Topic: Looking for a game with good people  (Read 6600 times)

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KOTH-Steel Claw

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Looking for a game with good people
« on: January 26, 2003, 02:21:16 pm »
I am really looking forward to a campaign that is not filled with cheating low lifes. The D3 has been a huge disappointment.  


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Re: Looking for a game with good people
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2003, 03:37:53 pm »
You and me both brotha!

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Looking for a game with good people
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2003, 07:15:42 am »
Thnaks Mace, I might just do that. I could always use the practice and lessons. I am sooooooo looking forward ot a D2 campaign.


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Re: Looking for a game with good people
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2003, 10:14:25 am »
Yep add me to that list... I can't wait till the next D2 server hell I even played on Battlefield for a short while (Gave up and went to GSA then watched in horror as War-Sears blew my ship up repeatedly I don't da*n well remember him being that good!! I mean I knew he was good but for the love of God and all that is holy I got slapped like a freaking school girl =) hehe but of course I am looking forward to many many more battles once I get back home hehe what can I say I just don't learn

Speaking of not learning I still gotta go for Flufs secret stash of 'Nip I bloody know it is around here somewhere *runs off in search da 'nip*


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Re: Looking for a game with good people
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2003, 10:27:38 am »
Lol Mav, you won't find his stash - why do you think I was looking for him on AOTK all those times?

A very stoned Meow to you, MAv

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Looking for a game with good people
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2003, 12:50:47 pm »
Hey Mav, you can't get to Fulf's secret stash. I am guarding it. Funny though, the amount seems to be shrinking. If I wasn't so ripped, I could tell you why.

Also, if I am at GSA, I will be the first to depart.  


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Re: Looking for a game with good people
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2003, 12:55:32 pm »
I'll have both of you chaps know that I can be every bit as bad a pilot as you can. If I could just get GSA to work with AOHell, I could prove it after a few too many beers.    


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Re: Looking for a game with good people
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2003, 02:29:15 pm »
Hmmm sounds as if I simple 'payment' could get some of that good stuff Fluf has stored up then eh Steal? I promise I won't tell, don't be greedy =)

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Looking for a game with good people
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2003, 09:03:53 am »
Mav, renzevous co-ordinates sent. Operation 'Nip will commence at 1300.

FT, I am a graduate of the J'Inn School Of Asteroid Munching, first in my class!


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Re: Looking for a game with good people
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2003, 09:16:50 am »
What with "hex munching", "planet munching" and now "asteroid munching", it's no wonder I play this game stoned. Bring on the munchies!

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Looking for a game with good people
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2003, 09:50:50 am »
Mog, what can I say but ROFLMFAO!!    ~===            (wish the equal sign twisted, but oh well)

Kieran Forester

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Re: Looking for a game with good people
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2003, 01:55:58 pm »

Mav, renzevous co-ordinates sent. Operation 'Nip will commence at 1300.

FT, I am a graduate of the J'Inn School Of Asteroid Munching, first in my class!  

Yeah, well, I'm a Planet Muncher of the First Rank, myself. If you don't believe me... I'll dig up some of my ship's logs from CW6.


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Re: Looking for a game with good people
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2003, 03:01:29 pm »
M'Ress is still in the Gorn courtroom.

Munch, munch, munch.

You won't find Fluf's 'nip man. He hides it well. If KAT "Keeper of da Katnip" Maul can't find it, you certainly won't.  


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Re: Looking for a game with good people
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2003, 09:32:26 pm »
Steelclaw, I couldn't agree more.  The sad state of the D3 and the game in general just sucks.  



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Re: Looking for a game with good people
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2003, 11:29:20 pm »
the D3 definitely has potential.  There were moments of play where I fleeted up with a romulan warbird in my litle frigate. As the warbird went around defending our main planets, we did encounter an honorable fleet of sovereign flying feds.  It was my little frigate, his warbird, and a raptor as fleet versus fed galaxy and two sovs.  good fights.

Anyway, the lack of mission scripts is the real killer in my opinion.  Even though the tactics and complications aren't nearly on par with SFC2, if the D3 had more missions, including those suprise attack encounters or what not, especially against borg cubes, whatever, it would be nice.  It would have been nice if a lot of small things are added.  D3 will probably take much longer to mature than D2 because no one really has experience with the system.  SFC2 is basically SFB, despite what some people theorize.  Sure, it is 'different', but people could kind of use their intuition and figure out how to make good servers.  D3 has completely different tactics, not as much variation, not as much history or story to throw in, and there is rampant customization that is difficult to control.  I'm starting to realize just how much of a benefit stock ships are.  I like customization, but perhaps we are given too much control in SFC3.  

I did have a whacky idea enter my head though. What if someone were to, and I wonder if this were possible, mod the game so that it played... well like SFC2.  That would probably be a major thing though, not something you just 'mod' in.  Heck, you could even then theoretically just throw in all the 200,390,309, some odd olds starships and play with that. And to maintain the tng flavor, just create a bunch of variants of the stock ships they have, etc., you know what i'm getting at.  But tha'ts a really big pipe dream, nothing i could do myself, and something that may be seemingly overly complicated. The fleeting feature in D3 is definitely really nice though.  


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Re: Looking for a game with good people
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2003, 12:44:09 am »
Definitely agree with the potential. There is a lot that the D3 can do with some improvements. I see it as an explosive potential, just needing to get over the energy hump of igniting it.