Topic: GSA Problem last night...............  (Read 1850 times)

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GSA Problem last night...............
« on: May 14, 2003, 09:41:05 am »
Flying in my favorite match level(55 Early) I noticed something strange with my G2C.  I was buring along at 31 headed for the evil enemy(Hondo, Walleye, and Maxillius) to ISC Police frigates and a Hydran Hunter.  After I flipped out a couple of drones at them(they all seemed fixated with my fine ship) I headed away to let their plasma expend themselves.  Then I noticed they(the ships) seemed to be gaining on me......whats the deal....are they going speed 40 or something......nope, I'm only going 26.

I'm not sure exactly what happened I thought maybe Kroma(even though he was on my side) was trying out a new anti-Klingon cripple beam or something but when I looked at my energy panel I noticed that my "Other" energy was 7!!!!  Yikes!!!  why so high  It's a G2  Looking around at everything it was just going nowhere.  Needless to say when I was reduced to 5 power I was dead in the water.

I did survive and blow up walleye(he was already dead I just finished it or he SD'd)  Chased Hondo down after my engines regenerated themselves and actually ended the mission firing probes as weapons with mo other usable systems at all.

Fun fun fun.

anyway, has anyone else seen such high "other" power usage on such a small ship????  


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Re: GSA Problem last night...............
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2003, 09:43:13 am »
You may have hit the "I" key.  


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Re: GSA Problem last night...............
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2003, 09:51:47 am »
No, I checked that too.  My deep scan wasn't on.  


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Re: GSA Problem last night...............
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2003, 10:03:57 am »
Don't you Klinks know to unplug the microwave in the galley before battle?


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Re: GSA Problem last night...............
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2003, 10:07:49 am »
Here I am flying around minding my own buisness, when I get jumped by a klink a ballereina, and a lawyer. Lucky for me Walleye and Maxillius were also in the area. Well things start going pretty good, the lawyer started following me, transmiting good Hospitals in the sector and that if I got hurt in this exchange of plasma and photons I could sue some one. Well Im in an ISC ship, tough little buggers so I figured that these three space balls, jumped the wrong guys. Well after a some dancing, the ballerina said We needed lessons, and if I would just stop my ship he would show me where my steps were wrong. I sat in my small hot tub, thinking about his offer when my scanners picked up " Where The Hell Did that Scatter Pack come From." Max was driffting by in an escape pod away from the sneaky Mace. Well little poor me starts looking for Walleye and figures I better get over there pronto, so we start flying in formation, taking pot shots when we can, on the lawyer and the ballerina. The sneaky mace was dead in space so posed no threat. Well luck would have it that the lawyer brough an injucture with him forcing Walleye and myself from flying togther, so we spilt up ( Hondo gets suckered into looping around to finish of Mace) Well as I approach mace I fire my phaser and see that the sneaky bastard aint as hurt as I thought, and thats when I nottice Walleye has been phaser beaten by the lawyer and ballarina. These was horrible, I set course for Walleye who is dishing it out the best one can in a Hydran ship with a bvb of 55. Well I get there and im not much help couse J'inn is transmitting Figures to Walleye for damages, stress, and injuries that the ballarina has just coused him. I decide its time to leave and forget this horible mess. So here I am going away, with the lawer and ballerina chortling over the magic photons and that Sneaky Mace is up and running me down agin. Well to make a long story short, mace is pestering me so I swatted him with my two phaser 1s and leave him with probes, by this time J'inn and Kroma are close for my plasma F so Kroma with the one having the most damage gets my plasma, crippling his ship, and the lawer with his pristen ship, grabs me in a tractor and launches a scatter pack. BOOOM.   Very fun guys. Looking forward to getting home tonight to play some more.



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Re: GSA Problem last night...............
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2003, 10:25:05 am »
The other two games we had were a blast too.  Though I wonder what Max was thinking steping into a WB+ in the last game.

I don't know who that guy was you killed on D2 with that thing(maybe he was a Klingon who couldn't bear to be in spandex anymore), but if you bring it out and I'm in.....well anything, you're gonna go home in a bodybag.


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Re: GSA Problem last night...............
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2003, 11:27:17 am »

The other two games we had were a blast too.  Though I wonder what Max was thinking steping into a WB+ in the last game.

I don't know who that guy was you killed on D2 with that thing(maybe he was a Klingon who couldn't bear to be in spandex anymore), but if you bring it out and I'm in.....well anything, you're gonna go home in a bodybag.  

I was thinking I wasn't gonna have to worry about no stupid black hole!!! LOL  My first game yesterday I dusted off a Lyran CL in my WB+.  Then after that I got Rolling in her Fred FFD (I think she ran out of Roling Pins ) with the same ship.  Seems y'all are a bunch of great pilots!  Can't wait to do it again!  


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Re: GSA Problem last night...............
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2003, 11:37:09 am »
Yeah guys was a blast....never though GSA could be so fun....guess it is the company you keep that makes the difference.  


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Re: GSA Problem last night...............
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2003, 11:41:08 am »
speaking of GSA... I'm there now...

who wants some missiles?


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Re: GSA Problem last night...............
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2003, 11:42:00 am »
coming dear


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Re: GSA Problem last night...............
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2003, 11:45:00 am »

speaking of GSA... I'm there now...

who wants some missiles?  

Wish I could, but I'm at RLW right now  :-(

I'll be on again tonight though, Same Klingon time, Same Klingon channel!!


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Re: GSA Problem last night...............
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2003, 09:21:15 pm »
So there I was flyin this hydran frig with dual fusion beamers, I set them to overload of course beacause they are worthless on normal. I got one shot off on someone I don't remember who. After recharging and taking a few hull shots myself I quickly found out that I was way to slow to range zero anybody. So I'm flyin around thinkin I got jack unless I can overload these things now what, when I see Mace sneaking up on me. Then I thought hey I'll just let him snek in close, HET, and let him have both barrels range zero. Always looking for the potential for maximum damage I figured since he only had 2 missle launchers I could fire my phasers in his face before I spun around and use defensive tractors as I flew over him. As soon as he saw me HET he launched missles and I found out the hard way that in fact I had no tractors they were destroyed. I took those missles right down the gullet and they floored me. Either they were type IV's or Hydrans are made of plastic I dunno.


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Re: GSA Problem last night...............
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2003, 10:14:30 pm »
they weren't IV's