Heya, Klingon Fanatic, glad you like the idea. I have all the models that you mention, and have used them all at one time or another. I have more models than I can shake a stick at, and I keep finding more that pop up, heheh.
The more I've played this game, and now gotten into reading and collecting Star Fleet Battles material, the more the "purist" in me has emerged, heheh. In my younger days, I was a bit of a military hardware buff. And I've always been an avid collector of blueprints and schematics, esp the TMP stuff. You can bet
http://www.shipschematics.net/ is bookmarked.

Although nothing is quite as good as having the book in your hand, heheh. Over the years I've found myself being rather picky about those sorts of things, I guess I try to approach starship design in a logical, realistic manner, as much as you can have that when playing with imaginary starfaring vessels, LOL. There are a lot of schematics I've seen out there that, well...let's just say that logic seems to escape some people...and, no, I'm not Vulcan.
I'd love to see many of the SFB ships be "re-fit" to TMP specs, that would be a hella fun project. Hmmm...I'll have to start thinking on some more schematics....I'd very much like to see more TMP Fed fighters, there are really hardly any models, I think only 2, maybe 3. And I got 'em. How about TMP SFB fighters as well as the ships? Yeah, i'd love to see some designs for the F-18 and the A-10...
Not much point in having sexy Federation ships unless you have equally as cool adversary ships too
I totally agree. I'd love to see the other races get the same SFB conversion re-fit. Ooooh...new TMP ISC designs...how about some more Kzi...I mean Mirak? Not many of those about...
Hey, Gow, how's it coming, friend?