Chuut pops the No Doze into his mouth with out hesitation, his hedonistic nature and feline curiosity almost demanding it.
As he starts reading the book Hooch provided him with, he is reminded of the ravings of his Kdaptist Grandsie.......,
he looks up at Hooch momentarily and realizes that something is more amiss than usual

"Please excuse me Admiral Hooch, but I think I need to splash some water on my face" announces Chuut as he makes his way to the privy, book in hand, noticing a bigger smirk on the humans face.
30 minutes later Hooch was becoming quite concerned, "He shouldn't have een gone that long" thought the Admiral, "Our knowledge ofKzinti medicine and biology have always been sparse, I hope I didn't harm him permanently, or <gulp> kill him."
"Oh my career, I'll be courmarshalled for sure for killing an alien ambassador, and it is sure to mean war, the Kzin will never be satisfied with diplomatic solutions even if they ARE given my hide....."
Hocch makes his way to the door of the privy fearing the worst, in dread he turns the knob.........

"I think I got a really good understanding of this
CALVINISM thing now" purrs Chuut-Ritt, easing his 750 lbs off Hooch's prone form. Anytime you want to practice this human form of worship again Hooch just let me know <snicker>.