Topic: Looking for a Ground-Up Tutorial on Models  (Read 2020 times)

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Looking for a Ground-Up Tutorial on Models
« on: May 13, 2003, 07:43:25 am »
Hi everyone...

Given the built-in ability to insert models into SG3, and my long standing interest in the subject in general (my wish is to be able to create a single-player campaign with ED TG EEK missions, custom models, no historic missions, plus a very large campaign map)

Anyway, I have stayed away from this because in general, if I am participating in any d2 campaign, that campaign effectively becomes the game for me (ei the installed mods never get uninstalled until the campaign is over).  This time, I am also trying to 'sell' this game to a few of my old SFB companions, so any little bit of amazement factor I can bring to bear would be helpful.  Most of them are not particularly tech oriented, and while I am, I have never attempted to mod this game with models.

Any links or tips, or better yet, links to models (federation and klingon especially)  would be greatly appreciated.  I only have EAW right now, but if and when I get a chance at OP I will likely grab it as well, if only for the extra tech I have seen hints of (heavy photons? sign me up for some of those!)  I am a little more partial to the movie generation of models than the originals, but also have an interest in collecting them all and burning them on CDs for future use.

Hopefully with an idea of what I wish to accomplish, someone out there can help me out.  Thanks... see you in SG3!



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Re: Looking for a Ground-Up Tutorial on Models
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2003, 07:48:25 am »

Can't wait to fly with ya!!



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Re: Looking for a Ground-Up Tutorial on Models
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2003, 08:00:00 am »


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Re: Looking for a Ground-Up Tutorial on Models
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2003, 08:15:30 am »
Wanderer knows all about models, Paladin. He has some excellant tutorials he has discovered over time from the net and has copies of them. He's the man to see...


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Re: Looking for a Ground-Up Tutorial on Models
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2003, 08:16:53 am »
Well this thread has a lot of info and links to the major sites. Also, checkout they just started a file library for models and you should checkout the taldren models forum.


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Re: Looking for a Ground-Up Tutorial on Models
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2003, 08:26:21 am »
Thanks - good to see you, Tracey  


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Re: Looking for a Ground-Up Tutorial on Models
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2003, 08:56:34 am »
Speaking of models, I was palying last night in a game with Hangnail, Kurok, Sears, and Kroma(unfortunate I know)
and we saw the old Mace has different models messages in the setup portion  

Granted, I have probably 90% non-stock models but I thought they fixed that.

Working with Models are pretty simple once you get into it.  Thats the hard part.  What I did was just drug and dropped my entire models directory to my Temp directory for backup purposes and then if I screwd something up(frequently) all I had to do was copy over the old model folder to the new one.

The key to the models are to .mod files for each model.  One is the model as you see it in play ex kca.mod.  the other is as you hope not to see it(unless it's the other guy) the break model(shown when it blows up) ex kca_brk.mod

As long as these match what is in the shiplist file then it will show that model and as long as you don't change the shiplist file you can play online without a problem.  So, you have to change nomes of files in the models directory.  For example to use this cool D5W model Dog sent me, all I had to do was unzip it to the /assets/models/kcl directory then remane the d5w.mod and d5w_brk.mod files to kcl.mod and kcl_brk.mod and when I played a D5W my new model was there.  If I don't like the model I just go to my backup in the temp directory and drag out the kcl directory and drop in back in the models directory overwriting the new model.

It's also good to have something like shipedit to look at what model the ship actually uses(the romulans are really screwed up sparrowhark is rln).

as for model locations,  I've been on the hunt for a while now and here is what I've found.   Great one check out the links page as well

and there are more out there you've just got to dig.



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Re: Looking for a Ground-Up Tutorial on Models
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2003, 09:19:13 am »

Speaking of models, I was palying last night in a game with Hangnail, Kurok, Sears, and Kroma(unfortunate I know)


Unfortunate because now, all your KBF asses are belong to Kroma.  

With my new stable of Klingon Bitches Fornicating, I should be able to give pimp daddy Warlock a run for his money.


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Re: Looking for a Ground-Up Tutorial on Models
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2003, 09:26:39 am »


Speaking of models, I was palying last night in a game with Hangnail, Kurok, Sears, and Kroma(unfortunate I know)


Unfortunate because now, all your KBF asses are belong to Kroma.  

With my new stable of Klingon Bitches Fornicating, I should be able to give pimp daddy Warlock a run for his money.  

You got lucky punk!!!  Who in their right mind HET's in a DNH.  But I've got to hand it to you, you pulled it off.


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Re: Looking for a Ground-Up Tutorial on Models
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2003, 10:57:24 am »

You got lucky punk!!!

Everyone gets lucky with slutty drunk Klingons.


 Who in their right mind HET's in a DNH.  

"Right mind" and "Kroma", first mistake.


But I've got to hand it to you, you pulled it off.  

Only thing I pulled off was your panties and my tutu. Sorry about going dry, while I figured I knew what the BF in KBF really stood for, I always thought the K still stood for Klingon. Now that I know it is for "KY" I'll be sure to go easier on you girls. Don't want to wear out my new bitches to early.

aka Coalition Recruiting Poster Boy

PS, maybe we could change KBF to "Kroma's Bitches Forsale"