Topic: Server Requirements Question  (Read 2549 times)

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Server Requirements Question
« on: May 08, 2003, 06:42:37 pm »
Thinking about setting up a system to work as a server for the game.  Got some questions and would like to get feedback from those epxerienced with using them.

1.  I have an old Alienware system that I'm not using.  it is a good solid computer, but I replaced it with a new one.  It has a 800MHz processor and 256 RAM.  If I use it as a server, I'll reformat the thing and basically have nothing on it except for the required programs.  It won't be used for gaming or RW, just to be a SFC server.  Is that sufficient for a good server?

Edit:  Deceided to replace the 800Mhz 'puter with the 1.8Ghz as the primary and game server.

2.   It would use HomePNA to link to the primary.  Would this be a problem?

3.  Unfortunately during the weekdays, I'm only on from roughly 7-9 (sometimes 10) pm.  Thus I couldn't be quickly rebooted if there was a problem.  For those who have had servers, how often does it need to go down and be rebooted?

Edit:  Found there was a program out there to let others have access to the system to do these functions.  Thus no problem.

4.  The server would be behind a firewall with the appropriate ports opened.  I know that the server can be reset remotely by others with access.  Would this be a problem?

Thanks.  I'll probably have more questions and appreciate whatever help you can give.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2003, 07:39:46 pm by Green »


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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2003, 07:37:11 pm »
bump ...  


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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2003, 08:42:22 pm »
Okay  for all of you just back from Mars  . . . .    The following is a standard Smart Ass Response from Yours Truly.  You might ask yourself:  Self, just why does J'inn do this?  Is it just a pathetic plea for help?  Is it a substitution for some *ahem* short coming?  



AHEM  No comment

The real reason is because I don't have a life.  So there ,,,    thppth.

And now . . .  .


I.  Computer Requirements.

For some reason techies-- yes those irritating little weasel that make up confusing names for stuff so only they know what they are doing,  just like lawyers --  call computers that actually run stuff, servers.   As opossed to computers that don't run a damn thing (which would apply to 99%)  It is a friggin computer.  Why call it something different??

Any who,  you need a computer.  preferably a good one.   No need to call the experts here I'll tell you what they will say:

1)   Your computer is a pathetic piece of junk that any self respecting techie wouldn't use as a doorstop!!

2)  The above applies even if you bought it yesterday and it cost over $10,000.00

3)  You have to buy a new one.

4)  The new one MUST cost more than double the price of your old one.

So, just go to Best Buy, or where ever and get a new computer.  Take a jar of vasoline with you.  Don't ask. Just trust me.

Okay so now you have your computer to run a campaign on.   Now what,  well first off you have to spend a minimum of 5 hours on the line with tech support just to get it to say "Welcome to Friggin Windows SUCKER!"  During that lovely period of hell here is what you will go through.

1) One hour of digging through material just to find the number.  Is it long distance?   Oh but of course!  Far be it for ACME Megabucks Computer Co. to shell out a few bucks on a 800 line.

2) You call.  Guess what.  That number goes to a porn line.  Well you listen up until they ask for the credit card number and then hang up.

3) Call the store where you bought it.  

4) Become slightly violent after talking to complete idiots for 5 minutes and hang up.

5) Call 411 and FINALLY find the right phone number for ACME.

6) Call ACME.   Immediately get the phone prompt from hell.   If you are calling because your computer is the wrong color hit 5675.  If you are calling because your dog ate your computer hit 5676.  If you are calling because you just hit your computer with a sledge hammer hit 5676.

7) You get frustrated and hit 0.  0 means human being right??  WRONG.  "I'm sorry you have hit an invalid number, Good Bye." CLICK.

8) Scream.  

9) Redial the damn number and listen to all the prompts from hell.  The absolutely last one will be "If you are having problems getting your computer to do a damn thing and you just spent your annual salary on it hit 9987."   BINGO that's the one.

10) Now you get another prompt.  "Dear customer, we are a bunch of lazy asses and would much prefer that you take up your valuable time and not ours by writing out your problem and e-mailing it to us.  That way we can laugh at your stupid butt without you hearing us, and then, when we really feel like it, we'll send you a form response that doesn't answer your question at all."

11) At this point you scare your children when you scream into the phone "HOW THE HELL CAN I E-MAIL YOU IF MY COMPUTER ISN'T WORKING!!!"

12) Oblivious to your gentle reminder the prompt goes on . . .  "In the alternative please fell free to visit our interactive website at www.yerscrewed .

13) This time the kids all decide to go outside and leave Daddy alone.

14) Go to Best Buy and buy a new telephone. Apologize to the kids for scaring them when you get back.

15) Get Mr. Prompt back on the phone.

16) Get past Mr. Prompt.  Yer in the home stretch!!!  And be asked to hold.  Listen to the toe tapping tunes of Barry Manilow for an hour.

17) Finally have someone get on the line with you.  Disturbingly he seems to be mainly focused on a conversation he is having with another tech guy in his office about some Dungeons and Dragons convention and is only paying slight attention to you.

18)     4.6 seconds later he blames the software and advises you that he can't help you.  He gladly give you the number to Microsoft customer support.

19) Call Microsoft.

20) Steps 20 - 140 Have been deleted by J'inn in order to prevent his ass getting sued.

141) Go to Best Buy and pick up a new phone.  Stop by Home Depot to get some Dry Wall Spackle, and applicator and a small can of boringly off white paint.

142) Remove old phone from the center of your living room wall and repair wall.

143) Completely screw up repair job and just hang that hideous picture of your in-laws over the hole.

144) Call computer repair shop.

145)  Pay repairman who just fixed your computer in about 2 minutes.  Pay by check after he turns down the offer of your eldest son.

146) Call home mortgage company for a second mortgage loan to cover that check.

147) Sit down at your brand spanking new computer that the repair man just called an outdated piece of junk that he wouldn't even use as a door stop.


1) Install and patch up EAW.

2) Go to manual and look up everything about how to run a server.

3) Scratch head and say WTF a few times.

4) Call Taldren.

5) Steps 5 - 206 have been deleted by J'inn.

207) Go to a nice art store and pick up one of those large sofa size portraits.  You know why.

208) Now you have a EAW server.


1) Either be a masochist, an idiot or have an ego large enough to create it's own gravity well.

2) Create a campaign.

3) Think up lots of cool stuff.

4) Throw away each cool idea when you find out the server package won't let you do a darn thing!!

5) Come up with a campaign that is only 10% as good as you had wanted but the (*$*)(^$&)(*$& server package just couldn't handle your wacky ideas.

6) Announce server with all the rules.

7) Get verbally beaten to a pulp within the next day by people who don't like your idea one bit because under your scheme their team actually has a CHANCE of getting it's butt kicked.

8) Throw a tantrum.  (For good examples look up any J'inn thread during AoTK)

9) Feel like an ass for throwing the tantrum and get on with the campaign.

10) Start campaign.

11) 10 seconds later something hideously wrong occurs with the server.

12) Panic

13) Blame Fluf.

14) Panic some more.

15) Change trousers

16) Call Taldren

17) Steps 17 - 152739403) have been deleted by J'inn to avoid litigation.

152739404) Call contracting company for home repairs.

152739405) Call bank to pay for contractors.  Ask for third mortgage loan.  Scream at the cheap bastards and slam the phone down when they say there is no such thing.

152739406) Raid kids college fund.  Heck, deep down you know the spoiled little brats aren't smart enough to hack it any ways.

152739407) Restart campaign and enjoy.

152739408) For some odd reason you actually feel great afterwards and think to yourself: Self, I gotta do another one. Bigger. Better.  More grandiose!  Oh boy Oh boy.

152739409) A new patch comes out.

152739410) Go absolutely bonkers when you find out the new patch won't run on your "outdated" computer.

15273911) Go to Home Depot and pick up sledge hammer.

15273912) Enjoy the carnage!!

15273913) Pay some scary looking guys a little dough to take the pieces of your computer to the dump along with the desk it had been on.

15273914) Grab jar of vasoline, go to computer store and repeat.  

SEE IT'S EASY GREEN!!!    Have fun.


  • Guest
Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2003, 08:51:20 pm »
uuuh ......... thanks J'inn ............ I think .......

On second thought.  Nevermind ....


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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2003, 08:59:04 pm »
OMG... ROFLMFAO.  Ok must breath......HAHAHA...... Back up off the floor.

I think I will put off setting up a server untill I can get all of the "Supplys" put together


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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2003, 08:59:58 pm »
(wipes tear from eye after re-reading J'inn's post)  All I want to do is take a computer.  Put it on the internet.  So people can place their campaigns on it and then I can play (that is the self-serving part of all this).

The idea is to just get another server system up.  I have no campaignes (couldn't write one if my life depended on it).  But with a bit of luck, and a little time, I can get a 1.8Ghz computer on a dsl connection on-line for whoever to load their ideas and let us all see how they go.  If either the 1.8 is insufficient, or the dsl connection on a router (shared with another computer I'll be on ... playing said game) is insufficient, please say so.

If you have suggestions, I am listening.


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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2003, 09:20:27 pm »
I would say the thing you need most at the moment is a lot more ram at least 756 more megs  if you expect a fair number of people on it.  


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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2003, 10:00:37 pm »

I would say the thing you need most at the moment is a lot more ram at least 756 more megs  if you expect a fair number of people on it.    

Yep, old experienced Server dudes of campaigns past told me that a near 1.0GHz processor is good enough but it's the RAM where you need major resources. Try to get min. 1 GB ram. and a lot of swap space (750 Mb).



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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2003, 11:55:09 pm »
Will do.  1Gig of RAM will be on the server comp.  Thanks.


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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2003, 03:39:36 pm »
Crap.  Puter can only upgrade to 3 sticks so it looks like 768 will have to do.  It is a good system that is tweaked for speed (Alienware).  No matter.  Never anything wrong with having multiple systems out there to host campaigns ... even if they are smaller ones.  Thanks for the input.


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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2003, 05:53:19 pm »
Crap Crap.

The order I made for a stick of 256 got sent back saying it is no longer available.  Damn computer is only 18 months old.

If anyone finds a 256MB PC2400 Corsair (part #) CM64SD256-2400C2H or if you know of a compatible type, please tell me.


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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2003, 06:06:54 pm »
What chipset?


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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2003, 06:20:24 pm »
Keeping in mind I'm the guy who gets his IT lessons from J'inn.  Here is all the info I have on my current memory type

PC2400 256MB DDR XMS2400 32MX64 Non-ECC 184 DIMM Unbuffered CAS2 16MX8 DRAMS with Heat Spreader manufactured by Corsair

I'm hoping somewhere in there is your answer

The Postman

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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2003, 06:34:22 pm »
Go to  Price Watch .  PC2400 is listed there @ $26 for 256mb.  I also found Corsair memory with your specs for $109 at Pricewatch
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by The Postman »


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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2003, 06:37:46 pm »

I found Coursair's 2400C2, but is that compatible w/ the 2 sticks of C2H I currently have installed?  If so, then problem solved.


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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2003, 07:39:16 pm »


I found Coursair's 2400C2, but is that compatible w/ the 2 sticks of C2H I currently have installed?  If so, then problem solved.  

That is why I need to know you Motherboard type (chipset). To see if you can run three of same or diff type.

Daew Anahos

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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2003, 07:55:51 pm »

11) At this point you scare your children when you scream into the phone "HOW THE HELL CAN I E-MAIL YOU IF MY COMPUTER ISN'T WORKING!!!"

12) Oblivious to your gentle reminder the prompt goes on . . .  "In the alternative please fell free to visit our interactive website at www.yerscrewed .

/me nods and nods


13) Blame Fluf.

Isn't this already assumed?  


  • Guest
Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2003, 08:20:23 pm »

That is why I need to know you Motherboard type (chipset). To see if you can run three of same or diff type.  

Sorry Kroma.  As noted, you need to speak J'inneese.

MB is a  ASUS P4B266 P4 DDR ... or was that the license plate number off of a 67 Chevy I saw drive by.  Can't remember.

The Postman

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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2003, 08:44:03 pm »
Socket 478 for FC-PGA2 PentiumŪ 4 (Willamette/Northwood) 1.4GHz to 2.4GHz+

North Bridge: IntelŪ 82845D Memory Controller Hub (Brookdale)
South Bridge: IntelŪ 82801BA I/O Controller Hub 2 (ICH2)

400 MHz

3 x DDR DIMM Sockets,
Max. 2GB unbuffered PC2100/PC1600 ECC/non-ECC DDR SDRAM Memory

 Expansion Slots
1 x AGP 4X
6 x PCI
1 x CNR

AGP 4X Slot

 Audio (Optional)
C-Media CMI8738 6-Channel Audio Controller


  • Guest
Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2003, 09:17:17 pm »
you shouldn't even need the 2400 unless overclocking PC2100 should do, but if you can find it on get the same as you already have to be safe.


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Re: Server Requirements Question
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2003, 06:07:31 pm »
Thanks Postman and Kroma.  Will order it tonight.