What no pictures of my 2nd attempt at self scrifice to the God of War in my G-CDD?!?!?
This one worked by the way.
Seeing the heinous Romulan K10R(don't know how they can ruin a perfectly good battleship) headed my way, I stategically hit the "W" button instead of "S"(who needs speed anyway, he's a stupid Rom) Stopped and bravely awaited the advance of the monster with only a spoon in hand to defend myself!!!!!
It was glorious!!!! I did manage to get a couple of suicide shuttles into him before I died in a big Gorn pooch of smoke.
Shorlty thereafter, Walleye in his Deformed battleship exploded in a shroud of shame.
Of course I redeemed myslef when Walleye, Kroma and I showed the Fed flying Hondo, J'inn and Matsukasi just why the C7 needs to be banned.....but thats another story.