Topic: Slave Girls of Orion III Victory Conditions  (Read 1503 times)

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Slave Girls of Orion III Victory Conditions
« on: May 08, 2003, 06:36:46 pm »


Reged: 09/18/01  
Posts: 2572
Hey Dizmeister!

Since SG3 is a serious campaign . . . . .

-   Can we have the map and the VCs (if any)?

-  How about a nice little outline showing the teams, downloads etc

-   Rules?  VC rounds?   Basically what's the deal??

-   How long will it run?

-  Appx. starting date?

-  RMs??  Do we have them? Do we need them?

-  Will there be prizes?

-  SQL?

- Did you get my check?

I understand that you may not be ready to address these issue but I had to ask.   Some of the other threads are begining to freighten me.  

I know you are not that good looking, J'inn... hehe.

Ok, lets start with the VC's... First off they will be variable and depend on the storyline. Things that happen on this server will affect how they play out. That said, you wont know exactly when or at what point the VC's will be tallied but you will know where they are and how much you will get for them. The outcome of the server is less important than how it is fought. Rather than having a clear winner, there will be more interesting subplots for each alliance to accomplish.

The following is a list of possible objectives that may be given to an alliance: Each Alliance will be given several choices from which to choose and a timeline for completion. These will be worth a percentage of overall VC's.

    Capture an enemy VC Hex.
    Capture a Base hex.
    Capture a Colony World.
    Capture a Coreworld.
    Capture and hold an area of enemy space.
    Score PvP kills on X number of designated enemy players.
    Cut off an enemy supply line.

Here is the list of VC's:

    Pharaoh cartel-37,23  is impoverished at this point. While once important, important resources were destroyed by the Tholians. Every attempt is being made from them in order to bring about the fall of the Tholians... including them trading in certain lava rocks... Their territory now surrounds the Tholian Holdfast, and includes Klingon, Federation, and Romulan space. Economy: 50.

    Daven cartel-18,17 is a lesser but well-organized and spread out cartel. They pride themselves on the lucrative Fur trade and 'methane madness' alcoholic beverages said to contain endocrine glands of a local methane breathing species... No word yet on who or what they originate from. Their territory centers in Klingon space, but spans Lyran, Kzinti, Hydran, and Federation space. Economy: 50.

    Cluster cartel-7,24 is rich but limited in scope. In Y136, an Orion raider fleeing from the Klingons (Iago ``Wild Bill'' Spencer) entered the WYN cluster and found a prosperous band of Kzinti renegades desperate for supplies from the outside. The Cluster cartel was quickly organized. Economy: 25.

    Hamilcar cartel-22,17  is a powerful and ambitious cartel. Their territory centers on the Klingon empire, extending into Hydran and Federation territory. They have love-hate relations with the Klingons. There is rumored to be a heavy exchange of 'adult toy' sales going on in the Klingon Empire, however it is rumored these are defective, hence the strained relations... Economy: 50.

    Lion's Heart cartel-37,20 is an active but not too strong cartel. They are adpet at playing off rival bordering empires. Their territory centers on the Federation, but extends to the Klingon and Romulan frontiers. They trade mostly in luxury items such as hot tubs and love beds and some sexual innuendo type toys. There are a number of these devices on high ranking Federation Starships... Hondo and Hooch or someone of this name has been rumored a frequent customer. Economy: 50.

    Stardust cartel-55,13 is a prosperous and respected cartel. They are known for a vast trade market in personal luxury items, notably hot tubs, several of which have been installed on certain Federation ships. It is also said that they have a black market in gorn space selling a peculiar pink ballerina outfits. This is mere speculation, however... Their territory centers in Gorn space, extending into Federation and Romulan. Economy: 50.

    Kublai cartel-58,14  is a well-off but not very powerful cartel. They dabble in exotic materials, Frog entrails and Romulan Ale. It is rumored that select VIP's have been trading certain suspicious reptile hides... Their territory centers in ISC space, extending into Gorn and Romulan.  

    Dragon cartel-37,11 The Dragon cartel are the pirate cartel in the territory of the homeworld, Rigel VII, and thus have automatic prestige. They have often harried Star Fleet and the Federation, from hijacking a Starliner in Y131. In Y157, they attacked a Star Fleet Heavy Cruiser in an effort to stop certain delegates from reaching the Babel conference. In Y163 they attacked another CA carrying delegates to an anti-piracy conference. It is generally accepted that they crossed the line, and Star Fleet began to make it increasingly hard on all Orions since then. Economy: 25

Unaligned Neutral Planets that need a good rape and pilliage:

     IMSK-20,16  Imsk happens to be one of the oddest planets near Federation space, the entire planet is shrinking. The shrinking is only a few hundred miles in diameter a year, but shrinking none the less. Apparently, because of this, the natives of Imsk are also able to shrink themselves. Imsk is in the process of applying for membership to the United Federation of Planets. They are still unaligned and neutral and eyed very keenly by the Klingons who believe exploiting little people to crawl into cramped engine spaces and do all the claustrophobic work the Klingons despise doing would be really great. The Federation, however, has noticed the shrinking of extraneous body part appendages while visiting this planet and only go back for quick visits to see the remarkable miniture electronics Imskians produce. Economy: 100.

      NALTOR-26,17 This planet is located in an empty pocket of space in the Mutara Nebula. The people of Naltor can actually wield magic, though they also embrace high technology. The Federation and Klingons both are interested in them for they meld both technologies together. Naltorians pride themselves on all forms of entertainment and are very fond of performing technologically augmented disappearing acts. It is rumored that the Klingons have abducted Naltorians to exploit their unique skills, but it is unclear if their skills will work outside the Mutara Nebula. It is known, however, that many Klingon ships in the area have stangely disappeared... Wether this is coincidence or not is merely speculation. Economy: 100.

     OA-16,17 The remains of the Oa civilazation have been positively located on a planet in the Western Quadrangle Neutral Zone, famed for being fertility gods, but their civilazation now extinct. There, it has been discovered that a new species of feline predators have evolved rapidly taking over the planet and destroying its ecosystems. Intruiged, both members of the rival Lyrans and Mirak have investigated and discovered Pirate convoys in the area smuggling 'Oa jucie', a strange and illegal substance outlawed in both neighboring territories for its suspicious prperties. It is rumored that drinking Oa juice can have frightening effects on increased reproduction rates in feline female species which explains the phenomenon of feline rampancy on Oa. Apparently, the juice increases gestation rates 10x faster than normal. Obviously, military planners would like to get in on the act as it would phenomonoly increase the size of the military. Unfortunatley, those affected by Oa juice have insaitable and voracious sexual appetites. It is worth noting that large pirate shipments of tribbles have been seen in the area... Economy: 100.

     DAXAM-66,13 Recently discovered planet located smack dab in beyween the borders of Gorn and ISC space in an intense Radiation Nebula. The population of Daxam are extremely xenophobic. The population of Daxam are also mortally allergic to anything made of lead. These two factors combined have made it rare that any Daxamite ever leaves Daxam. The governing body of Daxam is friendly with the neighboring Gorn, whoose thick hide and scaly skin help protect them from the deadly radiation levels and trade heavily with them, but have no wish to go any further than friendly relations. The Radiation Nebula also makes it very hazardous for any spacecraft to travel to Daxam. All Daxamites possess unique powers similar to Superman, but at a slightly lower levels. It is unclear wether or not the Daximites high mortality rate has anything to do with their clumsy flying abilities... Economy: 100.

     ZANDIA-57,12 The island nation of Zandia (located between the islands of Sicily and Sardinia) in the Western Quadrangle Neutral Zone is tiny but has become a source of much concern to its neighbors. Zandia is on very poor terms with everyone surrounding it, save the Pirate cartels who trade heavily with them. Zandians dabble in holistic medicines using such exotics as frog entrails, certain types interesting reptile skins, Romulan Ale and Orion slave girls. Zandia, very popular on the black market with their unique healing methods, have been eyed suspiciously by beighboring governments especially the ISC whoose dignitaries in the area have mysteriously disappeared. Economy: 100

     DURLA-56,15 Durla is a neutral world outside Romulan space. Durlan culture and technology use to be very open and advanced only a few hundred years ago. This came to an end as a result of a world wide "six-minute war." The result devastated the planet and the population. Whole sectors of the planet became inhosbitable from hard radiation. The culture descended to a stagnant tribal level and has remained that way. Most Durlans are born deformed and mutated from the background radiation, but they've also evolved very advanced shapeshifting abilities to combat the harsh environment. The Durlan's have one of the most xenophobic societies in known space. The planet Durla is off limits to all off worlders and is regularly patrolled by Romulan warships who fear neighboring races may attempt to use the shapeshifters as spies... Of course the Romulan government frowns on exploiting other races for despicable uses such as spying and asserts it has no interest in the planet or its peoples. Economy: 100.

     COLU-44,20  The planet Colu lies outside Federation space and takes no interest in others affairs. The governing body of Colu are referred to as the "Computer Tyrants of Colu." Recent recons onto Colu has revealed that the "Tyrants" are actually sentient bio-machines. The natives of Colu are humanoid, exhibit a greenish tinted skin, and are of extremely high intellect. The planet is rich in mineral and gas products. Cartel trade is heavy here with many a pirate running round these days with mechanical prostheses. Peg legs and hooks seem to have given way to more technologically advaced devices... Illegal mineral and gas smuggling has been suspected being exported from this world. Economy 100.

     KIRELL-34,22  Its irregular shape, irregular orbit, irregular rotation makes this planetary body more of a gigantic space rock than a planet. But regardless of this it is home to a wide variety of Cartel clans and patrolled heavily by Pirate ships. On the surface, Kirell is host to a large number of bio-domes featuring every facety of cartel life, from shopping centers to smufggling operations. It has been recently rumored, however, that the closest hidden secret of the quadrant has been let out of the baf. There have been preliminary military recon reports that deep inside Kirell there lies the largest and most abundant Dilithium mines in existance. Instrumental in Pirate starship contruction and funding, and of major importance in the design of pirate 'engine doubling' devices, this space rock will very shortly figure prominently in the crosshairs of every major race in the region. Economy: 125.

     MUDD-40,22.  KIRELL-34,22  KIRELL-34,22 Home to a race of androids led by Norman under the influence of the notorious no good smuggler Harry Mudd, this planet has been quaratined by the Federation because of the attempts from the androids to infiltrate human society and 'fix' it. There is rumored to be an underground city of magnificent design and untold technology. There is also reason to believe a factory of some sorts is located near here. Extremely heavy Pirate convoys have been intercepted near here smuggling large quantities of the Venusian Drug. It is unclear why androids would be interested in this drug as they have no use for it... Economy 100.

    There is also a 'scavenger' type cartel located near a black hole at 38,22 that use special 'vaccuum' ships to harvest raw resources and space junk drawn there by the intense gravity waves. Economy: 25

Here is the map:


More to come...


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Re: Slave Girls of Orion III Victory Conditions
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2003, 06:50:55 pm »
Starting Date?  


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Re: Slave Girls of Orion III Victory Conditions
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2003, 06:58:23 pm »
Tomorrow the D/L should be finished and the test server will go up. You can then play with all the new toys...


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Re: Slave Girls of Orion III Victory Conditions
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2003, 06:59:49 pm »
Dammit, where is Doka when you need him?!?!?!?!?!


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Re: Slave Girls of Orion III Victory Conditions
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2003, 10:32:48 pm »

Dammit, where is Doka when you need him?!?!?!?!?!  

HA HA!!!  (Nelson strikes again)

You guys will be in trouble withou the 'Thought Admiral' around.


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Re: Slave Girls of Orion III Victory Conditions
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2003, 08:40:40 am »
Bump to the 1st page.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Slave Girls of Orion III Victory Conditions
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2004, 04:28:49 am »
What wanderer said!