Well, Working on the GFL mod for several days now, I see a few features that would be realtivy easy to put in, that would
benfit greatly.
First, Editing the Shipname.txt file in the models directory. Simple enough, would be a useful tool. All right there
as your making the ship. (Execlent for making new Ship classes based off a current model design)
Editing Hardpoint configuration: Yes, i know there is a great program to do it with already. But whats easier for the modder...
Making a ship in one program and adding correct looking UI points at the same time? Or going back and forth between 2 programs
to make sure it looks right. Mostly this is a time saver idea of mine...
last:: Editing the gf files in common settings. Maybe, maybe not. This would require alot of work. But it would be great
to have it in a single program.
Also.. the export/import would be great. It would also be good if an added ship in Version 1, would import into someone elses Version 1 files in the same place, so they can test it together. (ie Being able to keep the versions updated)
Also (i know alot of alsos, im tired, been working on this mod for 16 hours straight now :P) Im sure you already have it, but
a math calucator based on the Current Commonsettings GF files so that ships created will come out right.
Another idea based on the Editing of Customloadout.. Editing Defaultload out's AI ships. Ie, make AI ships off the ones you already have. Course thinking about this one, i realize you could just add a check box to make AI ships
(and NS ships as well)
Me sleepy =( I hope these ideas make sense to someone not in my state