Topic: Coming up.. Minbari Sharlin, EA Omega Class, ISA Whitestar & Battlecrab for SFC3  (Read 2348 times)

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Managed to get onto a machine at work today that could run the glowtools and glowed the EA Omega, black glowed the Shadow Battlecrab, and got some more work on the Whitestar done.

Whitestar: UI and glows complete, BS/TI/VL complete, damage 95% complete (I think, could be 100%)

EA Omega: UI and glows complete, need to check BS/TI/VL shots, damage 50% complete.

Sharlin: Glows (such as they are) complete, UI 0%, BS/TI/VL complete, damage 100% complete.

Battlecrab: Black glows complete, UI 0%, BS/TI/VL complete, damage 25% complete.

ISA Victory: UI and glows complete, BS/TI/VL complete, damage 75% complete.

Just thought that everyone would like an update.


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OH JOY!!!!!! Keep them coming!!!


  • Guest
can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wai. Yahoooooooooooooooooot


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can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wait, can't wai. Yahoooooooooooooooooot  

Just finished the updates on the Sharlin.. and also just completed a newer nose texture of the one that I did for Pataflafla sort of as a tribute.. his own personal EA Omega San Jacinto.  That'll be included as a texture with the SFC 3 version, and the current SFC 2 version will be updated.. as well a SFC 1 version is also going to be released for the first time.  Going to try and release some of what I've worked on in the past few weeks tonight.. as it's a day off.

I've also been playing around a little bit with the Starlancer demo, and found out how to mod the music (have replaced it all with stuff from Babylon 5).  I haven't been able to mod the ships in there yet, but that's only because I can't access the game in anything other than software mode.. and the tools require hardware mode.  Welcome to Windows XP and the nVidia Detonator drivers.  Locks the computer solid when I try to run Detonator drivers, and the Detonator drivers are pretty well required to get DirectX running properly under XP.  This is also why I can't run the glowtools.  

On the plus side, I got SFC 2 working today manually editing SFC.INI (because the setup utility isn't working for some reason) and getting everything set in software mode/640x480.  So I can test ships again ingame (once I reduce the color level of the textures to 256).  Not being able to test ingame was getting to be upsetting because I didn't know if everything that I was releasing was working properly or not.. now I can at least check in SFC 2.  I'm going to start replacing the stock Trek ships in the new installation (except what I am currently testing) with the ships from Babylon 5 so that I can get the whole experience soon.    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by atheorhaven »


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Okay, the webpages aren't up to date yet, but here's the direct link to what I've just finished tonight for SFC 3/Babylon 5:

ISA Victory

Minbari Sharlin

And here's the beauty shot from the SFC 3 version of the Omega (consider it a teaser).

For SFC 1, I just finished the conversion of the Whitestar to SFC 1 as well.. (may have done it before, but it's done again now)

Also finished up a Trek ship.. more in that section..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by atheorhaven »


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Ships look bloody beautiful!
One odd thing(and pardon the semi newbie-ness here) But how come there are no Specfiles for the ships? Do I get tehm seperately, or write my own?  I gotta get em, cause I have waited YEARS to see the Victory Class in all her Glory!
9/10 Model!


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Thanks Atheorhaven; very nice work...



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Ships look bloody beautiful!
One odd thing(and pardon the semi newbie-ness here) But how come there are no Specfiles for the ships? Do I get tehm seperately, or write my own?  I gotta get em, cause I have waited YEARS to see the Victory Class in all her Glory!
9/10 Model!  

If you can post a screenie of it in SFC 3, I'd sure appreciate that..

The reason that there are no specfiles is simply because I've not (to date) found any docs on how to write them.  If I knew how, I'd include them.  Sorry about that... but maybe someone else here like ancientangel knows how to do them.  


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Give me a little time, And I'll write you up some spec files. it's going to take a while anda  lot of Guess work, but I thik I can do it


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I got Specs! i got Pics! Cut and Paste teh Links to have a looksey!
*Also, feel free to Copy them to better webspace, Just give Credit to Vestras*

atheorhaven, Feel free to add the specs to your Files, If you need tweaks let me know, Also, I have no idea how to fix the glow effects flying off on their own out there.  


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I got Specs! i got Pics! Cut and Paste teh Links to have a looksey!  

Awesome pics..  The ship looks great ingame..  This is what I was hoping for.. a chance to see what this looks like ingame in SFC 3..


*Also, feel free to Copy them to better webspace, Just give Credit to Vestras*  

I've saved these to my HD, and will post these at my site..


atheorhaven, Feel free to add the specs to your Files, If you need tweaks let me know, Also, I have no idea how to fix the glow effects flying off on their own out there.    

I'll certainly add the spec into the file, plus post a link to the seperately.  And as for the glow effects taking off on their own.. that's happening because the game recached the ship again and made it smaller, which is what I was worried about.  The glows out on their own are the original engine placements, so it looks like it chopped the ship down roughly 35-45% in size just guessing from the visuals.  I'll try and think how to fix this one..

And do me a big favor.. write me a tutorial on specs now.  You already know more than I do on this.. and I'd like to find out how to do these too.  'Kay?  

Captain KoraH

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atheorhaven, I want to run a special 3 day event on my Dynaverse 3 server, with ships from other Sci-Fi series. May I have your permission to distribute some of your models to people so they can play with them on my server?  


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atheorhaven, I want to run a special 3 day event on my Dynaverse 3 server, with ships from other Sci-Fi series. May I have your permission to distribute some of your models to people so they can play with them on my server?  

If you're asking to download and use the models, please go ahead.  The models on my site (namely Mare Imbrium proper) were all worked on by me, so I guess that I can say "go for it".  I just want a screenie or two.    Especially if you use my TARDIS, I haven't seen it in SFC 3 yet..

The models on the "Pseudo-Station" with the exception of the models worked on by me are free to download and use, but if you're in doubt, always check the credits.  The ones on the "Pseudo-Station" that I did work on are mostly the ones on my main site anyways, I just mirrored them there for completeness. (Though I may go back and re-edit the webpages for those ships to point to my site area, and then free the server space back up)..  I think the only condition with these is that if you're going to put them up for download on another site, you have to talk to Kane first about mirroring these.  Some of the meshes he got conditional permission to put up only as long as his site was the only one that they were on.

But if you can wait until tomorrow, I'll try to have two more at least done for you.. and it'll probably be three.  (One of these is going to be easy to do).  Oh!  One thing I do ask though.. if you have specfiles created, could you email those to me?  Then I can add those to the SFC 3 versions on the site.  I am *so* going to have to learn how to specfile..

Captain KoraH

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Thanks a ton! Check out the D3 forums for my announcement of the upcoming event this weekend, and on Monday for feedback of how it went and how people liked the ships!