Topic: I sincerely apologise...  (Read 18750 times)

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I sincerely apologise...
« on: May 04, 2003, 11:17:25 pm »
I sincerely apologise to all the respectable D2 players out there
but I can no longer participate in this community.

Taldren's tacit approval of claims of right-wing superiority is disgusting.
The composition of the moderating team is all you need to know.

The OT forums have to go.

If anyone is interested in seeing my return to the D2 and to continue
development of D2 enhancements, then petition Taldren to remove
the OT forums and ban Stormbringer, Sirgod, Sethan, Mentat John,
and all the other right wing bastards who continually demean and
insult anyone of differing opinion.  Before everyone tells me that it
is sad that I cannot seperate political opinions from a game (yes it is)
This is a case of I will no longer support a company who approves
of and allows the continual slander of the left.

I presented the hideous and deadly flaws of capitalist democracy
to them multiple times and they simply could not refute them. Instead
they have reduced me to their level of insults and violence.
Additionally, I have come to realise that the american right can only
understand violence. Blood is their mother tounge.

I realise this is not likely to happen at all, so this is goodbye.

(As well as the fact that I will not likely survive my meeting
with Stormbringer or will be arrested trying to get there...)  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2003, 11:37:18 pm »

I think what is needed here is levelheadedness.  

First, abandon the meeting with Stormbringer, Violence is useless, it won't solve anything.  Such a meeting is not worth anyone's time and energy.

Second, Ignore any trolling in the OT forum.  If a participant in that forums posts anger you and appear to be misinformed or derrogatory, just let them go.  If they are so blind to another perspective why waste your breath, they are not your congressmen or lawmakers, their opinions represent 1 vote just as yours does.

As far as the moderators, I suggest contacting them about your concerns.  If no action is taken so be it.  If a lack of action makes you withdraw from the game, that is your personal decision, but I would suggest taking a break from the forums for a while and see if the anger dissapates.

But, if you decide after a time that you are not comfortable with the forums and Taldren in general, it is definately understandable if you choose to leave.  I will be sad to see you go, but if you decide this is best I wish you well.

HOWEVER I can never support an action to seek out any form of meaningless violence whatever the cause and whoever the instigator is, this is just plain stupid and damages our society.  Use your vote to state your political opinions not physical violence, nor encourage or give opportunity for others do do so.

So take a deep breath and realize that what someone types on a forum is not so important in the grand scheme of things, and get on with your life sans just isn't worth being mad about.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2003, 11:40:27 pm »
LOL  ROTFLMAO.... This has got to be a Joke Right?
Ban Sethen, Mentat, and Sirgod.

Oh please spare us yor Indignity.        Lets bring back Foo Fighters at least he's got the Testecular fortatude(sp) to take as good as he gave.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2003, 12:01:52 am »
The dude threatened to track me (down in RL and put me face down in a pool of my own blood sight unseen and then got indignant when I told him to come on down if he was feeling froggy and the police wouldn't even get the chance to arrest him for terroristic threats and assault. I did not realize he was unhinged. Soldiers don't take kindly to threats and I was less than cordial in my reply (to put it mildly). He made threats to other forum members as well.  I'd assumed he would calm down or take his meds or whatever and all would be well. Alas, it was not so. My apologies as well to all who bore witness to this. He may be suicidal and needs looking after, but I can think of no way to effectively do that now.  I understand some may have coorespondence with him due to his positive activities in the community. If so you might want to check in on him.  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2003, 12:11:04 am »
Well, whatever happened,

This just shows how counter-productive all flame wars are, no matter how innocently they start.

I would ask all forum members to be polite in all their posts and positions and respectful of others rights to express their own opinions.  You dont have to agree, just be polite.  If someone starts fanning the flames, bury it in good natured post and kill it with civilized manners and not sarcasm and rudeness.  I'm not trying to justify anyones actions here, far from it, just asking that all the members of the community learn a lesson here and try to act like intelligent and well-mannered people.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2003, 12:31:47 am »

Posted by anonymous, unregistered
I sincerely apologise to all the respectable D2 players out there
but I can no longer participate in this community.

The "do things my way or I'm leaving" threat gets used too often around here.  If you want to stay, then stay!  If you want to leave, then you wasted your time making one more post to a place you don't want to visit anymore.  Why put yourself through the torture?


The OT forums have to go.

They are off topic for a reason.   They are the hangouts of both whackos (my opinion) like Arabman, The Turbaned Menace, I TYPE THE FACTS, and of more sensible denzins after reasoned debate like....... well, like most others.  A place where good pups and bad dogs may walk side by side.  Why are you letting an off-topic forum bum you out about a D2 project?


If anyone is interested in seeing my return to the D2

If you want to stay, you'll stay.  If you want to leave, you'll leave.  There is nougt I can do about it, or even would if I could.  The world will keep revolving either way.


 then petition Taldren to remove
the OT forums and ban Stormbringer, Sirgod, Sethan, Mentat John,
and all the other right wing bastards who continually demean and
insult anyone of differing opinion.

<spit take>  <choke> <cough>  Oh, I'm sorry.  I didn't realize you were having a joke here.  I'd never seen the name "Sethan" and the phrase "demean and insult" used in the same post before (let alone the same sentence).


I presented the hideous and deadly flaws of capitalist democracy
to them multiple times and they simply could not refute them. Instead
they have reduced me to their level of insults and violence.

Ah, I see your boggle.  You have chosen to embrace socialism -- an intrinsically repressive system that refuses to allow one ownership of even his own basic thoughts -- rather than God's own system of blissful capitalism -- which allows you to rely upon your own industriousness and rewards you according to your own efforts.   Hmmmmm..... but I guess I'd best take the rest of this train of thought back to the OT forum.

But you make your major mistake with your second sentence.  All forums -- OT and D2 -- are simply electronic words on an internet site.  There is no one who can MAKE you threaten another with violence while in a political discussion.  That rage comes from your own heart and your own soul.

Don't ask for others to be banned because you can't control your own impulses.  If you can't play nicely in the OT forum, just don't play.  Political discussions are usually verboten in the D2 forum, so here might be a safer place for you to have fun.  But again, that's YOUR decision, and no one else should play any role in it.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Scipio_66 »

Harold Nez

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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2003, 12:49:05 am »
Erm, ya.  I feel some of what you are saying.  There are a lot of geeks and pedophiles (I'm not suggesting the people you named are either--why name people anyway?) in the OT Forum, making the whole experience a bit recalcitrant--but hey that is the internet.  If you do not like it, do not click on that forum.  If you focus your energy on improving the game like you say, then just ignore the people that piss you off and graciously accept the praise from people who are, or will be, happy with your efforts.  Stay cool.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2003, 06:15:06 am »

 Additionally, I have come to realise that the american right can only
understand violence. Blood is their mother tounge.

As opposed to those notable peaceniks on the left like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler and Janet "Waco" Reno.

Don't let the door hit you in your head on the way out.  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2003, 06:37:52 am »

Erm, ya.  I feel some of what you are saying.  There are a lot of geeks and pedophiles (I'm not suggesting the people you named are either--why name people anyway?) in the OT Forum, making the whole experience a bit recalcitrant--but hey that is the internet.  If you do not like it, do not click on that forum.  If you focus your energy on improving the game like you say, then just ignore the people that piss you off and graciously accept the praise from people who are, or will be, happy with your efforts.  Stay cool.

Excuse me?  pedophiles?  Where the hell did that come from?


I sincerely apologise to all the respectable D2 players out there
but I can no longer participate in this community.

Taldren's tacit approval of claims of right-wing superiority is disgusting.
The composition of the moderating team is all you need to know.

The OT forums have to go.

If anyone is interested in seeing my return to the D2 and to continue
development of D2 enhancements, then petition Taldren to remove
the OT forums and ban Stormbringer, Sirgod, Sethan, Mentat John,
and all the other right wing bastards who continually demean and
insult anyone of differing opinion.  Before everyone tells me that it
is sad that I cannot seperate political opinions from a game (yes it is)
This is a case of I will no longer support a company who approves
of and allows the continual slander of the left.

I presented the hideous and deadly flaws of capitalist democracy
to them multiple times and they simply could not refute them. Instead
they have reduced me to their level of insults and violence.
Additionally, I have come to realise that the american right can only
understand violence. Blood is their mother tounge.

I realise this is not likely to happen at all, so this is goodbye.

(As well as the fact that I will not likely survive my meeting
with Stormbringer or will be arrested trying to get there...)  

rajsaj, I agree, don't let the door hit you on the way out.  I have only seen ONE post by you in the OT forum in the 3+ years I have been hanging around here..... that was the one Saturday night.  You had no reasoned arguement at all.

As for your terrorist tactics?  No, you go about in your miserable little world with your miserable little life. The OT forums will continue and others will pick up the SQL work and run with it.  I seriously doubt Taldren or the rest of us will be held hostage to your demands in exchange for you continued presence here.

Capitalism BAD, stealing from the rich, GOOD. does not constitute a logical argument.  And I still challenge you to go to  Bartcop  &  the democraticunderground to see what real 'hate' is.

ROFL.... you know you really do sound ridiculous....


 Taldren's tacit approval of claims of right-wing superiority is disgusting.

I can just see this coming from Baghdad Bob, some former Soviet Union mouth piece, or some tin pot dictator in a Central American country.... You really need your head gear flushed out, rajsaj

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Bearslayer »


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2003, 06:56:21 am »

   UNsportsmanlike conduct - number 52, 34,12, 16,72,78, and 90 of the Red Team

   Unsportmanslike conduct - number 18, 33,65,71, and 94 of the Blue Team.

   Number 71 has been ejected from the game.

   The penalties offset.  Replay the down.



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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2003, 08:42:36 am »
I figured OT  meant stuff like basic computer questions,  question about other games, science fiction stuff beyond Trek, etc.    Debates on Isreal, abortion, gun laws, etc????    On Taldren, off topic or not???   Seems weird,  and of course a source of flame.    Oh well, Taldren's boards I guess.   Does seem odd though.  I don't really go to other game forums.  Do all of them have a super off topic forum like Taldren??  


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2003, 08:47:17 am »
I have a continuing SARS thread there... I go for the latest news. As soon as something controversial, ppl start talking about it... Its more entertaining than watching Bill O'Riely.. hehe.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2003, 09:04:03 am »
hmm... rajnsaj is gone, eh?  Guess we won't be seeing his name in yellow for a while by the looks of things...


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2003, 09:42:41 am »
I personally don't frequent the OT forum regularly, simply because it seems such a flamefest and obvious source of problems. The first thread I posted in since the move to the new forums was one about last week's Enterprise episode. That seemed like, on the whole, a good topic, even allowing for minor flames and conflicts in opinion about social issues.

If it were me running this board (thankfully it's not!), I'd remove 90% of what gets put up in the OT forum. It's just begging to cause trouble and get people banned. I mean, if running this board can be such a headache to the Taldren folks who've had to deal with it, why foster an environment that causes still more headaches?

If people want to debate politics or current events, aren't there plenty of forums to visit designed for that purpose?


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2003, 09:50:23 am »
"Some people you just can't reach....and you get what we have right here....A Failure to communicate......."

If a rabid dog heads your way all the hugs and kisses aren't going to do you any good at all.
It's a dangerous world out there and some people just need to open their eyes.

Anonymous, you won't be missed.


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2003, 09:57:04 am »
KOTH's official stance is this entire situation is regrettable.  I wish it could be resolved peacefully and without damage to the community.  We do not support violence of any kind, save what can be done in the context of the GAME to our honorable opponents.

Other than that, I refuse to get into a political discussion outside of the OFF-TOPIC forum.  There will be no replies to the comments above except what has been said.  KOTH has always got along well with Rajnsaj and will be sorry to see him go, if that is what, indeed, occurs.



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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2003, 10:19:05 am »
Taldrens entire purpose for creating the OT forum in the first place was so that things of this sort would wind up here... and NOT clogging up the general SFC forums, or the D2/3 forums, etc. Taldren employees like to have their debates just as much as some of the others out there, and I daresay that the CEO of Taldren has given at least ONE huge example of being oriented to the LEFT, not the right. (no offense Erik, but Im talking about the infamous "drill the [censored] out of Anwhar" comment, rofl!) That seems to erase the argument about Taldrens support of the idea of "Right-Wing superiority", does it not?

I stopped coming in here, as I get mad far too quickly and take the crap personally.

The idea that the OT forum should be moderated or policed similar to the standard forums is silly. They were put here to allow people to "LET IT ROCK" so to speak, with virtually no supervision or intervention.

The old adage holds true, "If you dont like what you hear on the radio/tv/chatroom, CHANGE THE CHANNEL!"

Fortunately, Taldren restricts the flame wars 95% to this room, although some of the Church of Taldren "Blue Shirts" are a bit quick to delete posts by those they dont agree with anywhere they see them, offensive or not...

Have a nice day, and remember its only a game!  

EDIT: WTF? Damn, either someone is REALLY fast on the edit button, or they have an auto-censor on the forums now? Heh, if it is an automatic one, shows ya how long its been since I used "offensive" dirdy wurds. But uh, if that was a human, that WAS an EXACT, VERBATIM quote from Erik Bethke.


EDIT2: Hey, this ISNT the OT room, this is D2. Well, replace references to HERE with THERE.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2003, 10:44:38 am by AJTK »


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2003, 10:30:01 am »

I think you should consider taking a couple of weeks off from the Taldren forums.  You may may want to consider hanging out in the Koth forums where you know you can trust the posters during this "cooling off" period. Then you'll know if you want to come back and you will also be able to set a few personal ground-rules regarding what poster behavior you will accept plus what you will do about it.  There's a lot of other games out there to move onto if you are still unhappy.  It would be sad if you did move on though cuz you are a talented SQL DBA, PHP scripter and Java guy and you still work for free.   You do the Koth fleet great credit with the generous manner in which you apply you skills to D2.

As for the violence threats that's illegal so don't think it much less do it cuz you will regret it for the rest of your life.     If you need to talk, you know where to reach me.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »

Harold Nez

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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2003, 10:31:33 am »
Right now, the OT Forum is creating too many bad feelings.  Bearslayer, okay my initial statement was a bit hyperbolic.  Yet, I'm not going to name names, but about a month ago, whether in jest or not, one poster did write "I like little boys, anyway".  In no way is that funny.  That's why I no longer go to the OT Forum regularly.   I'm sure tons of good-spirited, funny things come from the OT Forum.  But, plenty of bad and disgusting stuff does too.  And what does it cause?  Things like this.  Yet, I don't think calling in the thought police is the answer either.   Perhaps a bit more active moderating?  Peace.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2003, 10:55:12 am by Harold Nez »


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Re: I sincerely apologise...
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2003, 10:40:47 am »
Huh??? There's an Off Topic forum here????

What else could one possibly talk about other than Star Trek games, Star Trek episodes, Star Trek movies, and Star Trek characters??? What else IS there???!!!!

Oh, well, maybe Rolling Pins.... But they are Star Trek issued Rolling Pins.