Topic: The Larson Mark I and Mark II ***Image Heavy***  (Read 1864 times)

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Rogue NineCH

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The Larson Mark I and Mark II ***Image Heavy***
« on: May 06, 2003, 10:36:08 pm »
Here are the in game screenshots of the ships available for d/l at my Site.  I am not the best a taking screenies, but I thought these turned out well.   Rogue Shipyards
The USS Larson (TOS)
The USS Larson (TMP)


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Re: The Larson Mark I and Mark II ***Image Heavy***
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2003, 05:22:28 am »
Looks great, its about time we got some more FASA ships in here.

I only have one issue (and this goes with the Locknars too im afraid) The Nacelle struts from the TOS look exactly the same from the TMP one. it looks like you only swapped the saucer textures...if  you have an issue with it, ill be happy to tex bash em a lil to fix that.


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Re: The Larson Mark I and Mark II ***Image Heavy***
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2003, 10:09:15 am »
That's an issue with the P81 model I'm affraid, when he made them he made both versions of each ship at the same time so he reused the TMP textures on the TOS ships, I'm getting the Loknar and Larson now (used to have em but lost em ages ago) and I'm gonna put P81's 3rd version nacelles on em and bash complete retextures using Pataflafla's textures as a base like with the Kijev.

Captain KoraH

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Re: The Larson Mark I and Mark II ***Image Heavy***
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2003, 12:12:19 pm »
Awesome ships! I love the Larson and most of the FASA ships.  

Rogue NineCH

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Re: The Larson Mark I and Mark II ***Image Heavy***
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2003, 12:45:44 am »

Looks great, its about time we got some more FASA ships in here.

I only have one issue (and this goes with the Locknars too im afraid) The Nacelle struts from the TOS look exactly the same from the TMP one. it looks like you only swapped the saucer textures...if  you have an issue with it, ill be happy to tex bash em a lil to fix that.  

I just want to let you know that I am only hosting these ships, I have not made any changes to anything.  You're right about the struts, when P81 made these, I'm sure he decided just to change the textures rather than make an entirely new model.  Saved him time, back when he was cranking these ships out like crazy.  If you look at the original Fasa pics, they look essentially the same anyway, the only difference was the warp engine, P81 toook it farther than that.


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Re: The Larson Mark I and Mark II ***Image Heavy***
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2003, 11:18:19 am »
Actually the meshes are significantly different, aside from the nacelles, P81 would have had to reshape or atleast rescale the rear 'shelf' of the ship (and the Loknar) to accomodate his MkII Connie TMP saucer. no texture swapping would have been done as the TOS connie mesh is too different to disguise as a TMP version. Actually FASA never made a TMP Larson, it was designed later, there's a schematic I used to have lying around and it looked like a Phase II ship


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Re: The Larson Mark I and Mark II ***Image Heavy***
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2003, 09:38:28 am »
My Larson wasn't good enough?


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Re: The Larson Mark I and Mark II ***Image Heavy***
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2003, 10:06:48 am »

My Larson wasn't good enough?

DDeridex, that is an awesome vessel! Was this ever released? I like the torpedo launcher idea.  


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Re: The Larson Mark I and Mark II ***Image Heavy***
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2003, 11:21:14 am »

My Larson wasn't good enough?

Not good enough? That's not really the point, just because one person releases and Enterprise don't mean no one else should does it? You're ship's great, but this one is just much closer to what the FASA Larson looks like, oh and it was released about 3 years ago now, this is a re-release.


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Re: The Larson Mark I and Mark II ***Image Heavy***
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2003, 01:39:27 pm »

much closer to what the FASA Larson looks like

True, but it's missing some fairly important features, such as shuttlebays and torpedo tubes.

As to the Larson - yeah, it's up on my site under the 'Programs, Etc' section.  


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Re: The Larson Mark I and Mark II ***Image Heavy***
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2003, 03:36:49 pm »

As to the Larson - yeah, it's up on my site under the 'Programs, Etc' section.

Excellent. I'm going straight to your site to get that ship!

Guys, I have to say, it's truely an excellent thing that we have such variety & choice on vessels we can choose from to make our gamplay more interesting. Some of us want FASA oriented vessels, others of us want TOS, TMP, and TNG correct ships. And there are those that want imaginative variations of all of these. It's cool that we are given a choice. Thanks to the modelers!! I will get off of my soap box now, before someone beams me with a rotten egg...