Topic: Enterprise soooo boring  (Read 3173 times)

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Enterprise soooo boring
« on: May 12, 2003, 03:34:25 pm »
Figured I would actually watch an episode to see what you lot are always moaning about.

So the doctor has to find a way to treat one of his race's old enemies.  Mutual hatred you see.  What should he do?!  Despite all that animosity there's no prizes for guessing that by the end of the show they kiss and make up.  How trite.  How utterly unimaginative and unoriginal.  And unsubtle.  Oh yes, apparently the writers feel that it's necessary to ram home that moral message about how we should all just get along and how racism is a bad thing.  Poor old doctor, despite his best efforts one of his kids ran off and joined the BNP whoops I mean the "we think aliens are a bad thing" party.

Perhaps if the writers spent their time actually thinking up interesting storylines instead of "what can we teach the dumb kids who watch this show next week" then maybe it would be worth watching.  Personally I would have put in a twist at the end... made the doctor a raving racist who admitted his sob story about his children was just a big lie he told to trick the poor sod into allowing the operation...  it would all be so much better if the characters had some real flaws, instead of being bland robots.

Oh yeah, the "sub plot" was that three of the other crewmembers got to spend the whole episode crawling through some caves on their hands and knees.

Gripping stuff here.  Really really gripping.  Seriously you guys, you get more mature plots on the Cartoon Network..


Alidar Jarok

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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2003, 04:08:39 pm »
Maybe you should ask when a good episode will be on (although that one wasn't bad)

What are your top 5 episodes from the other series?


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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2003, 04:13:21 pm »
If you don't like that kind of episode, how did you manage to watch TNG? or TOS for that matter, because there are a 100 other episodes just like that one. Personally, I didn't think it was that bad, a nice change from the all-action episodes they've been running recently. The Happy Ending(TM) comes with pretty much every episode of Trek.

Probably good timing in this country actually, as we seem to be heading towards becoming the next Germany. As the message the writers were trying to get across is the one thing this country(the UK for those not following) doesn't seem to understand.


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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2003, 07:10:53 pm »
^Not the next Germany so much as the next British Empire.  Same concept, but without the racial hatred and genocide.  


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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2003, 07:47:27 pm »
this whole moral thing is an integral part of star trek and always has been if you dont like it then you dont like trek  

Captain KoraH

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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2003, 02:39:38 am »
I think anyone who sees Enterprise as boring is probably looking too hard for some special meaning or hidden point. It's a pretty trite and pedantic attitude of people nowadays to overanalyze things, especially Enterprise episodes. It's not a 4000 page L. Ron Hubbard novel, just watch it and have fun for an hour.  

Credo Narth

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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2003, 02:54:05 am »
Surely you mean we're becoming the next Brittas Empire. Blair is a little like old Brittas, don't you think?

Besides, we're just poodles to the Americans these days. And love or hate what the Americans are doing, nobody likes an a$$ licker...

I'd quite like to see an L. Ron Hubbard novel plot compressed into an Enterprise episode. Only kidding. My personal view is that Enterprise's first seasons are as goods as, or better, than any of the TNG shows, the TNG shows have just had several seasons to get into their stride, is all. The only series I can think of that's better is Buffy. Oops, did I just say that?

Watching Enterprise takes a few episodes to get into. Watch a few more and you may find yourself liking it.


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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2003, 04:49:48 am »

If you don't like that kind of episode, how did you manage to watch TNG? or TOS for that matter, because there are a 100 other episodes just like that one.

That was kind of my point.  I've seen it all before a million times.  I was hoping they might try to be a bit more adventurous instead of sticking to the same old formula.  Instead the plot just plods along in a highly predictable way.  There are no plot twists.  There's no tension or suspense.  No surprises.  I'm not even interested in any of the characters (except Jolene Blalock, for obvious reasons) because they are like cardboard.

As for the moral message, well the original TOS had that to some extent but nowhere near as much as TNG did.  Enterprise seems even worse.  It can only be a matter of time before Captain Archer gets a 3 minute slot after the credits have rolled to look directly at the camera and say "Now kids, remember to brush your teeth three times a day and always look both ways before crossing the road".

Perhaps the "real" answer to your question though is that when I watched TOS on TV I was only 8 years old.  And TNG was also a looong time ago.  Now I expect something a little more mature.

What the thing needs is some more adult (i.e. mature) themes.  Maybe the Korean woman should start a clandestine relationship with Archer that they have to keep secret from the rest of the crew.  Both you and I know that the thing that most people think about the most is members of the opposite sex.  So why is this type of social interaction totally absent from Star Trek?  Let's see the engineer turn out to be gay.  And when the know-it-all helmsman makes a mistake, someone should die as a result (not be miraculously saved by the alien doctor who happens to know everything about everything) and this should completely change his character for the worse.  Maybe make him start drinking.  Someone on board should have a secret narcotics addiction.  The British guy should accidently kill someone and then have to do away with the witnesses to protect his own career.  At least two of the people should really hate each other and be continually trying to stab each other in the back.  And these themes should run over the entire series, not be neatly resolved in each episode.  Etc etc etc.


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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2003, 05:02:16 am »

I think anyone who sees Enterprise as boring is probably looking too hard for some special meaning or hidden point

When I said I thought it was boring I meant that after the first 15 mintues I would have quite happily switched channels if there'd been anything else on I was interested in watching.  It just didn't hold my attention.  The pace was slow and the plot was uninteresting and contrived.  The whole thing turned on the ridiculous premise that a planetary government would give every alien in the place exactly three days to leave and not a second more.  You'd think that if they really wanted them to leave, they'd let them have an extra couple of hours (or days) to facilitate this, rather than throw them in jail and thus have to keep them around.

Reminds me of the story in the paper about UK immigration.  They arrested a guy trying to leave the country because he was travelling on false documents.  He is now awaiting deportation...


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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2003, 10:21:28 am »
It would be cool if X2's Bryan Singer did a few Enterprise episodes. I think he has some interesting plot storylines. I watched X-men and X2 and totally forgot the movies were based on comic-book characters cuz the storyline was so innovative and fun and...well, I like it and was not bored like when I watch Enterprise and see a re-cycled TNG plot.  I am looking for something new in the pre-TOS era.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2003, 11:08:34 pm »


I think anyone who sees Enterprise as boring is probably looking too hard for some special meaning or hidden point

When I said I thought it was boring I meant that after the first 15 mintues I would have quite happily switched channels if there'd been anything else on I was interested in watching.  It just didn't hold my attention.  The pace was slow and the plot was uninteresting and contrived.  The whole thing turned on the ridiculous premise that a planetary government would give every alien in the place exactly three days to leave and not a second more.  You'd think that if they really wanted them to leave, they'd let them have an extra couple of hours (or days) to facilitate this, rather than throw them in jail and thus have to keep them around.

Reminds me of the story in the paper about UK immigration.  They arrested a guy trying to leave the country because he was travelling on false documents.  He is now awaiting deportation...


SG-1 OWNZ...  


  • Guest
Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2003, 03:34:25 pm »
Figured I would actually watch an episode to see what you lot are always moaning about.

So the doctor has to find a way to treat one of his race's old enemies.  Mutual hatred you see.  What should he do?!  Despite all that animosity there's no prizes for guessing that by the end of the show they kiss and make up.  How trite.  How utterly unimaginative and unoriginal.  And unsubtle.  Oh yes, apparently the writers feel that it's necessary to ram home that moral message about how we should all just get along and how racism is a bad thing.  Poor old doctor, despite his best efforts one of his kids ran off and joined the BNP whoops I mean the "we think aliens are a bad thing" party.

Perhaps if the writers spent their time actually thinking up interesting storylines instead of "what can we teach the dumb kids who watch this show next week" then maybe it would be worth watching.  Personally I would have put in a twist at the end... made the doctor a raving racist who admitted his sob story about his children was just a big lie he told to trick the poor sod into allowing the operation...  it would all be so much better if the characters had some real flaws, instead of being bland robots.

Oh yeah, the "sub plot" was that three of the other crewmembers got to spend the whole episode crawling through some caves on their hands and knees.

Gripping stuff here.  Really really gripping.  Seriously you guys, you get more mature plots on the Cartoon Network..


Alidar Jarok

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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2003, 04:08:39 pm »
Maybe you should ask when a good episode will be on (although that one wasn't bad)

What are your top 5 episodes from the other series?


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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2003, 04:13:21 pm »
If you don't like that kind of episode, how did you manage to watch TNG? or TOS for that matter, because there are a 100 other episodes just like that one. Personally, I didn't think it was that bad, a nice change from the all-action episodes they've been running recently. The Happy Ending(TM) comes with pretty much every episode of Trek.

Probably good timing in this country actually, as we seem to be heading towards becoming the next Germany. As the message the writers were trying to get across is the one thing this country(the UK for those not following) doesn't seem to understand.


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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2003, 07:10:53 pm »
^Not the next Germany so much as the next British Empire.  Same concept, but without the racial hatred and genocide.  


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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2003, 07:47:27 pm »
this whole moral thing is an integral part of star trek and always has been if you dont like it then you dont like trek  

Captain KoraH

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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2003, 02:39:38 am »
I think anyone who sees Enterprise as boring is probably looking too hard for some special meaning or hidden point. It's a pretty trite and pedantic attitude of people nowadays to overanalyze things, especially Enterprise episodes. It's not a 4000 page L. Ron Hubbard novel, just watch it and have fun for an hour.  

Credo Narth

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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2003, 02:54:05 am »
Surely you mean we're becoming the next Brittas Empire. Blair is a little like old Brittas, don't you think?

Besides, we're just poodles to the Americans these days. And love or hate what the Americans are doing, nobody likes an a$$ licker...

I'd quite like to see an L. Ron Hubbard novel plot compressed into an Enterprise episode. Only kidding. My personal view is that Enterprise's first seasons are as goods as, or better, than any of the TNG shows, the TNG shows have just had several seasons to get into their stride, is all. The only series I can think of that's better is Buffy. Oops, did I just say that?

Watching Enterprise takes a few episodes to get into. Watch a few more and you may find yourself liking it.


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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2003, 04:49:48 am »

If you don't like that kind of episode, how did you manage to watch TNG? or TOS for that matter, because there are a 100 other episodes just like that one.

That was kind of my point.  I've seen it all before a million times.  I was hoping they might try to be a bit more adventurous instead of sticking to the same old formula.  Instead the plot just plods along in a highly predictable way.  There are no plot twists.  There's no tension or suspense.  No surprises.  I'm not even interested in any of the characters (except Jolene Blalock, for obvious reasons) because they are like cardboard.

As for the moral message, well the original TOS had that to some extent but nowhere near as much as TNG did.  Enterprise seems even worse.  It can only be a matter of time before Captain Archer gets a 3 minute slot after the credits have rolled to look directly at the camera and say "Now kids, remember to brush your teeth three times a day and always look both ways before crossing the road".

Perhaps the "real" answer to your question though is that when I watched TOS on TV I was only 8 years old.  And TNG was also a looong time ago.  Now I expect something a little more mature.

What the thing needs is some more adult (i.e. mature) themes.  Maybe the Korean woman should start a clandestine relationship with Archer that they have to keep secret from the rest of the crew.  Both you and I know that the thing that most people think about the most is members of the opposite sex.  So why is this type of social interaction totally absent from Star Trek?  Let's see the engineer turn out to be gay.  And when the know-it-all helmsman makes a mistake, someone should die as a result (not be miraculously saved by the alien doctor who happens to know everything about everything) and this should completely change his character for the worse.  Maybe make him start drinking.  Someone on board should have a secret narcotics addiction.  The British guy should accidently kill someone and then have to do away with the witnesses to protect his own career.  At least two of the people should really hate each other and be continually trying to stab each other in the back.  And these themes should run over the entire series, not be neatly resolved in each episode.  Etc etc etc.


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Re: Enterprise soooo boring
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2003, 05:02:16 am »

I think anyone who sees Enterprise as boring is probably looking too hard for some special meaning or hidden point

When I said I thought it was boring I meant that after the first 15 mintues I would have quite happily switched channels if there'd been anything else on I was interested in watching.  It just didn't hold my attention.  The pace was slow and the plot was uninteresting and contrived.  The whole thing turned on the ridiculous premise that a planetary government would give every alien in the place exactly three days to leave and not a second more.  You'd think that if they really wanted them to leave, they'd let them have an extra couple of hours (or days) to facilitate this, rather than throw them in jail and thus have to keep them around.

Reminds me of the story in the paper about UK immigration.  They arrested a guy trying to leave the country because he was travelling on false documents.  He is now awaiting deportation...