Topic: Re: To TraceyG  (Read 5925 times)

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Re: To TraceyG
« on: May 11, 2003, 11:28:08 am »
Why? Why?  Why? am I always the last to be told stuff.

Well . . .   it seems my post-mortum (sp?) of SFC2.Net was a tad pre-mature.  Something is in the works.   It's just that they didn't tell me.




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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2003, 11:52:27 am »


And somehow this surprises you???


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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2003, 12:33:31 pm »
Tracey's leaving?!?!?!?

J'inn, you're not the last to know.  

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2003, 12:37:54 pm »
It is very unfortunate and sad to hear that Tracey is leaving.  


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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2003, 12:40:08 pm »

Man you ppl are so snowed over...!

Jinn, delete this thread mb? Its taking up HD space.

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2003, 12:41:27 pm »

Man you ppl are so snowed over...!

Jinn, delete this thread mb? Its taking up HD space.  



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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2003, 12:42:41 pm »


Man you ppl are so snowed over...!

Jinn, delete this thread mb? Its taking up HD space.  

Shut up sissy befor I run you off the map again hehe  


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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2003, 01:18:29 pm »
Hehe, you think I am jokintg... I am not.

Tracey obviously wants to make a dignified and graceful exit from this community because she didnt get what she wanted, but is passing off Karnak as the reason which he really has nothing to do with it.

Now Tracey I guess gambled that I'd play along or at least keep quiet. She gambled wrong.

I have been here in this community for a little over 3 years. Pretty much from the beginning. So you all know for a fact that I put the interests and the needs of the community to heart and would never do anything to hurt or injure it in any way. I like you guys. I like this game. And I like having fun here, which is why I cant let everyone here be lied to again. You deserve the truth.

So I'll give Tracey 24 hours from the time this post is dated to tell the truth, or I will tell it for her.

I dont have a motive in causing her any ill will either. SG3 is steaming ahead at full speed and I have a full crew thanks to fluf, scipio and frey.

We deserve the truth and I promise you Tracey will tell you one way or the other...


Daew Anahos

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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2003, 02:02:31 pm »
Tracey, please consider staying.

You are one of the people that help to light up this forum.

To quote Billy Joel, " Don't take s*** from anybody".



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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2003, 02:09:27 pm »
  Didn't know anything about this.  (surprise).  Don't go, but if you must, I wish you well.  You were (are) an asset to this community.  You wil be sorely missed.

  Can we keep your sig pic if you go?



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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2003, 02:26:14 pm »
SFC2.Net survives this, I promise.

I'm going to so many emotions right now, I am at a loss of words.

Tracey, you know how I feel.  Take care.


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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2003, 02:35:23 pm »



And somehow this surprises you???  

Well, actually no.   I've been aware of it since day one.  LOL


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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2003, 02:42:13 pm »

As the FPF SOO I have the fortune of telling you that, due to the resources you have in your command and your ability as a Starship captain, your resignation is summarilly dismissed as null and void. You failed to submit it within the proper notification time frame. You and I both know that hostilities are about to erupt and we need every available pilot. Please report your bridge and begin the debarcation checklist. Your crew has been recalled from shoreleave and is awaiting your command.

Please feel free to resubmit your resignation in 90 days for final disapproval

Wouldn't want to fly SG3 or any other server without ya!


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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2003, 03:56:28 pm »

Hehe, you think I am jokintg... I am not.

Tracey obviously wants to make a dignified and graceful exit from this community because she didnt get what she wanted, but is passing off Karnak as the reason which he really has nothing to do with it.

Now Tracey I guess gambled that I'd play along or at least keep quiet. She gambled wrong.

I have been here in this community for a little over 3 years. Pretty much from the beginning. So you all know for a fact that I put the interests and the needs of the community to heart and would never do anything to hurt or injure it in any way. I like you guys. I like this game. And I like having fun here, which is why I cant let everyone here be lied to again. You deserve the truth.

So I'll give Tracey 24 hours from the time this post is dated to tell the truth, or I will tell it for her.

I dont have a motive in causing her any ill will either. SG3 is steaming ahead at full speed and I have a full crew thanks to fluf, scipio and frey.

We deserve the truth and I promise you Tracey will tell you one way or the other...


Dizzy keep it to yourself. You know the truth so keep it that way. We dont need to start somthing that could expend in bad feelings.  If you really have the community first then keep this to yourself. Many folks are looking forward to SG3 no need to cloud it up with somthing that could be taken wrong.  Most of us say things in the moment that could have been put better, lets let this matter lie. Rember we are crack whores. hehehe


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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2003, 04:10:30 pm »
No Hondo I will not keep it to myself.

I am tired of all the back door politics, all the evil PM's and the fooling of the community and blaming someone who is not at fault.

She has less than 21 1/2 hours left to tell everyone the truth or I will.

Hondo, I'll not stand idly by this time and watch her LIE to everyone and stake it on karnak. Its BS and everyone deserves to know the truth. Especially Karnak. He doesnt even know.


SSCF Hooch

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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2003, 04:23:36 pm »

No Hondo I will not keep it to myself.

I am tired of all the back door politics, all the evil PM's and the fooling of the community and blaming someone who is not at fault.

She has less than 21 1/2 hours left to tell everyone the truth or I will.

Hondo, I'll not stand idly by this time and watch her LIE to everyone and stake it on karnak. Its BS and everyone deserves to know the truth. Especially Karnak. He doesnt even know.


<Open's eyes and see's the fine print>

Hondo, Dizzy, AND TraceyG  please PM me. Is this going where I think it is going? If so I am not happy about it one little bit.



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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2003, 05:11:30 pm »

No Hondo I will not keep it to myself.

I am tired of all the back door politics, all the evil PM's and the fooling of the community and blaming someone who is not at fault.

She has less than 21 1/2 hours left to tell everyone the truth or I will.

Hondo, I'll not stand idly by this time and watch her LIE to everyone and stake it on karnak. Its BS and everyone deserves to know the truth. Especially Karnak. He doesnt even know.


And we're just supposed to believe that your "truth" is THE truth?

I gotta say...given some of the stuff I've seen you say and do over the past few years...and as recently as the last few weeks,  I'll approach your telling of things with a great deal of skepticism.  I already know that your perception of reality is sometimes faulty at best.  

Frankly, I think you'd do the community a GREAT favor by just keeping your mouth shut on this issue.  No one needs to hear what you have to say about it.  Those involved know what happened.  Tracey has bowed out.  Leave it at that.

As for SFC2.NEt..if it was a good run.  I'll be happy to do what I can to help keep it afloat.  It's been good for the community and I'd like to see it cotninue to be so.



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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2003, 05:21:26 pm »
Man I love you Dogmatix, blunt and too the point :-) Klingon even in diplomacy :-) Looking forward to visiting you on the Klingon frontier.



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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2003, 05:54:09 pm »
I'm with you Dogmatix.  I am really tired of the games here.


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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2003, 06:01:36 pm »
And people here were passing judgement on the *open* conflict that sometimes occurs on the OT forum? Better to see the knife coming that awakening to discover it firmly planted in your back!  


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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #20 on: May 11, 2003, 06:14:20 pm »
LOL... good point Stormbringer

Dog & Kortez, now you know why I never run as an RM.... I have enough responsibility with running the Hydran Tactical Group for STOC without adding to it by being an RM.

And Dog, if you ever tire of this... I encourage you to check out STOC.  Not at much hassle.... well, not really... but we can always use a good klink....

Hell, I extend the invitation to all of you.  We cover all races... run a F&E type game.  

sorry, i know this is shameless promotion... but it is fun.


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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #21 on: May 11, 2003, 06:49:02 pm »
I have been a member of the SFC community in some form or another since it's inception. I was forced to take a one year break while deployed to Korea and Afganistan (after Sept 11). Upon my return, I was obliged to take another screen name, ISP, E-mail address and so on. I do not participate in the on line games due more to the limitations of my dial up connection and my irregular hours as a member of the service than to squabbles such as this. I do contribute and have contributed ideas and critiques of works on the Model forum, Scripts forum, Mods forum and general forum as well as the OT forum. When it became apparent that I could not devote time or resources at the level I would like I migrated most of my presence to the OT forum where at least I could contribute some substance more often than not. The OT forum served the purpose of keeping me connected with the rest of the SFC community, evolving as it was. Most of the original modellers I knew are gone to other venues and works now. My relative on topic exile is changing with my impending retirement and I have several model projects in the works which will be revealed on my own timetable for Gorns and some out of ST Genre ships of my own design. Scripting will have to wait until I get a suitable C++ set up, though.

I really hate to see things like this happen here where it is not expected nor wanted. It really is detrimental to the continued welfare of the game and the community which sustains it. Who knows why the founding members of the community moved on? Some simply grew tired of it. Some moved on to other games. Some made career moves which preclude it. How many, I wonder, were driven off by things such as this?

Rob Cole

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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2003, 07:14:05 pm »

I dont know if Karnak was to blame for this,BUT it would not be the first time he pulled a stunt either.
I can post some fine fecal matter he posted in the RM forum if you would like to see it.

So after getting burned by him before,I find it very hard to belive anything he says.

Not only did he burn me(After I recomend him for a ARM post) He also s h i t on the entire staff.

Fool me once shame on you.
Fool me twice shame on me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Rob Cole »


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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2003, 07:56:16 pm »
  I hope she dosen't go.  She shown to have a decent head on her shoulders.

  Karnak can be an ass at times, but brush it off not worth letting a person get under your skin.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cocomoe »


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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2003, 08:22:44 pm »

No Hondo I will not keep it to myself.

I am tired of all the back door politics, all the evil PM's and the fooling of the community and blaming someone who is not at fault.

She has less than 21 1/2 hours left to tell everyone the truth or I will.

Hondo, I'll not stand idly by this time and watch her LIE to everyone and stake it on karnak. Its BS and everyone deserves to know the truth. Especially Karnak. He doesnt even know.


I know absolutely nothing of this specific squable and will not change my opinion about any of its participants based on other people's perception.
In my case, your post will be of no added value and yet it may cause serious damage openning the door to more conflicts with people taking sides.  

There are two types of post made here, those that contribute to the well being of this community and those that contributes to destroying the same community.
It seems to me that anyone writing a post detailing any personnal conflicts on this Forum, writes a post of the latter type.
Please reconsider based on the comments made by many of us and instead promote using our collective energy towards more constructive accomplishments.
Now that you have heard the opinion of many of us, the call is yours to make.




  • Guest
Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2003, 08:49:56 pm »


I dont know if Karnak was to blame for this,BUT it would not be the first time he pulled a stunt either.
I can post some fine fecal matter he posted in the RM forum if you would like to see it.

So after getting burned by him before,I find it very hard to belive anything he says.

Not only did he burn me(After I recomend him for a ARM post) He also s h i t on the entire staff.

Fool me once shame on you.
Fool me twice shame on me.  

Well, blade... Karnak is more a troll than I am... by a factor of 10 at least, but he always comes back. In fact... he came thru for me.  He finally sent me the stuff we worked on and told me about his wifes problem in Paris.

Apparently she is visiting her mom there and all her stuff was stolen. She has to apply for another passport green card or whatever at the US Embassy in Paris to get back which he doesnt know how long will take.

No,  Karnak is an ass. Yeah...  But i GET him, as screwed and twisted as he is, he means well but totally comes across wrong and brushes ppl the wrong way. But he came thru.

He was so busyt with his wife, that just today he had time to email me the file. So now we are ready. I just need to get Frey to host it, but hez at some moms day party, lol.

Now, I like Karnak. When all the [censored] was flying around, he stuck with me... even when I told him to  STFU  and to stop posting on the forums cuz hes pissin ppl off. He is just retarded in that aspect I guess... But he is a good guy.

He told me to tell everyone that he is sorry, he never wanted to to really piss anyone off but tracey (She deserved it, btw) but Karnak went about it all wrong.

So hate him, love him, he really is a good guy, he just cant control his stupid freaking mouth.

As far as Tracey goes... lol. Dogmatix, my stories are sometimes a little fatty, overcooked and too much in one sitting will make you sick, kinda like Meatloaf . But I wasnt gonna tell this story about tracey. I have a copied transcript of all our conversations between the two of uswith her talking about her dealings with Frey,, SG3 and even some of you ppl. Its her words, not mine. So hey. You really dont have to believe me... believe her.

But maybe... just MAYBE I'll let her slide... but she needs to honor our agreement and make good on her promise 1st. And if she is reading this... she knows what I mean.

So... if I get what I want, then the truth stays sealed for 30 years and she gets her clean exit... noone will know. If I dont... lets see... you'll hear about it in less than 18 hours  


  • Guest
Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2003, 08:57:11 pm »
Pathetic Dizzy. Arrogant to the bitter end. Always thinking of just one person, yourself.
You can take your attitude and shove it wear it fits. Stop playing your pathetic games.
I've called your bluff, or are you going to fold?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tracey Greenough »


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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2003, 09:03:40 pm »
The following is a copy from Jins resignation thread:



As far as tracey goes... lets just let her go away... far away... and not talk about it anymore?  

You little worm, you're as bad as Karnak. Full of [censored]. You think you can con everone into thinking you have some 'inside' information about something?

I call your bluff. Spill your 'so called' beans now, you arrogant little selfish egotistical megalomaniac. I walk away from these forums only to come back and find you backstabbing me the best you can.
It's because of s**t like this that I've had enough. And obviously it's never going to end.
I was almost, I say, almost going to come back.

I thank everyone else for the support they have shown, but honestly, I just can't take this kind of crap anymore.  

Tracey... I have copied transcripts of all our conversations. I dont weant to get into it and this community doesnt need to hear it.

If you press, I'll have to ask Frey if I can divulge what you attempted to do with

You are done in this communityt as far as I am concerned. And I suggest you go away. Now mb. I wont bury you, you will, in your own words.

I trusted you tracey. I really did. You know what? Karnak left the community because of his wife. Yet he STILL gave me the installer we worked on. He came thru. You left because you couldnt stomach not getting your way. You have not on anything in fact made good with your word. Not one Iota.

And as far as your discussion with me on splitting this community up and having it go down in flames, I'll let you decide on how to proceed on that, but I cant see how you would not contradict yourself. You assured me NOTHING like this you would do, yet u have.

And what happened to our discussion on you being a runner? And me thinking you were using Karnak as an excuse for a clean exit? Turned out I was right, but hey, I aint gonna let you slide.

I have a saying. Someone screws me once, I give em the horns, baby. I dont let em screw me twice.

So call me names and incite a big ass war here to drive the SG3 players away... but you wont do anything to regain your image. Not aftert what you did. You are finnished. You already resigned from the community. So leave us all alone to have fun and game.

Next move is yours, baby. Step into the ring! I dare you!  


  • Guest
Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2003, 09:09:09 pm »

 If you press, I'll have to ask Frey if I can divulge what you attempted to do with

I'm pressing, come on then, out with it, you gutless wonder.


  • Guest
Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #29 on: May 11, 2003, 09:24:42 pm »
KAT got your tongue, Dizzy?? Just as I thought, all bark and no bite.

To quote a phrase... <pauses to savour the moment>




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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #30 on: May 11, 2003, 09:33:49 pm »

KAT got your tongue, Dizzy?? Just as I thought, all bark and no bite.

To quote a phrase... <pauses to savour the moment>



Whatever! You must not have been joking when you said you were new to the community.

You picked the wrong guy to catfight with, ask anyone.

And I'm not gonna hop from one post to the next like you are.

Keep it on one thread plz:  


  • Guest
Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #31 on: May 11, 2003, 10:51:05 pm »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SkyFlyer »


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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #32 on: May 11, 2003, 10:57:27 pm »
Since this thread started as a simple note to Tracey, I'll type a simple message to Tracey:


You've done more for this community than I can properly thank you for and I'm sorry you've taken heat as a reward.  You've always tried to be there helping out others whenever you could (often even whe you couldn't afford the time) and have definitely been the bright beacon of positive energy over the past year.  Whenever CW or Herr Burt needed a helping hand, you could be counted on.  I can't thank you enough for all the times you've served to save a server that was hitting bugs.

I know when you've saved my bacon.  I know the effort you've put in for  So does (almost) everyone else.  I'm sad that things have driven you away.  If you are truly gone, we all lose.

I hope to see you often when you feel better.  If you ever want to just fly around and have some fun (in this game or any other) or chat about anything, give me a shout.   I still say you'd make a great Gorn.  

Your friend (whether you knew it or not)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »


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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #33 on: May 12, 2003, 01:00:16 am »
Dizzy, stop being an ass.

I agree with you that Karnak's got a definate lack of tact, but I see where he's coming from usually and when I don't the PM's straighten me out.

About your b+tch with Tracey...  STFU!!!  We all know she volunteered to do your Tholian mod, and we were all looking forward to it.  But, as things go, real life got in the way and she picked her priorities.  Given the options: career and future vs. game, I think she made a wise decision.  I'd still love to see the mod, but whenever she gets to finish it.  I think *most* of the community agrees with me that real life takes priority over a game.

Flame me all you want.  Your pathetic, lameass attempts at threats will not scare me and I hope the community will back me up in my observation that *you* are the agressor here.


  • Guest
Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #34 on: May 12, 2003, 02:14:53 am »
Well, what a happy bunch we are.

Tracey, thank you for everything you've done for this community. I'll keep in touch through MSN as usual.

Dizzy, do you really think that you posting a copy of transcripts of whatever conversations you've had will be believed? Hmm, let's see:

"Dizzy says: I really ought to learn how to STFU.
Mog says: Agreed"

Now the above never happened, sadly, but it was easy enough to fabricte and type it. Anything you "copy and paste" here will have as much credibility as me saying "I love being hit by hellbores" So give it up, and let this mess die down if you still want to have people around to actually play on this server that you've been slaving over. From what I can see, it's you and the hypocritical Karnak against the rest of the community and, despite you saying all this is for the good of the community, I reckon you've got it wrong and you are seriously damaging it with this online spat.

Oh, and the reason I name Karnak as a hypocrite is because some time ago in a D3 forum thread, he took me to task for being condescending in my posting tone towards a slug, and yet I've seen much worse from him recently towards and Tracey in particular. It looks as if he has succeeded in getting his revenge on for the AOTK affair. Way to go, Mr Community Spirited people.


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Re: To TraceyG
« Reply #35 on: May 12, 2003, 02:49:56 am »
Plug pulled......its dead jim.