Topic: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!  (Read 5807 times)

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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2003, 05:02:43 pm »

Too bad Rummies don't have any imagination.
They just might do better with my "Colored Pens". <snicker>


Kim dearest, Dem be 6 COLOR PENS Damnit  !

a colored pen sounds so lacking , there too skinny !   Now a  6 colered pen thats a diffrent animal ! It has girth !


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2003, 05:19:10 pm »


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2003, 05:31:11 pm »
 If Romulans really wanted to be noticed they would use bright fonts and flashy pictures.  Oh.............

Anyways, I object to the use of the term Rummies.  Its really only a select few who deserve that title.  Actually I was thinking of demoting myself and changing my name to Morgan.  Thats right, the dreaded Captain Morgan!  Well, my superiors in the Tal Shiar say I'm full of it!  To that I say......   YES!  For certain..........  



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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2003, 05:36:20 pm »
Hey, Gumby!!! Would you like to use my Six Color Pens!!!


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2003, 05:43:29 pm »

Hey, Gumby!!! Would you like to use my Six Color Pens!!!  

 SuperGreen works wonders for me.   Although I think i missed something here.  Probably when i was out for a week recouping from surgery.  Hard to make sense of anything with all those pain killers........ oh yeah, and the Rum......  


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2003, 05:53:11 pm »
One SuperGreen Pen coming up!!! <snicker>    


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #26 on: May 13, 2003, 06:42:17 am »


Now Kim, do I really need to release the sensor logs of your quarters one recent night? Looks like 2 or 3 figures in the dark, poor quality, but I'm sure with a little computer work they can be made into fine enough quality to be broadcast on wide-beam subspace.

I (deny) recall (deny) something along those lines. Something about one large figure in a tutu? Another resembling a frog? Of course, it is all speculation about something that doesn't exist (sort of).

. o O (pull up all info on SteelClaw, how in the hell does he have my sensor readouts?!? unless...)

I don't know, it was pretty dark in there, that one large figure *could* be a Gorn, but it looked too fluffy, and a Tal Shiar sweeper team found bits of white fur.... But I'm sure it was a Gorn


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #27 on: May 13, 2003, 07:23:54 am »
Kim I have been preaching the existance of the Romulans for years. They DO have a very good propaganda machine. So good in fact that they have achieved a near campatability with the cloaking device. I have been treated like Don Quixote in my attempts to warn the Federation and our allies that they are a threat that needs to be dealt with. Very few of our people believed and after much ridicule and scorn, even though I was among the "Jedi", I was forced to do battle with them alone, or with only one or 2 other souls. Those whom I worked with have succumbed to the disease they have been spreading since CW3. Toten fell to the Klingons, JM was not heard from for a very long time, Hondo lost his mind after being captured and interrogated. Even I have not been unaffected as I am now relegated to being strong in the Dark Side! I'm glad to see that some one new has taken up the flag and is once again charging  to the attack!


(This message brought to you by your friends at PYRE, Pulverising Young Romulans Everywhere)


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2003, 08:24:00 am »

Kim I have been preaching the existance of the Romulans for years. They DO have a very good propaganda machine. So good in fact that they have achieved a near campatability with the cloaking device. I have been treated like Don Quixote in my attempts to warn the Federation and our allies that they are a threat that needs to be dealt with. Very few of our people believed and after much ridicule and scorn, even though I was among the "Jedi", I was forced to do battle with them alone, or with only one or 2 other souls. Those whom I worked with have succumbed to the disease they have been spreading since CW3. Toten fell to the Klingons, JM was not heard from for a very long time, Hondo lost his mind after being captured and interrogated. Even I have not been unaffected as I am now relegated to being strong in the Dark Side! I'm glad to see that some one new has taken up the flag and is once again charging  to the attack!


(This message brought to you by your friends at PYRE, Pulverising Young Romulans Everywhere)  

What are you talking about?  Romulans?  Who are they?  Where do they come from?  I hear they come from Andromeda and have no shields <snicker>


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #29 on: May 13, 2003, 11:17:34 am »

What are you talking about?  Romulans?  Who are they?  Where do they come from?  I hear they come from Andromeda and have no shields <snicker>  

The Gorn know the truth, Romulans come from the abyss and have no honor! They attack from secret like cowards, no courage to face their enemy and look him in the eye.



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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #30 on: May 13, 2003, 11:22:26 am »


What are you talking about?  Romulans?  Who are they?  Where do they come from?  I hear they come from Andromeda and have no shields <snicker>  

The Gorn know the truth, Romulans come from the abyss and have no honor! They attack from secret like cowards, no courage to face their enemy and look him in the eye.


Yeah, but roasted over an enveloping G-torp with Kroma's special sauce (don't ask) there is no sweeter meat in the galaxy.


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #31 on: May 13, 2003, 11:25:25 am »
You, sir, are one disgusting reptile.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #32 on: May 13, 2003, 01:31:03 pm »
Ah, Doggy, I think you'll find he's actually *3* disgusting reptiles all bundled into one revolting tutu


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #33 on: May 13, 2003, 02:06:45 pm »
Now that you mention may be right.  Sick...sad...disgusting...but the truth, nevertheless.  


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #34 on: May 13, 2003, 02:17:09 pm »

Now that you mention may be right.  Sick...sad...disgusting...but the truth, nevertheless.    

Shutup and eat your gak.


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #35 on: May 13, 2003, 02:26:53 pm »


Now that you mention may be right.  Sick...sad...disgusting...but the truth, nevertheless.    

Shutup and eat your gak.  

that's "Gagh" you ... you... GORN


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #36 on: May 13, 2003, 02:31:24 pm »
We in the Confederation never bothered to create a word for "little" worms, thus you must forgive my spelling errors.

aka He who hides his "big" worm under a tutu.


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #37 on: May 13, 2003, 03:21:33 pm »
Enough viewers have seen this thread. Plan 73C-5 has been implemented.

Anyone else posting in this thread will have their hard drive 'adjusted' to remove any proof of the existence of the Romulan Empire. You have been warned.

SPQR Losiack
Correspondant for the Internal Romulan Information Service
The IRIS sees all

P.S. For any other damage to your files, blame FluF

P.S. 2 have a nice day
« Last Edit: May 13, 2003, 03:22:51 pm by Losiack »


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #38 on: May 13, 2003, 03:50:36 pm »
cmd:> Set Security Level Pi
cmd:> Off Link Subspace Transponder
cmd:> Central CPU Isolation Protocol Zeta

Okay Rommy take your best shot. We have known for a long time you had an access route to our HDs but the Confederation is ready for you. Confederation wide the new protocols are in place. We are now totally isolated. Not even our allies can access our systems. But that is okay, for we have prepared for even that. The Tal Shiar is a fairly impressive group, however they are nothing compared to the Shadow Guardians.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Sfaret »


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Re: I Don't Think The Roms Get Enough Attention!!!!
« Reply #39 on: May 13, 2003, 04:03:41 pm »

cmd:> Set Security Level Pi
cmd:> Off Link Subspace Transponder
cmd:> Central CPU Isolation Protocol Zeta

Okay Rommy take your best shot. We have known for a long time you had an access route to our HDs but the Confederation is ready for you. Confederation wide the new protocols are in place. We are now totally isolated. Not even our allies can access our systems. But that is okay, for we have prepared for even that. The Tal Shiar is a fairly impressive group, however they are nothing compared to the Shadow Guardians.


I deny that we already know your new protocols as well as the next (#### classified number ####)  back ups. If your allies need access, they can ask us nicely and we might consider granting it. But you are right. Since we don't exist, we are no threat to you. You can trust me on that.

As for your Shadow Guardians,           ROTFLMAO! ...

Can't stop laughing! ...

Need to breath! ...

My sides hurt!  ...

Ah! I feel better now.

SPQR Losiack
Correspondant for the Internal Romulan Information Service
The IRIS sees all

P.S. Here it comes again .... Hahahahahahaahahaha