Topic: In Search of...  (Read 1225 times)

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In Search of...
« on: May 04, 2003, 02:35:13 pm »
From: Section 31
To: Captain Hondo
Subject: WMDs

Captain Hondo you are hearby ordered under santion Apla-Zed1-7/1+8/69 to assume command of the USS. Love Machine under Independent Leave act 15681 sub pargragh B under the Insane clause if cought.  We reserve the right to ignore, denie and scoff at if your cought, and if succesfull we reserver the right to take credit.


It is hearby ordered that you pursue a new secret weapon, the Polka Bomb, Martha Stewert, and the Hydran Circus tent are all obsolute. It is time that we (you) develope, build, and implament a use. Time is dwindling, rumores of a return to  Strange Love has prompted us to be ready to unleash a new WMD so that our foes will be greatly weakened. You are assigned with this task, Good Luck.

                                             SCT. 31 Admiral Willy Wonka.

Hondo sits in his chair and flicks off his view screen. His eyes are glazed over from the all the drinking last night done in attempt to woo some chick. His mind might be numb right now, but the message was understood.

"Helm, this is the Captain, prepare my Hot Tub, Im comming to the bridge" Hondo rises from his chair standing on his shag carpeting he relaxes for a moment squezzing his toes in the soft braids of the rug. He strolls over to his dresser and turns on his Lava Lamp and selects a pair of Captian Swim trunks, the Golden Speedos.... he slides them on as well as grabing his Cowboy hanging from a hook by the door.

"Captain on the Bridge" The Crew on Hondos bridge is all female, Hondo had always been one to select a fine Bridge crew, and since the last encounter with a romulan BC, he had the oppurtunity to replace the last of the males with Females from planet KOTEX.

Hondo hops into the hot tub and begins pondering where to go and what to do. "Sir message from Mirak space....Its Captian Chuut...he wants to speak with you"  Hondo stares into the veiw screen "Tell him to call back later, I need time to think. Ensign plot course to furthest Federation Out post in the Tango sector"

The USS Love Machine warps out of orbit from planet Kotex, leaving behind a grinning Kat " Hehe In thirty days Hondo will go insane...  ." The large Mirak drifts off into the streets for his own ship.