Topic: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk  (Read 9657 times)

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KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #40 on: May 16, 2003, 07:03:49 am »

Excellent post. Nuff said.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #41 on: May 16, 2003, 07:38:21 am »

Deep breaths are currently underway so no more posting here please  

Um, who exactly is taking the deep breaths?  And how worthwhile would it be to watch?

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #42 on: May 16, 2003, 08:15:13 am »

 Um, who exactly is taking the deep breaths? And how worthwhile would it be to watch?  



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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #43 on: May 16, 2003, 08:35:00 am »


Hey Diz, remember that email you sent me asking about a certain something?

This is a good step towards it.

Nice apology, well said.

Only because I'm taking my medication Frey,  

Medication or not it was well said.

As for Brez you will have to wait for a response his online time is a little limited right now.

r/p on

Dizz and Brez agree?!?!?


r/p off

I can feel the love!


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #44 on: May 16, 2003, 09:01:08 am »

Nice post.  



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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #45 on: May 16, 2003, 09:01:55 am »


Nice post, Diz.


Very well said Dizzy.

Folks, we are our worst enemies right now.  Look, do we play to have fun ot not. Enough of the crap here. I understand we all have our bit to play and such. So FOR THE LOVE OF IT ALL lets stop this silly stuff. Make models, set up servers, dream about the future, think about how to keep these games alive, all of that. Lets just play and enjoy while it lasts.

Every time we start this kind of thing another player says "I have had it" and moves on. We cannot afford to lose more players.

Next time you want to shoot a flamethrower think about the damage your going to do.

Look, I am not an angel here, I am just a big of a moron as the next. But even I am seeing that I have not done one bit of good with my tantrums. Now if an old fart like me can learn to keep his yapper shut then there is hope.

Please, less fighting, more gaming. Now lets all holds hands and sing camp songs.


I stand by what Dizzy's RM said.

Well said, Hooch. <S>  


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #46 on: May 16, 2003, 09:30:36 am »

I didn't even get a chance to use my Rolling Pin!!!

<stomps off>

Dizzy!! Well!! That was a high!!! Whew!

Very Good!


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #47 on: May 16, 2003, 10:44:19 am »
Thanks guys, and guess what? I'm on good terms with Sten too! Imagine that...

So lets pull out all the stops and see if we can get Brez to come back to play this server. He told me he doesnt play this game anymore... I didnt ask why, but Im leaving for the weekend. Im leaving all this up to Frey and u guys till I get back Sunday. (I really need this vacation)...


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #48 on: May 16, 2003, 11:32:46 am »

Ok Brez... I had to take a long deep breath and step back from it all...

I see where you are comming from. I get you.

There is a thread on the model forum (somewhere) where this issue was taken up by a group of modelers on just this sort of topic. I happened to read this a long time ago. Basically it went something like this:

Moderler X took moderler's Y ship, kitbashed it (Changed the geometry of the ship and/or used the parts to create a new ship), changed the textures and then called it his own.

Now I have to say, someone doing something like this would piss me off too... Very much so. And I think it is very wrong. So the thread went on to have some other modeler say that if an artist/modeler designs a ship and does not want it kitbashed, then it shouldnt be. Then a different modeler said he wouldnt mind AS LONG AS he was notified and properly credited for the original. Some just disagreed on all points entirely... It turned into one HUGE flame mess... that had 2 threads... and went so far as to have some modelers wanting to 'lock' their models from being able to be kitbashed because of certain fellows refusing to give proper credit when credit is due.

So... as a server designer, Brez... I had a look into what it is like to WORK for the community and produce something others can enjoy. In fact, this is my second time doing so. So I stepped into your shoes, Brez to see this from your perspective.

Here's what I see... I see someone taking my models... changing the textures and inserting them into a D/L withought explaining nor asking me if it was ok. I see that it wasnt made clear that the models being used were mine and that this someone is seemingly taking credit for all the work I have done. I'm pissed. Now to top it all off, this person using my models is in fact the one person of all that I despise the most...

So Brez... I cant blame you, really. I now see it from your perspective, although I'm sure I only see a small fraction of what you see. And I cant imagine how you feel other than pissed off.

I can offer some excuses... Like the models were free D/L's and that there wernt any restrictions on who could use them or how... and that even the D/L page had instructions that if they were going to be used that you not 'leech' them from your site and 'hijack' your bandwidth but to repost them or mirror them somewhere else... And that when I first asked you to team with me on doing this server, you brushed me off so harshly I was afraid of contacting you again cuz u might really get pissed off with me buggong you. And that this isnt the first time a server has used the models, etc... etc... But excuses would just piss me off more if I were you and the excuses dont really address the issue here...

Now... here I am. Just having put myself in your shoes... And I realize you are upset and think I have a good idea why.

So here's what I am gonna do. I am gonna say that I could have told you what the server was all about and the reason I asked you to be part of the team in the first place was because of your models. I also should have made it more plainly clear to you what my intentions were. I also see your point on the textures I redid. You should have been contacted.

So I am guilty for those things. And I am sorry. I apologize.

I hope you see we are alike, Brez.. you and me... Thats maybe why we didnt get along for such a long time... We both had such differeing opinions on how to better the community and were at complete odds over our solutions to them that we fought and fought and fought. But know what? We both had the interests of the community at heart. We both wanted to better it.

You know... that kinda reminds me of the current situation here on the D2 forums with Tracey and DarkElf resigning... the split of peeps and all the other problems that have these former contributers to the community at odds with each other.

Its because they want to better the community, but are at odds with others who want to do the same, but see each others views as harful.

Brez... if anything happens here... I hope ppl see that you did these models for the players to enjoy and I did the same with my server design, so it can be enjoyed by the community. We both are in it together to improve it even tho we disagree and have done so in the past. So I hope others see that what they are doing is for the community and how the people they are at odds with are trying to do the same...

There was no malice towards you in my efforts, Brez. You have a right to be upset. Plz accept my aplogies for not aking you earlier.... May I use your models with altered textures? Please?

Who are you, and what have you done with Dizzy?  

Nice post dude.  


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #49 on: May 16, 2003, 03:10:15 pm »
Go away.....just everyone go away......


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #50 on: May 16, 2003, 03:35:49 pm »
Whatcha think Dan you gonna let us use them ???  Personnally I have never used any mods and quite frankly I was kinda looking foward to trying it. I would think there may be others that have never tried them either . They sound very cool please consider it.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #51 on: May 16, 2003, 03:41:00 pm »
fine. whatever. use them. Just leave me alone and let me cry.

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #52 on: May 16, 2003, 03:46:45 pm »

fine. whatever. use them. Just leave me alone and let me cry.  

Thank you Dan, your a good guy...



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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #53 on: May 16, 2003, 03:52:51 pm »
<S> Dan


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #54 on: May 16, 2003, 03:53:19 pm »

fine. whatever. use them. Just leave me alone and let me cry.  

MANY THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    Now can I interest you in a nice Baron or Apache ??? It will  be yours and yours only and you can fly it all over the D2 with only a few minor concerns  , whatcha think ???  Or should I just quit while im ahead ???


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #55 on: May 16, 2003, 04:06:15 pm »
my girlfriend left. get the [censored] hell away from me and leave me alone.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #56 on: May 16, 2003, 04:18:25 pm »

my girlfriend left. get the [censored] hell away from me and leave me alone.  

Yikes ! Sorry to bother you and best of luck to you ! It may hurt now but I hope it turns out to be something you can look back at and say "thankgod ! if that didnt happend I would have never met my true love!  "  Goodluck and thanks again !!

Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #57 on: May 16, 2003, 04:48:20 pm »

my girlfriend left. get the [censored] hell away from me and leave me alone.  


Please be careful.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #58 on: May 17, 2003, 01:35:31 am »

<thinks back 10 months...>


<image reels start playing in my head>

I feel your pain... but things happen for a reason.  She wasn't right...  It felt good, but there's someone better, but ya gotta hang in there.

btw... it rarely works to remain friends in situations like that, so just don't look back

I'll stfu now since I know my advice isn't wanted.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #59 on: May 17, 2003, 03:20:56 am »
*sigh* I just want to talk to her so much right now and find out the answers I don't know.

I've heard keeping busy is good...... anyone got the shiplist Ditzy is planning to use? I'd like to see what he's done to the Tholians.