns opponents based on ping too, so that you don't go throught the drafting process just to CTD. And I think the server overhead and bandwidth requirements would be much less than the D2.

So anyway, my opinion is that if you have the ability to do something like that I would prefer it to integrating an FPS.

Perhaps some people may also read these ideas and understand why I am sooooooo @#$%&*ing  disappointed with the D3. "Nurse fetch my medicine. Yes I tell you, Glennfiddich IS a division of GlaxoSmithKline, and is therefore medicine!"


Interesting Cleaven, because (aside from the ping part) this is largely possible now ...

Currently the mission offerings are all driven by the hex type (terrain, race, planets etc)  but if we were to assume a small map (each hex represents a vast SFC1-style reqion of space, with a very high total DV and EV) then we could easily retool the mission offerings based on ship type/size.  It hasn't been done in the past because for any given ship type in a traditional EAW/OP map you might have to hunt through a lot of enemy hexes before getting offered a mission, and there might be lots of hexes particular ships never draw missions in (somewhat like SFC3 difficulties in drawing missions, and the resulting implications for grander campaigns).

Let's see, if each map hex were used to represent an SFC1-style sector, so with just a handful of hexes per race, you'd have a much higher chance of PvP ... the missions themselves would decide what kind of terrain to put you in (since the map hexes now encompass all sorts of space).  Most hexes would contain bases and planets, but you'd only be offered assault missions if you were in a sufficiently large ship (or could draft sufficiently large human allies maybe) ....

That part is all do-able now, without any huge modification except in the script specs for when/where they should be offered and to who. (whom? never did get that)

If SQL is thrown into the mix, then (a) the variable DV effect can be applied, and (b) when you don't draft human opposition the AI ships you do draw could be drawn from a racial pool - effectively there could be an AI OOB so you could eventually wear down the kind of AI opposition you draft (make that a long slow process) and a player OOB to determine what turns up in the shipyards.

It would reduce some of the high level plotting in a campaign though - there would only be a couple of fronts per race, each represented by only a few of these monster hexes.

This might (minus the SQL side) be a really interesting experiment for a minicampaign -- do a quick revamp of a dozen or so core missions to get a feel for the offerings and see how it panned out in the course of a couple of weeks.

WOW - thanks Cleaven!  This was the equivalent of seeing the candlestick turn into two faces for me


EDIT: so when creating the map, it might be a grand total of 10x10 or 12x12 or something, virtually every hex would have a planet and base type used to indicate the general nature of the sector  (home, core, colony etc).  If a terrain type is included it would perhaps indicate a higher-than-normal representation of that kind of terrain in the sector.

Very interesting!  I think some of my other projects just went on hold for a couple of weeks

« Last Edit: May 15, 2003, 10:43:14 am by NuclearWessels »


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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2003, 03:35:12 pm »
...And he's a Glenfiddich man. Gotta like that.  


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Re: XenoCorp Presents : The OMNIVERSE Project
« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2003, 08:04:34 pm »
Now if only you had been paying attention the first time I put this stuff up, but at least you are no longer in the group of Who? (and I assume you don't have a foam covered list with with my name on it). But in the past people were pretty much happy with the status quo I guess (I have a couple of their albums too!).

If I recall correctly I had a bit of a whinge about all of this kind of stuff after deciding that players not having two accounts so as to be able to also affect the cartel layer in OP was really a bug and not a feature. The climax of the arguement was calling Nomad a member of the sales dept at the company Dilbert works at. But then even when that was implimented in a subsequent server it didn't go too well. So much for my good idea's.