Topic: Dizzy RM/ARMs for SG3  (Read 6625 times)

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Re: Dizzy RM/ARMs for SG3
« Reply #40 on: May 09, 2003, 12:42:07 pm »



Unless plans change, Scippy and I will be leading the GLORIOUS BROWN STAIN ARMADA across the galaxy.   We will need another ARM ( alcohol regulated monster),


<gulp> Have I been re-demoted already?

Gwarlock the puzzled  

Sorry, dude.  My bad.   I wrote that post before I looked at the other forum which stated your re-arrival to the triarchy.

You're the lizard we're looking for.    The galaxy will never be the same again.

Scipio, Agave, and Warlock REUNITED !!!   The Gorn Warlords of Legend.   Let our enemies bar-maidens quiver with fear!!!
Let the drinks and madness start flowing.   MUHAHAHAHAHA.  Let all discos fear the coming of Kroma!!   Run, run while you can from the examinations of DOC (proctor) and his glove of pain!!    That's right.....the GORN are here!!!




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Re: Dizzy RM/ARMs for SG3
« Reply #41 on: May 09, 2003, 01:04:31 pm »

 Scipio, Agave, and Warlock REUNITED !!!
Let the drinks and madness start flowing.

Hey, fellas, it will be good to fly your backs again...
-Me and Agave, from IDSL

Looks like we'll be frying frog legs again, eh?

Report to the Alliance and AllianceHC, if you haven't already. And the next time you're in Federation space, swing by New Caldonia. I have a pretty decent liquor cabinet in my office. I'm a Glen Fiddich man, myself, if I'm in the mood, but I gave up the tequila a long time ago, heheh.  
« Last Edit: May 09, 2003, 01:07:03 pm by wanderer »


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Re: Dizzy RM/ARMs for SG3
« Reply #42 on: May 09, 2003, 01:05:09 pm »
Unfortunately, I received word from the coalition high command that none of you are recognized and thus are to be put to death immediately...

I was sent these as proof of their intentions:

I didnt know the Gorns had blue lizards, btw...


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Re: Dizzy RM/ARMs for SG3
« Reply #43 on: May 09, 2003, 01:16:18 pm »
Dizzy, once I get done with you for that last post, you will truly have earned your name.    Thappt !!!

Agave, enraged

P.S.  Thanks  Wanderer for the great post.   It will be good to fly with Fed escort again.


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Re: Dizzy RM/ARMs for SG3
« Reply #44 on: May 09, 2003, 01:39:12 pm »




Unless plans change, Scippy and I will be leading the GLORIOUS BROWN STAIN ARMADA across the galaxy.   We will need another ARM ( alcohol regulated monster),


<gulp> Have I been re-demoted already?

Gwarlock the puzzled  

Sorry, dude.  My bad.   I wrote that post before I looked at the other forum which stated your re-arrival to the triarchy.

You're the lizard we're looking for.    The galaxy will never be the same again.

Scipio, Agave, and Warlock REUNITED !!!   The Gorn Warlords of Legend.   Let our enemies bar-maidens quiver with fear!!!
Let the drinks and madness start flowing.   MUHAHAHAHAHA.  Let all discos fear the coming of Kroma!!   Run, run while you can from the examinations of DOC (proctor) and his glove of pain!!    That's right.....the GORN are here!!!


Great now I know who to file my sexual harassment complaints with.


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Re: Dizzy RM/ARMs for SG3
« Reply #45 on: May 09, 2003, 03:55:02 pm »
 Hey Dizz,

   I seem to remember a movie in which an outfit was stitched together out of HUMAN hides.  So STFU


  GWarlock the reinstated


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Re: Dizzy RM/ARMs for SG3
« Reply #46 on: May 09, 2003, 04:13:02 pm »
Scipio, Agave and Warlock all together and me playing ISC :-( Now I am depressed. I have a chance to enjoy old home time at the Confederation and I am playing the enemy. Now I have to go and kill my brothers of so many battles. :-( My wife is rolling over here. When she read the first to installments of the Return of S'faret she threatened divorce. She said she married a Gorn not some slimey limp frog :-)

Mommy can I PPPPLLLLLEEEEEAAAASSSEEEE play Gorn instead?

WOW, flash back to our old camp letters thread.



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Re: Dizzy RM/ARMs for SG3
« Reply #47 on: May 09, 2003, 04:27:12 pm »

 Hey Dizz,

   I seem to remember a movie in which an outfit was stitched together out of HUMAN hides.  So STFU


  GWarlock the reinstated  

Look, you guys have it all wrong. I was instructed to TRANSFER (messenger) that disgusting filth to you from thr coalition high command. I had nothing to do with it. It was from... Dogmatix... Yeah, he did it...

I am Tholian this server who happens to be ALLIED to the gorn, not that I'd really expect you'd understand that you thick headed scaly reptilian. Hasnt anyone told you that playing with fire can get you burned.. Well, things on this side of space where I am are mighty hot!

Your skull is about as thick as your hide... Its a wonder Gorns developed spaceflight at all... And tell Kroma to take off that silly pink outfit... Er no. He prolly looks better in it..


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Re: Dizzy RM/ARMs for SG3
« Reply #48 on: May 09, 2003, 04:28:47 pm »
Couldn't have been me...I'm not in the Klingon High Command, anymore...  

Though the leather does look well-used in these pictures.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »


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Re: Dizzy RM/ARMs for SG3
« Reply #49 on: May 09, 2003, 04:35:09 pm »
He Lies! I have the PM he sent me! LIAR!


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Re: Dizzy RM/ARMs for SG3
« Reply #50 on: May 09, 2003, 05:08:41 pm »

Look, you guys have it all wrong. I was instructed to TRANSFER (messenger) that disgusting filth to you from thr coalition high command

Hmmmmm, well we will need to see *all* the evidence of this disgusting crime.  So please, when you transfer the blue outfit, make sure you send along the young lady who is wearing it.

-S'Cipio the judge


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Re: Dizzy RM/ARMs for SG3
« Reply #51 on: May 10, 2003, 01:23:22 am »

Scipio, Agave and Warlock all together and me playing ISC :-( Now I am depressed. I have a chance to enjoy old home time at the Confederation and I am playing the enemy. Now I have to go and kill my brothers of so many battles. :-( My wife is rolling over here. When she read the first to installments of the Return of S'faret she threatened divorce. She said she married a Gorn not some slimey limp frog :-)

Mommy can I PPPPLLLLLEEEEEAAAASSSEEEE play Gorn instead?

WOW, flash back to our old camp letters thread.


Well, I don't know about your mommy, but I would certainly welcome you back to the fleet of the confederation if you would like.   Your wife sounds like a great woman, who really knows what's what.

So, if you'd like, come fight by our side again and have a glorious, good time.   Now, if you cross the line in a stinky, slime-covered froggy ship, we shall hunt you down.

Anyway, good to hear your still hanging around the galaxy.   Pick your side well, for it would be a shame to hunt one of the great lounge lizards.



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Re: Dizzy RM/ARMs for SG3
« Reply #52 on: May 10, 2003, 03:10:51 am »
Mommy said if I am realy good this weekend I play Gorn :-)
