Topic: Atolm ships comming to BC-Hydran corsair ingame-attn thulls  (Read 1119 times)

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First up, the hydran corsair:
This will be next up in our "ships for modding" catagory. Whichs means I port them as-is, someone else can mod them.

excelcior C, both threasholds, windrunner, fulcrum, and others to fallow. I got a volunteer over at BCU to do lightmaps for atolms latest connie variant and the pre-tos endeavour.


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Re: Atolm ships comming to BC-Hydran corsair ingame-attn thulls
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2003, 04:09:06 am »
looks rather pr0 i dont mean to be offensive but i wouldnt have quessed its atolms without the reminder , i mean, his so new to this still.... and BOX MODELING THE SHIPS!!