Topic: SG3 Server Downloads...  (Read 3955 times)

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Re: SG3 Server Downloads...
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2003, 09:12:26 am »
Kim report to the SSCF Fleet forums till 12:30CST and leave these poor guys along.  


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Re: SG3 Server Downloads...
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2003, 09:18:33 am »

All please excepted my sincerest apologies in not having the SSCF fleet message board up and running right at this time. I sorry that Kim has to come and make post like the one above me. I'm working as hard and as fast as I can to get the message board for the SSCF Fleet back up and working right so that Kim will not be posting things like the post above.

I'm truly sorry about that.  

Are you kidding Day we love Kim and her posts  


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Re: SG3 Server Downloads...
« Reply #22 on: May 10, 2003, 09:19:55 am »
SHe is just babbling to day. SHe is not makeing any since at all. She is sefering for fleet message board idice.


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Re: SG3 Server Downloads...
« Reply #23 on: May 10, 2003, 10:25:41 am »


KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: SG3 Server Downloads...
« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2003, 11:28:59 am »

SHe is just babbling to day. SHe is not makeing any since at all. She is sefering for fleet message board idice.  

Er, uhhhhmmm, you ever been hit with a rolling pin?


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Re: SG3 Server Downloads...
« Reply #25 on: May 10, 2003, 01:16:17 pm »

Ok, the beta installer is done. It will install everything cept the scripts which you have to drop into your scripts folder. The final version of the installer will do this for you.

The server is up. Its gonna be a test server.. so HF. Report anything unusual... lol.

I have had a few problems with people telling me to go [censored] myself, hehe.  This has cause the D/L's to be... delayed. I will fix this, however... and you can expect to be on by tonight. Maybe I can call my Time warner and get some more webspace... Ill host the D/L myself. Again, my apologie. I fully expected and had planned to have this taken care of, but had an unexpected twist of events.... Despite the slight delay, I stayed up late and did my best to debug thr installer so we are a D/L away from playing...

Im tired... so off to bed with me. See you all tomorrow afternoon...  

I think most of us would just like to see SG3 go up when it's absolutely ready.  If there's anything that AOTK taught us, it's that the only time-table for a servers start that is worth a damn is the one which sees a server go up when it is fully tested and deemed ready.  AOTK was fun...but I think a lot of the stuff that went on could have been avoided with more server and shiplist testing.

Hang in there, Dizz....and to anyone who is TRULY telling Dizzy to go [censored] himself, well....STFU, eh?  The guy is busting his arse here...



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Re: SG3 Server Downloads...
« Reply #26 on: May 10, 2003, 01:28:20 pm »
Ok, talked to scipio and he may have the dl ready that will also install the scripts, hurray!

Frey XC will fire up the server on Xenocorps machine and we are set ti go. He will also post the D/L's when they are finished 2night.

Karnak and Tracey are AWOL, and it came at a bad time... cuz I really needed them to help finish this final phase. But I got Frey and fluf and scipio helping now, all is ok.

Maybe tracey found Karnak and stepped on him? Or maybe Karnak stuck her with his poinson tipped forked tongue and killer her? Who knows... who cares? SG3 Beta test server is on its way.

XC is working on a website as well. I'd fully expect SG3 to run thru with the beta this week and next to be ready to go live on Friday...

Ok, gotta go!


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Re: SG3 Server Downloads...
« Reply #27 on: May 10, 2003, 01:53:01 pm »

As some who has played or helped with many servers over these years, I helped SFCShadow with his origianl SFC Online concept, I can tell you no matter how hard you work there will always be a few that hate the effort. But for evey complainer there are 10 people who genuinely appreciate your work. It is for those that you really put in the time.

It is for those 10 plus that I say we are greatful for the time and energy you have committed. We salute for you for your efforts and committment.




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Re: SG3 Server Downloads...
« Reply #28 on: May 10, 2003, 02:42:20 pm »
Take your time Dizzy, yes we might be crack whores who are like a bunch of retards at the Zoo with Damaged for a tour Guide (This suxs That suxs time to get on the short bus) We all know you been busting your hump and been sex deprived for eons now, take your wife out for a nice dinner, spend the eavning in a hot tub, and then when its all good and ready move into the garage for a few weeks and Lets have some fun!. Besides just post some more pics of the slave girls for us to drool over.  


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Re: SG3 Server Downloads...
« Reply #29 on: May 10, 2003, 06:14:25 pm »

 Besides just post some more pics of the slave girls for us to drool over.  

Drool away buddy.

Damn J'inn and Gwarlock pimping me to the Romulans.

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