Topic: Moon's Concord up for download..........  (Read 2751 times)

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Raven Night

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Moon's Concord up for download..........
« on: April 21, 2003, 08:19:31 pm »
Ok, same deal as before...........simple mod file, looking for someone to make the SFC2/OP and SFC3 versions. Sheet is included with loadout. Let me know what you think of this ship.

Concord scout  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Raven Night »

Captain KoraH

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Re: Moon's Condor up for download..........
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2003, 04:12:20 pm »
I did the SFC3 conversion for this model for you. Damage textures, primitive break model, glows, hardpoints, damage points, scale ect. I scaled it based on the size of the escape pods, related to those on the Taldren Saber class. DefaultCore.txt and DefaultLoadOut.txt entries included. Total zipped size is 4.85MB because of the huge textures. I included low res 256 textures in a seperate folder. I'll email you a link to download it Raven. May I use this model in the TNZ mod please?  

Raven Night

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Re: Moon's Condor up for download..........
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2003, 04:54:38 pm »
Thank you Korah...........I think the size of this ship was closer to 300 meters is in the Intrepid size range. The size is listed under the ventral pic in the sheet.

Do we need someone to model the break file? Perhaps DM could help with that if you could do the hardpoints. If you do hardpoints, I have two files (the Furious) that you can work on as well.

And yes, you can use this ship any way you please, and kitbash it to death if so desired
Just remember to include the licence in the readme and indicate it is Nightsoft property in any community posts you make for download.

If you do that, do what you want to it

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Moon's Condor up for download..........
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2003, 05:02:36 pm »
Its a nice post TNG model...

Howevr, the TYPO 'Condor' instead of 'Concord' had me hoping it was a Romulan Condor, LOL. Moonraker has made a few great Romulan ships in his illustrious past.

Thank you Raven Night for bringing these works of art to us.


Captain KoraH

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Re: Moon's Condor up for download..........
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2003, 05:46:36 pm »
You'll find that the zip file contains everything you need to play the ship, hardpoints, damage points, and everything else. The break model is just a splintering of the ship poly's, which works and looks fine, it just lacks the "open decks" capping on exposed areas. As for the scale, what I mean was that I scaled the whole ship based on the size of an escape pod in a Taldren stock model, so the ship will be to scale with the other Taldren models. It's significantly longer than a Saber.  Thanks for your permissions. About the Furious, I thought that was already converted?

If nobody has volunteered to do the V'Dan, I'll go ahead and convert that one too. This time I'll give it the "red carpet" treatment

Raven Night

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Re: Moon's Condor up for download..........
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2003, 10:24:49 pm »
Whoops......title fixed

Ok, Korah, great. I clicked on the link you sent me, but nothing came up........file not found.

I am not sure about the Vdan, I think DM is doing it. I would check with him.

The Furious has Defiant hardpoints since DM does not do them. If you want to, you can download the files from our server in the download section, and apply hardpoints.

Thanks......if you can send me a new link, it would be appreciated.

Captain KoraH

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Re: Moon's Condor up for download..........
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2003, 11:52:42 pm »
Hmmm ok, I'll try something else.

I fixed the Furious up with it's own hardpoints, damage points, damage textures, glows, new UI pics ect. I'll give you that one too. It also has reduced res tetures as well.  


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Re: Moon's Condor up for download..........
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2003, 03:24:25 am »
Captain KoraH i`ll leave the porting to u then man i got other projects i`m working on if u get stuck just pm me here i`ll try and help out

looks like u know it abit better than me


Captain KoraH

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Re: Moon's Condor up for download..........
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2003, 10:27:38 am »
no problem DM, I got your back dude

Raven, go to that address I sent you yesterday and download updated versions of the two ships. After playtesting them I noticed a couple core file glitches and fixed 'em up.

I'll get the V'Dan on that page today some time. ETA unknown...

Raven Night

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Re: Moon's Condor up for download..........
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2003, 02:44:37 am »
K, thanks........I wanted to discuss the stats you gave the ships.........I dont know if you know it, but the Furious is supposed to have high armor, lots of torps and a sensor cloak of some sort, and the Concord is supposed to be very nimble, with light weaponry but very powerful shields for it's size. I am not familiar with how SFC3 sets the specs.


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Re: Moon's Concord up for download..........
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2003, 08:30:31 am »
the concord reminds me of B5's White Star im going to kitbash it to make it sleeker  

Captain KoraH

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Re: Moon's Condor up for download..........
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2003, 12:52:44 pm »
Raven, I can make the ships have any combination of stats you want. I gave the ships what I thought the description in the photo included with the model was saying they were like. I can equip the ships with ablative armor, cloaking devices anything you think they should have, and make them as agile or ponderous as you think they should be. I just need a bit more description to know what to do to them. I'll post new links for you later today. What stats do you want for the V'Dan?

Raven Night

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Re: Moon's Condor up for download..........
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2003, 06:17:15 pm »
The Vdan will be pretty much the same type of loadout as the Brel, but more nimble. The ship was designed as a BOP improvement.  

Captain KoraH

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Re: Moon's Condor up for download..........
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2003, 12:34:44 pm »
Roger that.  

Raven Night

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Re: Moon's Condor up for download..........
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2003, 03:17:27 pm »
I am trying to avoid locking down the specific weapons loadouts for the Vdan, for the reasons I will give below.

Before I explain, I feel it is necessary to explain what this ship is, and what it represents. A little back history..........

The Romulan Bird of Prey was one of the most sucessful vessels ever fielded by the Romulans for deep space patrol duties. By 2267 it was evident however that this dated design needed to be replaced, as it would not be a match for the Ktinga refits the Klingons were preparing to deploy in deep space, nor would it stand up to the latest planned refits of the Constitution class that would be fielded by the Federation. A new design was commisioned in 2267, and the plans for the Vdan were born. It would be a radical new BOP, with moving wings, higher crew and storage capacity and more powerful weaponry, including new plasma distruptor cannons attached to the ends of the wing assemblies.

As is typical for Romulan starship design cycles, manufacture was initiated in 2268, the same year that the Klingons and Romulans agreed to an alliiance. The Ktinga refits for the KDF would be fielded by 2271, so the Romulans had to move fast.
During the alliance, the plans for the vessel were aquired by the Klingons during an information exchange, a blunder the Romulans would live to regret.

The first Vdan was fielded in 2270 with little fanfare.........the ship was kept a tight secret by the Star Empire, and trials began quietly mid 2270.........with disasterous results. All 14 prototypes were lost when it was found that the pontoon style warp nacelles attached to the dorsal side of the wings caused inversion waves in the cores of the ships, causing the vessels singularity to grow in power until the ships collapsed in on themselves in spectacular fasion. The technology did not exist to correct this problem, and the project was abandoned in 2272 in favor of a much larger more stable Warbird design, in it's early conception stages.

But the Klingons had other plans.

The Klingon Empire recognized the extreme flexibility of the Romulan design, and fielded their own version with exposed warp coils instead of the attached nacelles. Not only did this improve on the reliability of the design and the cloak dynamics, it proved to be a perfect match for the monolithium cores utilized by the KDF. The shape created the most powerful cloak field ever seen in any Klingon ship, and the "Brel" class BOP surpassed the Ktinga refit as the most fielded Klingon ship in history.

But the Romulans would prove to learn from thier mistakes.

In 2368 the Vdan design was revisited. The Brel design had almost 100 years of reliable service in the KDF, and this could not be ignored. New technologies allowed improvements to the original, and espionage provided the missing pieces to the puzzle to create the ultimate BOP design. The Vdan was reborn in 2370, much to the suprise of the Klingons and Humans.

Units were first outfitted with the Vdan in 2371, and the ship surpassed expectations. Work soon began on larger, more flexible as well as dedicated versions for a variety of roles in the same year, and the first Dvethex and DDmad fired up it's core the following year. Plans for an even larger version, the VVorath, began in 2373, but was interrupted with the advent of the war with the Dominion. The Romulan BOP was once again thrust into full combat, and performed flawlessly and with distinction in many of the major battles of the war.

Many improvements have been made to the series over the years, and the Vdan series BOP has proved to be the most versatile BOP ever fielded by the Romulan Star Empire. The Vdan and it's counterparts remain in service today.

.........Ok, why did I give this rather lengthy background story to you? Well, part of it is because I like the connection I made between the Romulans and the Klingon BOP.  STTSFP originally had Kruge stealing a Romulan ship, but the reference was dropped in the final script, though the obvious Romulan design and name was kept. Hence the paradox was born.......a Klingon BOP. It looks Romulan folks, and it has the Romulan wings, red feathers, and even the name. BUT IT IS KLINGON.........take my word for it, seriously. *sigh*

Anyway, I decided to make the connection and design what I believed a Romulan BOP would look like. Naturally the ship would look alot like the Klingon ship, because the Klingon ship was originally the Romulan design. I had to make the ship look decidedly Romulan however, so this is what I came up with.

Finally coming to the end of this lenghy post...............The ships would have a standard loadout that matches what you see, and would also be very similar to the Klingon BOP in hull strength, speed, power output, etc. This ship is faster and more nimble, as it is a newer design, but basically it is just a Brel with faster engine and Romulan weapons.

Now, knowing the full story of the ship, you can envision what you believe this ship would have based on when it was designed and the refits. The ship you are working on was manufactured in 2383, just before the Breen war begins in the Infinty storyline. This ship is Future Trek, but should not be a supership.

If you need more than this rather lengthy post, let me know. But fear the reply
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Raven Night »

Captain KoraH

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Re: Moon's Condor up for download..........
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2003, 04:29:31 pm »
I just finished the V'Dan, and in looking up your email address came back around to this post. I really hate it when people tell me "I can't" but sometimes it's just the truth. In the case of the V'Dan, the only way the ship can be "basically a BoP" but be more maneuverable is if it is lighter. The only way to make it lighter than a BoP, which already has all level 1 components already, is to take away hull mass. This does make it lighter, but also more fragile. That's the direction I went with the V'Dan's stats. It has basically a Romulan equivalent of the BoP's loadout. The one significant change is the hull mass, which as noted above makes the ship faster, lighter and more maneuverable, while also making it more fragile, currently about 73% of the hull strength of a standard BoP, but 27% lighter. Let me know what you think.  

Raven Night

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Re: Moon's Condor up for download..........
« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2003, 06:28:48 am »
Works for me Korah........of course you may not need this answer now, but that works great.

Perhaps we can up the shields a notch to compensate, eh?

Or add more labs.

Captain KoraH

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Re: Moon's Condor up for download..........
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2003, 12:19:08 pm »
There are no Labs in SFC3. Adding shield strength is accomplished by adding larger shield generators, which are heavier than smaller ones, which in effect adds more weight, taking away the benefit of the lower hull mass. In SFC3 there is a bottom limit to maneuverability versus survivability, and the BoP is it. The V'Dan is a sacrifice of survivability for more maneuverability, the only other thing to do is make it just like a BoP but with Romulan components and weaponry. It would then essentially be a "Romulan BoP".

BTW, did I give you the link for the V'Dan yet?