Topic: Out of the Blue  (Read 2262 times)

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Delta One

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Out of the Blue
« on: May 08, 2003, 11:12:54 pm »
Out of the Blue

(A Slave Girls III Story)

"By the three mooons!" gasped Janus as the Gorn heavy cruiser before him launched a full spread of plasma torpedoes into the port flank of his light cruiser the Universalis. Ordinarily this would have been a near fatal blow for any vessel, but these torpedoes lacked teeth, their dummy warheads enveloping the ship in a sickly green glow for several seconds.

"How did he do that?" Janus practically demanded of his raw green crew, who merely looked sheepishly back at him. Sighing, Janus realised that inexperienced cadets couldn't be expected to best the crew of S'cipio and Gwarlock, two of the finest Gorn captains around in a mere light cruiser. Still the crew of the Universalis had to learn how to fight and survive when outnumbered and outgunned, especially when on border patrol, which was the vessel's next assignment.

Better to die in practise than in reality Janus thought grimly.

S'Cipio and Gwarlock had graciously offered their vessels and time in playing the 'invaders' in mock wargames against Janus' underequipped and understaffed vessel. The Universalis was a Federation light cruiser with a motley collection of officers from what seemed like nearly every race in the quadrant. It had been the Alliance command's idea of creating 'unity', a ship representing the multicultural nature of the Alliance races. And Janus had been given command, his first command in almost a year. Still despite the obvious challenges to come, it was still a ship, and better than most, Federation vessels being constructed only to the very highest standards.

A voice piped over the intercom of the bridge.

"Ssso Janusss," hissed a voice that Janus recognised as Gwarlock's, "Ssshall we be beaming in to take over your ssship, or will be sssurendering?"

The motley collection of races arrayed on Janus' bridge turned their battered features to their captain. Even the giant Mirak tactical officer, Snarl, seemed to quake with fear at the prospect of yet another 'mock' boarding of their vessel. Although supposed to be a practise battle, the Gorn 'invaders' did tend to get carried away.

"Surrender?" Janus growled. "Never!!!"

All over the ship, the crew of the Universalis groaned.

"Excsssellent!" hissed S'Cipio in reply. "Prepare to be boarded!"

"Engineering, prepare to cut all coolant to the warp core on my order." Janus piped the order down below.

"But captain!" came the response, "We'll be 'destroyed' almost instantly!!"

"I know." Janus said grimly. "But at least you won't get beaten up by angry Gorn again!"

Janus waited until the Gorn vessels entered transporter range. He could envisage the Gorn marines in their transporter rooms hissing in anticipation of another easy victory.

"Engineering," he cried. "NOW!"

For a moment Janus hoped his inexperienced engineering staff had only simulated cutting the coolant to the warp core instead of doing it for real but his fears were unfounded. On the viewscreen the lights on the Gorn ship started flickering indicating major damage.

"Excellent!" Janus practically danced a gig of glee. "Damage like that to two heavy cruisers would slow their advance in this sector significantly in a real invasion."

"Curssse you Janusss." the smiling image of S'Cipio appeared on the main viewer. "Sssome would say that was a dissshonourable trick,  I think that ssshould conclude todaysss practissse."

"Thank you for your time Lord S'Cipio." Janus bowed slightly. "It proved most instructive."

"As alwaysss you have proved yourssself once again in a sssignificantly smaller vesssel Janusss." Gwarlock's image appeared next to S'Cipio's.

"I have still to beat you my friend." Janus offered graciously. "I wish you both and your crews a safe journey home."

As the two giant Gorn ships turned and shot off into warp, Janus settled back into the command chair of the Universalis. It felt good to be back. Back on the bridge of a starship once again.

"Helm, lay in a course back to Starbase 12." he ordered.

"Course laid in sir," the Andorian at navigation responded.



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Re: Out of the Blue
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2003, 01:44:58 am »
I was slightly disappointed... I thought for sure the captain was gonna sit back down in his command chair and then an ensigns voice from engineering would be heard over the intercom, "Oops!" and then kaBOOM! But alas we will have to wait for a real combat story from the front to see that happen. ::snicker::

Delta One

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Re: Out of the Blue
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2003, 02:00:36 am »
Lol very true Dizzy!

I just hope Hondo and the USS Enterprising Love Machine don't pop along and spoil my new found good cheer aboard my new ship.  


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Re: Out of the Blue
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2003, 09:13:46 am »
     Gwarlock hated training exercises.  They often trained a crew what NOT to do in battle.  An exercise without the possiblity of death was a waste of time, in his opinion.  Blinking indicators were fine for the admirals, but he needed to know how his recruits would act when his ship was actually venting coolant.  Still, he was a fleet commander, and S'Cipio had ordered the exercise.  To disobey would be disloyal, and he needed the lizard's trust.

     It would be good to spar against the Federation.  Today was to be an ambush, with two Gorn Battlecruisers against a Federation light cruiser.  Not much of a match.  Still, the mammals were allies once again, and it would serve the Confederation no use if they could not combat plasma tactics.  The mammals had a penchant for these 'wargames', and it was important to bolster their pride.  The only pride in battle was surviving, and making your enemies' lives forfeit.  But they would learn, however slowly, however many lives lost.

     'Ensssign, head to the desssignated ssector.  Ssset all weaponsss on pssssuedo.  Phassserss to minimal sssettingss.  No damage isss to be done to the Federatttion vessssel.  Am I underssstood?'

     'Yesss, Captain, underssstood.'

     'Number two, you have the conn.  I will be in my warroom.'

     Time to study the plans for this exercise.  Once in his ready room, he scanned the files he had on the enemy captain.  Janus was his name.  The file was entirely too thin for his liking.  He would have to remedy that.  Far too quickly, he was summoned to the bridge.  The game was now afoot.

     'Red alert.  Ssssenssors to maxxximum range.  Engage jamming computer. One quarter ssspeed.'

    'Ssssir! Federation vesssel off port quarter.  Sssshe'ss sspotted uss, ssir!'

    Of course they spotted us.  Federation sensors were the best in the galaxy.  He would have to rein in the ensign's scared enthusiasm.

     'Sssslow to 1/8 impulssse.  All available power to forward ssshield.  Downgrade torpedoesss to 'F' classss. Ready tractor beam.  Ssstrength 4.  Boarding partiess to the transsportersss.  Bring usss head on to the enemy.  Ready point defenssse.  BATTLE SSSTATTIONSSS!'

     He had only to lure the ship into the trap.  As expected,  the ship launched a small spread of missiles, and at maximum range, launched photon torpedoes.  The torpedoes hit with alarming accuracy for the distance, and his reinforced shield quavered, but held.  The missiles were obliterated by his phasers.  The range closed quickly.

     'Helm! Hard to ssstarboard.  On my mark, HET to target.'

     Again, as expected, the Federation captain found the Gorn rear shields too inviting a target.  He closed quickly, launching another spread of missiles and more photons.  Thankfully most of the torpedoes missed and the missiles were incinerated by the phaser banks.

     'Helm! Hard over!'

     The HET caught the Fedration captain offguard, and soon the small vessel was caught in the grip of a Gorn tractor beam.  As if on cue, S'Cipio's cruiser appeared off of the port quarter, maximum speed.  This engagement was over, only the humanoid didn't realized it yet.

     'Fire all torpedoesss! Sssingle volleyss!'

     One by one, the torpedoes tore into the smaller ships shields.  With S'Cipio's arrival, the vessel would soon be destroyed.  The light cruiser had taken heavy simulated damage, and was without shields.  Crippled, still locked in the tractor, it was as good as dead.  He couldn'y help but teach the Federation captain a painful lesson.

    'Ensign, open channel.  Advissse the enemy ssshe will be boarded.'

    Just then, the ship rocked.  The control panel was blinking a cascade of light.  What had happened?


    'Sssir, the enemy hass ssimulated a sself desstruct.  Heavy damage to all forward compartmentsss, tubess 1 and 3 desstroyed, all phasserss inoperative, hull breach on level 5,  and power at 50%.'

     He had to smile.  The enemy had, how did the humans say.....stones.  He got careless, and now his ship had paid a dear price.  Maybe, with humans like this about, he would be able to learn something  after all.

     'Offer my congratulationsss to the enemy.  We sshall discusss this over dinner in my officersss messs.  I ssshould like to meet thisss Januss in persson.'




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Re: Out of the Blue
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2003, 10:34:10 am »
Janus had stones, hehe. Big ones by the sound of it...

When he comes over for dinner, please dont eat him...


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Re: Out of the Blue
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2003, 03:23:06 pm »
The Plot Thickens.

Gwarlock?s time for re-ascendancy to the Gorn hierarchy had finally arrived. Having been exonerated of insubordination and war crime charges from AOTK only one thing still stood in his way. That one thing came in the form of a 700 lb. hunk of gorgeous lizardliness all wrapped in pink lace. Yes, the beautiful and charismatic Captain Kroma BaSyl, who had been winning the hearts, minds and groins of the Gorn people with his charming smile and dashing good looks, not to mention a set of drumsticks that would bring out the green eyed monster in Ginger Rodgers.

Gwarlock knew that if he ever hoped to rise to the top seat of the Gorn government again he would first have to deal with Kroma, but how to do this without bring the wrath of Kroma?s adoring public down on him was a very tricky proposition. The direct approach of an outright assassination was completely out of the question, as the inevitable fallout and rioting that would ensue such an act would leave the Confederation in such a shambles that there would be little left to rule. No, what Gwarlock need was a more subtle approach, he needed to first discredit Kroma, and then see him permanently removed from the public eye. The question was, how does one go about discrediting one that is so loved and revered by all? Let?s face it with Kroma?s radiant beauty, sense of style, and natural talent with the Plasma Ballet, the public would forgive him almost anything. Almost.

Gwarlock the sinister, the malicious, the defiler of all that is pure, and the grand pimp daddy of the Confederation knew just what to do. He would conspire with the lowest form of life in the universe (yes you guessed it), a lawyer, none other than J?inn the Merciless.

Their dastardly plan was to write up an iron clad contract indenturing the Diva of the Space Lanes into sexual bondage at the hands of a particularly nasty Orion Cartel specializing in prostituting green skinned slave girls to wealthy Romulan clientele. Yes that?s right, whoring to the most hated enemy of the Confederation was the one thing that the Gorn people would never be able to forgive the pretty Kroma. The best part of this plan was that Gwarlock knew that no one would ever believe him clever enough to have thought up such a scheme, thus he could always blaming it on J?inn if the truth should ever begin to leak out. Heck he had even taped J?inn?s side of the initial conversations about the plot, in which J?inn bragged about the financial upside of the deal given Kroma?s highly desirable status and the fact that the Orion?s wouldn?t need to spend any money having Kroma?s skin turned green. In the most damning part of the conversation, J?inn is heard saying, ?Kroma is a ready made Romulan beeatch! They are going to show him the real meaning of the G-BF.?

Only one thing remained to be done, and that was to trick Kroma into willingly signing the contract, since it had to appear that Kroma was complicit in the act and not just a victim of the dastardly and despicable ABA, which might only serve to further the public?s worship of the voluptuous green skinned sexual icon. Luckily for Gwarlock the unwitting Kroma had recently retained J?inn as his agent. Kroma always had a soft spot for a little blond puss?errr?cat after all.


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Re: Out of the Blue
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2003, 07:56:07 pm »
:: On Board the MVS Render XXIII::

  Fiirst Officer Klas approached his Captain.  Klas had always wondered how Green had kept his command after losing 22 consecutive ships in battle, but dared not voice his questions aloud.  Klas recalled hearing a rumor somewhere involving Green's possesion of certain holograms involving former Patriarch Fluf and current Patriarch Kortez and something about warm apple pies.  None of this made any sense to the stalwart second in command.  No matter - the Pentarchy has their ways.  

  "Sire, we are approaching coalition space.  We have seen no reaction from the enemy."

  "Excellent" was Green's response.  "Obviously G'Warlock's plan is working.  The foolish Klingons, Romulans, and ISC have been successfully distracted.  The Alliance will soon see victory."

  "But Sire, what of the Lyrans?" Klas responded.  

  "Lyrans?  What Lyrans?" Shouted Green.  "Good God cat, we haven't seen a Lyran for ages.  Do not worry yourself about the coalition response to our attack.  The noble Kroma has assured victory for the Alliance.  Kroma has taken it upon himself to 'occupy' the entire coalition fleet, in a manner no cat should ever see, and allow us the element of surprise.  Our only hope is he will let some of them live so the rest of us can enjoy in the hunt."

  "Sire ... are you sure any of them would want to live after viewing such a ... uh ... vision." Klas wondered.

  "You are indeed wise Klas.  No, probably not.  May they all rest in pieces."


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Green »


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Re: Out of the Blue
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2003, 09:05:30 pm »
Talk about your Shock and Awe!!!!!!!


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Re: Out of the Blue
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2003, 09:25:47 pm »
Hey!  Lets stop worrying about the in-fighting and start making fun of Kroma again ... dag-nabit!!!


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Re: Out of the Blue
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2003, 02:58:54 am »
: On Board the MVS Roundabout VII:

Commander Soreyes views the video he had just received from Captain Green.

Thank the Gods that the Gorns are on our side thought Soreyes.

Soreyes to the Galley: Prepair the toasters for some extended service.

Hmmmm Thought Soreyes I wonder what Rom on toast would taste like

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Soreyes »