Topic: The Return of S'faret Part 2  (Read 1200 times)

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The Return of S'faret Part 2
« on: May 06, 2003, 10:23:48 pm »
Sfaret slumped back in the command chair once the channel had closed. He should be excited, glourious battle would soon come. In addition word had already come in that two border worlds and 12 ships of the Gorn had declared to his cause. But excitement was not what he felt, rather a deep pain within him.

Suddenly the familiar wave of peace entered his mind and pushed away the sickening pain. S'faret turned to greet his friend, Atroshati, Embassidore to Rovil.

S'faret smiled, "Ahhh Atroshati, you always know when to lighten my dark moods."

"Is that not what friends are for", replied the Rovillian? "Do not let Scipio trouble you S'faret. The Gorn people seek only peace and they know you seek only the best for the Gorn people, others will answer your call."

"I would hope they do so soon", S'faret mused. "I do not relish the thought of fighting my people, even my friends."

"It is for the good of the Gorn you do this. Friends, many of the people, they are filled with their own self interests. You wish only to help the Gorn, remember that path S'faret We must now wait for further reports, why don't you go and rest, the crew will call you if you are needed."

"Yes Atroshati, I will rest, I am very tired." With that S'faret left the bridge and headed for his quarters."

Sleep came easily for S'faret, it always did after speaking with Atroshati. And of late, the dream came easily as well. S'faret was on the listening post, his security chief and science officer as well as about 20 other crewmen. The idea was to secure the station and use it as a hidden base of operations against the ISC.

The sensors had just come online when the 3 ISC warships dropped out of warp. The Kraagera tried to stay in transporter range but the shields for the listenpost had gone up unannounced. A trap, S'faret realized, too late.

S'faret turned to his crew that where with him, "Get those comupters under our control NOW! I want the weapons active! Trel'set (his security officer) set 5 men as security and prepare to be boarded." The crew scrambled to follow the orders they had been given.

S'faret opened his communicator. "S'faret to Kraagera...." "Kraagera here captain, your orders?" "Faaltress (first officer of the Kraagera) take her home!"


"You heard me  Faaltress, get her home. This was a trap from the start, who knew the frogs had it in them? I will get the weapons online here soon and draw fire, fight a withdraw for a few minutes to buy us time. Once our weapons come online run for Gorn space as fast as you can!"

"Captain it has been honor to serve..."

"Cut the crap Faaltress. Get the Kraagera home, she is yours now. S'faret out."

It had only taken about 3 minutes to get the weapons online but to S'faret it had seemed an eternity as he watch the Kraagera dance with the ISC ships. When weapons came online S'faret was ready. "Hold your fire Grestra. (Junior Officer on the Kraagera) Wait for the Kraagera to dance past the station again, as she sweeps past unload everything into the first ISC ship in arc."

Seconds later the Kraagera danced past the outpost and behind her and ISC Star Cruiser. "NOW!" There where only 4 phaser 4's on the station but at this rnage they where enough. The shields of the Cruiser crumbled like soggy paper and the beams sliced deep into the ships hull. Plasma was leaking from numerous hulkl breaches as the cruiser turned away. The other two ships quickly pulled up short and swerved to avoid the guns of the outpost. The Kraagera kept her course and went to high warp, pursuit was for now stopped.

Over the next hour the ISC ships pounded the outpost. S'faret and his small crew might not have known thw weapons like an ISC officer but they made a good account of themselves. However sooner or later the outpost would lose, eventually the shields failed and ISC officers swamred the outpost.

In the dream S'faret was in a blood bath. Weapons where gone and the Gorn where fighting with teeth and claws. S'faret had killed at least 6 ISC security officers himself. He was charging down the hall when he stopped short there in the hall was Atroshati. Then came the pain, a searing pain in his skull and S'faret was awake......

S'faret sat there trying to sort out the dream. It was like a memory yet this was not what he remebered to be true. The ISC had shown up and the Kraagera had fought them and then fled. The ISC ships had let the Kraagera leave and then offered honorable surrender for S'faret and his crew. S'faret had accepted.... But why such a vivid dream....  The questions began to fade as the warm sense of peace invaded his mind again... Peace, it was what he and galaxy needed most, he must help the rest of the Gorn people see this....

S'faret drifted gently back to sleep......


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Re: The Return of S'faret Part 2
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2003, 10:57:54 pm »
Welcome back ..again