Topic: Goodness we are all in trouble  (Read 2373 times)

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SSCF Hooch

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Goodness we are all in trouble
« on: May 13, 2003, 06:31:37 pm »
SSCF Hooch sat in his chair on the stage thinking to himself ?too much starch again?

Seated around him where those he considered the soul of the Federation, Captain Jeff, Bach, Ghis, Nanner, Lister and countless others whom he had grown to respect and admire.

Hondo was delivering the final address to the gathered forces of the Federation. ?wow, he mused, Hondo does clean up pretty well when made too? He thought to himself

As Hondo made his finishing remarks Hooch began to sweat profusely

?Ok Hooch settle down you have been promoted before, no big deal, just a new job, with new possibilities? he muttered to himself, Bach seated next to Hooch turned and look at him with a smirk that seemed to be mirth and mocking all at the same time.

At that moment Hondo turned to look at Hooch, ?and now I would like to present SSCF Hooch to this assembly?

Hooch began to rise and walk to the center of the stage, what he had not noticed was that someone had quietly tied is right leg to the chair allowing him just enough line to walk three paces before catching.

Just as he reached the center the line went taunt and jerked his leg in mid stride, and with a loud thud he un-ceremonially landed face first at Hondo?s feet.

Hondo, smiling broadly turned and announced to the entire Federation Fleets

?May I present to you the new Federation RM, SSCF Hooch?

Laughter was heard for  three blocks around Star Fleet HQ?

?Lovely?? was Hooch only comment
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SSCF Hooch »


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Re: Goodness we are all in trouble
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2003, 06:37:56 pm »
Congrats, Hooch.



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Re: Goodness we are all in trouble
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2003, 06:41:45 pm »



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Re: Goodness we are all in trouble
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2003, 07:39:48 pm »
 Congratulations.  I work at a hospital.  I can get you a discount on antacid.  

 You have just joined an elite fraternity of people I will or have killed.  Welcome.



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Re: Goodness we are all in trouble
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2003, 07:48:00 pm »
Congrats hooch

Fraticide is now open.

or is that Fredicide ?  


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Re: Goodness we are all in trouble
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2003, 07:58:25 pm »

 Congratulations.  I work at a hospital.  I can get you a discount on antacid.  

 You have just joined an elite fraternity of people I will or have killed.  Welcome.


Gwarlock...we all know you don't work at a hospital.  You live in a hospital.  There's a difference, and it's not just a slight one.


SSCF Hooch

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Federation RM's first general directive
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2003, 08:03:29 pm »

Congrats hooch

Fraticide is now open.

or is that Fredicide ?  

By order of the high command: The War Criminal known a KBF Dogmatix is to not be killed on sight, (beaten stupid yes) but not killed. After said beating, his hulled ship is to be towed to sector 001 for display and he is to be placed in iron cage for the beast that he is.

   DAS IST KLAR mine Uber Troopen? Hier Dogmatix ist nicht kaput, das ist verbooten! Heir Toten ist kaput ya! Das is gut und wunderba . (or some'n like dat)

Yer pal



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Re: Goodness we are all in trouble
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2003, 09:08:06 pm »
SSCF Fleet Captain Rolling sat in the audience listening to Hondo speak.

Well, it had happened.... SSCF own Hooch was being promoted as the new RM for the Federation.

At that moment Hondo turned to look at Hooch, ?and now I would like to present SSCF Hooch to this assembly?

Hooch stood up and started walking toward the podium then suddenly disappeared.

"Uh-oh!!!", Kimberly thought to herself.

?May I present to you the new Federation RM, SSCF Hooch?

Laughter was heard for three blocks around Star Fleet HQ?

?Lovely?? was Hooch only comment.

Kimberly shook her head and thought "Well, I guess I had better schedule more time for Hooch's counseling sessions."

Congrats Hooch <S>

Rob Cole

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Re: Goodness we are all in trouble
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2003, 11:13:36 pm »

 Congratulations.  I work at a hospital.  I can get you a discount on antacid.  

 You have just joined an elite fraternity of people I will or have killed.  Welcome.


Ya aint never killed me.In fact we have never met on the D2 methinks.


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Re: Goodness we are all in trouble
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2003, 11:34:36 pm »
He's never come close to killing me, either.  His arse did get saved by Jess shtting down my computer in the middle of a match, though.  It's just as well, I was late for work.  

My recollection is that I claimed his hull a couple of times on CW Fun II (the one where we turned Gorn Space into The Republic of Gow), but I believe Gwarlock denies that....  



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Re: Goodness we are all in trouble
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2003, 12:05:14 am »

He's never come close to killing me, either.  His arse did get saved by Jess shtting down my computer in the middle of a match, though.  It's just as well, I was late for work.  

My recollection is that I claimed his hull a couple of times on CW Fun II (the one where we turned Gorn Space into The Republic of Gow), but I believe Gwarlock denies that....  


History is written by the winners, my ridge headed friend.   Ahh, the memories:

   CW4(?) I think it was.  A massive Klingon armada marching unopposed through Gorn sovereign space.  Mostly heavy battlecruisers, sprinkled with a few dreads.  A fearsome sight indeed.  Was this the end of the Confederation?  A sprinkling of a few seasoned pilots, a few converts, and some plain green recruits said 'NO!' to the onslaught.  Equipping themselves with the remnants of the meager Gorn navy, they began to slow, then stop the invasion entirely.  Pilots were known to climb out of a lifepod, and climb into the next available vessel, even freighters, to reengage at the front.  Glorious times, glorious battles.  It spawned the birth of the GDA.  The tenacity of the few repelled the onslaught of the many, and most went to find easier pickings among the Federation lines.  During that one, I lost 6 ships to you alone, 2 to you and JM, and about 5 to the rest of your KBF mates.  I was just starting then.  I've learned a bit about battle.  It's no disgrace to lose to one of the best pilots on the dyna.  But make no mistake, my friend, I will display your broken hull on my homeworld yet.



   P.S.  Did I come across as too butch - err, Klinkon?


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Re: Goodness we are all in trouble
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2003, 12:15:17 am »

   P.S.  Did I come across as too butch - err, Klinkon?  

That's it Warlock!!!! I ain't have'n you talking no trash about Kroma's Bitches Forsale (KBF). My Hoes ain't butch, they is sweet little ladies. Now if you want a piece of their sweet little Klingon arses you gots to pay likes everybody else.

Pimp Daddy Kroma
aka He's one bad mutha.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kroma_BaSyl »


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Re: Goodness we are all in trouble
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2003, 02:40:35 am »



   P.S.  Did I come across as too butch - err, Klinkon?  

LOL, Our first meeting you told me you would wear my Goatee as a necklace.  Did not turn out that way but still one of the funniest things ever said to me.


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Re: Goodness we are all in trouble
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2003, 03:05:24 am »
 As most who fought me know,  I talk a great game.  Look forward to more.  I've had quite a while to think up new insults.



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Re: Goodness we are all in trouble
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2003, 10:59:23 am »


   P.S.  Did I come across as too butch - err, Klinkon?  

That's it Warlock!!!! I ain't have'n you talking no trash about Kroma's Bitches Forsale (KBF). My Hoes ain't butch, they is sweet little ladies. Now if you want a piece of their sweet little Klingon arses you gots to pay likes everybody else.

Pimp Daddy Kroma
aka He's one bad mutha.  

Oh you are so dead fat boy !!!

New Hunting  List for SG3
(1) Kroma
(2) Dizzy
(3) Thrain

You just made # 1 fat boy/girl  


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Re: Goodness we are all in trouble
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2003, 11:10:51 am »



   P.S.  Did I come across as too butch - err, Klinkon?  

That's it Warlock!!!! I ain't have'n you talking no trash about Kroma's Bitches Forsale (KBF). My Hoes ain't butch, they is sweet little ladies. Now if you want a piece of their sweet little Klingon arses you gots to pay likes everybody else.

Pimp Daddy Kroma
aka He's one bad mutha.  

Oh you are so dead fat boy !!!

New Hunting  List for SG3
(1) Kroma
(2) Dizzy
(3) Thrain

You just made # 1 fat boy/girl  

Hondo scans the list, then tacks up one of his own.

1 Warsears
2 JD
3 Thrain