Topic: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!! *DELETED*  (Read 8677 times)

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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #60 on: May 08, 2003, 09:26:54 pm »

*uh-oh kims passing out the rolling pins, must find place to hide*

<finds a tiny hole in the ground and sticks his head in, hiding ostrich style>

*now i just have to hope no one notices me*  


(looks at strange butt sticking up out of the ground)

(raises eybrows)

(looksa round)


Runs away!


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #61 on: May 08, 2003, 10:36:54 pm »


Does this foul mood occur every 28 days?  




Must be PMS then...  


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #62 on: May 08, 2003, 11:30:41 pm »



Whack him good, hehe.

Daew Anahos

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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #63 on: May 09, 2003, 02:39:41 am »




Whack him good, hehe.  

We need a whack counter.

How many people has Rolling whacked?

Anyone whacked back?

Anyone, erm, whacked themselves?

Maybe that needs to be worded differently...  

Oh, well...



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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #64 on: May 09, 2003, 03:55:48 am »


 He feels that he's being strung along by people who make promises they cannot keep. He feels many things that cannot be mentioned in such a distinguished and proper forum environment such as this. All he wants is a little respect for his un-remitted time and efforts, but he gets a faceful of dirt instead.  I think that about covers it. The sad part is that this is all true and not a joke.


What a load of crap. You're like a broken record that spews out the same drivel time and time again. Get a life!


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #65 on: May 09, 2003, 04:11:25 am »
<hand TraceyG a rolling pin>


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #66 on: May 09, 2003, 07:59:01 am »



 He feels that he's being strung along by people who make promises they cannot keep. He feels many things that cannot be mentioned in such a distinguished and proper forum environment such as this. All he wants is a little respect for his un-remitted time and efforts, but he gets a faceful of dirt instead.  I think that about covers it. The sad part is that this is all true and not a joke.


What a load of crap. You're like a broken record that spews out the same drivel time and time again. Get a life!  


<hand TraceyG a rolling pin>

<cloaks and warps out of system>  not my fight...


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #67 on: May 09, 2003, 08:03:50 am »




 He feels that he's being strung along by people who make promises they cannot keep. He feels many things that cannot be mentioned in such a distinguished and proper forum environment such as this. All he wants is a little respect for his un-remitted time and efforts, but he gets a faceful of dirt instead.  I think that about covers it. The sad part is that this is all true and not a joke.


What a load of crap. You're like a broken record that spews out the same drivel time and time again. Get a life!  


<hand TraceyG a rolling pin>

<cloaks and warps out of system>  not my fight...  

Coward!! lol!!


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!! *DELETED*
« Reply #68 on: May 09, 2003, 09:04:10 am »
Post deleted by Karnak
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #69 on: May 09, 2003, 09:20:16 am »




 He feels that he's being strung along by people who make promises they cannot keep. He feels many things that cannot be mentioned in such a distinguished and proper forum environment such as this. All he wants is a little respect for his un-remitted time and efforts, but he gets a faceful of dirt instead.  I think that about covers it. The sad part is that this is all true and not a joke.


What a load of crap. You're like a broken record that spews out the same drivel time and time again. Get a life!  

"Oooh!! We must hit pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that, hey kid."

Sorry, to hear about your school trouble. Hope you are better able to balance SFC and RL stuff in the future.  Don't worry about SG3 stuff anymore if it'll will be a problem. Let me know if you need any help.  When I went through Comp. Sci. program no one was allowed to take more than 2 programming courses concurrently without the Dean's permission.


Get back in the blender, frog, and be a good little french cuisine.


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #70 on: May 09, 2003, 09:33:08 am »





 He feels that he's being strung along by people who make promises they cannot keep. He feels many things that cannot be mentioned in such a distinguished and proper forum environment such as this. All he wants is a little respect for his un-remitted time and efforts, but he gets a faceful of dirt instead.  I think that about covers it. The sad part is that this is all true and not a joke.


What a load of crap. You're like a broken record that spews out the same drivel time and time again. Get a life!  

"Oooh!! We must hit pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that, hey kid."

Sorry, to hear about your school trouble. Hope you are better able to balance SFC and RL stuff in the future.  Don't worry about SG3 stuff anymore if it'll will be a problem. Let me know if you need any help.  When I went through Comp. Sci. program no one was allowed to take more than 2 programming courses concurrently without the Dean's permission.


Get back in the blender, frog, and be a good little french cuisine.  

LOL!! Been there, done that and it hurts.


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #71 on: May 09, 2003, 09:39:37 am »
Go to hell Karnak!!!!


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #72 on: May 09, 2003, 12:34:07 pm »
>Pulls into personal starbase and warms up the Concordian Star Cruiser Mediator

<Warps back to previous position and hails the two ships already there, with shields up and weapons charging

This is Commodore Amerra Maxillius of the CSC Mediator, and I'm ordering you both to stand down weapons!

USS Austrailia: STFU, or I'll target you as well.  Presenly I've no quarrel with you, but stick around and I might forget which frog I'm pissed at.

CSS Khazad-dum: I must apologize for our Federation collegue, as she hasn't a clue what she's doing.

>thinks, dammit, I always forget to turn off the 3-way conferencing...
>full spread of missiles erupt from the Australia as she assumes an attack posture

I repeat, in the name of... ah hell <cuts off communications>  Comms, contact the nearest Klingon vessel.  Klinks love to fight, and Feds and Klinks fight like cats and dogs so hopefully our Concordian brothers can get out without maiming the Australia too badly...


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #73 on: May 09, 2003, 02:22:34 pm »
That's better, *I* have no quarrel with you, Tracey, the previous post was an obvious role-play, but really, keep your personal attacks to each other in private.  I'm not taking *either* side, I just don't want to see it.


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #74 on: May 09, 2003, 02:34:00 pm »
I was really gonna let you have it, EEK, but I'll refrain, and let this pass, and perhaps Kim could do us the favor of deleting this thread, since the fun has certainly gone out of it. But know this, Karnak, neither I, or any of my fleet will be on your server, and I suspect that we won't be the only ones. You've created to much enmity for yourself here, from AOTK on. It's a shame, really. Personally, I think you owe Tracey a public apology.    


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #75 on: May 09, 2003, 02:41:54 pm »

I was really gonna let you have it, EEK, but I'll refrain, and let this pass, and perhaps Kim could do us the favor of deleting this thread, since the fun has certainly gone out of it. But know this, Karnak, neither I, or any of my fleet will be on your server, and I suspect that we won't be the only ones. You've created to much enmity for yourself here, from AOTK on. It's a shame, really. Personally, I think you owe Tracey a public apology.    

You are joking right? An April's Fools joke maybe?  Maybe, the boys that called 'wolf' story is unfolding before our eyes?

You have to be so completely detached from reality and your head so for up your you-know-what  to be asking to give a public apology to someone who make statements such as these:

"Goto Hell Karnak!!!"

Say that on a server and you can get banned.

Give me one good reason why I should not pen a formal letter of protest to Taldren right now to ask Tracey to be banned from these forums like Arab-man.  I was trying to help, even offering to get Dizzy off Tracey's back, but some people apparently took it the wrong way.  I really wonder what kind of rose-colored glasses some people are wearing.

If your fleet is gonna support actions like this then "Good Riddance" and thank God for that.  But, I'll still pray for y'all, I guess...
*** shaking head in amazement ***  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #76 on: May 09, 2003, 03:01:51 pm »


I was really gonna let you have it, EEK, but I'll refrain, and let this pass, and perhaps Kim could do us the favor of deleting this thread, since the fun has certainly gone out of it. But know this, Karnak, neither I, or any of my fleet will be on your server, and I suspect that we won't be the only ones. You've created to much enmity for yourself here, from AOTK on. It's a shame, really. Personally, I think you owe Tracey a public apology.    

You have to be so completely detached from reality and your head so for up your you-know-what  to be asking to give a public apology to someone who make statements such as there:

"Goto Hell Karnak!!!"

Say that on a server and you can get banned.

Give me one good reason why I should not pen a formal letter to Taldren right now to ask Tracey to be banned from these forums like Arab-man.  I was trying to help even offering to get Dizzy off Tracey's back, but people apparently took it the wrong way.  I really wonder what kind of rose-colored glasses some people are wearing.

If your fleet is gonna support actions like this then "Good Riddance" and thank God for that.  

*** shaking head in amazement ***  

<aboard the Mediator>

Did you hear...

Yes, sir, I did... What do you wish to do about it?

My wishes have no place here.  My duties take precedence.  We're due at Starbase Remus 13 in 6 days.  We'll get underway as soon as the scout fighters are recovered.

But sir, the Khazad-dum, she'll be pulverized!  The entire Federation Protection Fleet is on its way at high warp!

We have our orders, recover those scouts!  Comms, send to commander Khazad-dum, "Sorry we can't be of assistance, but you're on your own. Mediator out.


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #77 on: May 09, 2003, 03:10:40 pm »
Someone please kick me the next time I attempt to offer help to people who don't want to be helped, LOL.

Don't worry Max, CSS Khazad-dum will do just fine. The Freds are shooting blanks again.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #78 on: May 09, 2003, 04:46:11 pm »
Sorry for taking so long to chirp in, Kim... I just read this thread... And you know what people?

::Dizzy pulls up lazy-boy recliner, kicks feet up in air and grabs box of tasty-o-chips and a good beer, watches thread intensely::

Whoever said this thread servers no purpose... OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! I say let the mutants fight! I like a good circus show


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Re: I'm In A REALLY foul mood!!!
« Reply #79 on: May 09, 2003, 07:32:08 pm »
Ok, this is MY thread soooooooooooooo......... I'm gonna do something TOTALLY, ummmm..... TOTALY? geez, how do you spell that???

Anywho, I gonna do something out of my character..... please, everybody stand back..... ok.....


Are you guys so controlled by one another that you cannot keep yourself under control??!!!

Ok, that sounded really stupid. Oh no!!! You're stupidity is creeping into MY BRAIN!!!

Really.... this can be fixed if you would stop gossiping to one another about the other person.

If you have a grip with someone, then you take to them first.  If is wasn't worked out then get a mediator.



Seriously, the gossip has got to stop.