The Scimitar design that we took from the Remans is now loaded with the best Federation tech avaliable, Quantum Torpedoes, Phaser XII F, Federation Starbase Warp Ccres (Modified), and the rest of the top of the line Federation tech. Commanded by Admiral Marcus, this new Federation Starship has been launched as the
Marcus Aurelius, And is a formidable foe to all of our enemys.
It took like 20 tries, but I finally configured the Scimitar moddel found in the Nemesis add-on to be available to the Federation. Some new lines in Default_core and Default_Loadout with some copying from Custom_loadout has brought out a killer.
One problem.
In Terran: Incognito, My Federation Refitted Starship replaced the Warbird that was suposed to be there (!!!). I just hope it doesnt show up anywhere else...
Tomorrow's project, Make a Klingon version...