Topic: DH123 and anyone else interested in PFs  (Read 1382 times)

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DH123 and anyone else interested in PFs
« on: May 09, 2003, 09:37:45 am »
Can this be true? Fighters and PF's for all races?


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Re: DH123 and anyone else interested in PFs
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2003, 09:42:09 am »
Now that would be cool I would love to have so K-FWL on a C7V


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Re: DH123 and anyone else interested in PFs
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2003, 10:29:07 am »
Yeah, it works.

Just not for Dynaverse play or SP campaigns for that matter.  SP Skirmish is the only way to play it.

So far anyway.


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Re: DH123 and anyone else interested in PFs
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2003, 02:47:57 pm »
Yes it works.   I have a mod in OP that SEEMS to work in single player campaigns as well (seems to, haven't thoroughly tested it . . .).   PF's have been converted straight from SFB.  Th only way this seems to work stably would be in OP because you can use a Pirate Cartel as the "donor" race for the PF ships.

Here's the problem, even when it works, Thr fighter AI is useless with Plasma.  Plasma fighters are almost as worthless as Fusion fighters as they rarely fire their weapons at the right time.  

PFs for all races seems to work okay.  The Federation Photons PFs are worthless as the AI is not capable of firing Photons correctly.  The Drone varients work great.  Klink G1s are EVIL!!!!   The AI loves to fly them.  The C7S (a C7 with 4 PFs based on the Battle Control Ship) is a very nasty ship.

One thing I've seen from screwing around with this mod is that I really wish Taldren would fix the "PF Factory" BS.  Repaired and reloaded completely in 30 seconds?   Atleast if it used spare parts I would be balanced, can anything be done about this in the missions scripts?  


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Re: DH123 and anyone else interested in PFs
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2003, 02:56:38 pm »
Ooh, Hydran PF's. Get this working for a campaign, and I might have to try them out. Overmind BCS anybody?    


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Re: DH123 and anyone else interested in PFs
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2003, 03:36:00 pm »

Ooh, Hydran PF's. Get this working for a campaign, and I might have to try them out. Overmind BCS anybody?    

Um, you gotta remeber that the AI for the most part controls the PFs so they don't always behave that smart.  They still do the same dumb [censored] like firing Fusions at range 18 that ships do.  Also, only Plasma and Dizzies come out "hot" and all other heavy wepons need to load normally.  The Holwer PFs and their Phaser Gs are the most effective with the AI controlling them, but I think a Group of Hornet IIIs can kick more ass.  

More Bad news for Hydrans . . .  It is IMPOSSIBLE to have bothe PFs and fighter groups on the same ship.  Kinda makes flying a PF Tender stupid for the Hydrans.  


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Re: DH123 and anyone else interested in PFs
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2003, 03:47:37 pm »


Ooh, Hydran PF's. Get this working for a campaign, and I might have to try them out. Overmind BCS anybody?    

Um, you gotta remeber that the AI for the most part controls the PFs so they don't always behave that smart.  They still do the same dumb [censored] like firing Fusions at range 18 that ships do.  Also, only Plasma and Dizzies come out "hot" and all other heavy wepons need to load normally.  The Holwer PFs and their Phaser Gs are the most effective with the AI controlling them, but I think a Group of Hornet IIIs can kick more ass.  

More Bad news for Hydrans . . .  It is IMPOSSIBLE to have bothe PFs and fighter groups on the same ship.  Kinda makes flying a PF Tender stupid for the Hydrans.  

That makes the concept of a Fi-Con moot, doesn't it?


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Re: DH123 and anyone else interested in PFs
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2003, 04:12:21 pm »



Ooh, Hydran PF's. Get this working for a campaign, and I might have to try them out. Overmind BCS anybody?    

Um, you gotta remeber that the AI for the most part controls the PFs so they don't always behave that smart.  They still do the same dumb [censored] like firing Fusions at range 18 that ships do.  Also, only Plasma and Dizzies come out "hot" and all other heavy wepons need to load normally.  The Holwer PFs and their Phaser Gs are the most effective with the AI controlling them, but I think a Group of Hornet IIIs can kick more ass.  

More Bad news for Hydrans . . .  It is IMPOSSIBLE to have bothe PFs and fighter groups on the same ship.  Kinda makes flying a PF Tender stupid for the Hydrans.  

That makes the concept of a Fi-Con moot, doesn't it?  

 FiCons can work it you give them 4 goups with one fighter each.   However, with PF factories working like they do now this could get ridiculous with the infinate resupply.