Topic: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request  (Read 11150 times)

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Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« on: May 05, 2003, 12:18:41 am »
Klinks smell bad, ill mannered, ugly, fungus on there feet, leather that has gone bad, ridges on there foreheads that that a Hockey Golie would be jealouse of, and and have bad tabble manners.


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Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2003, 06:23:05 am »
And going by the above post, the Federation education system sucks ass


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Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2003, 06:59:13 am »
 <in best Sean Connery accent>

 'So, ya wanna start a flame war?  I'll tell ya how to start a flame war.  He brings a knife, you bring a gun, he puts one of yours in the hospital, put one of his in the morgue.  THAT'S the flame war way.  And THAT's how you'll get Capone.'



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Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2003, 08:33:28 am »
Clearly Star Fleet Academy features low standards for communication skills (as Captain Mog indicates).  Reminds me once of a Federation captain who proclaimed, moments before the sudden demise of his pummelled ship, "Damn, it's good to be in the Federa..."    


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Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2003, 08:49:47 am »
Now this is more like it.   Check is in the mail Hondo.

If there is going to be strife on these boards I'd rather it had to do something with Star Trek.  Therefore, good old Fed v. Kling bashing just seems so right.

If I want to hear political stuff I'll watch my most hated TV show of all time . . .   Crossfire  (a/k/a Politics meets the WWF).



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Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2003, 09:34:39 am »
3 words:



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Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2003, 09:42:35 am »

Klinks smell bad, ill mannered, ugly, fungus on there feet, leather that has gone bad, ridges on there foreheads that that a Hockey Golie would be jealouse of, and and have bad tabble manners.  

I'll have you know I have very good table manners............


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Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2003, 10:09:34 am »

And going by the above post, the Federation education system sucks ass  

I'll let you know when I took English comp in college my Professor was a 5'4 young woman from Russia with legs to her neck, and the most perfect rounded chest...... She taught me good I tell ya!!!! And whats up with the personal attacks on my grammer Wusses!! Cant find any other federation flaws then to attack me in person, Your a bunch of losers hanging out in your mothers basement. All Klinks are a bunch of silly people wearing silly outfits, wondering why every time they step on the bus to go to work people look at them funny. Go hold a rally in Tianamen Square and get run over by a tank.


While the above post may or may not be the current belifes of this poster, in no way shape or form is the above poster hopping to inflict mental stress, pain, anguish, or any other unstabilty in the Readers life, unless you want. The above post is meant in jest for 3 out every 4th reader, and its in hopes that the 4th reader will break down and cry. The Poster has no control of selecting the 4th reader and does hold any liabitly for his words that has effect. Personal attacks in above said post are based on fictional charecters and in no way shape or form resemble any real life persons, and if they do its just a a kawinky dink.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2003, 10:11:57 am by Hondo_8 »


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Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2003, 10:20:26 am »

I'll have you know I have very good table manners...

Can you explain how you do that with Gah'k?

Oh, and btw...G-racks are just fine, you're all a bunch o' whiners...<runs for the door>  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2003, 10:27:05 am »
I bet the plasma races would stop whining about G racks if our D racks were never-ending like the rest of our plasma


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Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2003, 10:29:47 am »
COOL! A "GOOD" flame war!


Unfortunately, I now have to end the war with only one UBER-Salvo...

THere aint never, EVER been a Klink that hasnt got his ass WHIPPED by Captain James T. MOTHER-F#CKING KIRK BABY!!

Even when Kirk was an old, fat Admiral he whipped Klink ass.


*disclaimer: We are speaking of the SFB/TOS/TMP versions of Star Trek; the spinless, "PC" Federation of the 24th century is a bunch of bedwetting crybabies out for a sunday joyride. Hell, they have a damn bumpy-head working on their FLAGSHIP, WTF IS UP WITH THAT?!?!?

Those responsible for the hiring of a klink on a Federation Starship have been sacked. (GR was puffing a big, fat blunt that day I suppose.)

Klinks suck so bad they started using P-1 and Photons to try to keep up with the Feds, pitiful. And they even allied with the spinless Feds of the 24th century, after the Feds TRIED to save them from some ROMULANS at Khitomer!! HAHAHAHAHHA!

Have a nice day, you bumpy headed devils!  ;D



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2003, 10:48:52 am »


While the above post may or may not be the current belifes of this poster, in no way shape or form is the above poster hopping to inflict mental stress, pain, anguish, or any other unstabilty in the Readers life, unless you want. The above post is meant in jest for 3 out every 4th reader, and its in hopes that the 4th reader will break down and cry. The Poster has no control of selecting the 4th reader and does hold any liabitly for his words that has effect. Personal attacks in above said post are based on fictional charecters and in no way shape or form resemble any real life persons, and if they do its just a a kawinky dink.  

<sits down and bawls her precious eyes out!!!!>

Oh, wait.... I'm a Fed!!!

Alright ridgeheads!!!

<pushes up sleeves>




  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2003, 10:51:34 am »
He never beat Kang.


COOL! A "GOOD" flame war!


Unfortunately, I now have to end the war with only one UBER-Salvo...

THere aint never, EVER been a Klink that hasnt got his ass WHIPPED by Captain James T. MOTHER-F#CKING KIRK BABY!!

Even when Kirk was an old, fat Admiral he whipped Klink ass.


*disclaimer: We are speaking of the SFB/TOS/TMP versions of Star Trek; the spinless, "PC" Federation of the 24th century is a bunch of bedwetting crybabies out for a sunday joyride. Hell, they have a damn bumpy-head working on their FLAGSHIP, WTF IS UP WITH THAT?!?!?

Those responsible for the hiring of a klink on a Federation Starship have been sacked. (GR was puffing a big, fat blunt that day I suppose.)

Klinks suck so bad they started using P-1 and Photons to try to keep up with the Feds, pitiful. And they even allied with the spinless Feds of the 24th century, after the Feds TRIED to save them from some ROMULANS at Khitomer!! HAHAHAHAHHA!

Have a nice day, you bumpy headed devils!  ;D



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2003, 10:53:14 am »

I bet the plasma races would stop whining about G racks if our D racks were never-ending like the rest of our plasma  

Ahem...excuse me, this is a Fed/Klink flame war, go back to being silent or not existing or whatever it is you do...   Your racks run out, our racks run out, but Tracey's racks...uh, nevermind...



Krolling, you rock. Very Springer of you.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2003, 10:55:45 am by wanderer »


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Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2003, 10:54:10 am »

Clearly Star Fleet Academy features low standards for communication skills (as Captain Mog indicates).  Reminds me once of a Federation captain who proclaimed, moments before the sudden demise of his pummelled ship, "Damn, it's good to be in the Federa..."    

I thought I heard it was "The Federation will prev..."  *BOOM*



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2003, 10:55:29 am »

3 words:

FRICKING GOOD GUYS!!!!!!!!      

Okay, now that we have your vocabulary covered...let's talk about this phase.

Says who?  YOU?  

Looks to me like you've been watching too much of that decadent Earther television.


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2003, 10:56:31 am »


I'll have you know I have very good table manners...

Can you explain how you do that with Gah'k?

Oh, and btw...G-racks are just fine, you're all a bunch o' whiners...<runs for the door>  

Of course G-racks are just fine.  Who's complaining?  We know you need them did Nanner put it?  "Compete?"  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »


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Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2003, 11:00:51 am »

COOL! A "GOOD" flame war!


Unfortunately, I now have to end the war with only one UBER-Salvo...

THere aint never, EVER been a Klink that hasnt got his ass WHIPPED by Captain James T. MOTHER-F#CKING KIRK BABY!!


..In your movies and TV.  What would one expect?  If those friendly to this "Kirk" are writing all the stories, should we expect any less?

At least we dealt with that spineless little petaQ of a son of his.  So when Kirk dies, so does his lineage.  Or has he died all ready?  Who can tell from your silly Trek movies?

Try some literature by an unbiased Ishmael's Sirius Ascendant sometime.  Broaden your horizons!



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2003, 11:01:19 am »
On behalf of the American Bar Association I would like to express our sincere pleasure at the number of disclaimers attached to recent posts. We do so like proper posting.  And if it doesn't have a disclaimer, it is just not proper.

That being said; we are terrible distressed at the fact that these disclaimers have not been crafted by our membership.  While some may not realize this, the term "kawinky dink" is simply not a proper legal term and really has no basis in a disclaimer.  Well perhaps in a parole hearing, but otherwise, not.

So, I,  J'inn the Loving, have been nominated to rectify this situation.   Please e-mail the following to me and I will craft a iron clad disclaimer for you.   Please niot that the quality of the disclaimer will be directly proportional to the amount of your fee.   You get what you pay for.

Please use the following form:

What is the subject of your post?

(If it involves G Racks, shiplists or a member of the banned brothers, your cost will double)

Does your post contain curse words?

(Triple the cost unless you use the )(*$($($*$  stuff)

Does your post mention Derek Smart?

(Quadruple the cost)

Are you a Federation player telling Dogmatix to STFU?

(Double the cost)

Are you even thinking of mentioning the differences between SFC2 and SFC3?

(You can't afford it)

Is your post in all Caps?

(Forget it, to hard for me to read)

Are you Chuut Ritt

(Triple the cost and I'll need a full waiver from you)
Are you Kroma BaSyl?

(<shudder>  Please stop sending the pictures)

Is it about an active campaign and you are absolutely certain your team is getting screwed?

(Just send me my Porche now)

Is it about how great and wonderful a guy J'inn is?

(Well you don't need no disclaimer for that!)

Are you hooch and angry?


Are you Mace and angry?


Are you Max Power and angry?


Are you jd and really peeved?

(Ooo I can finally buy that yacht!)

ARe you going to even mention the SFC3 patch issue?

(Great!! Now I can hire babes for the yacht!)

Please do not deviate from the form.  Thanks.

KAT J'inn
Proud Member of the ABA where our motto is:  How may we help us?


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2003, 11:03:37 am »



Krolling, you rock. Very Springer of you.

Thank you for the first remark, I think. But that doesn't mean that I am going have J'inn and the other asteriod boys run into me or anything like that, does it?



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2003, 11:04:41 am »
He didnt beat Kang, but that was a rigged contest. He DID get Kang off his ship and taking a taxi ride on a Fed Starship HAS to be dishonorable to a Klink, hence Kirk edges out a tactical win from the situation.

Have a nice day!  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2003, 11:08:22 am »
End of Kirks lineage???

Did you  never WATCH the show? That man has more bastard children than the average klink has bodily odors, which is quite a few in fact.

Oh, and perhaps you have never heard the phrase: The winners write the HISTORY BOOKS! SCOREBOARD!


Oh, and its ALL Earther versions, as the Klinkon empire has bowed in submission to the UFP and allied with em!

Have a nice day!  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2003, 11:18:16 am »
Quote: did Nanner put it?...

<winces>...Low blow, dude, low blow...I must say to you sir, with all due respect to a Klingon of your stature, STFU...oh, damn, that's double cost...  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2003, 11:24:38 am »
I think Fed female POWs that lose the uniform for scanty two piece costumes, are spray-painted green and put on the power-red lipstick can be really provocative when they slap us Klingon Alumnus and say:

"Oooh!! That must have hurt!!"    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #24 on: May 05, 2003, 11:39:05 am »

Quote: did Nanner put it?...

<winces>...Low blow, dude, low blow...I must say to you sir, with all due respect to a Klingon of your stature, STFU...oh, damn, that's double cost...  

I thought this was a flame war?   heheh...

It's a fair cop..low blow.  Truth be told, the first edit of that post didn't have that person's name in it.  I'll even pay half the "double cost."  Fair?   heheh...  



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2003, 11:46:00 am »
Heheh, you gotta deal, Dog...Fed/Klink diplomacy at it's best...

Btw, that *BOOM* that interupted my officer was his photons thacking into that paper-mache you guys call a hull...  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by wanderer »

SSCF Hooch

  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2003, 11:50:37 am »


I'll have you know I have very good table manners...

Can you explain how you do that with Gah'k?

Oh, and btw...G-racks are just fine, you're all a bunch o' whiners...<runs for the door>  

Enchanted Photons too...nananabooboo.  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #27 on: May 05, 2003, 11:53:52 am »

Enchanted Photons too...nananabooboo.    

I think you mean Nanner-booboo.


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #28 on: May 05, 2003, 11:54:25 am »

End of Kirks lineage???

Did you  never WATCH the show? That man has more bastard children than the average klink has bodily odors, which is quite a few in fact.

Oh, and perhaps you have never heard the phrase: The winners write the HISTORY BOOKS! SCOREBOARD!


Oh, and its ALL Earther versions, as the Klinkon empire has bowed in submission to the UFP and allied with em!

Have a nice day!  

True...I guess I was discounting the decadent lifestyle of Kirk and the existance of his many bastards.  From a bastard comes many bastards.  Bet that!  

I'm sure I can be excused for not partaking of the endless diet of Federation propaganda.  Your kind is expected to, of course, and I understand that.  We of the Empire have little interest in it other than as the odd comerical diversion when there's little else to do.

Klingons allied with the Federation?  When did this occur?  In some phantasized future of your own creation?

"Winners write the history books."  A quintessential Fred mantra.  By Klingon reckoning, winners find someone else's arse to kick and the loser is subjugated.  I'm not aware of the Empire have ceased hostilities with the Federation, nor am I aware of any such instance where the Empire has been subjugated by the puppet government of the milktoast UFP.

Your history books are for the obvious consumption of your weak-minded populace...truly the only place for which there is an audience for this sort of trash.  We shall have none of it!



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #29 on: May 05, 2003, 11:55:03 am »
No disclaimers!  


Magic Photons



Wanna be droners


Butt Ugly

Weak Minds

Weak Hulls

Wanna be droners

Have a nice day!  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #30 on: May 05, 2003, 11:59:02 am »


Enchanted Photons too...nananabooboo.    

I think you mean Nanner-booboo.  

Ok, even HE would have to admit that was pretty funny. Good one, Kroma, LOL.  


 ...quintessential Fred mantra.

There is only one quitessential Fed manta..."We're the Fickin' Good Guys!"...
« Last Edit: May 05, 2003, 12:02:25 pm by wanderer »


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #31 on: May 05, 2003, 12:00:01 pm »
Ooooooooo OOOOOOO!!!

I got one!!!!

Kirk had all of the Klingon women!!!!


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #32 on: May 05, 2003, 12:04:32 pm »

Ooooooooo OOOOOOO!!!

I got one!!!!

Kirk had all of the Klingon women!!!!  

Ah, yes, that would explain much...<wanderer dons his Freud glasses>, Dog, tell me about your childhood...  

SSCF Hooch

  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #33 on: May 05, 2003, 12:05:39 pm »
Dear Klingon War Criminals, (pooftas)

To quote the patron saint, let his name be forever raised high:

 "Let them die" are the first words all Federation warriors are taught at SFA. We hate Klingons, we will always hate Klingons, and will never be willingly allied with them, unless we need cannon fodder to suck up plasma from PF's from the "lessor" races. (Mirak not withstanding)

 Screw your disclaimers...Federation Captains hate Klingons and ignore Romulans, Miraks, ISC, Lyrans (unicorns), Hydrans. They are our sometime lackeys. (RP boys, lower your weapons )



SSCF Hooch

  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #34 on: May 05, 2003, 12:08:26 pm »
From reading the books I know that the worst Klingon insult is   "you have no name",  not a one of ya's.  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #35 on: May 05, 2003, 12:17:57 pm »

Ooooooooo OOOOOOO!!!

I got one!!!!

Kirk had all of the Klingon women!!!!  

Utter balderdash.  Kirk would never survive the Klingon mating ritual (and that's IF you could find one willing to mate with such a petaQ!).  Try again.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KBF-Dogmatix »

Harold Nez

  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #36 on: May 05, 2003, 12:19:58 pm »
All Feds are wannabe Kirks.  The only ships Klinks can win in are the d5d and other various cheese chuckers.  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #37 on: May 05, 2003, 12:23:54 pm »

All Feds are wannabe Kirks...  

Well, I hate to point out the obvious...

"No, I'm from Iowa...I only work in outer space."


« Last Edit: May 05, 2003, 12:26:27 pm by wanderer »


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #38 on: May 05, 2003, 12:30:04 pm »
All Feds are a bunch of 5th grader that think they should win every game because thats the way it is on TV.


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #39 on: May 05, 2003, 12:32:00 pm »


Ooooooooo OOOOOOO!!!

I got one!!!!

Kirk had all of the Klingon women!!!!  

Ah, yes, that would explain much...<wanderer dons his Freud glasses>, Dog, tell me about your childhood...  

"Dogmatix was born to a relatively small house on the Klingon Homeworld (to KLINGON parents and is 100% pure Klingon!)."  

There's no Warf-like abomination here.  My childhood was spent training as a member of the Klingon Warrior class, after which I worked my way up the ranks of the Klingon Navy and into the High Council.  We Klingons don't aloow half-breeds to serve as Chancellor.  I'm sure you'll cite some crazy instance of fantasized UPF fiction to the contrary, but it will be just that...FICTION!

Unlike Hooch and his ilk who are blinded by their wholesale acceptance of UFP propaganda and the hatred it foments, we Klingons do not hate you hairless monkeys.  We pity you.  You will never know the true joy of being a Warrior.  We do appreciate your kind for the many hours of sport you bring to our starship captains.  However, your decadent Federation is little more than a nuisance to be cast aside when the time is right.

SSCF Hooch

  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #40 on: May 05, 2003, 12:51:16 pm »

My childhood was spent training as a member of the Klingon Warrior class  

Yes indeed your social norms are interesting. An "advanced" race that still operates in a class system. We at least did away with that some 900 years ago. Your in-breeding will be your downfall, the more "imperial" Klingons we send to your black fleet the smaller the circle becomes. Soon you will have to marry Gow's sister, your 1st cousin. Gads more ugle and stupid little ridgeheads.



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #41 on: May 05, 2003, 12:58:55 pm »

All Feds are wannabe Kirks.  The only ships Klinks can win in are the d5d and other various cheese chuckers.  

Klinks D5D Pilots do us a favor.  They weed out the weak.

Kirk wants to be me.  

I'd like to see a Klingon woman survive MY mating rituals . . .    


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #42 on: May 05, 2003, 01:03:14 pm »


My childhood was spent training as a member of the Klingon Warrior class  

Yes indeed your social norms are interesting. An "advanced" race that still operates in a class system. We at least did away with that some 900 years ago. Your in-breeding will be your downfall, the more "imperial" Klingons we send to your black fleet the smaller the circle becomes. Soon you will have to marry Gow's sister, your 1st cousin. Gads more ugle and stupid little ridgeheads.


You seem to be labouring under a number of misconceptions, not the least of which is your assertion that only those born into a "warrior class" can serve in the warrior class. There is no such restriction and thus, no in-breeding.  Any Klingon born to Klingon parents may become a Klingon Warrior.  Substitute "class" for "vocation" if that allows you to understand a little better.  I won't hold my breath, though.  The sheer weight of that which you don't seem to understand is astounding, to say the least.  

You would do well to not transfer historical human models of reproduction to that of Klingon society.  It doesn't apply.  Just because you're used to hearing about Cleetus the Hillbilly banging his hillbilly sister at the age of 12 and siring some whacked out abmonation after generations of in-breeding, it does not mean that this is the galactic norm.  Quite the contrary.



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #43 on: May 05, 2003, 01:07:39 pm »
Hooch you heathen!!  Really this thread was all in good fun and then you had to ruin it with your rabid, insensitive, evil, despciable, hateful language.

This was absolutely uncalled for!!!

I am cc'ing a copy of this and your little "statement" to Mr. behke and demanding your immediate banishment for life!!    

I cannot belive you said this . . .   you heartless bastard . .  .    I'm traumatized.   Not as traumatized as the local BNW dealer  . .  . but traumatized non the less.


 Screw your disclaimers


May you be lost in the dessert for days without a drop of water only to be found by a tribe of nomads whose only English is "Who's yer Daddy?"

You heathen.

KAT J'inn the Traumatized

-DISCLAMER (hmmph)-

I'm poor.  If ya wanna sue me get behind the folks from the Student Loan Lender.  Thhpth!



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #44 on: May 05, 2003, 01:14:41 pm »
Ahhhhhh....(sniff)..I must be the 4th reader. Hehe klingons get it worse later on, their disruptors can't even seem to hit the broad side of a warping barn    

SSCF Hooch

  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #45 on: May 05, 2003, 01:59:24 pm »

Hooch you heathen!!  Really this thread was all in good fun and then you had to ruin it with your rabid, insensitive, evil, despciable, hateful language.

This was absolutely uncalled for!!!

I am cc'ing a copy of this and your little "statement" to Mr. behke and demanding your immediate banishment for life!!    

I cannot belive you said this . . .   you heartless bastard . .  .    I'm traumatized.   Not as traumatized as the local BNW dealer  . .  . but traumatized non the less.


 Screw your disclaimers


May you be lost in the dessert for days without a drop of water only to be found by a tribe of nomads whose only English is "Who's yer Daddy?"

You heathen.

KAT J'inn the Traumatized

-DISCLAMER (hmmph)-

I'm poor.  If ya wanna sue me get behind the folks from the Student Loan Lender.  Thhpth!


Get behind ToastyO, he does dislike me, oh Karnak too.

J'inn there is a mission on the TNZ server called Casino, you would love it.



Your "who's yo daddy" question is best directed at the Klingons, most notably the war criminal Dogmatix I am most certain he doesn't know   Klingon's have a rather odd family tree, look more like a stick with no branchs, when they say "my brother" I think they really mean it...
« Last Edit: May 05, 2003, 02:04:49 pm by SSCF Hooch »


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Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #46 on: May 05, 2003, 02:05:19 pm »

I'd like to see a Klingon woman survive MY mating rituals . . .    

Isn't solitary confinement considered cruel and unusual punishment?


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #47 on: May 05, 2003, 02:06:50 pm »
A historian in the 31st century is idling looking through some old records of the predecessor to the United Federation of Galaxies brought back by one his esteemed colleague, Indiana Kirk. Indiana is rumoured to be one of many descendants of a legendary starship captain and has been researching his family tree.
Amongst the data brought back is a reference to an obscure and ancient civilization once called, the Klingon Empire, long ago vanquished by natural selection. There failure to survive apparently was related to a curious habit following their mating rituals that required them to run off down to the pub and tell all their mates about it. Soon, the pub ritual became a cultural event in it's own right, and fellow Klingon Warriors would travel from far and wide to partake in all manner of activities to celebrate the occasion. In true Klingon Warrior spirit, many contests were held, the most favorite of these being the 'wet t-shirt contest'. Klingon battlecry's could be heard from one end of Q'onos to the other whilst the bloodwine flowed freely, "Show us ya G-Racks!".
 Unfortunately, whilst the more fragile sex of the species was engaging in these festivities, the Klingon women, guided by two Federation benefactors (who's names are witheld on the grounds I might be incriminated, and known only by their code names, the Photon Goddess, and the Rolling Pin of Destruction), formed a new autonomous self-governing body, who's first act was to create  the Subjugated People's Emancipation Relief Mandate bank. Oblivious to their now redundant status, the male Klingons of the society eventually took on a new role, reflected by the diaper change tables on the bridges of all their starships. The newly developed Diatomic IntraPhase Lightwave Dissemination Odometer technology, among many new scientific breakthroughs during the following Matriarchy, however, occasionally had power failures, and it was only for this reason alone that the male of the species were kept around at all, as a token gesture.


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #48 on: May 05, 2003, 02:24:05 pm »
Now that's funny.  A little scary but funny.

<calls stock broker and triples holding position with Duracell asnd EverReady>


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #49 on: May 05, 2003, 02:47:10 pm »
Hmmm what race to fly for SG3?    A serious question.

Photon and Drone cheese?
Drone cheese with some now lowfat commado cheese sauce?
Pure drone cheese with a side of fighter fondu?
fighter cheese
PF cheese
the other PF cheese
PPD cheese
or we wish we had cheese or players for that matter




  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #50 on: May 05, 2003, 02:50:22 pm »

Hmmm what race to fly for SG3?    A serious question.

Photon and Drone cheese?
Drone cheese with some now lowfat commado cheese sauce?
Pure drone cheese with a side of fighter fondu?
fighter cheese
PF cheese
the other PF cheese
PPD cheese
or we wish we had cheese or players for that matter



Fly Tholian!   Web Cheese (and you'll be on the side of the Fricking Good Guys).  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #51 on: May 05, 2003, 02:59:24 pm »
Hey dog, until you come up with some KLINK propoganda that was broadcast on galactic cablevision, your cant talk about OUR propoganda, so there! (You ruffle heads even tried to steal Hamlet!)

Weve got so many different series of propoganda that WE are actually getting tired of watching it.

But uh, your still ugly and your mama dresses your funny.

And now a word from our propoganda sponsors:


Have a nice day!  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #52 on: May 05, 2003, 03:00:01 pm »

Hmmm what race to fly for SG3?    A serious question.

Photon and Drone cheese?
Drone cheese with some now lowfat commado cheese sauce?
Pure drone cheese with a side of fighter fondu?
fighter cheese
PF cheese
the other PF cheese
PPD cheese
or we wish we had cheese or players for that matter



Dizzy is looking for a few folks to fly Tholian. Then you could be Swiss cheese.  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #53 on: May 05, 2003, 03:07:06 pm »
I interrupt this flame war to say that if someone actually comes up with WORKING Tholians, I AM IN!!!!

Gotta have at least web, if not web casters tho. Rocks without web are just funny klinks without dizzys.

We now return you to the flame war:

YEAH! The klinks cant even take out a bunch of ROCKS that invaded their space. Only have one planet, and ships that they build in monster garage on sunday afternoons.

Have a nice day!  

Harold Nez

  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #54 on: May 05, 2003, 03:28:08 pm »


All Feds are wannabe Kirks...  

Well, I hate to point out the obvious...

"No, I'm from Iowa...I only work in outer space."





  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #55 on: May 05, 2003, 04:20:15 pm »

I interrupt this flame war to say that if someone actually comes up with WORKING Tholians, I AM IN!!!!

Gotta have at least web, if not web casters tho. Rocks without web are just funny klinks without dizzys.

We now return you to the flame war:

YEAH! The klinks cant even take out a bunch of ROCKS that invaded their space. Only have one planet, and ships that they build in monster garage on sunday afternoons.

Have a nice day!  

hey, weld together a few D5D's and you've got yourself a ... HEY, GET OFF!!!!!    <oof>  <THWACK>


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #56 on: May 05, 2003, 04:29:27 pm »
Good one, TraceyG!! LOL!


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #57 on: May 05, 2003, 04:38:22 pm »

A historian in the 31st century is idling looking through some old records of the predecessor to the United Federation of Galaxies brought back by one his esteemed colleague, Indiana Kirk. Indiana is rumoured to be one of many descendants of a legendary starship captain and has been researching his family tree.
Amongst the data brought back is a reference to an obscure and ancient civilization once called, the Klingon Empire, long ago vanquished by natural selection. There failure to survive apparently was related to a curious habit following their mating rituals that required them to run off down to the pub and tell all their mates about it. Soon, the pub ritual became a cultural event in it's own right, and fellow Klingon Warriors would travel from far and wide to partake in all manner of activities to celebrate the occasion. In true Klingon Warrior spirit, many contests were held, the most favorite of these being the 'wet t-shirt contest'. Klingon battlecry's could be heard from one end of Q'onos to the other whilst the bloodwine flowed freely, "Show us ya G-Racks!".
 Unfortunately, whilst the more fragile sex of the species was engaging in these festivities, the Klingon women, guided by two Federation benefactors (who's names are witheld on the grounds I might be incriminated, and known only by their code names, the Photon Goddess, and the Rolling Pin of Destruction), formed a new autonomous self-governing body, who's first act was to create  the Subjugated People's Emancipation Relief Mandate bank. Oblivious to their now redundant status, the male Klingons of the society eventually took on a new role, reflected by the diaper change tables on the bridges of all their starships. The newly developed Diatomic IntraPhase Lightwave Dissemination Odometer technology, among many new scientific breakthroughs during the following Matriarchy, however, occasionally had power failures, and it was only for this reason alone that the male of the species were kept around at all, as a token gesture.  

I had heard you Earth women were given to flights of fancy...but this fabrication of poor fiction takes the cake!  

Back AWAY from the hallucinogens....easy does it...that's right...


SSCF Hooch

  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #58 on: May 05, 2003, 05:17:36 pm »

the Klingon women, guided by two Federation benefactors (who's names are witheld on the grounds I might be incriminated, and known only by their code names, the Photon Goddess, and the Rolling Pin of Destruction), formed a new autonomous self-governing body, who's first act was to create  the Subjugated People's Emancipation Relief Mandate bank. Oblivious to their now redundant status, the male Klingons of the society eventually took on a new role, reflected by the diaper change tables on the bridges of all their starships. The newly developed Diatomic IntraPhase Lightwave Dissemination Odometer technology, among many new scientific breakthroughs during the following Matriarchy, however, occasionally had power failures, and it was only for this reason alone that the male of the species were kept around at all, as a token gesture.  

Hmmmm...Riff and Raff or Federation decide.  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #59 on: May 05, 2003, 05:36:43 pm »

SSCF Hooch

  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #60 on: May 05, 2003, 05:41:25 pm »


Sorry Captain Rolling, when I had those Mark VII pins designed I had them set up to avoid me. (next time read the really, really small print, J'inn helped me with it)



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #61 on: May 05, 2003, 05:42:39 pm »



Sorry Captain Rolling, when I had those Mark VII pins designed I had them set up to avoid me. (next time read the really, really small print, J'inn helped me with it)


She did read the small print... the problem was getting J'inn to help you with it... <snicker>


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #62 on: May 05, 2003, 05:49:44 pm »


Dear Mrs. Rolling please do all your whacking in the Unit thread.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kroma_BaSyl »


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #63 on: May 05, 2003, 05:52:02 pm »



Dear Mrs. Rolling please do all your whacking in the Unit thread.  

Isn't there enough whacking happening there already??? lol!!


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #64 on: May 05, 2003, 07:33:39 pm »

All Feds are wannabe Kirks.  The only ships Klinks can win in are the d5d and other various cheese chuckers.  

Oh you want to talk about cheese blue boy can you say DNH  I Knew you could.  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #65 on: May 05, 2003, 10:35:30 pm »
Brief History of the Klingon Empire.


Thank you.

Hondo the Master Sage



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #66 on: May 05, 2003, 10:35:41 pm »

All Feds are wannabe Kirks.  The only ships Klinks can win in are the d5d and other various cheese chuckers.  

Oh, you mean like the 2 fed human players I beat with a C7 who were both flying CAD+ s and had a CAD+ as an AI ally?

Of course after I captured the first one he SDed his ship and after I killed the AI ship, the last human left a brown stain as he frantically ran off the map....

Any fed captian that complains about the D5D has NEVER looked at his own shiplist.......



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #67 on: May 05, 2003, 10:45:21 pm »


All Feds are wannabe Kirks.  The only ships Klinks can win in are the d5d and other various cheese chuckers.  

Klinks D5D Pilots do us a favor.  They weed out the weak.

Kirk wants to be me.  

I'd like to see a Klingon woman survive MY mating rituals . . .    

One Question,

Does your ship have front shields?   I've never seen them......


Now that's how you start a flame war!!!!    


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #68 on: May 06, 2003, 12:05:08 am »
Brief History of the Klingon Empire.


I am guessing that this sterling effort that you put forth while in Star Fleet Academy earned you an "A+" in the Galactic History 101 class.    No grammar, spelling, diction, or syntax deductions though . . .  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #69 on: May 06, 2003, 06:40:44 am »

Brief History of the Klingon Empire.


I am guessing that this sterling effort that you put forth while in Star Fleet Academy earned you an "A+" in the Galactic History 101 class.    No grammar, spelling, diction, or syntax deductions though . . .    

In his defense, he's probably taking the Federation security course at the same time, so the paper requirement that all reports must be composed on microdots must've carried over.


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #70 on: May 06, 2003, 07:28:37 am »

In his defense, he's probably taking the Federation security course at the same time, so the paper requirement that all reports must be composed on microdots must've carried over.  

Peace, pot and microdot.  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #71 on: May 06, 2003, 09:47:06 am »



All Feds are wannabe Kirks.  The only ships Klinks can win in are the d5d and other various cheese chuckers.  

Klinks D5D Pilots do us a favor.  They weed out the weak.

Kirk wants to be me.  

I'd like to see a Klingon woman survive MY mating rituals . . .    

One Question,

Does your ship have front shields?   I've never seen them......


Now that's how you start a flame war!!!!    

Didn't I chase you off the map in your wonderful D5D on AOTK?  If it wasn't you, then I app . ..   Ah who am I kidding, you all look alike.

Hard to see my front shield when your tail is between your legs    

Harold Nez

  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #72 on: May 06, 2003, 01:18:43 pm »
LOL, the really funny thing is I got stuck as a Fed on LB3 because I clicked buttons too fast in the beginning.  I suck balls at Fed (although I only lost to one Klink, WS who made me eat missiles, gj).   All my comments were meant as jokes in the spirit of this thread.  I apologize for starting a real flame war in the fake flame war thread (only on these boards could anything like that ever be said ).   Peace.  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #73 on: May 06, 2003, 01:24:33 pm »
<scratches head>...what "real" flame war?  


Harold Nez

  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #74 on: May 06, 2003, 01:25:57 pm »

<scratches head>...what "real" flame war?  




  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #75 on: May 06, 2003, 06:22:46 pm »
See the feds Idea of sex is Rolling Pin Whacking off Hooch on the internet.

And what is this Rolling Pin thing but some huge case of swollen penis envy.

Is that a rolling pin in your blue spandex or are you just glad to see me ROFL.

Oh and Hondo do I have to remind YOU how many times THIS KLINGON has hiden your liquor stash from the Federation Council, Hidden your hot tub from the Federation Counsil, hidden your NURSES from the federation council, smuggled you parts for your hot tub, smuggled you liquor, met you in deep space to refit your ship after starfleet command stripped your hot tub from your bridge. Not to mention the times in other threads I have towed your ship to the neutral zone and left it for you to pick up ,, complete with nurse and hot tub intact,, although there ws that time with the leather Nurse I realy grew fond of that one, she had a bigger rack than Tracy G and could actually keep up with Klingon love making,, Man she was awsome.

Not to mention the many druken parties we have sponsored together on uninhabited planets in the neutral zone.

Hondo just wait until the next time you need a place to stash your supply of drink umbrellas!



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #76 on: May 06, 2003, 07:20:17 pm »

See the feds Idea of sex is Rolling Pin Whacking off Hooch on the internet.

And what is this Rolling Pin thing but some huge case of swollen penis envy.

Is that a rolling pin in your blue spandex or are you just glad to see me ROFL.

Oh and Hondo do I have to remind YOU how many times THIS KLINGON has hiden your liquor stash from the Federation Council, Hidden your hot tub from the Federation Counsil, hidden your NURSES from the federation council, smuggled you parts for your hot tub, smuggled you liquor, met you in deep space to refit your ship after starfleet command stripped your hot tub from your bridge. Not to mention the times in other threads I have towed your ship to the neutral zone and left it for you to pick up ,, complete with nurse and hot tub intact,, although there ws that time with the leather Nurse I realy grew fond of that one, she had a bigger rack than Tracy G and could actually keep up with Klingon love making,, Man she was awsome.

Not to mention the many druken parties we have sponsored together on uninhabited planets in the neutral zone.

Hondo just wait until the next time you need a place to stash your supply of drink umbrellas!


Good Ol Fashion Fed, Klink Peace thread

Peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man I love you all pointy Ridge Heads perhaps I'll fly Klink in SG3 to show you all how much I care. heheh.

ps. How many tbombs and transporters on the C7?


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #77 on: May 06, 2003, 08:00:51 pm »
Six transporters.  Eight t-bombs.  Want some!?  



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #78 on: May 06, 2003, 09:28:05 pm »

Six transporters.  Eight t-bombs.  Want some!?  


Nobody can lay a string of T-bombs as fast as "quick-draw" MadElf . . .  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #79 on: May 06, 2003, 10:22:44 pm »


Six transporters.  Eight t-bombs.  Want some!?  


Nobody can lay a string of T-bombs as fast as "quick-draw" MadElf . . .  

Sounds like Squiggy


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #80 on: May 07, 2003, 02:39:33 pm »


Six transporters.  Eight t-bombs.  Want some!?  


Nobody can lay a string of T-bombs as fast as "quick-draw" MadElf . . .  

You wouldn't say that if you ever faced my KRCS


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #81 on: May 07, 2003, 03:31:39 pm »



Six transporters.  Eight t-bombs.  Want some!?  


Nobody can lay a string of T-bombs as fast as "quick-draw" MadElf . . .  

You wouldn't say that if you ever faced my KRCS  

Funny, the Romulan named Raus makes exactly the same claim - must be another Romulan plot that they will naturally deny.  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #82 on: May 07, 2003, 03:50:02 pm »
Well, golly...I've been known to lay down a quick t-bomb barrage or two in my day....  

Did so just this morning, as a matter of fact...



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #83 on: May 07, 2003, 04:12:07 pm »
Anyone got a hanger, the T-bomb I just dropped is clogging the toilet.


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #84 on: May 07, 2003, 06:04:02 pm »
A Gorn on the crapper is NOT an image I had ever cultivated, but one that is now indelibly burned into my psyche.

I will send you my therapy bill.

On a more logical note, I wonder what color Gorn po.... no, scratch that.

Have a nice day!  


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #85 on: May 07, 2003, 06:32:04 pm »
well i can't claim to know the color of gorn poo, but i know its the only thing as bad as gorn plasma ballet


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #86 on: May 07, 2003, 10:42:28 pm »




All Feds are wannabe Kirks.  The only ships Klinks can win in are the d5d and other various cheese chuckers.  

Klinks D5D Pilots do us a favor.  They weed out the weak.

Kirk wants to be me.  

I'd like to see a Klingon woman survive MY mating rituals . . .    

One Question,

Does your ship have front shields?   I've never seen them......


Now that's how you start a flame war!!!!    

Didn't I chase you off the map in your wonderful D5D on AOTK?  If it wasn't you, then I app . ..   Ah who am I kidding, you all look alike.

Hard to see my front shield when your tail is between your legs    

Naw, come to think about it, it was me (I guess), but still I saw the front of your ship for what 2 minutes of a 30 minute battle?

About the D5D,  I fly it, but it is not something I want to take into PvP.  For the price, there are better Fed ships in the yard, so why to they all bitch about it (DH, you shopuld likely be excluded from this group).


PS for my money, the p-1 is about the best weapon in the game and the p-2 is about the worst weapon in the game....  The p-2 was a poor SFB weapon that got much worse in SFC....



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #87 on: May 12, 2003, 07:32:42 pm »
Dear Mr. Klink

The Federation would like to support any and all future hostilties with our races, it seems that there has been a weakening on your side of the Deal, You are no longer inspiring fear and hatred in our Federation Captains. We feel that if our partnership for mutaul Racial hatred is to remain intact you must start picking up the pace. We feel that if this contiuned lovy dovy attitudes persits that Gow will begin to grow soft and actually fly Allied with the Federation one day. As we both know GOW is pinnicle of achievment for Bashing our Feds. So we hope you can strive to emulate him more and more. In a recent Gallop poll 87% surveyed felt Hooch was Dishing it better then Dogmatix.  Out of those 87% 75% actually belive that Dogmatix is really the reincarnation of Fred Rogers and the Klingon Empire a recreation of the Fantasy Magical Kingdom.

If you can not tolerate the heat or feel you need to drop this a notch your more then welcom to repick your Racial Enemy. Be advised that there are Captains in the Federation that feel the Romulans should asscend to the top of our Racial enanimity. We only tell you this for our long and gloryified past. We can not continue this partnership if you are going to go soft on us, we will be forced to move on. Thank you for you time and may all your ships smell like spring flowers after a rainy day.


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #88 on: May 12, 2003, 09:08:40 pm »

Dear Mr. Klink

The Federation would like to support any and all future hostilties with our races, it seems that there has been a weakening on your side of the Deal, You are no longer inspiring fear and hatred in our Federation Captains. We feel that if our partnership for mutaul Racial hatred is to remain intact you must start picking up the pace. We feel that if this contiuned lovy dovy attitudes persits that Gow will begin to grow soft and actually fly Allied with the Federation one day. As we both know GOW is pinnicle of achievment for Bashing our Feds. So we hope you can strive to emulate him more and more. In a recent Gallop poll 87% surveyed felt Hooch was Dishing it better then Dogmatix.  Out of those 87% 75% actually belive that Dogmatix is really the reincarnation of Fred Rogers and the Klingon Empire a recreation of the Fantasy Magical Kingdom.

If you can not tolerate the heat or feel you need to drop this a notch your more then welcom to repick your Racial Enemy. Be advised that there are Captains in the Federation that feel the Romulans should asscend to the top of our Racial enanimity. We only tell you this for our long and gloryified past. We can not continue this partnership if you are going to go soft on us, we will be forced to move on. Thank you for you time and may all your ships smell like spring flowers after a rainy day.  


We here in the Klingon Empire are amazed that you actually could find the time to tear yourself away from your shopping trip to Federation Pleasure Planet #34521 in order to construct this rather complex (for you anyway) message.  As for the Federation poll - would this be the one that was administered on board the USS Salon on the Manicure Deck?  A show of hands (immaculate French manicures) perhaps?

As for soft, the softest substance known in our galaxy is none other than something called Federation Resolve.  And the very last thing we desire is a partnership with the likes of the Blue Plague.

We do wish to thank you again for taking the time off from your busy schedule of swiffering the decks, arranging the flowers, and re-decorating your sumptuous and prestigious "Captain's Nook" aboard the USS Salon to deliver your proclamation.



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #89 on: May 13, 2003, 08:53:02 am »

Do you honestly assume that I, a klingon warrior, believe that you, a weak and pathetic human, possess any other fighting skill than that of a whimpering dog?



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #90 on: May 13, 2003, 11:34:31 pm »
Klingons get the last word.  Let's face it.  Klingons are in charge.  Flame war ends - break out the Bloodwine Warriors.  

SSCF Hooch

  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #91 on: May 14, 2003, 08:23:06 am »

Klingons get the last word.  Let's face it.  Klingons are in charge.  Flame war ends - break out the Bloodwine Warriors.    


They get the last word because they are all yap...


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #92 on: May 14, 2003, 11:48:16 am »


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #93 on: May 14, 2003, 12:06:26 pm »


Do you honestly assume that I, a klingon warrior, believe that you, a weak and pathetic human, possess any other fighting skill than that of a whimpering dog?


OOOOOOOOO!!! I'm telling Doggy that you've been talking bad about him!!!


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #94 on: May 14, 2003, 01:41:25 pm »



Do you honestly assume that I, a klingon warrior, believe that you, a weak and pathetic human, possess any other fighting skill than that of a whimpering dog?


OOOOOOOOO!!! I'm telling Doggy that you've been talking bad about him!!!  

Hmm...can't remember ever whimpering...wait...that's right.  Ghis made me wimper once..when my C10K went buh-hye.  Other than that, nary a single Fed has made me wimper.  


SSCF Hooch

  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #95 on: May 14, 2003, 02:31:26 pm »


Yes :P


  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #96 on: May 14, 2003, 07:16:15 pm »



Do you honestly assume that I, a klingon warrior, believe that you, a weak and pathetic human, possess any other fighting skill than that of a whimpering dog?


OOOOOOOOO!!! I'm telling Doggy that you've been talking bad about him!!!  

Doggy is a Fed?



  • Guest
Re: Good Ol Klink, Fed Flame war by request
« Reply #97 on: May 14, 2003, 08:35:45 pm »




Do you honestly assume that I, a klingon warrior, believe that you, a weak and pathetic human, possess any other fighting skill than that of a whimpering dog?


OOOOOOOOO!!! I'm telling Doggy that you've been talking bad about him!!!  

Hmm...can't remember ever whimpering...wait...that's right.  Ghis made me wimper once..when my C10K went buh-hye.  Other than that, nary a single Fed has made me wimper.  


Well then when you get both hands free to operate a keyboard dog, then we can dance, as I recall our last situation an Ice Age ago had you leaving the map.