Hello Mr. Brad Bowermaster,
I thank your for your professional and kind consideration of this matter,
If you would be so kind as to add a footnote of thanks to
"Captain Starkillers' and Hawkeyes' Black Ops Station"for them collecting and organising them, I would appreciate that very much,
Its up to you Sir,
As for the ratings column, that was not the crux of my post,
Thank you for your contribution to the SFC community by proving this precious achieve to all,
Thanks again, and take care,
I will put in a foot note of thanks to them, however, I would like to note that we did not leech these models, Atticbat/Starkiller and Hawkeye were members of Starfleet Universe at one time before they left the SFC community and they uploaded these models for our use.
As for the ratings, I'm not going to comment on that. The function came with the file system, I'm not even sure if it can be removed without being a hassle or causing glitches in the file database, I'll have to look into it.