Topic: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)  (Read 5895 times)

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Time was growing short, so I wasn't able to keep this index completely updated as last-minute changes came in.  However, this should still give you a good idea of the sorts of individual models you will be able to use (if you wish) for your various ships in SG3.

I, for one, will take great pleasure in finally having a BCH that doesn't look like a BC, and carriers/pftenders that don't look like the cruisers they were built upon.

Very few of these new models are downloads, though Dizzy does have a few creations he wanted to share with everyone.  Most of these are created by making new folders on your hard-drive and copying over the stock models into them.  If you are happy with your game as is, no worries.  But if you want to be able to visually distinguish all the different hull configurations with unique models, now is the time to start looking for your favorite mod files to use.

Happy warmongering!



    F-POL+      fff/fff.mod => fpol/fpol.mod

    F-PV+      fff/fff.mod => fpv/fpv.mod

    F-DW      fdd/fdd.mod => fdw/fdw.mod
    F-DWA      fdd/fdd.mod => fdw/fdw.mod
    F-DWD      fdd/fdd.mod => fdw/fdw.mod
    F-DWC      fdd/fdd.mod => fdw/fdw.mod
    F-HDW      fdd/fdd.mod => fdw/fdw.mod

    F-CL      fdd/fdd.mod => focl/focl.mod
    F-CL+      fdd/fdd.mod => focl/focl.mod      
    F-CLD      fdd/fdd.mod => focl/focl.mod
    F-CLD+      fdd/fdd.mod => focl/focl.mod
    F-ECL      fdd/fdd.mod => focl/focl.mod

    F-NVS      fcl/fcl.mod => fnvl/fnvl.mod
    F-NVL      fcl/fcl.mod => fnvl/fnvl.mod
    F-NVL+      fcl/fcl.mod => fnvl/fnvl.mod

    F-NCA      fcl/fcl.mod => fnca/fnca.mod
    F-NCM      fcl/fcl.mod => fnca/fnca.mod
    F-NCC      fcl/fcl.mod => fnca/fnca.mod

    F-BCE      fdn/fdn.mod => fbce/fbce.mod

    F-BCF      fdn/fdn.mod => fbch/fbch.mod
    F-BCG      fdn/fdn.mod => fbch/fbch.mod
    F-BCJ      fdn/fdn.mod => fbch/fbch.mod

    F-BCV      fdn/fdn.mod => fbcv/fbcv.mod

    F-CVL      fca/fca.mod => fcvl/fcvl.mod
    F-CVL+      fca/fca.mod => fcvl/fcvl.mod

    F-GSC      fca/fca.mod => fgsc/fgsc.mod
    F-GSC+      fca/fca.mod => fgsc/fgsc.mod

    F-CVS      fca/fca.mod => fcvs/fcvs.mod
    F-CVS+      fca/fca.mod => fcvs/fcvs.mod

    F-CFS      fca/fca.mod => fcfs/fcfs.mod
    F-CFS+      fca/fca.mod => fcfs/fcfs.mod

    F-DN      fbch/fbch.mod => fodn/fodn.mod
    F-DN+      fbch/fbch.mod => fodn/fodn.mod

    F-DNF      fbch/fbch.mod => fdn/fdn.mod
    F-DNG      fbch/fbch.mod => fdn/fdn.mod
    F-DNH      fbch/fbch.mod => fdn/fdn.mod

    F-TUGs      xmmer/xmmer.mod => ftug/ftug.mod

    G-PFT        gdd/gdd.mod => gpft/gpft.mod

    G-BDE      gdd/gdd.mod => gdw/gdw.mod
    G-BDD      gdd/gdd.mod => gdw/gdw.mod
    G-BDD+                        gdd/gdd.mod => gdw/gdw.mod
    G-BDL      gdd/gdd.mod => gdw/gdw.mod
    G-BDL+                        gdd/gdd.mod => gdw/gdw.mod

    G-BDP      gdd/gdd.mod => gbdp/gbdp.mod

    G-CL      gca/gca.mod => gcl/gcl.mod
    G-CL+       gca/gca.mod => gcl/gcl.mod
    G-CLE       gca/gca.mod => gcl/gcl.mod
    G-CLF       gca/gca.mod => gcl/gcl.mod
    G-COM                         gca/gca.mod => gcl/gcl.mod
    G-COM+                         gca/gca.mod => gcl/gcl.mod
    G-COMF                         gca/gca.mod => gcl/gcl.mod

    G-HDD      gcl/gcl.mod => gcw/gcw.mod
    G-HDD+                        gcl/gcl.mod => gcw/gcw.mod
    G-HDC      gcl/gcl.mod => gcw/gcw.mod
    G-HDC+                        gcl/gcl.mod => gcw/gcw.mod
    G-HDE      gcl/gcl.mod => gcw/gcw.mod
    G-HDE      gcl/gcl.mod => gcw/gcw.mod
    G-CDD      gcl/gcl.mod => gcw/gcw.mod

    G-HDP      gcl/gcl.mod => ghdp/ghdp.mod

    G-BF      gca/gca.mod => gbf/gbf.mod (remove R restriction)

    G-CS      gcl/gcl.mod => gcm/gcm.mod
    G-CM      gcl/gcl.mod => gcm/gcm.mod      
    G-MCC      gcl/gcl.mod => gcm/gcm.mod

    G-BFP      gca/gca.mod => gbfp/gbfp.mod (remove R restriction)

    G-BCH      gca/gca.mod => gbch/gbch.mod
    G-BCHD                        gca/gca.mod => gbch/gbch.mod

    G-PFL      tho/gpfl.mod => gpfl/gpfl.mod

    G-TUG      gfa/gfa.mod => gtug/gtug.mod

    H-GEN+                         hff/hff.mod => hgen/hgen.mod

    H-CVE      hff/hff.mod => hcve/hcve.mod

    H-DWE      hdd/hdd.mod => hdw/hdw.mod
    H-DWF      hdd/hdd.mod => hdw/hdw.mod
    H-DWH      hdd/hdd.mod => hdw/hdw.mod
    H-DWL      hdd/hdd.mod => hdw/hdw.mod
    H-DWV      hdd/hdd.mod => hdw/hdw.mod

    H-LNHA                        hdd/hdd.mod => hlnh/hlnh.mod
    H-LNHB                         hdd/hdd.mod => hlnh/hlnh.mod

    H-NVL      hcl/hcl.mod => hnvl/hnvl.mod
    H-NVL+                        hcl/hcl.mod => hnvl/hnvl.mod

    H-COS      hcl/hcl.mod => hcos/hcos.mod

    H-MNG      hcl/hcl.mod => hcm/hcm.mod
    H-COM      hcl/hcl.mod => hcm/hcm.mod
    H-TAR      hcl/hcl.mod => hcm/hcm.mod
    H-BAR      hcl/hcl.mod => hcm/hcm.mod
    H-APA      hcl/hcl.mod => hcm/hcm.mod

    H-LC      hca/hca.mod => hcc/hcc.mod
    H-LM      hca/hca.mod => hcc/hcc.mod
    H-LB      hca/hca.mod => hcc/hcc.mod

    H-THR      hca/hca.mod => hbf/hbf.mod

    H-MHK      hcl/hcl.mod => hnca/hnca.mod
    H-CHY      hcl/hcl.mod => hnca/hnca.mod
    H-IRQ      hcl/hcl.mod => hnca/hnca.mod
    H-SUI      hcl/hcl.mod => hnca/hnca.mod

    H-CHA      hca/hca.mod => hcch/hcch.mod
    H-CHC      hca/hca.mod => hcch/hcch.mod

    H-OV      hca/hca.mod => hbch/hbch.mod
    H-OS      hca/hca.mod => hbch/hbch.mod

    H-IC      hcv/hcv.mod => hdnv/hdnv.mod
    H-ID      hcv/hcv.mod => hdnv/hdnv.mod

    H-TUGs      hfa/hfa.mod => htug/htug.mod

    Z-DDV      zdd/zdd.mod => zddv/zddv.mod

    Z-DW      zdd/zdd.mod => zdw/zdw.mod
    Z-DWD      zdd/zdd.mod => zdw/zdw.mod
    Z-DWE      zdd/zdd.mod => zdw/zdw.mod
    Z-DWL      zdd/zdd.mod => zdw/zdw.mod

    Z-DWV      zdd/zdd.mod => zdwv/zdwv.mod

    Z-CVE      zcl/zcl.mod => zcve/zcve.mod
    Z-CVE+      zcl/zcl.mod => zcve/zcve.mod

    Z-CM      zcl/zcl.mod => zcm/zcm.mod
    Z-CM+      zcl/zcl.mod => zcm/zcm.mod
    Z-MDC      zcl/zcl.mod => zcm/zcm.mod
    Z-MDC+                        zcl/zcl.mod => zcm/zcm.mod
    Z-MEC      zcl/zcl.mod => zcm/zcm.mod
    Z-MECD                        zcl/zcl.mod => zcm/zcm.mod
    Z-MCC       zcl/zcl.mod => zcm/zcm.mod
    Z-MCC+                          zcl/zcl.mod => zcm/zcm.mod

    Z-MCV      zcl/zcl.mod => zmcv/zmcv.mod

    Z-BF      zca/zca.mod => zbf/zbf.mod

    Z-CLV      zcv/zcv.mod => zclv/zclv.mod
    Z-CLV+      zcv/zcv.mod => zclv/zclv.mod

    Z-NCA      zca/zca.mod => znca/znca.mod
    Z-NCC      zca/zca.mod => znca/znca.mod

    Z-BCH      zca/zca.mod => zbch/zbch.mod

    Z-BCV      zca/zca.mod => zbcv/zbcv.mod

    Z-DNE      zdn/zdn.mod => zedn/zedn.mod

    Z-CVA      zcv/zcv.mod => zcva/zcva.mod

    Z-TUG      zfa/zfa.mod => ztug/ztug.mod

    I-CVE      idd/idd.mod => icve/icve.mod
    I-CVEZ      idd/idd.mod => icve/icve.mod

    I-CVL      icl/icl.mod => icvl/icvl.mod
    I-CVLZ       icl/icl.mod => icvl/icvl.mod
    I-CVLP      icl/icl.mod => icvl/icvl.mod
    I-CVLS      icl/icl.mod => icvl/icvl.mod

    I-CAA      ica/ica.mod => icaa/icaa.mod
    I-CAAZ      ica/ica.mod => icaa/icaa.mod
    I-CAAD      ica/ica.mod => icaa/icaa.mod

    I-CF      ica/ica.mod => icf/icf.mod
    I-CFD      ica/ica.mod => icf/icf.mod

    I-CV      ica/ica.mod => icv/icv.mod
    I-CVZ      ica/ica.mod => icv/icv.mod
    I-CVS      ica/ica.mod => icv/icv.mod
    I-CVSZ      ica/ica.mod => icv/icv.mod
    I-CVSD      ica/ica.mod => icv/icv.mod
    I-CCV      ica/ica.mod => icv/icv.mod

    I-CVA      ica/ica.mod => icva/icva.mod
    I-CVAD      ica/ica.mod => icva/icva.mod
    I-CVAZ      ica/ica.mod => icva/icva.mod
    I-CCV      ica/ica.mod => icva/icva.mod

    I-TUG      ifa/ifa.mod => itug/itug.mod

    K-G2C      kff/kff.mod => kg2/kg2.mod

    K-F5W      kdd/kdd.mod => kdw/kdw.mod
    K-FWK      kdd/kdd.mod => kdw/kdw.mod
    K-FWC      kdd/kdd.mod => kdw/kdw.mod
    K-FWL      kdd/kdd.mod => kdw/kdw.mod

    K-F6      kdd/kdd.mod => kf6/kf6.mod

    K-D5V      kcl/kcl.mod => kd5v/kd5v.mod
    K-D5VK                        kcl/kcl.mod => kd5v/kd5v.mod

    K-RKLY                        rln/rln.mod => krk/krk.mod

    K-D6      kca/kca.mod => kd6/kd6.mod
    K-D6B      kca/kca.mod => kd6/kd6.mod
    K-D6K      kca/kca.mod => kd6/kd6.mod
    K-D6D      kca/kca.mod => kd6/kd6.mod
    K-D6DB                        kca/kca.mod => kd6/kd6.mod
    K-AD6      kca/kca.mod => kd6/kd6.mod
    K-AD6K                        kca/kca.mod => kd6/kd6.mod

    K-D6V                        kca/kca.mod => kd6v/kd6v.mod
    K-D6VK                         kca/kca.mod => kd6v/kd6v.mod

    K-FD7      kca/kca.mod => kfd7/kfd7.mod
    K-FD7K      kca/kca.mod => kfd7/kfd7.mod

    K-D7T      kca/kca.mod => kd7t/kd7t.mod

    K-D7V      kca/kca.mod => kd7v/kd7v.mod
    K-D7VK                        kca/kca.mod => kd7v/kd7v.mod

    K-D5W      kcl/kcl.mod => knca/knca.mod
    K-DWC      kcl/kcl.mod => knca/knca.mod

    K-C7      kca/kca.mod => kc7/kc7.mod

    K-C7V      kca/kca.mod => kc7v/kc7v.mod

    K-C4      kdn/kdn.mod => kc4/kc4.mod

    KC5      kdn/kdn.mod => kc5/kc5.mod
    KC5B      kdn/kdn.mod => kc5/kc5.mod
    KC5K      kdn/kdn.mod => kc5/kc5.mod

    K-TUG      kfa/kfa.mod => ktug/ktug.mod


    L-POL      lff/lff.mod => lpol/lpol.mod
    L-POL+      lff/lff.mod => lpol/lpol.mod
    L-MP      lff/lff.mod => lpol/lpol.mod
    L-MP+      lff/lff.mod => lpol/lpol.mod

    L-PFT      ldd/ldd.mod => lfpt/lfpt.mod

    L-DW      ldd/ldd.mod => ldw/ldw.mod
    L-DW+      ldd/ldd.mod => ldw/ldw.mod
    L-DWP      ldd/ldd.mod => ldw/ldw.mod
    L-DWE      ldd/ldd.mod => ldw/ldw.mod
    L-DWEP                        ldd/ldd.mod => ldw/ldw.mod
    L-DWL      ldd/ldd.mod => ldw/ldw.mod
    L-DWLP                        ldd/ldd.mod => ldw/ldw.mod

    L-CW      lcl/lcl.mod => lcw/lcw.mod
    L-CW+      lcl/lcl.mod => lcw/lcw.mod
    L-CWP      lcl/lcl.mod => lcw/lcw.mod
    L-CWL      lcl/lcl.mod => lcw/lcw.mod
    L-CWLP                        lcl/lcl.mod => lcw/lcw.mod
    L-CWE      lcl/lcl.mod => lcw/lcw.mod
    L-CWEP                        lcl/lcl.mod => lcw/lcw.mod

    L-PFW      lcl/lcl.mod => lpfw/lpfw.mod
    L-PFWP      lcl/lcl.mod => lpfw/lpfw.mod

    L-CF      lca/lca.mod => lcf/lcf.mod
    L-CF+      lca/lca.mod => lcf/lcf.mod

    L-EGO      lca/lca.mod => lego/lego.mod
    L-EGO+                        lca/lca.mod => lego/lego.mod

    L-NCA      lcl/lcl.mod => lnca/lnca.mod
    L-NCAL                        lcl/lcl.mod => lnca/lnca.mod

    L-CL      lca/lca.mod => lcl/lcl.mod
    L-CL+      lca/lca.mod => lcl/lcl.mod
    L-CLP      lca/lca.mod => lcl/lcl.mod
    L-JAGP      lca/lca.mod => lcl/lcl.mod

    L-BC      lca/lca.mod => lbc/lbc.mod
    L-BCPP      lca/lca.mod => lbc/lbc.mod
    L-BCP+      lca/lca.mod => lbc/lbc.mod

    LBCH      lca/lca.mod => lbch/lbch.mod

    L-D7      kca\kca.mod => ld7/ld7.mod
    L-D7B      kca\kca.mod => ld7/ld7.mod
    L-D7K      kca\kca.mod => ld7/ld7.mod
    L-D7D      kca\kca.mod => ld7/ld7.mod
    L-D7L      kca\kca.mod => ld7/ld7.mod

    L-FD7      kca\kca.mod => lfd7/lfd7.mod
    L-FD7K      kca\kca.mod => lfd7/lfd7.mod

    L-C7      kca\kca.mod => lc7/lc7.mod
    L-C7(ESG)                        kca\kca.mod => lc7/lc7.mod

    L-DNE      ldn/ldn.mod => ledn/ledn.mod

    L-PFL      lpft/lpft.mod => lpfl/lpfl.mod

    L-TUG      lfa/lfa.mod => ltug/ltug.mod

    T-FSML      => tcl/tcl.mod
    T-FQS      => tcl/tcl.mod
    T-FDC      => tcl/tcl.mod
    T-FPC      => tcl/tcl.mod
    T-CN      => tcl/tcl.mod
    T-CNP      => tcl/tcl.mod
    T-CNW      => tcl/tcl.mod
    T-CW      => tcl/tcl.mod
    T-CWL      => tcl/tcl.mod
    T-CWLP                        => tcl/tcl.mod
    T-CVL      => tcl/tcl.mod
    T-HDW      => tcl/tcl.mod
    T-HDWP                        => tcl/tcl.mod

    T-FLRG      => t3d/t3d.mod
    T-FLPh      => t3d/t3d.mod
    T-FLDs      => t3d/t3d.mod
    T-FQL      => t3d/t3d.mod
    T-DNI      => t3d/t3d.mod
    T-DNL      => t3d/t3d.mod
    T-DNP      => t3d/t3d.mod
    T-DVA      => t3d/t3d.mod
    T-SCS      => t3d/t3d.mod

    T-FSPh      =>zfa/zfa.mod
    T-FSDs      =>zfa/zfa.mod

    T-DNH      => t4d/t4d.mod

    T-SCA      => tca/tca.mod
    T-BCS      => tca/tca.mod
    T-BCH      => tca/tca.mod
    T-BCV      => tca/tca.mod
    T-BC      => tca/tca.mod
    T-CA      => tca/tca.mod
    T-CC      => tca/tca.mod
    T-CCI      => tca/tca.mod
    T-CCIP      => tca/tca.mod
    T-CAI      => tca/tca.mod
    T-CAIP      => tca/tca.mod
    T-CFN      => tca/tca.mod
    T-CFNP      => tca/tca.mod
    T-CVS      => tca/tca.mod

    T-DD      => tdd/tdd.mod
    T-DW      => tdd/tdd.mod
    T-DWP      => tdd/tdd.mod
    T-DDV      => tdd/tdd.mod
    T-DE      => tdd/tdd.mod
    T-DEI      => tdd/tdd.mod

    T-FF      => tff/tff.mod
    T-FFI      => tff/tff.mod
    T-FFIP      => tff/tff.mod
    T-PVL      => tff/tff.mod

    T-NDN      =>tndn/tndn.mod
    T-NDNV                        =>tndn/tndn.mod

    T-NBC      =>tnca/tnca.mod
    T-NCFS      =>tnca/tnca.mod
    T-NCPA                        =>tnca/tnca.mod
    T-NVS      =>tnca/tnca.mod
    T-NCC      =>tnca/tnca.mod
    T-NCA      =>tnca/tnca.mod

    T-NEC      =>tncl/tncl.mod
    T-NCL      =>tncl/tncl.mod
    T-NPFT      =>tncl/tncl.mod
    T-NVL      =>tncl/tncl.mod

    T-NDV      => tnff/tnff.mod
    T-NDD      => tnff/tnff.mod
    T-NFF      => tnff/tnff.mod
    T-NFE      => tnff/tnff.mod

    T-BSR      => tpw/tpw.mod
    T-BS+      => tpw/tpw.mod
    T-BS      => tpw/tpw.mod

    T-SBR      => tsb/tsb.mod
    T-SB+      => tsb/tsb.mod
    T-SB      => tsb/tsb.mod

    T-WEB      => tweb/tweb.mod

    R-K4R      kff/kff.mod => rk4/rk4.mod
    R-K4RB      kff/kff.mod => rk4/rk4.mod
    R-K4D      kff/kff.mod => rk4/rk4.mod

    R-K5R      kff/kff.mod => rk5/rk5.mod
    R-K5RB      kff/kff.mod => rk5/rk5.mod
    R-K5D      kff/kff.mod => rk5/rk5.mod
    R-K5L      kff/kff.mod => rk5/rk5.mod
    R-K5LB      kff/kff.mod => rk5/rk5.mod

    R-SKA      rde/rde.mod => rska/rska.mod
    R-SKE      kcl/kcl.mod => rska/rska.mod
    R-SKL      rde/rde.mod => rska/rska.mod

    R-SKC      rde/rde.mod => rskc/rskc.mod

    R-SPE      rln/rln.mod => rspe/rspe.mod

    R-KFR      kdd/kdd.mod => rkfr/rkfr.mod

    R-KDR      kcl/kcl.mod => rkdr/rkdr.mod

    R-KDP      kcl/kcl.mod => rkdp/rkdp.mod

    R-KRP      rca/rca.mod => rkrp/rkrp.mod

    R-VUL      rfr/rfr.mod => rkvl/rkvl.mod
    R-WVL      rfr/rfr.mod => rkvl/rkvl.mod
    R-KVL      rfr/rfr.mod => rkvl/rkvl.mod

    R-KCR      rca/rca.mod => kcr/kcr.mod

    R-KHK      rbc/rbc.mod => rkhk/rkhk.mod

    R-CENL                        tho/rpfl.mod => rpfl/rpfl.mod



  • Guest
Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2003, 09:31:33 am »

G-BF gca/gca.mod => gbf/gbf.mod (remove R restriction)



G-BFP gca/gca.mod => gbfp/gbfp.mod (remove R restriction)

Someone is going to get lucky tonight.  



  • Guest
Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2003, 09:35:42 am »
Hey... you should use some of the original Gorn models for SFB (completely different from the SFC gorn models).  I know there are plenty of them out there...

Just a suggestion...



  • Guest
Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2003, 09:40:08 am »

Hey... you should use some of the original Gorn models for SFB (completely different from the SFC gorn models).  I know there are plenty of them out there...

Just a suggestion...


Oh yeah baby, I think pretty much every full time Gorn has replaced the Taldren swingline stablers with one SFB mod or another.


  • Guest
Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2003, 09:45:13 am »
OK, could someone pretend I'm J'inn for a moment and explain in painful detail just how I go about doing this?


Capt Jeff

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Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2003, 09:53:16 am »

The nice thing about this, is if you don't have, or want any custom models for these ships, you have to do absolutely nothing.   The customizer will put the stock models in those extra slots and all will appear as they normally would to you.

If you are a model enthusiast though, you will be able to slip models in here and there to give the game that extra touch.  A C7 can look different then a D7, and that would look different then a D6 and so on.  A dream come true for model lovers, and at the same time, requires nothing else if you are so inclined.  


Capt Jeff

  • Guest
Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2003, 09:58:51 am »

my favorite Gorn, Hydran, and Lyran ships come from here....check it out !!



  • Guest
Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2003, 10:06:03 am »


Hey... you should use some of the original Gorn models for SFB (completely different from the SFC gorn models).  I know there are plenty of them out there...

Just a suggestion...


Oh yeah baby, I think pretty much every full time Gorn has replaced the Taldren swingline stablers with one SFB mod or another.  

I know I replaced those ugly POS models with the SFB-style models as soon as they became available....almost as fast as I got rid of Taldren's stock KCL.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »


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Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2003, 10:12:56 am »
My favorite Gorn models are here:

They also have SFB Hydrans, ISC, etc.

Another good site is Fleetdock13. They have some gorn PF tender models with PF's attached to the mechlinks.




  • Guest
Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2003, 10:15:33 am »
ACK!!! This is just white letters on a black background!!! I don't know anything about these ships!!

But what is important is....

Are there any that have hulls painted plum crazy purple???!!!

Is there wall to wall carpet??

What does my office look like??

Does the captain's chair look down on the rest of the crew??

Will I be able to carry a full compliment of Rolling Pin???

Will I be able to beat someone, ANYONE???

Will J'inn continue to worry about my sex life??

Can I fly a ship that looks like a rock??

Will I have a sushi chef on board??

Will I have Special Pens all the colors of the rainbow???

If I can't beat anyone, will I look good running away???




  • Guest
Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2003, 10:18:36 am »

ACK!!! This is just white letters on a black background!!! I don't know anything about these ships!!

But what is important is....

Are there any that have hulls painted plum crazy purple???!!!

Is there wall to wall carpet??

What does my office look like??

Does the captain's chair look down on the rest of the crew??

Will I be able to carry a full compliment of Rolling Pin???

Will I be able to beat someone, ANYONE???

Will J'inn continue to worry about my sex life??

Can I fly a ship that looks like a rock??

Will I have a sushi chef on board??

Will I have Special Pens all the colors of the rainbow???

If I can't beat anyone, will I look good running away???



Remember "It is better to look good, than to fly good".


  • Guest
Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2003, 10:21:39 am »


ACK!!! This is just white letters on a black background!!! I don't know anything about these ships!!

But what is important is....

Are there any that have hulls painted plum crazy purple???!!!

Is there wall to wall carpet??

What does my office look like??

Does the captain's chair look down on the rest of the crew??

Will I be able to carry a full compliment of Rolling Pin???

Will I be able to beat someone, ANYONE???

Will J'inn continue to worry about my sex life??

Can I fly a ship that looks like a rock??

Will I have a sushi chef on board??

Will I have Special Pens all the colors of the rainbow???

If I can't beat anyone, will I look good running away???



Remember "It is better to look good, than to fly good".  

My thoughts exactly, Kroma dear!!


  • Guest
Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2003, 10:29:17 am »
Jeff is exactly right. You wont need to do anything other than D/L the installer and run it. It will set you up with duplicate folders and you wont notice a difference. However, like Scipio said, the goal is to split up the folders for different models so you can substitute them for custom ones. It is very nearly possible now that you may be able to recognize a ship type just by its model...

Scipio is gone for the weekend, and I will be handling all the questions for the installer.

And now if you will excuse me... there is a very dark forest I wish to now run into and hide....



  • Guest
Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2003, 10:31:46 am »
Oh, I guess I need to go somewhere and start installing something.

<looks around>

Hey, Dizzy!!! Come back here!!!


  • Guest
Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2003, 10:41:54 am »
By the time anyone could react to Dizzy's last comments... he had already gone to full speed dashing thru the snow toward the far off evergreen dark forest. In an almost inaudible voice, Dizzy could be heard yelling in a laughing crazed like state that there were no D/L's yet availabe. Just before he disappeared into the thick grove of trees, he spun round and declared to all, "EVERYONE HERE IS MY BITCH!" and then turned, frothing at the mouth and stumbled deep into the forest.

The stunned crowd stood on in disbelief at what they had seen and heard but then wry grins washed away the dumbfounded look on their faces and one bitch yelled, "Off with his head!"...

The hunt had begun...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dizzy »


  • Guest
Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2003, 10:44:48 am »


The nice thing about this, is if you don't have, or want any custom models for these ships, you have to do absolutely nothing.   The customizer will put the stock models in those extra slots and all will appear as they normally would to you.

If you are a model enthusiast though, you will be able to slip models in here and there to give the game that extra touch.  A C7 can look different then a D7, and that would look different then a D6 and so on.  A dream come true for model lovers, and at the same time, requires nothing else if you are so inclined.  


Let me rephrase:

as someone who has never used anything but the stock models, and has no clue what they're doing, but wants to try out custom models .... whadda I do?  Again, in J'innese please and thank you



  • Guest
Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2003, 10:46:41 am »
OK!!! NOW I'm SCARED!!!!


  • Guest
Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2003, 11:12:37 am »



The nice thing about this, is if you don't have, or want any custom models for these ships, you have to do absolutely nothing.   The customizer will put the stock models in those extra slots and all will appear as they normally would to you.

If you are a model enthusiast though, you will be able to slip models in here and there to give the game that extra touch.  A C7 can look different then a D7, and that would look different then a D6 and so on.  A dream come true for model lovers, and at the same time, requires nothing else if you are so inclined.  


Let me rephrase:

as someone who has never used anything but the stock models, and has no clue what they're doing, but wants to try out custom models .... whadda I do?  Again, in J'innese please and thank you


Not much more than copy the model files into the appropriate directory and rename the .mod and .brk (?) files to the ones that were already there. If you grab a couple of the downloads from the sites I listed above just look for one with a readme in the zip. It will tell you exactly what to do.


  • Guest
Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2003, 11:18:31 am »
OK, most of the FAQs and READMEs seem to assume you already know what you're doing, but this is the impression I'm getting, someone please tell me if I'm way off (and thanks!)

The shiplist from the installer will direct the game to the folders Scippy mentions above, which it will also create.  Basically now not as many ships all point to the same folder/model.  The installer will still copy the existing model files from the stock models into the newly created folders, so things actually look the same unless you make the effort to customize them.

If you do want to customize the models for a particular ship, you find the model you like after much browsing and kicking-of-tires, and copy the .mod and .bmp files to the folder appropriate for that ship.

My big question is (assuming I'm on the right track above) when I copy the model files I want into the appropriate folder, do I just whack them in there, or do I rename them (or some of them????) to match whatever the installer puts in there by default.

Is this even vaguely right?

many thanks!
dave the model newbie

EDIT: Thanks Kroma - cross posted, and I was even on the right track
EDIT EDIT: hmmm ... not sure I wanna be known as a cross-poster with the bearer-of-the-tutu
« Last Edit: May 09, 2003, 11:20:54 am by NuclearWessels »


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Re: New Models possible in SG3 (start finding your favorites now!)
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2003, 11:26:39 am »
Dave, that is correct. There are only two files that actually need to get renamed to what was originally there. The .mod's. So for instance the Gorn CA folder has a gca.mod and a gca_brk.mod. Once you copy all the .mods and .bmps into the gca directory just rename the two .mod files that came with the new model to gca.mod and gca_brk.mod, thus replacing the originals. You do not need to rename the .bmp files, nor do you need to delete the old .bmps. Also if the new model named it's .bmps the same as the original .bmps then make sure that you overwrite them when unzipping. I believe that the shiplist points to the .mods and the .mods point to the .bmps.