Topic: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk  (Read 9842 times)

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Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« on: May 15, 2003, 05:37:42 pm »
Please remove MY models from your server NOW.  

You know, the ones you never asked to use in your mod or if you could alter and basicly act like you made them.

Nothing pissed me off more than someone just taking something and assuming they have blanket permission to do any damn thing they want with it.

My models are up for people to use. If someone wants to change them I'd have expected them to ask me first. And I sure as hell woudl have expected someone to ask before dumping them into a server mod.

 Get them the hell off your server Ditzy. You should have asked first.

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2003, 05:53:11 pm »
Dan, I will ask then if we can use them. Please don't cause the server to be delayed any more.




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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2003, 06:03:40 pm »
I'm pretty sure I remember Dizzy saying something a long way back that he had tried to get ahold of the guy that made them but never got a reply back.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2003, 06:08:42 pm »
The only email I've EVER gotten from Ditzy is him asking me if I wanted to help on a server project he was thinking about running. I didn't want to. I told him that.

He has my email. He's never tried to asked if he could do what he did.

I want them removed now. The jerk should have asked first. Particuarly before changing the models and seemingly acting like he made them when all he did was replace some of the texture files.  


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2003, 06:11:06 pm »
where are you models at??


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2003, 06:14:13 pm »
First off, I never took credit for the tholian mods. I wasnt the first to use them. Day of the Eagle was the first server to use them by Scipio. They have been used even before that.

I D/Led the models off of this website:

There were no restrictions preventing free use of these models according to what I have read.

Here is the access granted to D/L the models from your site:


 Provional Access to the Primary starship assemply area is granted.
Please select the ship you would like to view by using your pointing device to click on one of the ships in the primary fleet display.

If the unit you are searching for is not part of the primary fleet continue your search under the PTFD.

If you wish download the geometry and tactical specifications for all current Tholian ships select the below link.

Here is the Readme from the Download:

Well, now.

First off, thank you for downloading this model pack. I hope you enjoy using it.

Contained inside this zip file are a number of files.

Files with the extension .mod are the model files
Files with the extension .exp are the ShipEdit3 export files
Files with the extension .bmp are the texture files


Ship Design: ADB, Michael Woodcock
Mesh: Brezgonne
Textures: Brezgonne


installation is fairly easy. First, open the zip. If your reading this you've already done that. next hit the extract button. This should bring up a window that asks where you want to  extract the models to. locate your SFC2 folder. It's normally located at c:\program files\taldren\Starfleet Command II.

Click on the folder when you find it. Now in the lower left corner of the window there should be a checkbox labeled "use folder names". If it's not checkmarked then checkmark it.

Now simply hit the extract button in that window and it will instal the models into the place the shipedit export files will look for them.  

Here is a copy of 'part' of the credits for the free models used in my D/Leds:  

***General Information***

Well, now.

First off, thank you for downloading this model pack. I hope you enjoy using it.

Contained inside this zip file are a number of files.

Files with the extension .mod are the model files
Files with the extension .bmp are the texture files

***Credits/History THOLIAN SHIPS:

Ship Design: ADB, Michael Woodcock
Mesh: Daniel Thompson
Original Textures: Daniel Thompson
Modified Textures: Dizzy  

You have credit. I am not taking credit.

 My models are up for people to use.  

These models are up for ppl to use. I sent you an email way back when 1st starting this project to see if you wanted to join me in putting it together. Instead you brushed me off completely and said you NEVER played the game anymore...

Now this server is for these ppl on this community. You models are fantastic. I take credit for nothing.

I know there is not a soul you despise in this commumity more than me, we have certainly had our share of differences on opinions over the years, but to deprive the community of a server like this just because of your loathing for me... is not nice.

Now, I ask you to please set aside you differences with me and let this community enjoy your work. I'll sit the whole thing out. I didnt do this for me, Brezgonne. I did it for them.

But dude,  your D/L and models were free D/Leds, with no restrictions on them. They werte used in a previous server. I havent taken credit for their mesh. I listed you as the credit. An I'm sure I honored your name more than once.

I have been in discussion with Wicked Zombie, who created a model specifically for this server... The difference in his Readme file and yours is that he asks to be given notice of any changes and then of course to be listed in credit. Your D/L and Readme file had no such notice.

If you really feel you do not want this community to use your models, then you tell them that. If you dont want ME using them, thats another matter and I will comply. I agree not to and will stay off the server completely. But this isnt about me, Brez... I did this server for them, and thats who you made the models for...  


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2003, 06:15:09 pm »

is where he got the originals from.  


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2003, 06:16:26 pm »
What do you want Brez to let these other players play this server?

You want me to mail you my copy of EAW so I cant play the server. What is your mailing addy?


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2003, 06:26:51 pm »
Right. Demonize me for you f(*&^ing up.

Zombie has that in there because he's had this problem before. I haven't. Your the first that I'm aware of.

Telling me another server has done some of what you have doesn't help your case. THey should have asked to.

I couldn't care less if you play or not. I do care when someone takes something I've made to change, repost, and include in a server pack without so much as a word.

Ask any of the modellers from way back when and they will probably tell you that I hate people kitbashing other peoples models.

You screwed up Ditzy and your trying to blame me for it. Well to quote your old favirote saying:

STFU and remove what you never asked to use.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2003, 06:55:18 pm »
Is there a way that this can be sorted out? Im not excusing any thing done by those that have used your models in the past or even confess to knowing what the proper way to solicate permissin to use them, or what permisson is needed to do what with other folks work on models. Is there a solution that can be worked?


KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2003, 06:56:47 pm »
What Hondo said.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2003, 07:14:02 pm »
Here is a copy of 'part' of the credits for the free models used in my D/Leds:

***General Information***

Well, now.

First off, thank you for downloading this model pack. I hope you enjoy using it.

Contained inside this zip file are a number of files.

Files with the extension .mod are the model files
Files with the extension .bmp are the texture files

***Credits/History THOLIAN SHIPS:

Ship Design: ADB, Michael Woodcock
Mesh: Daniel Thompson
Original Textures: Daniel Thompson
Modified Textures: Dizzy


Credit given where it needed to be given.
I guess I don't understand what the problem is.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2003, 07:19:35 pm »


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2003, 07:26:00 pm »
I probably shouldn't stick my nose in this, but I just can't resist. WTF is the modeller mentality? Why put up stuff to share, then put restrictions on it? The way I see it, if you put something out there, hope you get credit for it, but don't expect it. I've never been able to comprehend this conditional shareware they trade, which is one reason I pretty well ignore that Forum. Lots to boast about, but short on co-operation.  



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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2003, 07:33:09 pm »
Geez, from the vitriol I saw when I opened this post I figured I was in the mod forum .  Actually I figured it was just another rant against Dizzy - wasn't disappointed at all!  Just trying to figure out why it was posted here and not in the mod forum or privately?  

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2003, 07:35:13 pm »

I probably shouldn't stick my nose in this, but I just can't resist. WTF is the modeller mentality? Why put up stuff to share, then put restrictions on it? The way I see it, if you put something out there, hope you get credit for it, but don't expect it. I've never been able to comprehend this conditional shareware they trade, which is one reason I pretty well ignore that Forum. Lots to boast about, but short on co-operation.  

I guess some consider it a labor of love and wouldlike to be credited for it. I think it would be courteous to give credit where credit is due. If it were my work, credit had been given to me, and others wanted to use, I would think that in and of itself would be the best compliment/praise I could receive.

I understand that there is bad blood between Diz and Brez, but if Diz has given him credit for his work, I don't see the problem here. In fact,if someone hated me but still gave me credit for my work and still wanted to use it, I would be happy.

JMHO, no sides taken, no flak to either participant is intended.  


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2003, 07:41:47 pm »

Right. Demonize me for you f(*&^ing up.

Zombie has that in there because he's had this problem before. I haven't. Your the first that I'm aware of.

Telling me another server has done some of what you have doesn't help your case. THey should have asked to.

I couldn't care less if you play or not. I do care when someone takes something I've made to change, repost, and include in a server pack without so much as a word.

Ask any of the modellers from way back when and they will probably tell you that I hate people kitbashing other peoples models.

You screwed up Ditzy and your trying to blame me for it. Well to quote your old favirote saying:

STFU and remove what you never asked to use.  

I am curious if Scipio obtained permission to use these models in Day of the Eagle.  If not, why aren't you tearing him a new one as well?  Sounds like some personal history here.  If the models are up for the public to use, I hardly see how it matters that someone offers them in a package to the community and presents full credit for the modeller's work.  If you have a serious problem with this use, remove your models from use altogether.  Take your toys and go home essentially, as you seem to have done so already.

As per alternatives, SkinMan has produced some more recent tholian models that might be used instead although I am not sure if there are SFC2 model versions.  His models currently star in the TNZ mod for SFC3.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2003, 07:50:19 pm »
Ok.... everybody just take a deep breath and hold on a moment, ok??

It'll get worked out.

Just don't post anymore here and get any more flames going. Please.

Stand by.....


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2003, 08:05:39 pm »
Deep breaths are currently underway so no more posting here please


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2003, 08:08:47 pm »

Please remove MY models from your server NOW.  

You know, the ones you never asked to use in your mod or if you could alter and basicly act like you made them.

Nothing pissed me off more than someone just taking something and assuming they have blanket permission to do any damn thing they want with it.

My models are up for people to use. If someone wants to change them I'd have expected them to ask me first. And I sure as hell woudl have expected someone to ask before dumping them into a server mod.

 Get them the hell off your server Ditzy. You should have asked first.  

Gee, looks like everyone makes a mistake or jumps the gun, so to speak: The following was found at  Dan's Pages


AD&D Image Gallery
2 very good artists that I lost the links to and can't read their signatures. There are over 10000 artists on Elfwood so if you know who drew the original black and white images please inform me and I'll credit them specifically.

Update, 4/23/2001: Found the artists names. Sending emails to request permission to post colored images. Cross your fingers folks that I haven't made a cardinal error.


I think you need to chill. It doesn't help that you accuse Dizzy of violating your copyright and using your models without your permission. But, from I've read that is exactly what you encourage everyone to do.

So, what is you beef if not that?



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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2003, 08:14:37 pm »
Because there isn't anything I can do about a server that is in the past that I wasn't aware of. I'm not happy about it but there isn't much I can do.

What is the issue ofr me here is not being asked when Ditzy decided to do what he did.

People using my models on their own computers is one thing.

People taking my models, altering them, reposting them, and dumping them into a server mod without saying a word to me is totally another matter.

I didn't have a disclaimer on my sight because Iv'e never needed one before. People asked before they did anything. I'm not used to needing one. Maybe I have to much faith in people to ask me before changing things.

I think a formal apoligy from Ditzy would go a long way right now.

I'd also prefer that anyone that wants to alter my models for anything other than their own use or to include them in a server at least ASK me first. It's not hard to type out a few lines ina an email.


Off Topic:

Ditzy: I saw the list of Tholian ships you had for inclusion in your server. Many of them are unbalanced PhD ships that don't have a place in a balanced game (Their Neo BC is WAAAAY over done). I'd suggest a careful review of them prior to adding them. If you want to send me a list of the ships I can take a look for you.



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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2003, 08:22:36 pm »
Ok Dizzy,

The ball is in your court now,

Just formally state the apology you implied in your earlier post, and I think Brez will be ok with it and we can move on.

I think he was just surprised by discovering his models were going to be used and reacted more emotionally than he normally would.  He designed those models for the enjoyment of all, he just simply wanted to be asked first.

Maybe now we can all move on.  


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2003, 08:23:49 pm »
  Just a simple request to Dan and Dizzy.  Could you guys hash this out in private?  This thread is degenerating into a huge flamewar.  I truly hope you guys can come to a workable agreement.  Just not on the forums.  Not an order, just a request.




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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2003, 08:31:22 pm »
Not to be an arse, but I'm impressed with Dizzy lately, and his diplomacy on this issue and others. I do believe Taldren stated that mods were NOT PROPERTY? I seem to remember something being posted a long time ago on this issue.

Sorry, but if I create something and leave it available for free download and use, I do not think I can legally do anything if their use is not for money or profit, and last time I looked, servers and mission packs COST time and money, not made them! Now if I was to create something and copyright it and NOT have it available for free downloads, then it would be piracy and copyright infringement. Right now Dan you do not have a case, and have really shown a poor mentality for someone who SAYS they enjoy the game and want people to share.

If you want a huzzah and kudos for your mods, then let us have our campaign and if I see your work in action, then yes, I will say to you that I am impressed.

Dizzy, don't you dare stay away from the campaign, with the community having low numbers right now due to SFC3, we need everyone we can get to make it a blast!

Please do not take this as an attack Dan, it's not, I just think you need to calm down and talk to dizzy about it, not start a flame war, I've seen some bad ones in the past few days and it needs to stop...  


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2003, 08:36:59 pm »

I didn't have a disclaimer on my sight because Iv'e never needed one before. People asked before they did anything. I'm not used to needing one. Maybe I have to much faith in people to ask me before changing things.

Didn't they use the same excuse for the Hindenberg i.e. it never blew up before. (Imagine if they'd used all this hot air instead).    


  • Guest
Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #25 on: May 15, 2003, 08:39:15 pm »
It seems to me that Brez (as most modellers do) has a problem with people altering their models without permission.  I gather the bit about altered textures courtesy of "Dizzy" is just such an alteration.

Also...there is a distinction between an individual user logging into a download site and downloading models for their persoanl use and someone including the models wholesale as part of a server download pack for a D2 campaign whith an individual or individuals are putting out there as their body of work.  Again, it seems to me like asking permission would have been the polite thing to do.

Add to that the bad blood between Dizzy and Brezgonne...and you end up here.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #26 on: May 15, 2003, 09:18:28 pm »
The question of wether or not Dizzy can modify (slightly) someone else's models and use them without permission is the very same age old question regarding copyrights and  trademark infringements.

Towards that end several things need to be looked at:

1) None of us are qualified to debate trademarks. (Except maybe the lawyers in this crowd and not too many of them are talking right now)

2) There were no copyrights statements or trademarks on the Mods. Only acknowledgements for credit sake. (1 against Brez, who is coming back to the community after an absense only to find his stuff as public property)

3) Anything that is to be put into production (such as a download), and not for individual use, should have the proper permissions first. If not by law then out of courtesy for the person who made it. If you could not get permission then you don't use it. (1 against Dizzy, while his heart was in the right place, he jumped the gun).

Why do we do this? to avoid the situations such as are presented in this thread. Knowing past animosities between these two, this should have been foreseen.

If Dizzy apologizes for inapropriation, can we use the mods?

Dizzy vs Brezgonne
Everything old is new again.


  • Guest
Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #27 on: May 15, 2003, 09:23:42 pm »
I dont understand the complaint either. The web site has the models freely posted for anyones use. In fact here is a direct quote from the site:


Do not leech the links on this site. If you wish to link to something here either upload it to your own server or link
to this page.

Now does this not say to upload them youself? In essence is this not what Dizzy did? I mean he did this by uploading them himself to a site to not allow leaching from the primary site. This is what your site tells people to do Dan.

So if he did what the site says then what is the problem. He gave proper credit. He used public domain material and is not profitting from your work in anay way. At least I have not heard anyone ask for money for the server. Rather than leach your site he did as your own site instructs.

What is the issue here?



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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #28 on: May 15, 2003, 09:47:34 pm »

Because there isn't anything I can do about a server that is in the past that I wasn't aware of. I'm not happy about it but there isn't much I can do.

What is the issue ofr me here is not being asked when Ditzy decided to do what he did.

People using my models on their own computers is one thing.

People taking my models, altering them, reposting them, and dumping them into a server mod without saying a word to me is totally another matter.

I didn't have a disclaimer on my sight because Iv'e never needed one before. People asked before they did anything. I'm not used to needing one. Maybe I have to much faith in people to ask me before changing things.

I think a formal apoligy from Ditzy would go a long way right now.

I'd also prefer that anyone that wants to alter my models for anything other than their own use or to include them in a server at least ASK me first. It's not hard to type out a few lines ina an email.


Off Topic:

Ditzy: I saw the list of Tholian ships you had for inclusion in your server. Many of them are unbalanced PhD ships that don't have a place in a balanced game (Their Neo BC is WAAAAY over done). I'd suggest a careful review of them prior to adding them. If you want to send me a list of the ships I can take a look for you.


 Honestly, I'm still confused. Your site and the readme just don't seem to support your current contention that Dizzy somehow *needed* to further seek your permission for use or to alter the models to fit his needs.

Btw, you still haven't made clear what exactly Dizzy has done to justify your  busting into these forum with the foul language and anger. Did he ignore your email asking him to remove your models? Did he ignore your email asking for proper credit?

Did you even try an email first?



  • Guest
Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2003, 10:12:45 pm »
Ok Brez... I had to take a long deep breath and step back from it all...

I see where you are comming from. I get you.

There is a thread on the model forum (somewhere) where this issue was taken up by a group of modelers on just this sort of topic. I happened to read this a long time ago. Basically it went something like this:

Moderler X took moderler's Y ship, kitbashed it (Changed the geometry of the ship and/or used the parts to create a new ship), changed the textures and then called it his own.

Now I have to say, someone doing something like this would piss me off too... Very much so. And I think it is very wrong. So the thread went on to have some other modeler say that if an artist/modeler designs a ship and does not want it kitbashed, then it shouldnt be. Then a different modeler said he wouldnt mind AS LONG AS he was notified and properly credited for the original. Some just disagreed on all points entirely... It turned into one HUGE flame mess... that had 2 threads... and went so far as to have some modelers wanting to 'lock' their models from being able to be kitbashed because of certain fellows refusing to give proper credit when credit is due.

So... as a server designer, Brez... I had a look into what it is like to WORK for the community and produce something others can enjoy. In fact, this is my second time doing so. So I stepped into your shoes, Brez to see this from your perspective.

Here's what I see... I see someone taking my models... changing the textures and inserting them into a D/L withought explaining nor asking me if it was ok. I see that it wasnt made clear that the models being used were mine and that this someone is seemingly taking credit for all the work I have done. I'm pissed. Now to top it all off, this person using my models is in fact the one person of all that I despise the most...

So Brez... I cant blame you, really. I now see it from your perspective, although I'm sure I only see a small fraction of what you see. And I cant imagine how you feel other than pissed off.

I can offer some excuses... Like the models were free D/L's and that there wernt any restrictions on who could use them or how... and that even the D/L page had instructions that if they were going to be used that you not 'leech' them from your site and 'hijack' your bandwidth but to repost them or mirror them somewhere else... And that when I first asked you to team with me on doing this server, you brushed me off so harshly I was afraid of contacting you again cuz u might really get pissed off with me buggong you. And that this isnt the first time a server has used the models, etc... etc... But excuses would just piss me off more if I were you and the excuses dont really address the issue here...

Now... here I am. Just having put myself in your shoes... And I realize you are upset and think I have a good idea why.

So here's what I am gonna do. I am gonna say that I could have told you what the server was all about and the reason I asked you to be part of the team in the first place was because of your models. I also should have made it more plainly clear to you what my intentions were. I also see your point on the textures I redid. You should have been contacted.

So I am guilty for those things. And I am sorry. I apologize.

I hope you see we are alike, Brez.. you and me... Thats maybe why we didnt get along for such a long time... We both had such differeing opinions on how to better the community and were at complete odds over our solutions to them that we fought and fought and fought. But know what? We both had the interests of the community at heart. We both wanted to better it.

You know... that kinda reminds me of the current situation here on the D2 forums with Tracey and DarkElf resigning... the split of peeps and all the other problems that have these former contributers to the community at odds with each other.

Its because they want to better the community, but are at odds with others who want to do the same, but see each others views as harful.

Brez... if anything happens here... I hope ppl see that you did these models for the players to enjoy and I did the same with my server design, so it can be enjoyed by the community. We both are in it together to improve it even tho we disagree and have done so in the past. So I hope others see that what they are doing is for the community and how the people they are at odds with are trying to do the same...

There was no malice towards you in my efforts, Brez. You have a right to be upset. Plz accept my aplogies for not aking you earlier.... May I use your models with altered textures? Please?


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2003, 10:59:14 pm »
Nice post, Diz.



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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2003, 11:45:45 pm »
Brez hates me so much... I hope it makes a difference. I am being sincere... I kinda got too sappy, but I stand by it.

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2003, 11:46:39 pm »

Nice post, Diz.


Very well said Dizzy.

Folks, we are our worst enemies right now.  Look, do we play to have fun ot not. Enough of the crap here. I understand we all have our bit to play and such. So FOR THE LOVE OF IT ALL lets stop this silly stuff. Make models, set up servers, dream about the future, think about how to keep these games alive, all of that. Lets just play and enjoy while it lasts.

Every time we start this kind of thing another player says "I have had it" and moves on. We cannot afford to lose more players.

Next time you want to shoot a flamethrower think about the damage your going to do.

Look, I am not an angel here, I am just a big of a moron as the next. But even I am seeing that I have not done one bit of good with my tantrums. Now if an old fart like me can learn to keep his yapper shut then there is hope.

Please, less fighting, more gaming. Now lets all holds hands and sing camp songs.



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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #33 on: May 16, 2003, 12:45:04 am »

This has little to do with models I think...Brez would have been just annoyed if someone else had used his models. But Dizzy! Of course you know, this means WAR!

For those confused with the current state of affairs, this is an excellent description of the state of affairs between these two if you haven't been here for years like M'Ress, Dog and myself :

I can remember my first visit to these forums in mid 2001. The first visit inside this forum revealed a heated argument between 2 people, "Dizzy" and "Brezgonne". There were at least 4 or 5 seperate threads which they were flaming and counterflaming each other. Something IIRC about Brez unfairly using Kzinti ships to attack planets and/or using the base bug.

I was smart enough then, on my first trip here to understand that saying anything with regards to an argument between the two was useless. It's still useless. I would then suggest that everyone else do the same. It usually dies out after about a week to two weeks.

On a seperate note: Nice to see you again Brez! You haven't been here in a while. I wasn't satisfied with the results of our last engagement - I hope for a rematch someday. While you're here, what do you think about the discussions going on on ADB's boards about X2? I must admit that I'm hopelessly lost.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #34 on: May 16, 2003, 01:01:30 am »
Thank you Infiltrator. Had I known this is a long running squabble between formor rivals I woud've let it be without comment. But, now with this deeper understanding of the forces at work I see clearly how futile it would be to expect civility.

Though I have to give a tip o' the hat to Dizzy for his reasoned and apologitic post.



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PS--Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #35 on: May 16, 2003, 01:21:53 am »
Thanks for the link, btw. Some really funny stuff.



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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #36 on: May 16, 2003, 01:27:55 am »
Look, this is a time to bury the hatchet... An opportunity to cease old hostilities and make peace.

::Extends hand out to brezgonne::

Hey dude... lets let the old flames die out. Im ready to be friends. In fact, maybe since this server has a totally fleshed out Tholian race, largely due to you Brez, then maybe you would want to return to the game for one last server? The missions are great. We have 57 or so and they are mostly custom. There's a lot of variety on mission choices that come up in the game.

And I cant think of a better person than you to be the Tholian RM. I was planning on filling that position myself having the most knowledge on them so far... but I'd gladly take an ARM role to you. In fact, I'd welcome your comments on their play balance so we can make tweaks to smooth in their transition...

How bout it Brez? Take one last trip down memory lane and play a server for old times sake?

I'm sure we'd all love to have you come back.  


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #37 on: May 16, 2003, 02:05:24 am »
Hey Diz, remember that email you sent me asking about a certain something?

This is a good step towards it.

Nice apology, well said.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #38 on: May 16, 2003, 02:07:47 am »
Sheesh... slow down. It's 2 am. I've got to get up in 3 hours to catch my girlfriend.

I'll post again when I'm actually awake.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #39 on: May 16, 2003, 02:15:16 am »

Hey Diz, remember that email you sent me asking about a certain something?

This is a good step towards it.

Nice apology, well said.

Only because I'm taking my medication Frey,

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #40 on: May 16, 2003, 07:03:49 am »

Excellent post. Nuff said.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #41 on: May 16, 2003, 07:38:21 am »

Deep breaths are currently underway so no more posting here please  

Um, who exactly is taking the deep breaths?  And how worthwhile would it be to watch?

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #42 on: May 16, 2003, 08:15:13 am »

 Um, who exactly is taking the deep breaths? And how worthwhile would it be to watch?  



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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #43 on: May 16, 2003, 08:35:00 am »


Hey Diz, remember that email you sent me asking about a certain something?

This is a good step towards it.

Nice apology, well said.

Only because I'm taking my medication Frey,  

Medication or not it was well said.

As for Brez you will have to wait for a response his online time is a little limited right now.

r/p on

Dizz and Brez agree?!?!?


r/p off

I can feel the love!


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #44 on: May 16, 2003, 09:01:08 am »

Nice post.  



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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #45 on: May 16, 2003, 09:01:55 am »


Nice post, Diz.


Very well said Dizzy.

Folks, we are our worst enemies right now.  Look, do we play to have fun ot not. Enough of the crap here. I understand we all have our bit to play and such. So FOR THE LOVE OF IT ALL lets stop this silly stuff. Make models, set up servers, dream about the future, think about how to keep these games alive, all of that. Lets just play and enjoy while it lasts.

Every time we start this kind of thing another player says "I have had it" and moves on. We cannot afford to lose more players.

Next time you want to shoot a flamethrower think about the damage your going to do.

Look, I am not an angel here, I am just a big of a moron as the next. But even I am seeing that I have not done one bit of good with my tantrums. Now if an old fart like me can learn to keep his yapper shut then there is hope.

Please, less fighting, more gaming. Now lets all holds hands and sing camp songs.


I stand by what Dizzy's RM said.

Well said, Hooch. <S>  


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #46 on: May 16, 2003, 09:30:36 am »

I didn't even get a chance to use my Rolling Pin!!!

<stomps off>

Dizzy!! Well!! That was a high!!! Whew!

Very Good!


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #47 on: May 16, 2003, 10:44:19 am »
Thanks guys, and guess what? I'm on good terms with Sten too! Imagine that...

So lets pull out all the stops and see if we can get Brez to come back to play this server. He told me he doesnt play this game anymore... I didnt ask why, but Im leaving for the weekend. Im leaving all this up to Frey and u guys till I get back Sunday. (I really need this vacation)...


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #48 on: May 16, 2003, 11:32:46 am »

Ok Brez... I had to take a long deep breath and step back from it all...

I see where you are comming from. I get you.

There is a thread on the model forum (somewhere) where this issue was taken up by a group of modelers on just this sort of topic. I happened to read this a long time ago. Basically it went something like this:

Moderler X took moderler's Y ship, kitbashed it (Changed the geometry of the ship and/or used the parts to create a new ship), changed the textures and then called it his own.

Now I have to say, someone doing something like this would piss me off too... Very much so. And I think it is very wrong. So the thread went on to have some other modeler say that if an artist/modeler designs a ship and does not want it kitbashed, then it shouldnt be. Then a different modeler said he wouldnt mind AS LONG AS he was notified and properly credited for the original. Some just disagreed on all points entirely... It turned into one HUGE flame mess... that had 2 threads... and went so far as to have some modelers wanting to 'lock' their models from being able to be kitbashed because of certain fellows refusing to give proper credit when credit is due.

So... as a server designer, Brez... I had a look into what it is like to WORK for the community and produce something others can enjoy. In fact, this is my second time doing so. So I stepped into your shoes, Brez to see this from your perspective.

Here's what I see... I see someone taking my models... changing the textures and inserting them into a D/L withought explaining nor asking me if it was ok. I see that it wasnt made clear that the models being used were mine and that this someone is seemingly taking credit for all the work I have done. I'm pissed. Now to top it all off, this person using my models is in fact the one person of all that I despise the most...

So Brez... I cant blame you, really. I now see it from your perspective, although I'm sure I only see a small fraction of what you see. And I cant imagine how you feel other than pissed off.

I can offer some excuses... Like the models were free D/L's and that there wernt any restrictions on who could use them or how... and that even the D/L page had instructions that if they were going to be used that you not 'leech' them from your site and 'hijack' your bandwidth but to repost them or mirror them somewhere else... And that when I first asked you to team with me on doing this server, you brushed me off so harshly I was afraid of contacting you again cuz u might really get pissed off with me buggong you. And that this isnt the first time a server has used the models, etc... etc... But excuses would just piss me off more if I were you and the excuses dont really address the issue here...

Now... here I am. Just having put myself in your shoes... And I realize you are upset and think I have a good idea why.

So here's what I am gonna do. I am gonna say that I could have told you what the server was all about and the reason I asked you to be part of the team in the first place was because of your models. I also should have made it more plainly clear to you what my intentions were. I also see your point on the textures I redid. You should have been contacted.

So I am guilty for those things. And I am sorry. I apologize.

I hope you see we are alike, Brez.. you and me... Thats maybe why we didnt get along for such a long time... We both had such differeing opinions on how to better the community and were at complete odds over our solutions to them that we fought and fought and fought. But know what? We both had the interests of the community at heart. We both wanted to better it.

You know... that kinda reminds me of the current situation here on the D2 forums with Tracey and DarkElf resigning... the split of peeps and all the other problems that have these former contributers to the community at odds with each other.

Its because they want to better the community, but are at odds with others who want to do the same, but see each others views as harful.

Brez... if anything happens here... I hope ppl see that you did these models for the players to enjoy and I did the same with my server design, so it can be enjoyed by the community. We both are in it together to improve it even tho we disagree and have done so in the past. So I hope others see that what they are doing is for the community and how the people they are at odds with are trying to do the same...

There was no malice towards you in my efforts, Brez. You have a right to be upset. Plz accept my aplogies for not aking you earlier.... May I use your models with altered textures? Please?

Who are you, and what have you done with Dizzy?  

Nice post dude.  


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #49 on: May 16, 2003, 03:10:15 pm »
Go away.....just everyone go away......


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #50 on: May 16, 2003, 03:35:49 pm »
Whatcha think Dan you gonna let us use them ???  Personnally I have never used any mods and quite frankly I was kinda looking foward to trying it. I would think there may be others that have never tried them either . They sound very cool please consider it.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #51 on: May 16, 2003, 03:41:00 pm »
fine. whatever. use them. Just leave me alone and let me cry.

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #52 on: May 16, 2003, 03:46:45 pm »

fine. whatever. use them. Just leave me alone and let me cry.  

Thank you Dan, your a good guy...



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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #53 on: May 16, 2003, 03:52:51 pm »
<S> Dan


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #54 on: May 16, 2003, 03:53:19 pm »

fine. whatever. use them. Just leave me alone and let me cry.  

MANY THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    Now can I interest you in a nice Baron or Apache ??? It will  be yours and yours only and you can fly it all over the D2 with only a few minor concerns  , whatcha think ???  Or should I just quit while im ahead ???


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #55 on: May 16, 2003, 04:06:15 pm »
my girlfriend left. get the [censored] hell away from me and leave me alone.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #56 on: May 16, 2003, 04:18:25 pm »

my girlfriend left. get the [censored] hell away from me and leave me alone.  

Yikes ! Sorry to bother you and best of luck to you ! It may hurt now but I hope it turns out to be something you can look back at and say "thankgod ! if that didnt happend I would have never met my true love!  "  Goodluck and thanks again !!

Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #57 on: May 16, 2003, 04:48:20 pm »

my girlfriend left. get the [censored] hell away from me and leave me alone.  


Please be careful.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #58 on: May 17, 2003, 01:35:31 am »

<thinks back 10 months...>


<image reels start playing in my head>

I feel your pain... but things happen for a reason.  She wasn't right...  It felt good, but there's someone better, but ya gotta hang in there.

btw... it rarely works to remain friends in situations like that, so just don't look back

I'll stfu now since I know my advice isn't wanted.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #59 on: May 17, 2003, 03:20:56 am »
*sigh* I just want to talk to her so much right now and find out the answers I don't know.

I've heard keeping busy is good...... anyone got the shiplist Ditzy is planning to use? I'd like to see what he's done to the Tholians.  


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #60 on: May 17, 2003, 03:37:07 am »
You know the old saying...

If you love something, set it free
If it comes back, it's yours
If it doesn't, hunt it down and kill it!!

Sorry, for the bad humour. My MSN is if you feel like chatting, Brez.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #61 on: May 17, 2003, 08:24:35 am »
Ummmmmmmmm......  oh, nevermind.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #62 on: May 17, 2003, 09:33:48 am »
Look guys, cut Dan some slack. He and Dizzy go way back with their animosity and if I remember correctly, the last time Dan posted here much he was quite suicidal. I'm glad he didn't do anything bad to himself. I'm glad they (he and Dizzy) decided to be civil. The last time was horrendous.


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #63 on: May 17, 2003, 09:36:50 am »

You know the old saying...

If you love something, set it free
If it comes back, it's yours
If it doesn't, hunt it down and kill it!!


I Love That One    


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #64 on: May 17, 2003, 11:21:36 pm »
OK, It's been a LOOOONG while since I posted, and I'm suprised my account is still active...


Brez - I recognized the Tholian models immediately, and was frankly extremely happy to finally see them getting some use!!!  So many great models done in this community end up going by the wayside - never finding regular use.  This is sad, as you guys  put a lot of work into these and there really should be an easier way for people to enjoy all this hard work.  I know that I particularly enjoyed showing off your TDN (with credits to you of course) flying next to the Robotech models a while back!  

More than a few here in the D2 forum are  very much looking forward to trying new things (i.e. Tholians) in SG3, and I am happy that you found it in your heart to let these people enjoy your handiwork, even though you and Dizzy may not see eye to eye.

So, in short, yes Dizzy crossed a line here, which he apologized for, so thank you for allowing the D2 community to use your models in SG3.  These are awesome models and need to be seen in action - as often as possible!

Thanks for listening!

Dizzy - I've been a fan of the Slave Girls server/storyline for a while now, even though I haven't been able to find the time to play on your server yet.  I was also overjoyed to hear that someone finally decided to take a crack at Tholians, as I have fond memories of playing them in SFB.  Nonetheless, I do think you owe Brez a courtesy here that has been overlooked.  

While I agree that the readme says "use these babies!", the rule of thumb in the modeling community (as explained to me) is that you get written permission to host someone elses' models before hosting them on your own server.  Otherwise, you should be directed to the source to grab these.  There are a number of reasons for this, and the modeling community knows these better than most of us.  Besides, this gives the modeler in question some 'free advertising' while you grab the models off of his site, bringing attention to his skills as a modeler.

The second courtesy that was overlooked (thank you for apologizing for this) is the texture modification thing.  The modeling community is VERY ADAMANT about not publicly modding other peoples models (excepting stock Taldren models) without first getting permission to do so.  While I'm sure that some people may modify their models privately, posting those modifications publicly (and/or making them publicly available) without publicly crediting the original modeler and having his permission to do so is (as was pointed out) consicered bad form.

I very much appreciate seeing your apology for this!

Edit:  I somehow missed page 2 earlier, so I didn't see the OK.  Sorry for digging this up.  I edited the post above to reflect this fact, and so that others might not make this mistake at a later date.

And I apologize for dropping in after the fact.  No one likes to reopen old wounds more than me...  and I like both Dizzy and Brezgonne/Dan hence my need to post!

Back to your regularly scheduled D2 chat!
« Last Edit: May 18, 2003, 12:47:09 am by EschelonOfJudgement »

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #65 on: June 25, 2004, 04:25:27 am »
WOW! Blast from the past thread!

This is a rare one. EVIL BUMP!


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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #66 on: June 25, 2004, 04:09:50 pm »
Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
 :rofl: :rofl:

These banner thingies are so cool. :lol:
« Last Edit: June 25, 2004, 04:22:26 pm by el-Karnak »

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #67 on: June 25, 2004, 05:26:49 pm »

The Diz v Brez wars have started again !!!!!!!!!

Brez just chill, Diz you too.

Brez if it had been anybody else would you have minded?

If not then there are plenty here who will say"please".

Kzinti Hegemony

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #68 on: June 25, 2004, 06:32:34 pm »

The Diz v Brez wars have started again !!!!!!!!!

Brez just chill, Diz you too.

Brez if it had been anybody else would you have minded?

If not then there are plenty here who will say"please".

I was gonna say, didn't this happen with the previous server that used Brez's ship models?
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« Reply #69 on: June 26, 2004, 01:29:58 am »
Guys can we please leave brez alone... If he wants to talk, he will... He said we could use his models, which imho is kind considering his situation...


Brez... If it makes you feel any better, I know what youre going through, even if its on a smaller level.. If you wana talk my aim is bball4u2k5 and my msn is


Its settled... Can we please not post on this thread any more? thanks
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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #70 on: June 26, 2004, 01:46:34 am »
Oh don't worry those posts were over 1 year ago.  Last I heard Brez is fine and well and had a couple of new lady friends that seemed to make any pain just plain vanish.  That was a few month's back but he seemed quite upbeat.

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #71 on: June 26, 2004, 01:48:39 am »
Ya, this thread is over a year old, lol... I just recently bumped them because the DB transfer from Taldren Forums put these posts on the 1st page.

There are a few other SG3 posts where I have gotten a few other unsuspecting players... lol.

Besides, this is a classic thread. We cant get rid of this!

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #72 on: June 26, 2004, 02:08:37 am »
Shoot I think i just pwn3d myself... Maybe thats my problem with girls... I dont pay attention to the details... screwy
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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #73 on: June 26, 2004, 04:02:34 am »
LOL I din't notice time stamps either, my bad.
Kzinti Hegemony

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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #74 on: June 26, 2004, 06:10:36 am »
He-he... looks like I was right.... it was from that server....
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Re: Dizzy, you @#$#$% jerk
« Reply #75 on: June 26, 2004, 04:31:52 pm »
its k gook we both pwn3d ourselves...
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