Topic: I sincerely apologise...  (Read 18749 times)

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I sincerely apologise...
« on: May 04, 2003, 11:17:25 pm »
I sincerely apologise to all the respectable D2 players out there
but I can no longer participate in this community.

Taldren's tacit approval of claims of right-wing superiority is disgusting.
The composition of the moderating team is all you need to know.

The OT forums have to go.

If anyone is interested in seeing my return to the D2 and to continue
development of D2 enhancements, then petition Taldren to remove
the OT forums and ban Stormbringer, Sirgod, Sethan, Mentat John,
and all the other right wing bastards who continually demean and
insult anyone of differing opinion.  Before everyone tells me that it
is sad that I cannot seperate political opinions from a game (yes it is)
This is a case of I will no longer support a company who approves
of and allows the continual slander of the left.

I presented the hideous and deadly flaws of capitalist democracy
to them multiple times and they simply could not refute them. Instead
they have reduced me to their level of insults and violence.
Additionally, I have come to realise that the american right can only
understand violence. Blood is their mother tounge.

I realise this is not likely to happen at all, so this is goodbye.

(As well as the fact that I will not likely survive my meeting
with Stormbringer or will be arrested trying to get there...)  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2003, 11:37:18 pm »

I think what is needed here is levelheadedness.  

First, abandon the meeting with Stormbringer, Violence is useless, it won't solve anything.  Such a meeting is not worth anyone's time and energy.

Second, Ignore any trolling in the OT forum.  If a participant in that forums posts anger you and appear to be misinformed or derrogatory, just let them go.  If they are so blind to another perspective why waste your breath, they are not your congressmen or lawmakers, their opinions represent 1 vote just as yours does.

As far as the moderators, I suggest contacting them about your concerns.  If no action is taken so be it.  If a lack of action makes you withdraw from the game, that is your personal decision, but I would suggest taking a break from the forums for a while and see if the anger dissapates.

But, if you decide after a time that you are not comfortable with the forums and Taldren in general, it is definately understandable if you choose to leave.  I will be sad to see you go, but if you decide this is best I wish you well.

HOWEVER I can never support an action to seek out any form of meaningless violence whatever the cause and whoever the instigator is, this is just plain stupid and damages our society.  Use your vote to state your political opinions not physical violence, nor encourage or give opportunity for others do do so.

So take a deep breath and realize that what someone types on a forum is not so important in the grand scheme of things, and get on with your life sans just isn't worth being mad about.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2003, 11:40:27 pm »
LOL  ROTFLMAO.... This has got to be a Joke Right?
Ban Sethen, Mentat, and Sirgod.

Oh please spare us yor Indignity.        Lets bring back Foo Fighters at least he's got the Testecular fortatude(sp) to take as good as he gave.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2003, 12:01:52 am »
The dude threatened to track me (down in RL and put me face down in a pool of my own blood sight unseen and then got indignant when I told him to come on down if he was feeling froggy and the police wouldn't even get the chance to arrest him for terroristic threats and assault. I did not realize he was unhinged. Soldiers don't take kindly to threats and I was less than cordial in my reply (to put it mildly). He made threats to other forum members as well.  I'd assumed he would calm down or take his meds or whatever and all would be well. Alas, it was not so. My apologies as well to all who bore witness to this. He may be suicidal and needs looking after, but I can think of no way to effectively do that now.  I understand some may have coorespondence with him due to his positive activities in the community. If so you might want to check in on him.  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2003, 12:11:04 am »
Well, whatever happened,

This just shows how counter-productive all flame wars are, no matter how innocently they start.

I would ask all forum members to be polite in all their posts and positions and respectful of others rights to express their own opinions.  You dont have to agree, just be polite.  If someone starts fanning the flames, bury it in good natured post and kill it with civilized manners and not sarcasm and rudeness.  I'm not trying to justify anyones actions here, far from it, just asking that all the members of the community learn a lesson here and try to act like intelligent and well-mannered people.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2003, 12:31:47 am »

Posted by anonymous, unregistered
I sincerely apologise to all the respectable D2 players out there
but I can no longer participate in this community.

The "do things my way or I'm leaving" threat gets used too often around here.  If you want to stay, then stay!  If you want to leave, then you wasted your time making one more post to a place you don't want to visit anymore.  Why put yourself through the torture?


The OT forums have to go.

They are off topic for a reason.   They are the hangouts of both whackos (my opinion) like Arabman, The Turbaned Menace, I TYPE THE FACTS, and of more sensible denzins after reasoned debate like....... well, like most others.  A place where good pups and bad dogs may walk side by side.  Why are you letting an off-topic forum bum you out about a D2 project?


If anyone is interested in seeing my return to the D2

If you want to stay, you'll stay.  If you want to leave, you'll leave.  There is nougt I can do about it, or even would if I could.  The world will keep revolving either way.


 then petition Taldren to remove
the OT forums and ban Stormbringer, Sirgod, Sethan, Mentat John,
and all the other right wing bastards who continually demean and
insult anyone of differing opinion.

<spit take>  <choke> <cough>  Oh, I'm sorry.  I didn't realize you were having a joke here.  I'd never seen the name "Sethan" and the phrase "demean and insult" used in the same post before (let alone the same sentence).


I presented the hideous and deadly flaws of capitalist democracy
to them multiple times and they simply could not refute them. Instead
they have reduced me to their level of insults and violence.

Ah, I see your boggle.  You have chosen to embrace socialism -- an intrinsically repressive system that refuses to allow one ownership of even his own basic thoughts -- rather than God's own system of blissful capitalism -- which allows you to rely upon your own industriousness and rewards you according to your own efforts.   Hmmmmm..... but I guess I'd best take the rest of this train of thought back to the OT forum.

But you make your major mistake with your second sentence.  All forums -- OT and D2 -- are simply electronic words on an internet site.  There is no one who can MAKE you threaten another with violence while in a political discussion.  That rage comes from your own heart and your own soul.

Don't ask for others to be banned because you can't control your own impulses.  If you can't play nicely in the OT forum, just don't play.  Political discussions are usually verboten in the D2 forum, so here might be a safer place for you to have fun.  But again, that's YOUR decision, and no one else should play any role in it.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »

Harold Nez

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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2003, 12:49:05 am »
Erm, ya.  I feel some of what you are saying.  There are a lot of geeks and pedophiles (I'm not suggesting the people you named are either--why name people anyway?) in the OT Forum, making the whole experience a bit recalcitrant--but hey that is the internet.  If you do not like it, do not click on that forum.  If you focus your energy on improving the game like you say, then just ignore the people that piss you off and graciously accept the praise from people who are, or will be, happy with your efforts.  Stay cool.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2003, 06:15:06 am »

 Additionally, I have come to realise that the american right can only
understand violence. Blood is their mother tounge.

As opposed to those notable peaceniks on the left like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler and Janet "Waco" Reno.

Don't let the door hit you in your head on the way out.  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2003, 06:37:52 am »

Erm, ya.  I feel some of what you are saying.  There are a lot of geeks and pedophiles (I'm not suggesting the people you named are either--why name people anyway?) in the OT Forum, making the whole experience a bit recalcitrant--but hey that is the internet.  If you do not like it, do not click on that forum.  If you focus your energy on improving the game like you say, then just ignore the people that piss you off and graciously accept the praise from people who are, or will be, happy with your efforts.  Stay cool.

Excuse me?  pedophiles?  Where the hell did that come from?


I sincerely apologise to all the respectable D2 players out there
but I can no longer participate in this community.

Taldren's tacit approval of claims of right-wing superiority is disgusting.
The composition of the moderating team is all you need to know.

The OT forums have to go.

If anyone is interested in seeing my return to the D2 and to continue
development of D2 enhancements, then petition Taldren to remove
the OT forums and ban Stormbringer, Sirgod, Sethan, Mentat John,
and all the other right wing bastards who continually demean and
insult anyone of differing opinion.  Before everyone tells me that it
is sad that I cannot seperate political opinions from a game (yes it is)
This is a case of I will no longer support a company who approves
of and allows the continual slander of the left.

I presented the hideous and deadly flaws of capitalist democracy
to them multiple times and they simply could not refute them. Instead
they have reduced me to their level of insults and violence.
Additionally, I have come to realise that the american right can only
understand violence. Blood is their mother tounge.

I realise this is not likely to happen at all, so this is goodbye.

(As well as the fact that I will not likely survive my meeting
with Stormbringer or will be arrested trying to get there...)  

rajsaj, I agree, don't let the door hit you on the way out.  I have only seen ONE post by you in the OT forum in the 3+ years I have been hanging around here..... that was the one Saturday night.  You had no reasoned arguement at all.

As for your terrorist tactics?  No, you go about in your miserable little world with your miserable little life. The OT forums will continue and others will pick up the SQL work and run with it.  I seriously doubt Taldren or the rest of us will be held hostage to your demands in exchange for you continued presence here.

Capitalism BAD, stealing from the rich, GOOD. does not constitute a logical argument.  And I still challenge you to go to  Bartcop  &  the democraticunderground to see what real 'hate' is.

ROFL.... you know you really do sound ridiculous....


 Taldren's tacit approval of claims of right-wing superiority is disgusting.

I can just see this coming from Baghdad Bob, some former Soviet Union mouth piece, or some tin pot dictator in a Central American country.... You really need your head gear flushed out, rajsaj

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Bearslayer »


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2003, 06:56:21 am »

   UNsportsmanlike conduct - number 52, 34,12, 16,72,78, and 90 of the Red Team

   Unsportmanslike conduct - number 18, 33,65,71, and 94 of the Blue Team.

   Number 71 has been ejected from the game.

   The penalties offset.  Replay the down.



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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2003, 08:42:36 am »
I figured OT  meant stuff like basic computer questions,  question about other games, science fiction stuff beyond Trek, etc.    Debates on Isreal, abortion, gun laws, etc????    On Taldren, off topic or not???   Seems weird,  and of course a source of flame.    Oh well, Taldren's boards I guess.   Does seem odd though.  I don't really go to other game forums.  Do all of them have a super off topic forum like Taldren??  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2003, 08:47:17 am »
I have a continuing SARS thread there... I go for the latest news. As soon as something controversial, ppl start talking about it... Its more entertaining than watching Bill O'Riely.. hehe.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2003, 09:04:03 am »
hmm... rajnsaj is gone, eh?  Guess we won't be seeing his name in yellow for a while by the looks of things...


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2003, 09:42:41 am »
I personally don't frequent the OT forum regularly, simply because it seems such a flamefest and obvious source of problems. The first thread I posted in since the move to the new forums was one about last week's Enterprise episode. That seemed like, on the whole, a good topic, even allowing for minor flames and conflicts in opinion about social issues.

If it were me running this board (thankfully it's not!), I'd remove 90% of what gets put up in the OT forum. It's just begging to cause trouble and get people banned. I mean, if running this board can be such a headache to the Taldren folks who've had to deal with it, why foster an environment that causes still more headaches?

If people want to debate politics or current events, aren't there plenty of forums to visit designed for that purpose?


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2003, 09:50:23 am »
"Some people you just can't reach....and you get what we have right here....A Failure to communicate......."

If a rabid dog heads your way all the hugs and kisses aren't going to do you any good at all.
It's a dangerous world out there and some people just need to open their eyes.

Anonymous, you won't be missed.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2003, 09:57:04 am »
KOTH's official stance is this entire situation is regrettable.  I wish it could be resolved peacefully and without damage to the community.  We do not support violence of any kind, save what can be done in the context of the GAME to our honorable opponents.

Other than that, I refuse to get into a political discussion outside of the OFF-TOPIC forum.  There will be no replies to the comments above except what has been said.  KOTH has always got along well with Rajnsaj and will be sorry to see him go, if that is what, indeed, occurs.



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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2003, 10:19:05 am »
Taldrens entire purpose for creating the OT forum in the first place was so that things of this sort would wind up here... and NOT clogging up the general SFC forums, or the D2/3 forums, etc. Taldren employees like to have their debates just as much as some of the others out there, and I daresay that the CEO of Taldren has given at least ONE huge example of being oriented to the LEFT, not the right. (no offense Erik, but Im talking about the infamous "drill the [censored] out of Anwhar" comment, rofl!) That seems to erase the argument about Taldrens support of the idea of "Right-Wing superiority", does it not?

I stopped coming in here, as I get mad far too quickly and take the crap personally.

The idea that the OT forum should be moderated or policed similar to the standard forums is silly. They were put here to allow people to "LET IT ROCK" so to speak, with virtually no supervision or intervention.

The old adage holds true, "If you dont like what you hear on the radio/tv/chatroom, CHANGE THE CHANNEL!"

Fortunately, Taldren restricts the flame wars 95% to this room, although some of the Church of Taldren "Blue Shirts" are a bit quick to delete posts by those they dont agree with anywhere they see them, offensive or not...

Have a nice day, and remember its only a game!  

EDIT: WTF? Damn, either someone is REALLY fast on the edit button, or they have an auto-censor on the forums now? Heh, if it is an automatic one, shows ya how long its been since I used "offensive" dirdy wurds. But uh, if that was a human, that WAS an EXACT, VERBATIM quote from Erik Bethke.


EDIT2: Hey, this ISNT the OT room, this is D2. Well, replace references to HERE with THERE.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2003, 10:44:38 am by AJTK »


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2003, 10:30:01 am »

I think you should consider taking a couple of weeks off from the Taldren forums.  You may may want to consider hanging out in the Koth forums where you know you can trust the posters during this "cooling off" period. Then you'll know if you want to come back and you will also be able to set a few personal ground-rules regarding what poster behavior you will accept plus what you will do about it.  There's a lot of other games out there to move onto if you are still unhappy.  It would be sad if you did move on though cuz you are a talented SQL DBA, PHP scripter and Java guy and you still work for free.   You do the Koth fleet great credit with the generous manner in which you apply you skills to D2.

As for the violence threats that's illegal so don't think it much less do it cuz you will regret it for the rest of your life.     If you need to talk, you know where to reach me.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »

Harold Nez

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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2003, 10:31:33 am »
Right now, the OT Forum is creating too many bad feelings.  Bearslayer, okay my initial statement was a bit hyperbolic.  Yet, I'm not going to name names, but about a month ago, whether in jest or not, one poster did write "I like little boys, anyway".  In no way is that funny.  That's why I no longer go to the OT Forum regularly.   I'm sure tons of good-spirited, funny things come from the OT Forum.  But, plenty of bad and disgusting stuff does too.  And what does it cause?  Things like this.  Yet, I don't think calling in the thought police is the answer either.   Perhaps a bit more active moderating?  Peace.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2003, 10:55:12 am by Harold Nez »


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2003, 10:40:47 am »
Huh??? There's an Off Topic forum here????

What else could one possibly talk about other than Star Trek games, Star Trek episodes, Star Trek movies, and Star Trek characters??? What else IS there???!!!!

Oh, well, maybe Rolling Pins.... But they are Star Trek issued Rolling Pins.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2003, 10:53:31 am »
Keep those Krolling Pins coming.....I didn't mean that!!...please no MARP this time......



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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2003, 11:09:19 am »
That's Star Fleet Issued Rolling Pins.... (SFIRP)  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2003, 11:35:25 am »


 Additionally, I have come to realise that the american right can only
understand violence. Blood is their mother tounge.

As opposed to those notable peaceniks on the left like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler and Janet "Waco" Reno.

Don't let the door hit you in your head on the way out.  

Now there's a list of some truly nice Leftists!

heheh....I think the bannings are and have been out of hand in these fora.  I can see banning people for posting illegal or obscene material, but voicing political or unfavorable SFC-related opinions, no matter how distasteful, seems to go beyond what is required.  However, these aren't my fora, so I have no say in the matter.

When it comes down to it...who is really hurt by a couple of people verbally duking it out or some fanatic posting wacky beliefs.  I think the OT Forum is a blast.  If it's not someone's cup o' tea, all they have to do is not visit, eh?  No like?  No look!  It's that simple.


Harold Nez

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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2003, 12:15:15 pm »

If it's not someone's cup o' tea, all they have to do is not visit, eh?  No like?  No look!

Sounds good to me.  Peace.  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #24 on: May 05, 2003, 01:10:46 pm »
Sorry to see you go rajsaj, your tallents in making the game better will be missed.


Taldren's tacit approval of claims of right-wing superiority is disgusting.
The composition of the moderating team is all you need to know.

As one if those afor mentioned moderators I'm not certain where that comes from. AFAIK there was no such bias in picking them, it was based on who volunteered and not on political bias (one way or the other mind you). That some are outspoken is not a reflection of all moderators so please be aware that painting all with same brush is an error.

Good luck to you rajsaj, hope we meet again someday.  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2003, 01:50:56 pm »
I am sorry to see you go, rajnsaj.  You were a very positive part of this community.  I will definately miss you.

What could you possibly accomplish by threatening other people with different views than yours?
That removes all validity in any opinions you had.  Asking for everyone who has a different stance than you to be banned was also very selfish.  You accomplished nothing.  I am rather shocked; I always thought you to be a rational person...this was a waste.  I'm a rather sad, because you will not be around anymore, even more sad because of the circumstances.

I care not about anyones policial view, race, color or religion here.  This is a game for crying outloud!  We are here to have fun, and I have said it before many times.  People seem to forget what this game is about and why we are here.  Leave your problems at the door and have some fun!

I REFUSE to lose another person of this community again over something so stupid!  Rajnsaj is gone, and  banned as well.  All we can do now is learn from this and make sure this doesn't occur again.

BTW, Yesterday was my first visit to the Off Topic Forum.  It will also be my last visit there, I didn't like what I saw.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by DarkElf »


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2003, 02:44:39 pm »
Did I miss something while I was gone over the holiday weekend? Pray tell, tell me everything? Did we have ANOTHER person banned? I guess that I'm next then...  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #27 on: May 05, 2003, 02:44:41 pm »
You know, there is an ole' saying where I'm from...


"If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen"

Apply that to the Off-Topic forum, before calling for it's demise.

Yes it can turn into a flame-fest at the drop of the pin, but there are plenty of good threads that get started there also.  Some of the best debates I've read on the 'net have happen there.

It's not to difficult to side-step the threads that will break out into a caranage laden flame-fest.  Common sense will tell you which ones.

I've seen plenty of flame-fest start on the D2 forum, so don't act like it's a Utopia outside the Off-Topic forum.

Off-Topic means just that.  If you have no intrest in discussing anything other than the SFC games, than don't go into the OT forum.   Pretty simple if you ask me.

Now about death threats issued, that's totally uncalled for.  And that's a rarity on the OT forum...



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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2003, 08:44:58 am »
Damn....ya know....I pointed out the 55 gallon drums of fuel by the door...I showed ya where the firesuit rack was....I told ya we used candles for lighting....

And I sepecificly told you this fact....

Whats is said in the OT forum....stays in the OT forum....

Its a very simple  unwritten rule to live by...

Never confuse someones world view....with someones love of SFC....

When you tell someone they will lie in a pool of their own  must also include the term "Federation P'tok" and use a smiley

I would also add....that 99.9 of us follow that unwritten rule...



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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #29 on: May 06, 2003, 11:42:05 am »
Not to justify Raj or his political beliefs, I will admit he made a killer download switch program that made it easy for us non file swappers. I shall miss him and his contributions. Politics aside, he was a good hearted person in my book.  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #30 on: May 06, 2003, 11:45:19 am »
I have to agree with you JM, Rajnsaj bent over backwards for this community, and his talents will be missed.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #31 on: May 06, 2003, 11:51:51 am »
Just too bad he couldn't keep his temper reigned in.  Gotta stop drinkin the Mt. Dew there, worked for me.

Kieran Forester

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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #32 on: May 06, 2003, 11:57:34 am »

As opposed to those notable peaceniks on the left like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler and Janet "Waco" Reno.  

Hitler was an extreme right-winger, not a left-winger.

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2003, 12:05:21 pm »
What Kieran just said.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2003, 12:07:41 pm »

I have to agree with you JM, Rajnsaj bent over backwards for this community, and his talents will be missed.  

Thus my concern.   The theory of "if you don't like it don't look" notwithstanding,  there is a problem within a small community when people go bonkers and are subsequently kicked out.    Some people are not of the mind set to deal with hardcore public "debate" on social/political issues.  It just asks for people to go over the edge every now and then.

In a large community, no big deal, in one this small it is a problem when people working on major projects for the good of the community go over the edge.

Imagine if Karnak, Dave,  and Tracey all blew a gasket and were kicked out.  Then what? Maybe someone else would step in, maybe not.

As a result I do question whether the risk of a completely off topic, almost no holds barred, forum can be justified.

Should rajanaj have been booted?  Yes.   I saw some of the posts.  They were unbelievable.  Something really drove him over the edge.    My concern is, who's next to go nutso over something that has ZERO to do with the game and is guaranteed to cause strife in the future.

Hopefully it never happens again.  But the risk concerns me.

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #35 on: May 06, 2003, 12:36:17 pm »

 Thus my concern. The theory of "if you don't like it don't look" notwithstanding, there is a problem within a small community when people go bonkers and are subsequently kicked out. Some people are not of the mind set to deal with hardcore public "debate" on social/political issues. It just asks for people to go over the edge every now and then.

In a large community, no big deal, in one this small it is a problem when people working on major projects for the good of the community go over the edge.

Imagine if Karnak, Dave, and Tracey all blew a gasket and were kicked out. Then what? Maybe someone else would step in, maybe not.

As a result I do question whether the risk of a completely off topic, almost no holds barred, forum can be justified.

Should rajanaj have been booted? Yes. I saw some of the posts. They were unbelievable. Something really drove him over the edge. My concern is, who's next to go nutso over something that has ZERO to do with the game and is guaranteed to cause strife in the future.

Hopefully it never happens again. But the risk concerns me.  

Unfortunately, people should realize that the off topic forums is just that, off topic. If what you read in there cheese's you off to the extent it did Raj, you shouldn't be in there. That is a known flame fest area and anyone who would take it too personally shouldn't go there.

I believe it is up to Taldren to keep or remove the section, JMHO.  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #36 on: May 06, 2003, 12:48:46 pm »


Unfortunately, people should realize that the off topic forums is just that, off topic. If what you read in there cheese's you off to the extent it did Raj, you shouldn't be in there. That is a known flame fest area and anyone who would take it too personally shouldn't go there.

I agree completely.  But, as per raj's example,  it will happen.   That's the problem.


I believe it is up to Taldren to keep or remove the section, JMHO.  

Of course.   Not sure I like the idea of removal, however, just a little more oversight.  Right now there is an ongoing debate over who is a Nazi or not. As in people calling other players Nazis (and they ain't joking).   (Something I find odd and somewhat humorous on many levels.  If someone called me that I would find it funny.  I'd also wonder where my military back pay from the Reich was also, DARNIT I still haven't gotten my check!)  However, some people are near the gasket blowing point.  But there it is.

Of course this is all academic.



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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #37 on: May 06, 2003, 12:53:50 pm »
Hence the reason why you won't find many free-topic forums of the nature of our OT forum.  They're horribly hard to moderate, usually huge flame fests fed by nothing (or everything) in particular, and generally a headache for the rest of the community, whatever it is.  Taldren knew what they were getting into when they created OT, so if they want it there, that's the end of it.  Ours is so full because it's the only one I've found since the destruction of (and I swear I saw Don Dawson there) 4 years ago.  I loved those forums, and they were a helluva lot more hostile than our OT is (and hopefully will ever be).  They even had a separate 'Rant' section for the propane-fed flame fests.  Too bad the guy ran out of money or I'd post a link over in OT to take their anger there every week or so.  I think he still sells the T-shirts at, so if someone wanted to help the world out by recreating the sole anger vent I so sorely miss, that would be the place to start.

EDIT:  I don't know what they're trying to do now, but it's quite obviously not what it was 4 years ago!!
« Last Edit: May 06, 2003, 01:07:07 pm by Commander Maxillius »


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #38 on: May 06, 2003, 01:26:04 pm »
Well I for one am sick and tired of all the tutuphobic, neo-nazi, communist trying to keep a good Gorn down. If Taldren doesn't ban all the tutu haters I swear I will take the tutu off. Then the real flaming will begin.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #39 on: May 06, 2003, 01:27:43 pm »

Well I for one am sick and tired of all the tutuphobic, neo-nazi, communist trying to keep a good Gorn down. If Taldren doesn't ban all the tutu haters I swear I will take the tutu off. Then the real flaming will begin.  

Where's KRolling and her MARPs when you need her???


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #40 on: May 06, 2003, 01:52:38 pm »

Well I for one am sick and tired of all the tutuphobic, neo-nazi, communist trying to keep a good Gorn down. If Taldren doesn't ban all the tutu haters I swear I will take the tutu off. Then the real flaming will begin.  

Power to the Sexually Questionable and Rather Disturbing!!   No no,  the Tutu Wearing Lizards . . ..   No, erm . .  .   .    .  

Wait a minute!!

But Kroma . . .    I thought you liked it when The Man kept you down.

<runs for dear life>


  • Guest
Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #41 on: May 06, 2003, 01:54:13 pm »

Thus my concern.   The theory of "if you don't like it don't look" notwithstanding,  there is a problem within a small community when people go bonkers and are subsequently kicked out.    Some people are not of the mind set to deal with hardcore public "debate" on social/political issues.  It just asks for people to go over the edge every now and then.

In a large community, no big deal, in one this small it is a problem when people working on major projects for the good of the community go over the edge.

Imagine if Karnak, Dave,  and Tracey all blew a gasket and were kicked out.  Then what? Maybe someone else would step in, maybe not.

As a result I do question whether the risk of a completely off topic, almost no holds barred, forum can be justified.

Should rajanaj have been booted?  Yes.   I saw some of the posts.  They were unbelievable.  Something really drove him over the edge.    My concern is, who's next to go nutso over something that has ZERO to do with the game and is guaranteed to cause strife in the future.

Hopefully it never happens again.  But the risk concerns me.  

Now, this is really sad to see rajnsaj banned.  It make it even sadder that he provided so much techie expertise to D2 the last few months.  Before the regrettable incident, he was simply one of the best people to work with and very well-represented Koth fleet and upheld their values.  If he was in GFL in SFC2 fleet, I would recommend him for promotion.  Maybe, Taldren will give him a break later on. I think he deserves one.

As for your concerns, Jinn. I guess "c'est la vie" applies. No one said life is fair, I guess.  I don't mean toot my fleet's horn but I can't think of a better example right now:  I can freely admit one of the benefits I like about the GFL is that they are strict on nasty forum posts.  So, rajnsaj never would have been provoked in GFL forums.  The fleet COs and Council JAG committee are quick to react.   As one member put it one day not long ago on Teamspeak:  "Let's see, I paid $30-$50 min. for the SFC games, then I pay $40-$50 for my DSL connection. I think I have a right not to have to deal with BS like that." (ie. personal attacks, off-topic posts, questionable jokes, in-dyna play cursing and swearing, etc.  This list can go on forever and each list is unique for every person.)   Just like the old CIC forums there are a lot of people that purposely stay away from Taldren forms for some or all of the above reasons and are already applying Dogmatix's dictum of "Don't like, don't see".

As for blowing gaskets.  I think it boils down to communication.  IMHO, the day people start purposely ignoring each other is the day you know that there will be a blow up and it's time to run for the hills (ie. goto  computer store and get a new game).  

Cocomoe has are really cool quote on this subject in the GFL forums. I hope he does not mind if I use it here cuz I think it's needed:

"To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others."
--Anthony Robbins
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #42 on: May 06, 2003, 02:17:11 pm »

I agree completely. But, as per raj's example, it will happen. That's the problem.

Who, if anyone, is to blame for someone flying off the handle in the OT forums?

As for the nazi baiting. It is kinda funny to read about them. Sorry, I am just a bit twisted (not like a swastika, dammit).

Maybe a time-out moderator. Something along that line.



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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #43 on: May 06, 2003, 02:17:39 pm »
I tend to agree with ya Karnack in concept, i.e., that a line needs to be drawn and that people who cross it should be asked to chill out.   In execution (irony unintended), i.e., where the line is drawn,  I think we differ.   This is not to say that I don't see your point.  I do.

I look for the benefit of the type of post (as opposed to the particular post) and think about whether those types of posts' gasoline potential are outweighed by their potential benefit to the goal.     Two goals,  in fact, enjoyment of the Taldren games by the players; and, Taldren making dough.

Based on that I feel that purely political posts offer the following:

1) Very little to enjoyment of the games.  Some enjoy it, some don't. But it's removal would have little effect on game enjoyment as a whole.

2)  Zilch for sales.

But this in and of it's self doesn't bother me.   It's when you factor in the large potential for political posts to start a flame war that I get concerned.

Again, all academic.  I just find this kind of stuff interesting.   Well that and I think Raj's leaving has to some degree damaged the future quality of the game.  Not by a huge amount of course, but the theory of a death by a thousand cuts worries me.

All in all, minor issues in one's life,  but I have a little spare time so what the hell.



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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #44 on: May 06, 2003, 02:30:40 pm »

All in all, minor issues in one's life,  but I have a little spare time so what the hell.


Actually, I don't think these are minor issues. About the only true statement I have ever heard at any Timeshare Sales tour in Florida is that leisure time is the most valuable time in your life that you can offer.  So, when someone chooses to give some of that time to you it should not be taken for granted.

I'm sure Rajnsaj will pull out alright.  I have faith he will accept his fate with honor and dignity and will move on or be allowed to move back or will find a way to do what he likes in D2.  Lotsa of other forums exist that are SFC related other than Taldren.  I hope Taldren recognizes that the techie players that put out for D2  can potentially pull in more players to the game which will increase sales.  

Anyway, enough of this DEEP THOUGHTs stuff. I ate 4 donuts today, went throught 2 tornado scares at work (thanks for the thoughts Wanderer ) and now my head REALLY HURTS!!!  Do you know how much fun it is to hang out with your co-worker's in the stair well.  

It's time for a dyna campaign whatever it maybe.  I mean a real good, smack 'em, mash 'em, trash 'em fight. I wanna see Dogmatix, WS and co. making a big mess and the Frogs devouring some Gornos and Freddies cuz that's what we are born to do. Oh yeah, Fluf you just lost your chance at getting a life.  Time to get the borg implants active again for Mirak team, hehe.  First person that let's Chuut draw a "M" in ISC space is going to be cleaning plasma vents for life.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #45 on: May 06, 2003, 02:52:31 pm »
Section 31 has discovered new intel regarding the OT forum.

Kroma Basyl: Undercover agent and one of Chuut's Angels
Assignment: To bring peace in our time to the OT forum
Mission Synopsis: Suicide bomber, with a tutu strapped around his waste, Kroma sneaks into the OT forum at night, whilst the combatants are resting for the next day's flame war. There, he announces his alleigiance to the great Chocadile God in a very loud voice waking everyone and when he has their attention, he detonates the device he is carrying, and <shudder> off comes the tutu! Fortunately, those that survive won't live for very long.
The carnage, the devestation, this Weapon of Mass Destruction has be known to exist for some time now, yet our countries keep stockpiling them.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #46 on: May 06, 2003, 04:50:23 pm »
Again I have to point out that the OT forums are there for ANY and ALL types of posts, be they political, religious (which is uber-political in function), whatever. Thats why there are there.

Any posts of these nature should however be quickly moved to the OT forum from any other forum where they are posted, UNLESS they somehow have an identifiable and justifiable connection to the forum they are being used in.

example: IF, taking into account the fact that in the "Are you a snob?" thread it appears that the biggest group of snobs are those who fly roms, the Federal Government were to suggest a bill that raises the taxes on all rom pilots, then I would think that allowing roms and all others to agree/disagee with this proposed bill would be of prime concern in ALL SFC forums.

However, putting out a post that says, for example, "Teddy Kennedy shouldnt be allowed to drive near water ever again"  in any forum but the OT forum would require its removal to the OT forum.

My 2 fingers of saurian brandys worth.

Have a nice day!  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #47 on: May 06, 2003, 05:03:43 pm »

Kroma Basyl: Undercover agent and one of Chuut's Angels

OMG.... Chuut's Angels?

Who is John Bosley?


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #48 on: May 06, 2003, 06:08:47 pm »
I wanted to avoid posting in these thread, but I can not since what J'inn has said bothers me.


Thus my concern.   The theory of "if you don't like it don't look" notwithstanding,  there is a problem within a small community when people go bonkers and are subsequently kicked out.    Some people are not of the mind set to deal with hardcore public "debate" on social/political issues.  It just asks for people to go over the edge every now and then.

We the community should not be held to a standard of what we post might knock some one off there rocker, or couse a blow up. We do not who is reading our post nor is it posable to know what sort of mental capacity the reader has or state of mind that person is in.  when dealing with Issues on Social/political natures each individual has a standard of tolerence of the subject differing from others.  How then do we judge what is tolerable with in such a community? Shall we strip the privalages of the many who enjoy the OT forums becouse there are a few People who can not handle the nature of post with in the Forum?  The OT forum is not realeted to Taldrean, SF,SF2, SF3, or OP. A user of this forum does not need to go to the OT forums to gather information of Taldrean products. Im grow weary of a society who  excpects that the world will fit there vision and when the world no longer fits the persons vision then the world needs to change.


In a large community, no big deal, in one this small it is a problem when people working on major projects for the good of the community go over the edge.

I for one do not want to be held hostage by the few who can produce for this game. Its like the kid with the new baseball glove but will not share it with the guy on the other team with out the glove. And so the Kid with out the glove cant play.  Who judges what is For the Good of the Community? What is the Standard? Hence here we use personal judgment, Most of the forums users are good eggs, and for the Most part we all have good standards of judgments. Its a scary thought that we NEED to appease those few who continue to improve this game when they have a personal issue on a personal level un game related. I am personally thankfully for there hard work, but we have all had the Boss who has asked us to do somthing that might have been on the shady side, like not Talking about an incedent, playing with numbers., ect.


Imagine if Karnak, Dave,  and Tracey all blew a gasket and were kicked out.  Then what? Maybe someone else would step in, maybe not.

If they blow a gasket they blow, we can not be expected to walk around on eggshells.


As a result I do question whether the risk of a completely off topic, almost no holds barred, forum can be justified.

The OT forum is very justified. People develop stronger bonds when there is passion and heat in arguments. When you get down and dirty with some one you develop a strong bond. Most of us had best friends growing, or brothers and sisters. We fight. We establish our selfs, our views and beliefs by testing them on others. We take away the OT forums we take away a place where Many Taldren fans feel combfortable expressing, challenging, and defending views.  This is another social issue that irks me other then my speeling. Why do the many posters WHO have control and are of Stable mind have a privalage taken away becouse one or a few can not keep his marbles in his bag? It is time for the Individual to take responcabilty for his/her actions and not lay blame on any one else. Joe Camel never stuck a cigerrete in my mouth, nor did McDonalds trick me into ordering Supersizes. Get my Drift?


Should rajanaj have been booted?  Yes.   I saw some of the posts.  They were unbelievable.  Something really drove him over the edge.    My concern is, who's next to go nutso over something that has ZERO to do with the game and is guaranteed to cause strife in the future.

We can not worry about who is next to blow there top, nor should we limit our expression in posting in FEAR off knocking some one off there rocker.  Yes individually we can be responcable, but we should not enforce it on others. The best we can do is lead by exemple......Honesty, Respect, Caring, Responcabilty.  Four powerfull words, to live by and be an exemple to others so that they may learn.


Hopefully it never happens again.  But the risk concerns me.  

J'inn this will happen agin, we both know this More then one person in a room there is going to be conflicts of view. For the most part the vast majority of Posters of Taldrean our good people. We should not let the few take the focus away from the al the good that has been created here.    


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #49 on: May 06, 2003, 06:21:14 pm »
Good post Hondo.  It states the opposing view well.   I continue to feel that political posts (for lack of a better term that isn't too long) cause more trouble than they are worth for these games.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #50 on: May 06, 2003, 06:22:49 pm »
I hate putting on my moderator hat (don't fit right anyway) but ...

This thread started as an appology to the D2 community. From that point it has swung from humorous to serious OT-like commentary.

As such, people, I say let it (the thread) die or someone (possibly me) will be forced to move it to the OT forum as the current "discusion" has no bearing on D2 as such.

Peace out.    


  • Guest
Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #51 on: May 06, 2003, 06:29:06 pm »

As such, people, I say let it (the thread) die or someone (possibly me) will be forced to move it to the OT forum as the current "discusion" has no bearing on D2 as such.

Respectfully,  I disagree.   Raj was working on SQL for EAW and for (I believe) OP.   He was a campaign admin as well and now that campaign is gone.  Thus this has had a direct and negative effect on D2 and is relevent in the extreme.    This is the basis of my concern.   That plus the fact that it all seems very cordial  . . . .

Nevertheless,  unless I hear otherwise from you in consideration of what I have just posted,  I'll consider it as having been deemed OT and let it drop.


  • Guest
Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #52 on: May 06, 2003, 06:46:16 pm »

Respectfully,  I disagree.   Raj was working on SQL for EAW and for (I believe) OP.   He was a campaign admin as well and now that campaign is gone.  Thus this has had a direct and negative effect on D2 and is relevent in the extreme.    This is the basis of my concern.   That plus the fact that it all seems very cordial  . . . .

Nevertheless,  unless I hear otherwise from you in consideration of what I have just posted,  I'll consider it as having been deemed OT and let it drop.  

If the discusion had been about his work and who was going to take it up (btw, I agree, a terrible loss) then I'd agree with you 100% J'inn but the discusion has veared into what the OT forum is and it's impact on the community in the forums at large. Granted it's not the bulk of the the thread.

I'm not planning on labeling this thread in any way. I just wanted to voice my concern that we should keep this thread rellavent to D2 and not vere off too greatly (save for humor sake, that fits all forums ). If people wish to discuss the OT forum then by all means do so ... in the OT forum. So I'm not taking any action at this time, just making an observation and suggestion. I've had no requests etc. on this matter either, this is purely an independant recommendation.    


  • Guest
Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #53 on: May 06, 2003, 06:50:06 pm »
deleted ... as requested.

man you guys type fast ... there had to be 4 posts (to include Castrin's) made in the time I typed it
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Green »


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #54 on: May 06, 2003, 06:54:04 pm »
Im not picking on you J'inn. Im just challenging your opions.


I tend to agree with ya Karnack in concept, i.e., that a line needs to be drawn and that people who cross it should be

asked to chill out.   In execution (irony unintended), i.e., where the line is drawn,  I think we differ.   This is not to say that I don't see your point.  I do.

No matter where the line is drawn some one will challenge it, disagree with it, and become angry enough to get them selves banned and for leave the community. It is in debate, difference of opinion where Ideas, beliefes, and wisdom get forged. To limit this sort of interaction where ever it might take place is to limit the potental the community has to offer. It is with in the individuals responcabilty to be responcable and respectful in the manner in which they post and/or respond.


I look for the benefit of the type of post (as opposed to the particular post) and think about whether those types of posts' gasoline potential are outweighed by their potential benefit to the goal.     Two goals,  in fact, enjoyment of the Taldren games by the players; and, Taldren making dough.

This is a personal standard, of an individual, and also an individual taking the responcabilty of weighing the good of the following posts in there defined goals. This is fine for an individual, but not all of us hold your standard. It is unreasonable to impose your standards on the community, and/or expect the community to hold to your Ideals.


Based on that I feel that purely political posts offer the following:

1) Very little to enjoyment of the games.  Some enjoy it, some don't. But it's removal would have little effect on game enjoyment as a whole.

2)  Zilch for sales.

I disagree. This game is based on a strong community, and tightly knit ties among the posters. Many friends have been made here that started in game and conitinued in our personal lifes, when we chat on MSN we are silly, we are honest, we debate, we our ourselves. This is true for the most part in the OT forums, this is a place for gammers to be themselves and share Ideas, debate, agree, and be silly. Take this away and many many people have lost an outlet to build stronger ties in this community.
As for sales who can say realisticly? How many gammers hung around in theOT forums waiting for SF3? The OT forum was there oly intrest in visting Taldren and by doing so taldren retained there custermers by offering a non gamming Forum.


But this in and of it's self doesn't bother me.   It's when you factor in the large potential for political posts to start a flame war that I get concerned.

Again, all academic.  I just find this kind of stuff interesting.   Well that and I think Raj's leaving has to some degree damaged the future quality of the game.  Not by a huge amount of course, but the theory of a death by a thousand cuts worries me.

All in all, minor issues in one's life,  but I have a little spare time so what the hell.


Once agin I feel that it is the Individuals of the communtiy that effect the larger picture, and once agin I defend that the majority of posters here are able minded folks. I fear that some of the problem lies with a few who this place and game have become a religeon and those that differ with them beware. There is nothing that we can do for those few who's life revolve around these forums, so why concern yourself with those few folks.  Any thing can start a flame war when there are individuals of great differing opions and a mental stabilty of a game of Jenga.  We are all free to post what we want, where we want, and respond in any manner we choose, our reputations in the forums are built on what we say, and for the most part we are a forgiving community and always welcome back thos that have strayed with open arms. It is those that have crossed the line with Taldren that have to own up to there words and take the responcabilty, We the community are not babby siters nor should we be punished by actions of a few folks who can not restrain them selves. We all have faced the music. Its not the music itself that scares us but how we face the Music when it comes.  Then when it is done we look in the mirror and only you know what you see.  


  • Guest
Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #55 on: May 06, 2003, 06:58:00 pm »

If the discusion had been about his work and who was going to take it up (btw, I agree, a terrible loss) then I'd agree with you 100% J'inn but the discusion has veared into what the OT forum is and it's impact on the community in the forums at large. Granted it's not the bulk of the the thread.

I'm not planning on labeling this thread in any way. I just wanted to voice my concern that we should keep this thread rellavent to D2 and not vere off too greatly (save for humor sake, that fits all forums ). If people wish to discuss the OT forum then by all means do so ... in the OT forum. So I'm not taking any action at this time, just making an observation and suggestion. I've had no requests etc. on this matter either, this is purely an independant recommendation.      

I think a discussion of the OT forum as it affects the D2 community is relevant in the D2 forum. Although I agree that this thread is about beaten to death anyway.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #56 on: May 06, 2003, 07:04:58 pm »

deleted ... as requested.

man you guys type fast ... there had to be 4 posts (to include Castrin's) made in the time I typed it

Who requested something to be deleted?

All I said was let it die and / or take it to the OT forum. The OT Forum discusion is valid and I can say I agree with many points, it just doesn't belong here IMHO. No deletions are needed.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CptCastrin »


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #57 on: May 06, 2003, 07:12:04 pm »

I think a discussion of the OT forum as it affects the D2 community is relevant in the D2 forum. Although I agree that this thread is about beaten to death anyway.  

I can see your logic Kroma (gads, this is wierd, using the word "logic" when refering to a Gorn in a pink tutu ) but ... ah well I'm not going to contribute further to bumping this thread. I've said what I wanted to.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CptCastrin »


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #58 on: May 06, 2003, 07:16:17 pm »

Im not picking on you J'inn. Im just challenging your opions.


I know.  Never a problem.   Now if your post started out with J'inn You Weasel!!!   Well then I would . . .  wel hmmm,  that would be a factual statement.  Lets see . . .

Okay if it started out with J'inn You Moron!!    Well ,   hmm,    noo some truth there too.

Okay maybe J'inn You Bastard!!   Well, no not flaming,  boring, but not flaming.

Okay try this,   J'inn you Communist!!   Okay that would, no wait a minute, . . .  okay well, hmm,

Alright, J'inn you Stealer of Candy from Babies!!     Hmm, no,  can't call that a flame due to the Mars Bar suit.  drat.

Alrighty here it is,  J'inn you Disco Lover!!    Okay, not that,   I still kinda like the Bee Gees

hmm.   EUREKA I GOT IT!!!!      J'inn you Trustwothy Guy!!!     NOW THAT!!!   Would be flaming.

So no,  no offense taken.

BTW:  Hondo,  stop drinking coffee.  


  • Guest
Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #59 on: May 06, 2003, 07:26:51 pm »
Umm if you had a post in the off topic fourm  about the off topic fourm would that not then make it a on topic post there for out of place


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #60 on: May 06, 2003, 07:31:30 pm »

I thought we were gonna try to kill this thread?  I wrote a 20 minute disertation to Hondo where I brought up calm counter-points and discussion points!  Then I come out and see a request to let the matter rest or move to the OT.  I agreed and deleted the post!

Well ... I'm a bit upset and won't bother retyping for another 20 minutes (okay, yeah, so it was only 35 words, but give me a break).  So instead I shall now counter Hondo's points in a more simple manner.....

I hope you lie in a pool of your own blood (hmmm, I read somewhere what I'm suppose to type in here next ... oh yeah, that's it) "Federation P'tok"  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #61 on: May 06, 2003, 10:24:30 pm »

 I hope you lie in a pool of your own blood (hmmm, I read somewhere what I'm suppose to type in here next ... oh yeah, that's it) "Federation P'tok"  


*spits beer all over monitor*

BAH!...I just knew this was going to bite me in the ass


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #62 on: May 06, 2003, 10:35:23 pm »
The Thread That Wouldn't Die.....Part 7,356  Coming to a Game Forum near you!!!


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #63 on: May 07, 2003, 01:45:12 am »
I'm sorry how is an Off-Topic forum bad for a gamesite?  

I don't expect people on any message board to agree 100% with anything I say, regardless were it's posted.

Personaly Raj got what he brought on himself.  Maybe he was a "nice" guy around here, but why does the OT forum have to take the brunt of the blame?'s a thought, maybe we should *gasp* blame Raj?

If someone draws negitive attention to themselves on the OT forum, then I say it's for the good that we know what demon lies inside that person.  I'm sure there were a lot serial killers that were "nice" guys.

I spend 99.9% of my time on the Off-Topic forum, and enjoy reading it everyday.  A lot of us that play this game like a good debate, and we can stomache the flame-fest, mostly because we are all veterens in being in them.  If it offends more delicate people, just stay out of there.

Oh and before you go rating the OT forum as crap, try hanging around there reading the post, making replys and see what goes on over a period of time on a daily basis, instead of logging in once a month, and find the nastiest threads you can find, before labeling it a "useless" forum.   You would be surpise how much you could learn just by reading it everyday.

If the OT forum goes away, I don't have much reason to hang around here anymore, cept for any nuggets of info about the games.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Mavolic »

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #64 on: May 07, 2003, 06:31:07 am »

 Umm if you had a post in the off topic fourm about the off topic fourm would that not then make it a on topic post there for out of place

ROFLMAO, thanks LT! I needed to start my day with something funny.

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #65 on: May 07, 2003, 09:19:59 am »

 As for my infrequency of going there perhaps you are right. I guess it would be much fairer to just look over there right now and see what's at the top of the list. A random sample so to speak. Let's see . . . . Top of the List Yes, maybe I have been too hasty.

Looking at the title of the thread (regarding skinheads), if I didn't want to put my flame gear on red alert I wouldn't bother participating in that thread. My choice. I know it will end up being a scorcher. Instead of looking at the top thread (and it isn't anymore), take a gander at the top 10. Some good discussions on the surface, much flaming on the interior. Topics regarding social matters and politics will always be heated. It is up to the individual to get involved. I wouldn't like Taldren having to police them unless illegal activities are involved.



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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #66 on: May 07, 2003, 09:49:03 am »

  Originally posted by Hondo:
I for one do not want to be held hostage by the few who can produce for this game. Its like the kid with the new baseball glove but will not share it with the guy on the other team with out the glove. And so the Kid with out the glove cant play. Who judges what is For the Good of the Community? What is the Standard? Hence here we use personal judgment, Most of the forums users are good eggs, and for the Most part we all have good standards of judgments. Its a scary thought that we NEED to appease those few who continue to improve this game when they have a personal issue on a personal level un game related. I am personally thankfully for there hard work, but we have all had the Boss who has asked us to do somthing that might have been on the shady side, like not Talking about an incedent, playing with numbers., ect.

Yeah, I agree. That's why I made my own missions, my own campaign, my own server, etc.  It took a lot of hard work and some $$$.   Now, when before AOTK we only had one mission scripter that posted work in a campaign,  now we got 3 in D2.  D3 has a couple also.  Before AOTK, there was only one bonafide major server available for campaigns.  Now, we have KOTH and GFL in addition to  Oh yeah, Scipio too.   Before AOTK, we had only one shiplist council.  Now we got Dizzy's and FireSoul's.  Before AOTK, we had no real modders, now we got Dizzy's SG3.  Sorry, if I missed anyone but I think y'all get the idea.

So, the risk is much smaller now.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #67 on: May 07, 2003, 10:10:43 am »
Whenever I feel out of the world loop and need some news, I go to the OT forums.  I prefer hearing a commentary and debate over a simple report!


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #68 on: May 07, 2003, 12:05:51 pm »
I vote for getting Raj back and making him and Storm make their peace, and just forgetting the whole affair. Lord knows I've pissed off people and been pissed of by others, no reason to ban anyone though and belittle them...

All you drinkers out there know for a fact that at least ONCE you have made a really weird comment or post while under the influence, so let's just say they were inebriated and let them back in...  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #69 on: May 07, 2003, 02:37:55 pm »

I don't think anyone is saying the OT forums should go.  Just a touch more Moderation before things get out of control.  Also, not all of the threads there are bad, many are informative and funny (seriosuly). The forum is not "crap".  But some thread are out of control and the hands off policy can cause probllems for the community as a whole.  When it starts to affect the D2, where I am almost all the time, I think it right to voice my concern.  

As for my infrequency of going there perhaps you are right.  I guess it would be much fairer to just look over there right now and see what's at the top of the list.  A random sample so to speak.  Let's see . . . . Top of the List     Yes, maybe I have been too hasty.

Errr, my point about picking a few threads out of the air and making basis out of that is never more clear when you posted that link.

Have you bothered to ask the people in Off-Topic forum, if they want a babysitter?.  I think most of us can handle it ourselves, and if you notice most people aren't baiting the flame wars in those threads, it's just a handful.  Also look at who posts the thread.  "Mackie" isn't someone who post a kinder, gentler, thread most of the time.  Not to hard to move onto the next one if you don't want to hear what he has to say.  

I think the way we have now works pretty good.  If you act like an ass, then you get kicked out of there.

Besides your never going to get rid of any flame war on any message board.  Sure you can set up a Moderator Gestapo to so-called "police" the boards, but then those message boards turn into some pretty dull conversations.  

You post a topic about toast and somebody will always want to turn it into a flame-fest somehow.  

Politics, religion, war, and the world view are always going to be hot topics.  I for one want to see those discussions. Flames and all.  Unlike most of the people that surround me, sticking my head into the ground so as to not see what's going on isn't something I subscribe to.  And OT fourms on any message boards are a great way to find out what your buddies around the planet are thinking.   Just as in real life, I like talking to people I know about those very topics.  That's why the OT forum is a great place to discuss things.

J'inn, how many times in the past have you seen the D2 forum break out into a free-for-all?  There were some pretty nasty things said in this forum.  But if anything, the OT flame-fest tended to be about real life events, not about a virtual world.  Those arguments do more harm than good for the game in my opinion.

Yes, I'm for moderating the game forums, but leave the OT forum out of it.  Unless threats, or non-stop personal attacks are issued, it's only text across the screen.  Can't really harm anyone.



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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #70 on: May 07, 2003, 04:51:36 pm »


  Originally posted by Hondo:
I for one do not want to be held hostage by the few who can produce for this game. Its like the kid with the new baseball glove but will not share it with the guy on the other team with out the glove. And so the Kid with out the glove cant play. Who judges what is For the Good of the Community? What is the Standard? Hence here we use personal judgment, Most of the forums users are good eggs, and for the Most part we all have good standards of judgments. Its a scary thought that we NEED to appease those few who continue to improve this game when they have a personal issue on a personal level un game related. I am personally thankfully for there hard work, but we have all had the Boss who has asked us to do somthing that might have been on the shady side, like not Talking about an incedent, playing with numbers., ect.

Yeah, I agree. That's why I made my own missions, my own campaign, my own server, etc.  It took a lot of hard work and some $$$.   Now, when before AOTK we only had one mission scripter that posted work in a campaign,  now we got 3 in D2.  D3 has a couple also.  Before AOTK, there was only one bonafide major server available for campaigns.  Now, we have KOTH and GFL in addition to  Oh yeah, Scipio too.   Before AOTK, we had only one shiplist council.  Now we got Dizzy's and FireSoul's.  Before AOTK, we had no real modders, now we got Dizzy's SG3.  Sorry, if I missed anyone but I think y'all get the idea.

So, the risk is much smaller now.    

Before AOTK, we only had a "shiplist council" for a very short time in the latter part of 2001. By the time AOTK rolled around, it had been defunct for quite some time (and good riddance).  

Is "shiplist" being confused with "shiplist council?"



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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #71 on: May 07, 2003, 06:26:45 pm »
LOL, I remember ur heartache dog, you were seeing world class politics being done at a gamers level! I want my BB at 30,000 tons and 18 inch guns! You can have that if my HBC can be 25,000 tons and have fighters from hades! LOL, glad I passed that one up...  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #72 on: May 08, 2003, 11:52:21 am »
heheh....ayep.  It didn't take me long to drop out of that mess.  It went FUBAR  in no time flat.  After I dropped out, I just lurked and watched the show.


SPQR Drall

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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #73 on: May 08, 2003, 12:54:43 pm »

I started reading the OT board regularly and posting on an irregular basis.  Then I started posting a little more but I stopped and decided to not participate there anymore.  I agree with you that there are sometimes informative and interesting thread, but there is a core group of very active posters that will attack personnaly anyone who disagrees with them instead of their point of view.  Racist remarks are also commonplace.  I can understand that a few posters are not the majority, but the majority tolerates these rude behaviors and quietly aquiesce to them.  It's too bad because a while ago it was a nice place to go, it used to have differing opinions from different countries and social classes, now it seems to be overwhelmed by only one point of view.  

You are right though, I always have the choice not to go there anymore, which is what I tend to do lately.

SPQR Drall  

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #74 on: May 08, 2003, 01:33:07 pm »

I started reading the OT board regularly and posting on an irregular basis. Then I started posting a little more but I stopped and decided to not participate there anymore. I agree with you that there are sometimes informative and interesting thread, but there is a core group of very active posters that will attack personnaly anyone who disagrees with them instead of their point of view. Racist remarks are also commonplace. I can understand that a few posters are not the majority, but the majority tolerates these rude behaviors and quietly aquiesce to them. It's too bad because a while ago it was a nice place to go, it used to have differing opinions from different countries and social classes, now it seems to be overwhelmed by only one point of view.

You are right though, I always have the choice not to go there anymore, which is what I tend to do lately.

I can agree with this.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #75 on: May 08, 2003, 03:25:36 pm »


I started reading the OT board regularly and posting on an irregular basis.  Then I started posting a little more but I stopped and decided to not participate there anymore.  I agree with you that there are sometimes informative and interesting thread, but there is a core group of very active posters that will attack personnaly anyone who disagrees with them instead of their point of view.  Racist remarks are also commonplace.  I can understand that a few posters are not the majority, but the majority tolerates these rude behaviors and quietly aquiesce to them.  It's too bad because a while ago it was a nice place to go, it used to have differing opinions from different countries and social classes, now it seems to be overwhelmed by only one point of view.  

You are right though, I always have the choice not to go there anymore, which is what I tend to do lately.

SPQR Drall  

I started paying more attention to the OT forum about a month ago.  It's still a fun place to visit for me.  I go there mainly for the humor and there are some good debates on any given day.  You can usually tell pretty quickly which threads will go awry and I usually don't take part.

Basically, as with any human discourse, you can expect the good, the bad and the ugly.  That's what you'll find in Taldren's OT forum and it's definitely not the place to be if you're easily offended by differing, even radical viewpoints.


SPQR Drall

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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #76 on: May 08, 2003, 06:32:19 pm »

I started paying more attention to the OT forum about a month ago.  It's still a fun place to visit for me.  I go there mainly for the humor and there are some good debates on any given day.  You can usually tell pretty quickly which threads will go awry and I usually don't take part.

Basically, as with any human discourse, you can expect the good, the bad and the ugly.  That's what you'll find in Taldren's OT forum and it's definitely not the place to be if you're easily offended by differing, even radical viewpoints.


Differing and radical viewpoints do not offend me.  Personnal attacks and name calling do.  The part that bugs me is the acceptance by the majority.  Still, I agree with you that there are interesting things in there, so I still read a few threads.  As to participate in any debate, I don't.

SPQR Drall  

Mentat Jon

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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #77 on: May 08, 2003, 08:57:38 pm »
someone told me to come in here,all i have to say for myself is I never attack anyone for being a liberal or a Socialist,but I will defend myself when im attacked,Liberals tend not to attack the Idea,but the Man.

you can be the Redest Red in Cuba,if you act civil you will be treated civil.

with that im out of here, back to the OT with me