Taldrenites > General Starfleet Command Forum

Non-SFC: Forum wishlist

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Well. In order to make the transition smoother and faster, I have a couple wishs to put forward.

1. Ability to edit my own post indefinitely. (I think that's what the old forum had, and it's VERY useful)

2. Slightly longer signature limit to accomodate multiple links (my old sig was only two lines, but had 5 links in it, therefore exceeding the 300 lmit)

3. a Divider betwen each post in flat view.

4. would it be possible to import the old forum posts back? for the last 15 or 30 days maybe? (if too much work, then that's ok...)

5. nitpick: UBB threads and infopop corp are in the wrong font and look out of place.  

Brad Bowermaster:
Can I combine my old and new account posts? i.e. transfer the post count from TREKKE1170  into Brad Bowermaster. Kind of sad I've been on the old Taldren forums since March 2000 and now I'm a lowly Lieutenant. LOL. Post count for TREKKE1170 was 569. You can then delete that account. Probably should email this to you, but figured it would go along with the list.  

Having the last 15 days post from the other forum would be nice.    

I would like to see who rated me.

Umm, if anyone ever does! LOL



I would like to see who rated me.


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