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What do you want revealed on the public SG3 map?1.) I want to see it all, every battlestation, every starbase and every planet that exists anywhere on the map. Lets see everything!2.) I want to see only the battlestations, starbases and planets within, say 3 hexes of an enemy border. Lets leave the rest to a little exploration and discovery.3.) I dont want to see anything on the public map except the different races colors and VC's. I even want to discover where my own races planets and stations are...
Quote:I would like to see the entire map painted a lovely shade of Gornish Brown. Is that so wrong?-S'Cipio the peacemaker
Quote:<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=""><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1052625803Dizzy"><p>What do you want revealed on the public SG3 map?<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />1.) I want to see it all, every battlestation, every starbase and every planet that exists anywhere on the map. Lets see everything!<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />2.) I want to see only the battlestations, starbases and planets within, say 3 hexes of an enemy border. Lets leave the rest to a little exploration and discovery.<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />3.) I dont want to see anything on the public map except the different races colors and VC's. I even want to discover where my own races planets and stations are...<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>Below is option 3. The map with only the different races colors and the VC hexes. Make your choice...
Quote:Why I really would like to know were everthing was I sure dont want Chuut knowing were all my base are so I say # 2
Quote: You forgot option #4: revealing the strip club location (get it? reveal? It's a joke! Laugh!)
Quote: Quote: You forgot option #4: revealing the strip club location (get it? reveal? It's a joke! Laugh!) Funny but not necessary. We visit the Riverboat Casino.
Quote:I want to discover that it all was just a bad dream and that the Tholians are actually allied with the Coalition.
Quote:Quote:I want to discover that it all was just a bad dream and that the Tholians are actually allied with the Coalition. Yep, the numbers could be ugly.Plus the players that are normally colition who want to try the Tholians in what will apparently be their UBER ships.Plus whatever dizzy throws into the fed side of the shiplist.....UGH...Well it might be a fun weekend.....jd