For some time now, I've been getting to know the sfb roots of EAW, and the more I think about it, the more disappointed I am that all the Federation BC Class ships are represented by the Excelsior class model.
The BCE in the shiplist is quite different from the other BC's and I had hoped I could find a "real" BCH. Luckily, I found Ghost's nifty USS Australia, and it's my TOS BC.
I have several...oh, hell, who am I kidding...just about everything from SFC:Eras of War. And there are several cool BC's among them. I've have some others from different places (half of 'em I've forgotten by now), but...
I don't think anyone has done a TMP era BC class, not like it would be in sfb with TMP parts (at least in my mind) based off one of the excellent Connies out there (I have quite a few myself, if needed).
So, I would like to request a kitbash (or original work, if someone wants to) of the Kirov Class Battlecruiser...
Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser (TOS)-For reference purposes only.
-click for imageKirov Class Battlecruiser (TOS)-SCF2 model
-click for imageConstitution Class Heavy Cruiser (TMP)-For reference purposes only.
-click for imageProposed Kirov Class Battlecruiser (TMP)-I have used only sfb "historical" Names and Registries, although, not necessarily sfb historical Captains.

Quite frankly, I was hoping that someone, or perhaps several someones, would take on the series...
IMHO, this is a worthy project, as no one has taken on the Fed BC Class quite in this manner. I hope someone may consider it worthy as well.
C'mon, Gow, I know you want a stab at the BCV...