Topic: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)  (Read 9669 times)

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Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« on: January 27, 2003, 01:00:30 pm »
For some time now, I've been getting to know the sfb roots of EAW, and the more I think about it, the more disappointed I am that all the Federation BC Class ships are represented by the Excelsior class model.

The BCE in the shiplist is quite different from the other BC's and I had hoped I could find a "real" BCH. Luckily, I found Ghost's nifty USS Australia, and it's my TOS BC.

I have several...oh, hell, who am I kidding...just about everything from SFC:Eras of War. And there are several cool BC's among them. I've have some others from different places (half of 'em I've forgotten by now), but...

I don't think anyone has done a TMP era BC class, not like it would be in sfb with TMP parts (at least in my mind) based off one of the excellent Connies out there (I have quite a few myself, if needed).

So, I would like to request a kitbash (or original work, if someone wants to) of the Kirov Class Battlecruiser...

Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser (TOS)
-For reference purposes only.

-click for image

Kirov Class Battlecruiser (TOS)
-SCF2 model

-click for image

Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser (TMP)
-For reference purposes only.

-click for image

Proposed Kirov Class Battlecruiser (TMP)
-I have used only sfb "historical" Names and Registries, although, not necessarily sfb historical Captains.

Quite frankly, I was hoping that someone, or perhaps several someones, would take on the series...


IMHO, this is a worthy project, as no one has taken on the Fed BC Class quite in this manner. I hope someone may consider it worthy as well.

C'mon, Gow, I know you want a stab at the BCV...    
« Last Edit: January 28, 2003, 11:51:44 am by wanderer »


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2003, 11:28:14 am »


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2003, 12:29:55 pm »
Well, this ship would be a logical start point.  

Atrahasis Belknap

If my arthritus backs off some I may give it a shot.


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2003, 01:15:51 pm »

Well, this ship would be a logical start point.  

Atrahasis Belknap


What about P81's Star League, minus the top warp nacelle?  


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2003, 02:07:13 pm »
Heheh, you 'da man, Gow. I wholeheartedly agree. The Starleague is nice, no doubt, but the Belknap would be my first choice. Actuallyt the Belknap is a kitbash of  P81's Enterprise, IIRC.

Hey, bro, I have arthritis in my knees and a shoulder, so I can commiserate.  I know what I use for mine.  

I made my design in mind with the BC class having 2 more Rear Hull than the CA/CC class (6 vs 4).  Hmmm....oh, yeah, notice 4 phasers on the primary hull, forward.    I suppose it could be 3/3 (d/v) on the primary...your call.

Good to have you back around, friend. If you need anything, the email is in the sig.  
« Last Edit: January 28, 2003, 02:12:24 pm by wanderer »

Capt Jeff

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2003, 10:02:00 am »
Would be nice to see these!  


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2003, 04:34:39 pm »

Here's a very rough wip.  I used Wicked Zombies FCA from the old kitbash tutorial. The textures are skewed all over right now, I'll fix them on the final.

Tell me what you want changed.  Also, why would they NOT have extended the impulse drives back to the end of the pylon?  On the ship as drawn that section looks unfinished somehow, as if they meant to build a DN then changed thier minds.

No matter either way, I can do it either way.   Did your Kirov have the Botanical bay?

anyhow, rip this one all you want so I can get it where it needs to be.


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2003, 07:22:41 pm »
Coming along nicely Gow, good work.

Directly below the sensor dish (similar to the 3 warp nacelled DN TMP version), I believe Wanderer also wanted another photon launcher for the BCJ, a plasma torp launcher for the BCF, something that looks like drine racks for the BCG, and along the sides of the secondary hull beneath the warp engine pylong, I believe he wanted fighter bays for the BCV. I'm not sure if its possible to take the fighter bays from the Galahad class NVS model and modify them, but I think they would look good there...  


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2003, 12:12:09 pm »
I'm liking so far, brother.

Yeah, I would have to agree on the Impulse engines, good call.

Hmmm...well, maybe lengthen the secondary hull just a little bit, so that the shuttle bay juts out a bit more...skinny up the section leading aft just a hair as well.  No botanical garden.  The drone launchers and AMD would just be textures on the hull.  The hatch on the secondary hull just above the ribbon would be farther forward, of course.

Good first steps, bro.

Bernard Guignard

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2003, 05:55:59 pm »
Hi Wander
   I'm looking at the top and elevation view of your Kirov class and notice that you have 2 different types of bridges on your design. The top elevation shows the Bridge from the Federation and Acension class dreadnoughts. which is a bridge that has 2 docking ports on the long line port and starboard.  the Elevation view is the standard Refit bridge with docking port facing aft. You might want to specifie which Bridge design you want to use. Great design over all and I'm looking to the finished work and the varients.  

Phi Templar

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2003, 09:17:38 pm »
you know I liek the idea of BC varients but they look so much likea  consitituion that it really bothers me can we do something to make it look less like a constitution rehash?

*edit* I mean yeah I love the P81 Constituation model and all that but a Battlecruiser for some reason jsut needs to look a bit beefier than that to be a true battlecruiser IMO. This jsut looks like a good varient if you we're gonna have a CC.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2003, 09:19:37 pm by Phi Templar »


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2003, 11:11:32 am »

Hi Wanderer
   I'm looking at the top and elevation view of your Kirov class and notice that you have 2 different types of bridges on your design. The top elevation shows the Bridge from the Federation and Acension class dreadnoughts. which is a bridge that has 2 docking ports on the long line port and starboard.  the Elevation view is the standard Refit bridge with docking port facing aft. You might want to specifie which Bridge design you want to use. Great design over all and I'm looking to the finished work and the varients.    

You are absolutely right, Capt Guignard. Totally my mistake. It should be the normal, single bridge level docking port found on the Heavy Cruisers. Thanks. I'm glad you like the design, and I know that Gow can do it justice.


you know I liek the idea of BC varients but they look so much likea  consitituion that it really bothers me can we do something to make it look less like a constitution rehash?

*edit* I mean yeah I love the P81 Constituation model and all that but a Battlecruiser for some reason jsut needs to look a bit beefier than that to be a true battlecruiser IMO. This jsut looks like a good varient if you we're gonna have a CC.

I understand what you're saying, Phi, but that was sort of the point, making the BC Class based off the same technology as the CA/CC's, as in SFB.  


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2003, 02:13:42 pm »
If these come out well, I will definitely use them.  

Bernard Guignard

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2003, 05:46:45 am »
Hello all I'm bumping this to find out how things are going on this project?  


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2003, 01:32:59 pm »
hmm... a streched connie secondary hull with surya classes "wings"... or whatever they are called... those are all the changed that i can see (Except for the torp pod on teh tos version)  

James Formo

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2003, 02:40:19 pm »
Oh good another 1701


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2003, 12:27:09 am »

hmm... a streched connie secondary hull with surya classes "wings"... or whatever they are called... those are all the changed that I can see (Except for the torp pod on the tos version)    

You're right, Mackie, it's a simple design; a stretched rear hull, the "Balson Class" nacelle struts, and some other cosmetic changes were all that was needed for a TMP/SFB battlecruiser, which was the point.


Oh good another 1701  

No, James, it's a 1751.      


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2003, 08:20:56 pm »
I'll get this finished up in the next week Wanderer.   The Ship will be as Wandered proposed, EXACTLY what the BCH was originally....... a beefed up CA hull as a wartime expedient to replace the more expensive DN varients.  

It's supposed to look like a CA.  They would have taken the CA plans and existing shipyard fixtures rather than designing from the ground up.

There are literally hundreds of examples of this in the history of wartime production.  The Sherman M4E8 looked like the original Sherman tank but was vastly superior to the first.  Escort Carriers in WWII and so on.

The changes laid out make sense.  Shorter, stronger pylons to handle more powerful warps.  Lengthened engineering section, more powerplant, etc.

Of course, I could cover it with useless pointed objects or put 300 biege windows in it so it could be TNG Kewl.  Maybe even some Mattel Red Plastic Neato warp bussards.

You know, I realize that SFB is a bad word around here........ but at least they had thier Tech based on some sort of realively realistic naval tradition rather than pulling crap like K'Vorts out of thier butts.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2003, 08:24:29 pm by jrstandfast »

Bernard Guignard

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2003, 05:35:05 am »
HI jrstandfast
     Thats great news Looking forward to seeing the ship and its variants.  SFB is still great in my books  personally I preferer the TOS/TMP timeline. I enjoyed  TNG, DS9 and Voyager but My heart and affection is with Kirk and Co.
Heck I'm even enjoying Enterprise its good sci-fi .
     Thanks for adding another model to the game and giving us more choices to better flavour our gaming experience.


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2003, 11:38:16 pm »
Good job, JR.  Nice looking ship.    

Bernard Guignard

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2003, 08:03:19 pm »
Hi all Bumping this to keep it on the first page  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2003, 09:12:27 pm »
This project is really cool! I love TMP far better than TNG.

BTW: While we're on the subject of elongated secondary hulls have you thought about using P81's version of Jackill's USS Kodiak? Miranda saucer section, armored warp engines and two deflectors (fore & aft) on the secondary hull. Fits the SFC schematic better. Then there is Anarion's USS Churchill, designed to replace the 'failed' Excelsior using off the shelf Miranda and Connie parts, finally we have Darkdrone's Tri-nacelled USS Belisarius. All three of these designs use 'off-the-shelf' parts that would follow SFB wartime thinking.

Somebody should do more with the other non-Federation races in the TMP setting; the Romulans could use a ST: New Worlds Melak Warbird, the TMP FASA Gorn ships could be added (only a few ships really) and I could go on....

Not much point in having sexy Federation ships unless you have equally as cool adversary ships too.

Qa Pla!


Bernard Guignard

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #22 on: February 11, 2003, 06:00:09 am »
    Long time no see hows the fasa mod list coming along. Did you see my thread requesting  texturing for a higher poly Durrett class that I managed to kitbash together using M6.  Enough about that thread on to this one.  When I Iook at the Churchill design I personally think Galactic Survey cruiser.    Your right on the alien account eventually someone will
tackle those projects. I've been busy racking my brain to come up with schematics for a TOS version of a Federation Mauler.


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2003, 10:34:53 am »
Heya, Klingon Fanatic, glad you like the idea.  I have all the models that you mention, and have used them all at one time or another. I have more models than I can shake a stick at, and I keep finding more that pop up, heheh.

The more I've played this game, and now gotten into reading and collecting Star Fleet Battles material, the more the "purist" in me has emerged, heheh. In my younger days, I was a bit of a military hardware buff. And I've always been an avid collector of blueprints and schematics, esp the TMP stuff. You can bet is bookmarked.  Although nothing is quite as good as having the book in your hand, heheh.  Over the years I've found myself being rather picky about those sorts of things, I guess I try to approach starship design in a logical, realistic manner, as much as you can have that when playing with imaginary starfaring vessels, LOL. There are a lot of schematics I've seen out there that, well...let's just say that logic seems to escape some people...and, no, I'm not Vulcan.

I'd love to see many of the SFB ships be "re-fit" to TMP specs, that would be a hella fun project. Hmmm...I'll have to start thinking on some more schematics....I'd very much like to see more TMP Fed fighters, there are really hardly any models, I think only 2, maybe 3. And I got 'em. How about TMP SFB fighters as well as the ships? Yeah, i'd love to see some designs for the F-18 and the A-10...


Not much point in having sexy Federation ships unless you have equally as cool adversary ships too

I totally agree. I'd love to see the other races get the same SFB conversion re-fit. TMP ISC about some more Kzi...I mean Mirak? Not many of those about...

Hey, Gow, how's it coming, friend?  

Bernard Guignard

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #24 on: February 14, 2003, 03:32:36 pm »
Hi Wanderer
    You'd like the schematic I did for revising the burke class frigate to TMP. I really should ask someone to host some of the schematics I've drawn.  So I can share them in this forum.  

SPQR Renegade001

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2003, 04:06:08 pm »
Silly Feddies and your in hull mods :P

Us Romies would've used the Miranda "Rollbar" and made the weapons pod modular. That way with a few weeks in a light yard you could refit from one variant to another.

Nice looking ship Gow. I'll be looking for this one when she comes out.

Bernard, if your looking for some short term space, I can cover ya.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2003, 04:08:28 pm by SPQR Renegade001 »

Bernard Guignard

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2003, 06:24:40 am »

Silly Feddies and your in hull mods :P

Us Romies would've used the Miranda "Rollbar" and made the weapons pod modular. That way with a few weeks in a light yard you could refit from one variant to another.

Nice looking ship Gow. I'll be looking for this one when she comes out.

Bernard, if your looking for some short term space, I can cover ya.

Heh Heh thats what the USS  Banting can do the torp pod can be retrofitted for specialzed mission parameters
I have schematics drawn of sensor pod that is in the same shape of the torp pod and I'm thinking of creating some
other mission specific pods as well.    

Bernard Guignard

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #27 on: February 17, 2003, 05:51:45 am »
Hi All
   The weekend has past and I was wondering  how things were coming along? I hope everyone had a good one  

Bernard Guignard

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #28 on: February 20, 2003, 05:38:09 am »
Bumping to keep this on the first page  

Bernard Guignard

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #29 on: February 23, 2003, 07:20:54 am »

Bumping to keep this on the first page  

       Well with the weekend upon us I was wondering if there is any news on this project?  


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2003, 11:07:02 am »
Heya, Gow, so what's the skinny, eh?

Of course, you can always email me if you wish.  

Bernard Guignard

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #31 on: March 02, 2003, 07:49:58 pm »
Wow this made it to the third page did we loose JR Standfast to a blackhole or some thing? Has there been any progress made on this project? I know you guys are busy with other things but it began so nicely  
so what is happening?.  


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #32 on: March 14, 2003, 09:32:46 pm »
Ummm....Gow?  You still working on this, brother?  


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #33 on: March 16, 2003, 09:05:12 pm »

James Formo

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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #34 on: March 16, 2003, 09:31:17 pm »
I think JR left the building.


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Re: Kitbash Request: BCG Class (w/ Pics)
« Reply #35 on: March 19, 2003, 02:47:39 pm »
<sigh>...I think you may be right. Would anyone like to give this a go?