Topic: Diary of a Patriarch ? week 1  (Read 1426 times)

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Diary of a Patriarch ? week 1
« on: May 13, 2003, 09:31:39 pm »
M?Ress was in bad mood. His week had started off all right. Being Patriarch had it advantages.

The celebration had gone well. Everyone got trashed, and then the guards got everyone home safely. Even Dogmatix had chance to help clean up (see ?New Patriarch? Let?s celebrate? thread).

The next morning however, things started to go downhill. First he had to do something that hadn?t been done in a long time, discipline a KAT. That was not fun and he hated doing at as he had flown with that KAT more than a few times.

Next, send his mentor into virtual exile for clocking him just before the last war, only to call him back when hostilities threatened to break out again.

Then he discovers that Redfur has been enjoying his new expense account at the local mall. She has also been enjoying the infamy of being the Patriarchs wife. He had never seen so many Tupperware and Crystal parties.

Now he was getting all these requests for projects and sponsorships.

Now he knew why Patriarchs tend to retire early.


K?arbin was waiting for him outside in the waiting room. His expression was all business and the ridiculous hat under his arm.

?Come with me old chum, we have plans to make.?

No sooner than they had arrived in his office that a bell rang. It was from a red glowing intercom (you guessed it The KAT phone).

?M?Ress here.?

?Why do you answer like that?? asked Kortez. ?You know it?s me. This is a direct line.?

?Just a habit. What do you want??

?Can you come to my office for a minute. We need to discuss plans for the upcoming war.? At last something he could really get into, instead of admin stuff.

?Be right there.? And he snapped off the intercom. He turned to K?arbin.

?To the KAT mobile K?arbin!? and stepped onto the small conveyor to his fellow Patriarch?s office.

When he got there, Green Chuut and Kortez were seated around Kortez?s table. They turned to look at him and all grinned.

M?Ress looked puzzled. ?What? Have I got something in my teeth??